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Jean Souetre-Michael Mertz

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Good work Steve, actually my DPUK presentation last week was about

Kirknewton, the Guerini brothers, the Mondoloni network which went into

the east coast via Miami and increasingly through Texas via both Loredo

and Houston. Big busts in from this network were made in Loredo, Houston

and interestingly enough at Fort Benning during the period of 63-65.

For anyone serously wanting to follow this line of research I would

definitely recommend The Strength of the Wolf, the secret history of

America's war on drugs by Douglas Valentine. Published by Verso in London

last year.

In a chapter on the JFK assassination he speculates that the Mondoloni

network might have been used to support the conspiracy. And as I pointed

out last weekend, a great number of the pre-assassination leaks can be

tracked to people who could well have been on the periphery of that network.

-- Larry

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Below is a composit photograph. Le man on the right is supposed to be a photograph of Jean Souetre. The picture on the left is a picture in the Dallas Police Department of the alleged assassination rifle. Behind the rifle, leaning up against the wall is what appears to be a police artist's sketch of someone.

To me, the two pictures look remarkably similar.

<img src="http://members.sigecom.net/s1thomas/souetre1.jpg" />

Steve Thomas

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Hi Steve,

Interesting indeed. I think the one thing which stands out here is that the composite image doesn't look anything like Oswald. I believe this composite image is actually of Ronald Ponce DeLeon. (see below)



Edited by James Richards
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Hi Steve,

Interesting indeed. I think the one thing which stands out here is that the composite image doesn't look anything like Oswald. I believe this composite image is actually of Ronald Ponce DeLeon. (see below)



an attempt at comparison:

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  • 8 years later...

With the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy approaching, I have a valid reason for wanting to bring back this thread. The "interesting JFK Books thread" would have been more logical to place some of this material. But I have my own reasons for placing the aforementioned here. The "French connection" to the JFK assassination is an area where the shooters who targeted de Gaulle prior to the JFK Assassination, and afterwards were real people not shadowy figures nobody knew. Historians have documented these activities which commonly centered around members of the OAS and the Algerian crisis. The latter was to de Gaulle what the Bay of Pigs was for Kennedy. Lt. Colonel Bastien-Thiry personified the attitude of many in the French military regarding their feeling that de Gaulle sold them out [he was initially against Algerian independence, but saw the writing on the wall for the colonial rule of not just France, but for Great Britain and Belgium].

Ironically, it was my study of the Galveston heroin transaction which led me to read

Target de Gaulle: The true story of the 31 Attempts on the life of the French President

Pierre Demaret & Christian Plume Dial Press - 1969

This is a book which, with only a few exceptions everyone has missed the boat on, including myself.

If you think you know everything about the JFK assassination and haven't read this book, you are deluding yourself.

I would go as far as saying that if Demaret is alive, really don't know. The people who are at the forefront of the research community should be on the horn.

Edited by Robert Howard
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Instead of updating some of the material I have been gathering, [as I am not finished] I thought this was as topical as anything else going on around lately, no offense intended.

...See the Section

Is The Union Corse Still Around These Days?


Also see page 232 of the Security File on Frank Sturgis


I also have an interest.....

If anyone knows more about the "Vaccaro Brothers Steamship Company" their input would be appreciated.

** Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) - March 20, 1992
Deceased Name: Salvador "Tudie" Carollo
Salvador "Tudie" Carollo, a retired sales manager with Vaccaro Brothers Steamship Co., died Wednesday at his home. He was 87. Mr. Carollo was born in New Orleans and lived in Arabi for many years. For 45 years before his retirement, he was employed at Vaccaro Brothers Steamship Co., which later became Standard Fruit and Steamship Co. and is now Dole Fresh Fruit Co. He is survived by his wife, Mamie Locascio Carollo; two sons, Michael and Salvador "Sammy" Carollo; a daughter, Sarah Serio; five grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. A Mass will be said today at 2 p.m. at St. Bernard Memorial Chapel, 3710 Paris Road in Chalmette. Burial will be in St. Bernard Memorial Gardens Cemetery.

Edited by Robert Howard
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  • 4 years later...
On June 24, 2005 at 7:37 AM, Steve Thomas said:

I spent some time researching Souetre, but I didn't get very far.

"(Release date: May 13, 2004. The Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America's War on Drugs by Douglas Valentine. London: Verso Press, 2004. ISBN: 1-85984-568-1)

Consider, if you will, the JFK assassination in some ways rebounding off of the so-called French Connection. To most people, their idea of the French Connection is based upon the film, starring Gene Hackman. The film is based on a real case, handled by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN), however Valentine suggests that the French Connection case had ramifications far deeper than shown in the movie. One tangent of the French Connection involves former French colony Algeria. French president Charles DeGaulle collided with the Organization de l'Armee Secrete (OAS), which wanted to maintain French rule in Algeria. A complex series of offshoots, painstakingly detailed by Valentine in The Strength of the Wolf, branched into the July 1961 assassination plots against DeGaulle. Reportedly, the attempted overthrow by coup d'etat of French president DeGaulle was partly financed by about $200,000 in secret funds handled by none other than Permindex. (Recall that Clay Shaw was reportedly an employee of Permindex.)

Also connecting with the Organization de l'Armee Secrete (OAS) was former FBI agent Guy Banister, who reportedly sent the OAS $200,000 in 1962. That money allegedly went to Jean Rene Marie Souetre of the OAS. In early 1963, Monsieur Souetre had a sequence of clandestine meetings with, respectively, E. Howard Hunt, far-right General Edwin Walker, and Guy Banister. Souetre and unnamed Corsican assassins are shown by Valentine to have been the probable actual killers of John Kennedy. Corsican drug smugglers used as assassins were reportedly favored over U.S. Mafiosi due to ongoing Project Luciano-type entanglements between them and the CIA."

From William Harvey’s handwritten notes on setting up the ZR/Rifle Program

From ajweberman’s Coup d’etat in America Nodule 0


8. Use nobody who has never dealt with criminals; otherwise will not be

aware of pitfalls or consider factors such as freedom to travel, wanted

lists, etc. Exclude organization criminals, those with record of

arrests, those who have engaged in several types of crime. Corsicans

recommended. Sicilians lead to Mafia.

Souetre reportedledy met with E. Howard Hunt in Madrid to get CIA backing for the OAS. I belive the CIA turned them down.

From another 1998 posting by Stephane Risset:

"for you information, Jean Souetre was not in Dallas on 22/11/63, he was in jail in Oran ( algerie ), I met sou tre 2 years ago, he is not corsican, and a gangster, he his military man, back in 1961/2 he was under the order Salan/Jouhaud ( top general in alger) later it became an O.A.S men under the direction of pierre Sergant, and after so tre took the O.A.S direction for the spain.

Soutre was a specialist of terrorism, and anti-terrorism, he belonged a

commando now : delta ( service action de l'O.A.S )

but the thing his this: Soutre was a friend of Michel Merzt ( died in july 1997) Merzt was military men, working for the nazi in second war.after the war, he became a spy and a gangster very dangerous,in the event of alger and O.A.S matter

Merzt infiltrate the O.A.S organisation, for the french secret service.

there are lots of physicals apparence between the 2 guys.

Soutre tell me that it was Merzt who was in Dallas,with his passports.

i see lot of document belong to Soutre, I think there is no doute that

Soutre was not involving in Dallas, I can't says the same thing for Merzt. Merzt was a very dangerous person,with lot of murderer, it was also involving in drug traffic knowing at the name of " FRENCH CONNECTION " back 1970/76.

for a long time ago I was very concern about this connection.

Lucien Sarti died in 1973 in Mexico city.

if you want more details tell me what do you about him?


Searches in the NARA database reveal about a dozen of these kind of entries:



RECORD NUMBER : 124-10224-10058


AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 105-128529-1





TITLE : [No Title]

DATE : 03/04/1964







DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 04/09/1996


Steve Thomas

Steve - bumping this interesting post by you. 


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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Steve - bumping this interesting post by you. 




Thanks. One of the things I do know, is that Souetre couldn't have been mistaken for Roux, or vice versa.

Roux was 23 or 24 years old and stood about 5'7". Souetre was 33 years old and stood about 6'1".

If I had to bet, I'd bet it was Mertz that was in Dallas, not Souetre.


Steve Thomas

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Does it strike you as odd that David Christ was handled in the CIA by an agent named John Michael Mertz, and that investigators questioned Christian David about the Corsican hit team? It’s the confluence of similar names. Probably means nothing.


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  • 1 month later...
On 18/9/2013 at 10:20 PM, Robert Howard said:

Target de Gaulle: The true story of the 31 Attempts on the life of the French President

Pierre Demaret & Christian Plume Dial Press - 1969

This is a book which, with only a few exceptions everyone has missed the boat on, including myself.

If you think you know everything about the JFK assassination and haven't read this book, you are deluding yourself.


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Semi-on-topic/relevant/irrelevant; (Just taken from the ancient disk).

1: Just posting since some of these names are mentioned in this thread. As well as old attachments being gone / links not working etc.
2: I did not make these composites. Maybe it was James Richards, - I have no idea. Just a faint sound of a bell ringing. But time makes me not trust the sounds.
3: They might very well be speculating / false / mislabeled , etc.
4: Most probably already posted at this forum,- and I suspect I got them from here also.









faces at plaza


Edited by Trygve V. Jensen
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On 4/18/2018 at 4:12 PM, Trygve V. Jensen said:

Semi-on-topic/relevant/irrelevant; (Just taken from the ancient disk).







The picture of Souetre on the right is taken from a larger picture.

This picture was posted by a Michaux on 8/10/2006 in the Forum:




He said this photo was taken in Sante Prison in June of 1961. I do not not know the other man is.

On his beret. he wears the insignia of the 20/541


The badge was approved by Francois Coulet in 1956 and adopted by all of the 541's.

On his right pocket, he wears his parachutist wings.



And on his left pocket, he wears the "Sicut Aquila" badge of the "commandos de l'air"



Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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