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Nice hometown tribute to Dr. Wecht KDKA/CBS

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The video includes my 1998 letter from Dr. Robert McClelland that he wrote on a page from Tink Thompson's classic SIX SECONDS IN DALLAS.

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Thanks VInce, but do we really need three threads on this?  I mean c'mon.

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23 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks VInce, but do we really need three threads on this?  I mean c'mon.

Point well taken. I got carried away (as usual lol).

As I stated elsewhere, I just wrapped up a half hour speaking about Dr. Wecht for Len Osanic's tribute on BlackOp radio that should be airing soon (when he compiles other people's appearances).

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Three shots and three shots only.  All from the rear.  One of them had to miss, (Tague).  So, two.  Two entering at T-3, turning up and out the throat frontal entrance wound, then down, through Connally's arm pit to cause seven wounds total.  Leaving one to cause the grapefruit sized wound in the back of the head, from the front.


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