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Arlen Specter states that Dr. Humes thought the frontal neck wound was an entrance wound (video)!

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Specter was a very smart guy, and his assignment was to prosecute LHO. 

The WC, and all government investigations, do not have embedded within them the "adversarial process."  

There are not "the other side of the story" or competing narratives being told. Witnesses are curated, along with evidence, and the direction of the investigation. 

That is the civics lesson of the WC.  When you see a government investigation, from the HUAC days, to the WC, the HSCA, the 9/11,  or Jan. 6 government investigations---remember what you learned from the WC. 

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1 hour ago, Vince Palamara said:


Damn Vince, you've done it again.  He's pretty clear on Humes calling the throat wound an entrance wound.  He does seem a bit confused on other aspects at points later in the video.

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13 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

I thought humes only found out after the autopsy, after he had phoned perry, that there had been any wound on the throat prior to the tracheostomy?

That's the official story.   He seems to have changed his mind later. 

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Entering the throat and deflecting up to the back of the head was speculation on the part of the Parkland doctors (I believe mentioned in their WC testimony). I think Specter is confusing who told him that theory, because I don't think it was Humes, and I know the Parkland doctors (who couldn't see the forehead wound because of all the blood and mass of hair) did speculate on a throat entry to back of head exit. I also think Specter was full of B.S., perhaps deflecting his own guilt, because he left a lot of important questions unasked in his WC questioning of witnesses. I do think he knew more than he was letting on. And I don't think anyone speculated on any Single Bullet Theory until Specter said "That's it!" in a sort of "Eureka!" moment of how he could explain Tague's wound with 3 shots from Oswald without adding a shot. 

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