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Sy Hersh is at It Again

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4 hours ago, Johnny Cairns said:

If it wasn’t for the courage and humanity of President John Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, this world would have undergone total nuclear annihilation in 1962. Think about that next time you feel the need to slander the man. 

There are many, many examples of JFK's sexual promiscuity that I could give you. Here is one: Marlene Dietrich.

1) Here is presidential pimp Dave Powers escorting Marlene Dietrich to meet JFK: Presidential Assistant David F. Powers with Marlene Dietrich | JFK Library

2) And here is what happened in 1962: https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/story?id=116348&page=1#:~:text=Kennedy%2C whose sexual exploits became,in The New Yorker magazine. 


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Thanks for commenting. 

I may do a separate post more fully explaining the JFKA/RFK1A nexus. 

Serious scholars, such as Larry Hancock, Lisa Pease, James DiEugenio, Peter Nolan, David Talbot, have reviewed the RFK1A and concluded there was a conspiracy and then a snuff job on the RFK1A investigation.  

Who would have the resources to conduct the RFK1A conspiracy...then perpetrate a cover-up

By 1968, LBJ was rapidly fading, and if he had hooks into the LAPD, I have never heard or read about it. 

In contrast, there were members of the LAPD special unit created to handle the assassination who were CIA. 

In addition there is another flaw in the "LBJ did it" version: The previous assassination attempts on JFK in Miami and Chicago, both of which appear linked to CIA-Miami Beach JMWAVE.  

But...to show you I am opened minded, I will also post a recent video from Mark Groubert, who agrees with you.

As I do not believe in censorship.

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9 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

Perhaps I said too much, again.  

I look forward to a colloquy on "The Machinery of Secrecy," what others have called a "torment" (Shills, 1956), and even a "science" (Moynihan, 1999).


Thanks for your collegial comments. 

I would hope the entire EF-JFKA, regardless of our preferred politics or versions of the JFKA/RFK1A, would demand the immediate and unconditional release of all JFK Records. 

Surely, any and all snuff jobs on records pertaining to the JFK/RFK1A are intolerable. 

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7 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

I think it is a mistake to start sub categorizing threads so much that they are lost.   I don’t agree with the post but to make a JFK book discussion separate from this forum is not a good idea in my opinion.  

    I agree, Cory, and, to clarify, I started that thread about Maureen Callahan's scurrilous new JFK book not because I agree with her defamatory mission-- far from it-- but because her lurid stories about JFK are in the Daily Mail headlines this week.

     It's actually a thread about JFKA (and JFK) coverage in the mainstream media.

     Unfortunately, some misguided ad hominem posts focused on "killing the messenger," instead of discussing the message.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for your collegial comments. 

I would hope the entire EF-JFKA, regardless of our preferred politics or versions of the JFKA/RFK1A, would demand the immediate and unconditional release of all JFK Records. 

Surely, any and all snuff jobs on records pertaining to the JFK/RFK1A are intolerable. 

I told you how to secure release of the documents.  That has happened.  Sorry "RFK2" is too late.

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18 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Why was the thread moved?

Cory, you're talking about the Ask Not?  Geez... thread I guess.  First, I didn't move it, which means it must have been Mark.  Who I can't speak for, but I can certainly understand why.  The point it had gotten to was definitely breaking forum rules.

I had read the first dozen or so posts.  Not totally out of bounds, W explained his reason for the topic to others, they sounded logical to me.  When I came back and saw it moved I read the rest of the thread that had been posted while I was not paying attention.  This forum rule came to mind.

Members are responsible for what they post on this board. A member will not use this board to post any comment or which is demonstrably false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

The latter part crossed a line in my mind regarding vulgar, obscene and sexually-oriented.  Initially it was not about the sex lives of JFK, RFK or Jackie.  It was about why the Daily Telegraph was publishing stories about such. 

The point it had gotten to, I would have moved it myself. 

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5 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

Lincoln [JFK's secretary] said Kennedy even asked her to help sneak women into the White House.

"You know women chased him. Let's face it. There were young women. There were older women. They all did. I spent half of my time talking to women."


Gee, I wonder why the author of that hit piece on Kennedy chose to paraphrase what I highlighted in red rather than directly quoting her. Could it be that it gave him a lot of freedom in the words he put into her mouth? So he has her saying what he wants her to say?

A typical gossip rag tactic.




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37 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Gee, I wonder why the author of that hit piece on Kennedy chose to paraphrase what I highlighted in red rather than directly quoting her. Could it be that it gave him a lot of freedom in the words he put into her mouth? So he has her saying what he wants her to say?

A typical gossip rag tactic.




I see no evidence that the reporter misquoted Evelyn Lincoln. Have you found any? You do know she is on the public record saying that in her opinion LBJ and Hoover used JFK's adulterous life to BLACKMAIL him into putting Lyndon Johnson on the1960 Democratic ticket?


Anthony Summers:

“During the 1960 campaign, according to Mrs. Lincoln, Kennedy discovered how vulnerable his womanizing had made him. Sexual blackmail, she said, had long been part of Lyndon Johnson's modus operandi—abetted by Edgar. "J. Edgar Hoover," Lincoln said, "gave Johnson the information about various congressmen and senators so that Johnson could go to X senator and say, `How about this little deal you have with this woman?' and so forth. That's how he kept them in line. He used his IOUs with them as what he hoped was his road to the presidency. He had this trivia to use, because he had Hoover in his corner. And he thought that the members of Congress would go out there and put him over at the Convention. But then Kennedy beat him at the Convention. And well, after that Hoover and Johnson and their group were able to push Johnson on Kennedy."LBJ," said Lincoln, "had been using all the information Hoover could find on Kennedy—during the campaign, even before the Convention. And Hoover was in on the pressure on Kennedy at the Convention." [Anthony Summers, Official and Confidential, p. 272].

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Cory, you're talking about the Ask Not?  Geez... thread I guess.  First, I didn't move it, which means it must have been Mark.  Who I can't speak for, but I can certainly understand why.  The point it had gotten to was definitely breaking forum rules.

I had read the first dozen or so posts.  Not totally out of bounds, W explained his reason for the topic to others, they sounded logical to me.  When I came back and saw it moved I read the rest of the thread that had been posted while I was not paying attention.  This forum rule came to mind.

Members are responsible for what they post on this board. A member will not use this board to post any comment or which is demonstrably false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

The latter part crossed a line in my mind regarding vulgar, obscene and sexually-oriented.  Initially it was not about the sex lives of JFK, RFK or Jackie.  It was about why the Daily Telegraph was publishing stories about such. 

The point it had gotten to, I would have moved it myself. 

One thing that Truman Capote used to say about the Kennedys who he knew extremely well: they were vulgar people. I would hardly want any of the Kennedy men to be my son, my dad or God forbid marry my daughter.

John Kennedy for his entire adult life lived a vulgar, obscene and sexually addicted oriented life.

And it is not slander, defamatory or lying to point out JFK's sexual promiscuity. It has been documented by scores of credible people over and over again.

Furthermore, JFK's unhinged adultery (like the kind Senator Kennedy had with Pamela Turnure) is historically significant because it subjected JFK to sexual blackmail by LBJ and Sam Rayburn as the two Texans FORCED a compromised John Kennedy to take Lyndon Johnson as a VP running mate (sources: Evelyn Lincoln, Hy Raskin, Pierre Salinger).

And THAT caused John Kennedy his life because Lyndon Johnson was in the absolute middle of the JFK assassination and cover up (Disclaimer: just my opinion of course).

Here is an April, 1960 FBI Deke DeLoach memo on how JFK would leave his naked sex orgy photos just casually laying on top of his Senate Office desk: https://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/naked-picture-senator-kennedy?page=0 Note the part in the memo that points out that JFK's unhinged adultery  was a "standard joke around the Senate Office Building."

Deke DeLoach was a blood brother to LBJ; so close to Johnson that DeLoach told me in 2011 he would being his large family over to Camp David to have Easter Sunday with the Johnson family. You better bet DeLoach and Hoover were sharing with LBJ all the sex dirt they had on John Kennedy!!


Edited by Robert Morrow
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7 hours ago, Johnny Cairns said:

It’s quite clear by your response that you have no facts but rather unsubstantiated hearsay to back up your slander of President Kennedy.

Also why are you rambling on about LBJ? He’s not the topic of discussion, Jack Kennedy is. 

Let me be specific. Lyndon Johnson and Sam Rayburn at the 1960 Democratic convention, on or about July 14, 1960, used SEXUAL BLACKMAIL on John Kennedy to force him to put LBJ on the Demo ticket as vice president (sources Evelyn Lincoln, Hy Raskin, Pierre Salinger). If John Kennedy were not so outrageously sexually compromised LBJ would not have had a handy way to crowbar his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket as VP.

By placing LBJ as vice president, John Kennedy also put himself in a very dangerous and precarious position as far as how long he was going to be living on planet Earth.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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1 minute ago, Robert Morrow said:

Let me be specific. Lyndon Johnson and Sam Rayburn at the 1960 Democratic convention, on or about July 14, 1960, used SEXUAL BLACKMAIL on John Kennedy to force him to put LBJ on the Demo ticket as vice president. If John Kennedy were not so outrageously sexually compromised LBJ would not have had a handy way to crowbar his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket as VP.

By placing LBJ as vice president, John Kennedy also put himself in a very dangerous and precarious position as far as how long he was going to be living on planet Earth.

That info came from J. Edgar Hoover and wasn't widely known until after his death because the press didn't report on stuff like that back then. 

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BTW, for those not aware of it, this is the second time I went after Hersh since last year.

Here is the first time. 


As I have concluded, Hersh never got over the fact that his book on Kennedy was roundly flogged even in the MSM.  And deservedly so, since it was just a terrible hatchet job in every way.  And it was clearly aimed at being so from the start.

The dead giveaway was that he ignored the CIA IG Report on the plots to kill Castro. Even though it had been declassified before he wrote his book.

When you do something like that, its very clear you have an agenda.

So now with Substack, he is allowed to reissue this BS, and people actually pay for it.

In my opinion the guy has become a clown show.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, for those not aware of it, this is the second time I went after Hersh since last year.

Here is the first time. 


As I have concluded, Hersh never got over the fact that his book on Kennedy was roundly flogged even in the MSM.  And deservedly so, since it was just a terrible hatchet job in every way.  And it was clearly aimed at being so from the start.

The dead giveaway was that he ignored the CIA IG Report on the plots to kill Castro. Even though it had been declassified before he wrote his book.

When you do something like that, its very clear you have an agenda.

So now with Substack, he is allowed to reissue this BS, and people actually pay for it.

In my opinion the guy has become a clown show.

Why should anyone believe the CIA IG Report? Like they are going to admit, even internally, that the President of the United States wants the head of another country murdered. I wonder how many Presidents have ordered the murders and assassinations and I wonder how many times the CIA or the military has given them "plausible deniability." I am referring to presidents of all political parties.

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

That info came from J. Edgar Hoover and wasn't widely known until after his death because the press didn't report on stuff like that back then. 

The press did not report but, man they were a threat TO report it. Just look at what happened with the Profumo Affair in England in 1963. JFK had been seeing some of those same hookers involved and he was HIGHLY interested in how the British government was about to fall because of hooker affairs.


Hugh Sidey of Time magazine, a Kennedy sychophant, knew all about JFK's adultery and was amazed at how reckless JFK was. Nonetheless Hugh Sidey did not report on the sex material of his friend JFK.

Suzy Chang was the high end hooker JFK had been having sex with: https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKchangS.htm

The last thing JFK wanted was a "Profumo Affair" inside the USA and we came dangerously close to having one for JFK!



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BTW, the thing about the meeting in Paris with Cubela in November is really something.

As Larry Hancock pointed out to me, and so does Talbot in Brothers,  is the this is when the rapprochement with Castro is heating up.

And Helms was aware of this.

In other words, the CIA is plotting to kill Castro at the time that they knew JFK was heading, according to Attwood, towards normalization of relations with Cuba.

So in this way Hersh has become now a defense attorney for the CIA.


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