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2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee

Ron Bulman

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5 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I'm a big fan of Roy Cooper, and the state of North Carolina in general, so I'm biased towards him, but if I was betting real money on it, I'd guess Kelly gets the nod.

I've read that Cooper is a "personal favorite" of Harris.  Purely on a level of optics, he looks straight out of central casting.

A Harris-Shapiro ticket would be the first in history with no white Christian male.  That would drive the Christian fascists even more insane -- one reason I'm pulling for the pick.

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This is nutty, she was in office for like 17 years.

DA in Frisco, AG in California, and then senator.

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As far as VP, I go with the swing state where there are the most votes and Harris is weak, and that's Pennsylvania and Josh Shapiro. Though going after a tossup state like N. Carolina with Cooper could be a good idea because after  2024, Cooper will not be giving up an office as his term is ended. Where  other non VP candidates like Whitmer or Newsome can still use their office to stay in the news for 28 or 32.

I like the image of Mark Kelley, but is that too Westy?   Beshear, Kentucky, ehh.

Yes W. It could easily be a very polarizing racist and sexist campaign which is one of the reasons she's not my first choice, but that could easily backfire on Trump!

Also because he's more vulnerable than ever, any debate where he gets exposed by a black woman like Harris,Trump could become unraveled and blow it!


Now it's revealed that RFK JR. went to Trump in 2016 after his victory lobbying Trump to start a "Vaccine task force". And of course, now there's speculation after the phone call that  Trump might  offer a post to RK in exchange for throwing his votes to Trump.


2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Harris did pretty well against Pence, and she insisted he not talk over her more than once.

Yes that was the debate if you remember where Pence had the fly squatting on his forehead!

Yes, Harris did well, but what I hated about that debate was the moderating by Susan Paige, who caved in to the man and let Pence ramble on endlessly and keep extending everything he was saying!

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"Republicans will play the sexist card, the racist card, the “couldn’t solve the immigration crisis” card. They will slam Harris as incompetent. They will call her names. They will distort her record. They will lie about everything. But the only people their bluster will impress will be the MAGA cultists who are going to vote for Trump anyway."

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Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested being given a senior job overseeing a portfolio of health and medical issues, an idea that the Trump campaign rejected, according to several people familiar with the matter.


I had first heard that RFK Jr. did this secretly in 2017, but no this just happened! RFK approached Trump about throwing his support to Trump if Trump gave him a job to head a "Vaccine task Force." ??? And Trump rejected him!


"But there were concerns among some Trump advisers that Kennedy — a fervent critic of vaccines — would not be appropriate in such a job and that such an agreement could be problematic, the people said."


Yes we in MAGA land, just don't think that would be "appropriate."   heh heh heh heh

Talk about selling your soul to the devil for a wacko cause, and getting rejected!


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