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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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47 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

LOL at anyone that is still suckered in by anything Trump says.

You might as well walk around all day with a "Kick Me" sign taped to your back.

Good one, Matt.

If it were only Trump spewing dictator fantasies he could be readily ignored.  But the promises of his allies are alarming.

MAGA has laid out its plan to sabotage elections, sanction discrimination and steal rights



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Attention, Patriots!!!

Dealin' Don Is Offering More in 2024!!

(Forget 2017 and 2018)

Dealin' Don Will Now Take on the Deep State and Release the JFK Records!!


(Disclaimer:  Trump offer may be jive in 2025)

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9 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

I saw some of the interview on Fox News, the guy who is the Golden State Warriors owner was teasing the guy with glasses like a kid for "Clearly liking Trump and trying not to show it"  You might give this a look, I haven't yet but it looks like it's related to the topic of the thread 


I have been wanting to do a few posts on the Machinery of Secrecy, but with a family, farm and day job....

James DiEugenio is concerned the Biden administration snuff job on the JFK Records Act is permanent. 

My understanding is that a US President or Vice President, can unilaterally declassify and publish any document within the federal government, a power held long before the JFK Records Act.  (Tax records might be exempt). 

I wonder if Merrick Garland's Transparency Board trumps the power of the Chief Executive to release documents at will?  

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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Mark is one of the leading attorneys on the JFK Records Act, it was he who discovered the whole key strategy devised by DOJ lawyer Curtis Gannon to dodge the import of the act.

He now chimes in on what can be done in the presidential campaign to make this an issue. Which is should be.



Thanks for posting an important article on the JFK Records Act. 

Yes, of course, the JFK Records Act should be an issue in 2024---and every year. 


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I could not agree more Ben.

Mark is going to try and contact Napolitano.

We are really lucky to have Andrew Iler and Mark at K and K on this issue.

Their contributions have been invaluable.



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5 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

“A republic, if you can keep it.”

--Benjamin Franklin's response to Elizabeth Willing Powel's question: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"

In 2024 we run a serious risk of NOT "keeping it."

Screw Democracy or the Republic Cliff!, Once they open up the JFKA files we'll see it always "fake" anyway!

Right Jim?

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50 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for posting an important article on the JFK Records Act. 

Yes, of course, the JFK Records Act should be an issue in 2024---and every year. 


In order for the release of the JFK files to be an actual issue in the 2024 Presidential election, one must buy the idea Trump is sincere.

Why would anyone familiar with American politics believe that?

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18 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I could not agree more Ben.

Mark is going to try and contact Napolitano.

We are really lucky to have Andrew Iler and Mark at K and K on this issue.

Their contributions have been invaluable.



“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

 Mark Twain

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BTW, I have to add, the JFK Records Act is not supposed to be a political grandstand.

Its a law.  One that has been disobeyed.

But whatever Trump did, and it was pretty bad, what Biden did was worse.

But we are not supposed to mention that because somehow that is off limits for purposes of political correctness.

I don't buy it.

William, Matt and CV know little or nothing about that Act.  Please show me their work on it besides grandstanding?

Attorney Andrew Iler does..

Here is is his now classic analysis of just what Joe Biden did to the Act.  Just remember, Biden is the guy who has a bust of RFK in the Oval Office and JFK's portrait in his study.    Pitiful.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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Here is the opening to Andrew's masterful article:

In the waning hours of the evening of Friday, June 30, 2023, long after the filing deadlines of the media elite in Washington D.C. and even longer after the most dedicated talking head had left to celebrate their July 4th independence from tyranny in the Hamptons, the Biden Administration issued an Executive Memorandum that is a flagrant and illegitimate attempt to terminate an Act of Congress and usurp congressional authority over its own processes and records. A copy of President Biden’s Executive Memorandum is here.

It is unclear what truly prompted President Biden to take a flamethrower to an Act of Congress that he himself voted for in 1992 as a member of the Senate, due to bipartisan public pressure to release records related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

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7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, I have to add, the JFK Records Act is not supposed to be a political grandstand.

Its a law.  One that has been disobeyed.

But whatever Trump did, and it was pretty bad, what Biden did was worse.

But we are not supposed to mention that because somehow that is off limits for purposes of political correctness.

Jim can mention it all he wants.  But his contention that it's an actual campaign issue requires gullibility of a high order.

7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I don't buy it.

William, Matt and CV know little or nothing about that Act.  Please show me their work on it besides grandstanding?

The issue is Trump's sincerity regarding the release of the files.  Jim DiEugenio knows little or nothing about current American politics.  He doesn't even know what a "news cycle" is.

7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Here is is his now classic analysis of just what Joe Biden did to the Act.  Just remember, Biden is the guy who has a bust of RFK in the Oval Office and JFK's portrait in his study.    Pitiful.

Here is a thoroughly ill-informed analysis of Donald Trump's campaign promise to release the files.

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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Here is the opening to Andrew's masterful article:

In the waning hours of the evening of Friday, June 30, 2023, long after the filing deadlines of the media elite in Washington D.C. and even longer after the most dedicated talking head had left to celebrate their July 4th independence from tyranny in the Hamptons, the Biden Administration issued an Executive Memorandum that is a flagrant and illegitimate attempt to terminate an Act of Congress and usurp congressional authority over its own processes and records. A copy of President Biden’s Executive Memorandum is here.

It is unclear what truly prompted President Biden to take a flamethrower to an Act of Congress that he himself voted for in 1992 as a member of the Senate, due to bipartisan public pressure to release records related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

No one has defended Joe Biden's snuff job on the JFK Records Act.  The issue is Donald Trump's empty campaign promises, and the MAGA attempt to co-opt "anti-establishment" communities.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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8 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, I have to add, the JFK Records Act is not supposed to be a political grandstand.

Its a law.  One that has been disobeyed.

But whatever Trump did, and it was pretty bad, what Biden did was worse.

But we are not supposed to mention that because somehow that is off limits for purposes of political correctness.

I don't buy it.

William, Matt and CV know little or nothing about that Act.  Please show me their work on it besides grandstanding?

Attorney Andrew Iler does..

Here is is his now classic analysis of just what Joe Biden did to the Act.  Just remember, Biden is the guy who has a bust of RFK in the Oval Office and JFK's portrait in his study.    Pitiful.




Thanks Jim DiEugenio, for this post and, well, so much more. 

You have been a tireless solon of the JFKA/RFK1A research community for decades. Your resume is too long and impressive to cite, and includes a vital role in the Stone films on the JFKA, and several excellent books, and your excellent web page KennedysandKing. I could go on longer, much longer. 

If I have disagreements with you on certain issues or events, so what? Maybe I am wrong. 

And everyone should recognize DiEugenio's earnest nature and concerns regarding the JFKA/RFK1As. 







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17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

And everyone should recognize DiEugenio's earnest nature and concerns regarding the JFKA/RFK1As. 

Respect is a two-way street, Ben.

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21 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

It is unclear what truly prompted President Biden to take a flamethrower to an Act of Congress that he himself voted for in 1992 as a member of the Senate...


It's pretty obvious to me that Biden doesn't want the American public to know that the CIA killed President Kennedy. Not only would that put a big black eye on American history, but it would lead to the dismantling of the CIA.

What is also obvious to me is that in no way is Trump going to get the records released.


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