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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Eladio Del Valle was found slaughtered the same night Ferrie was found dead. 

Guy Banister said something to the effect, "If I am found dead soon, no matter the circumstances, it was murder."  I checked the actuarial tables. Men born in the year Banister was born, and who were alive in 1963, generally had another 10 years to live. 

If you want to read something spooky, read about barium acetate, murder and heart attacks. Creepy and easy to do. Banister died of a heart attack. 


Did you include on the acturarial tables of a smoker and heavy drinker with Bannister?

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Well, the book appears to be self-published, so there's opportunity for a revised edition to be picked up for print publication.  Toward that end, some nice, credentialed researcher with a high regard for Heintz's original article and her Kilgallen-focused research could get in contact and offer tips on how to edit her JFKA material into a chapter-sized digest of only points cogent to Kilgallen's assassination investigation.  There's a mentorship opportunity here that could produce a more effective text.  With an introduction by...

Edited by David Andrews
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3 hours ago, Paul Cummings said:

Did you include on the acturarial tables of a smoker and heavy drinker with Bannister?


You are correct, Banister is reputed to have been a heavy smoker and drinker, and I cannot find any specific actuarial tables in that regard. 

On the other hand, what we consider today to be heavy smoking and drinking in the 1950s...was nearly the norm. 

One of amusements of watching old b/w movies on youtube is constant drinking and smoking depicted. I realize that is a factional representation, but nevertheless...


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Posted (edited)

Did Banister's wife ever say anything about her husband's medical history?

Had he ever been diagnosed with any heart issues?

Just a thought:

Banister had a mistress sexual affair relationship with his much younger in age secretary Delphine Roberts didn't he?          Delphine Roberts


Since Bannister was found naked and alone and away from his wife and home,  could his death have been a Nelson Rockefeller/Megan Marshack type situation?

Marshack didn't stick around either when NR went into cardiac arrest.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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According to his former aide Morris Wolff, not only was Senator John Sherman Cooper indicting Lyndon Johnson in real time for orchestrating the JFK assassination, BUT ALSO Sen. John Sherman Cooper was leaking Warren Commission material to journalist Dorothy Kilgallen who was one of the few members of the media in 1964 to take such a skeptical and jaundiced view of the Warren Report: meaning she did not believe it!

Bestselling Author Mark Shaw’s Exclusive Interviews with Commission “Whistleblower” Morris Wolf – November, 2023

 New-Evidence-Proving-Warren-Commission-Corruption_Oct-26-2023-1.pdf (markshawbooks.com)


A dour-faced Senator John Sherman Cooper stands with Commission Members Second from Right According to two exclusive interviews with Morris Wolff, the highly respected legislative assistant to Senator John Sherman Cooper, a member of the Warren Commission and called by Jackie Kennedy “a man of great character, ” the members knew they were deceiving millions of Americans who believed they could trust them to reveal the truth. Instead, betrayal of that truth was the call of the day as noted in this author’s most recent book, Fighting for Justice and a second interview on August 19, 2023 with Mr. Wolff (transcript available), who actually rode with Cooper to the commission hearings and watched the proceedings. The shocking revelations, ones that expose the inner workings of the commission for the first time, include the following firsthand accounts by Mr. Wolff regarding conversations with Sen. Cooper: • “They [the commission members] already know about the Jack Ruby connection to organized crime, but they don’t want to touch it.” • “It’s more than Oswald but Hoover and [Chief Justice] Earl Warren keep pushing the ‘Oswald Alone’ conclusion.” • Our new President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, now wants to cover up and move on.” “The commission members want to bury the truth under a pile of stones and Earl Warren is acting like a third-world dictator.” • “LBJ put me on the commission since I am a distinguished senator, one respected by my colleagues and my appearance will give the impression that the investigation will be beyond reproach but there is something very wrong with the investigation.” • “They [the commission members] say this [Oswald Alone conclusion] is good for God and country, but there is internal corruption and I don’t know why.” • “I’m very skeptical of the slipshod job being done by the commission staff and its rush to judgment” regarding the final report to be issued and along with Sen. Russell, I’ve demanded a ‘dissent’ to be included in that report about the “Oswald Alone” conclusion (It was promised but was not in final report). • Commission members are not conducting the hearings; staffers are doing so and not asking the right questions. To make sure the truth prevails, I have shared Jack Ruby’s testimony with journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, a woman of the truth. • During the photo of the commission members, I hid behind Sen. Hale Boggs since I knew the Final Report was untrue.

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