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Trump Assassination Attempt Discussion

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22 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Paul and Karl,

      For the benefit of people who prefer dialogue to watching YouTube videos, or X clips, can you tell us, using grammatical English sentences, what you believe occurred in the case of the recent Thomas Crooks assassination attempt on Trump?

      According to the Daily Mail, roughly 20% of the public, apparently, believes that the FBI conspired to kill Trump.

      What happened, in your opinions?

Too early to be sure beyond the obvious broad outlines. For example, the dramatis personae, the real players, are by no means clear:


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I think Trump's private security team - I'm assuming he possesses one, an assumption that well be unwarranted - need to have a look at its own advance party preparation people. There is much here that, at best, reeks of complacency, at worst, of complicity:


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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

In this video, I could see Paul being transfixed on Barry Jones head for an hour straight.

I could see where these big strapping , brawny American gun expert dudes could have a real unusual appeal to you guys from across the pond.


You have my solemn promise that the moment I came across a worthwhile piece of work on the subject by anyone - be it a pink-haired, ethnic transgender amputee,  an opioid-dependent deplorable in a string vest and denim, or, that rarest  of things these days, a Deep State Dem with a scruple - I'll post it.

Pip pip!

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Here you go

Chris Martenson, PhD


This incredible report by (FULL REPORT HERE)




is a MUST READ!! A few highlights: Body was cremated before a second, ind. examination could be conducted The FBI released all the 1st responders that evening The FBI cleaned up biological materials (washed the site down on day 2) The FBI released the entire crime scene on day 3 "Disturbing" doesn't come close to describing this. It's now "malfeasance" until proven otherwise.







Edited by Karl Kinaski
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1 hour ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Here you go

Chris Martenson, PhD


This incredible report by (FULL REPORT HERE)






It all smells to high heaven.

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44 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Trump's ear completely healed in two weeks.

Do you know something about JFK the rest of us don't??


     If there is any substance to these rumors and innuendos about a Trump assassination conspiracy, I'm certainly interested.  But our European friends may not realize that, in the United States, we have been subjected to an endless series of false narratives during the past 60 years.

      They are endless.  The Kennedy assassinations are especially prominent, along with Iran-Contra, Iraq WMDs, and Trump's numerous false narratives (since 2016) blaming the "Deep State" for his crimes.

      I can conceive of Iran wanting to assassinate Trump, in retaliation for Soleimani's murder but, IMO, if the U.S. Deep State wanted to kill Trump, they wouldn't have hired a nursing home aid like Thomas Crooks.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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11 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     If there is any substance to these rumors and innuendos about a Trump assassination conspiracy, I'm certainly interested.  But our European friends may not realize that, in the United States, we have been subjected to an endless series of false narratives during the past 60 years.

      They are endless.  The Kennedy assassinations are especially prominent, along with Iran-Contra, Iraq WMDs, and Trump's numerous false narratives (since 2016) blaming the "Deep State" for his crimes.

      I can conceive of Iran wanting to assassinate Trump, in retaliation for Soleimani's murder but, IMO, if the U.S. Deep State wanted to kill Trump, they wouldn't have hired a nursing home aid like Thomas Crooks.

Yes, and one of the most prominent of those false narratives is that of the "lone nut".

Edited by John Cotter
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On 8/16/2024 at 4:44 AM, John Cotter said:

You need to be careful, Kirk. Mocking other members is a banning offence.

Oh I didn't think of that! What if W. or Ron should read this!

Okay! Okay! John, I'm sorry!

Paul Rigby: Pip pip

Uh.....uh...likewise!    * 

Karl Kinaski--

You are certainly no Sherlock, hm?

Camouflage guy left the Bldg. No 6 first. Without a rifle.  Camouflage guy left Bldg. No 6. and disappeared from the screen. 20 seconds  later a  police guy came out with a rifle. Which rifle? His?  Camouflage guys rifle? Nobody knows. Then police guy  is leaning the rifle to the railing by the stairs. Camouflage guy comes back. They are casually conversing, About theweather? And than, all of a sudden with a quick movement Camouflage guy took the rifle brought out of the the building by the other guy and walks away with it. Bldg. Nr 6, remember. Where sombody  shot at a presidental candidate, 50 minutes prior, killing and injuring US citizens. 


Whew! Karl, sorry, I'm coming into this cold! I see I'm not going go be able to humor you. Since you love to quote Mel Gibson**, I assume you're a big "Lethal Weapon Four" fan. So this research is right up your alley!


Well anyway, ........Ahem,....... all right lads....Carry on!

Sorry for your missing another cultural reference Karl.



 * Is that like Pip Pip Hurray, Paul?             heh heh

**  helpful hint, Karl,  for more very effective Hollywood name dropping google  Jon Voight and James Woods! Of course the real coup for you Karl, would be if you could name drop Arnold! But somehow you guys don't seem like an ideological match!








Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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8 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Yes, and one of the most prominent of those false narratives is that of the "lone nut".

True, John, but I was thinking of the numerous, recent, heavily-promoted, false Trump-as-Victim narratives;

-- Obamagate

-- Nunes Memo

-- "No Collusion"

-- Ukrainegate "Hoax"

-- Stop the Steal

-- "Patriot Purge"

-- "Perfect Phone Call" (to Brad Raffensperger)

-- Walt Nauta draining pool to destroy security cam footage

-- No business fraud in NYC

-- Did not screw Stormy Daniels

-- Crooked Joe Biden "investigation"

-- Hunter Biden gun scandal investigation

-- Fani Willis dating a black guy scandal

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