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William Torbitt: Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal

John Simkin

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attachicon.gifNazi Haunebu.jpg


I looked into von Braun a number of years ago, and concluded he would be the logical choice to head up a secret space program- and while he was heading up NASA. That he was privy to an entirely separate technological track of development.

On p. 73 of The Day After Roswell, von Braun "intimated that there was a deeper story about what the Germans had engineered"- he apparently had a look at the famed crash and hinted to the Army brass that he knew a lot more.

Hitler's Flying Saucers has a 16-page section on "The Peenemuende Saucer Project". This was a more-than-fledgling Nazi flying disc program during the war run by Hans Kammler, Walter Dornberger and the engineering genius von Braun. Some of their Haunebu designs were huge- over 120 feet across.

The Torbitt book that I have begins with a photo section- and the caption for JFK's 9/11/62 visit to the Marshall Space Flight Center to see the Saturn V cluster test-fired says that JFK & von Braun got into an argument about other means of travel to the Moon. When one considers the saucer craze of the 50's, especially the July 1952 Washington flyover, President Kennedy had legitimate cause to wonder about alternatives.

Here's a short youtube I think narrated by Joseph P. Farrell that presents strong evidence that there could be such a secret space program:

Unfortunately there's scant details available it seems as to von Braun in relation to the assassination. A negative template, perhaps? The Paperclip Nazis were at the pinnacle of the emerging aerospace technocracy, and Dulles was their #1 benefactor.

Growing up in Miami I learned to believe in two things spaceships and Sasquatch otherwise known as "Big foot". Of course, I've never seen either one, not sure about anyone else. Anyone here seen Bigfoot besides TV?

Reminds me of Kennedy's assassination, you believe in what you don't see, my mothers boyfriend believes there is life beyond this world, he wholeheartedly believes in aliens. I told him, I believe in aliens too, they come from Mexico and other countries. However, there's no disputing the evidence of Kennedy's assassination when it's all right there, in-front of you.

Thank you Scott for the links and references. I am very interested in JFK's relationship with Wernher Von Braun. When we think of it, JFK's speech to Congress about putting a man on the moon in this decade is pure Von Braun. I would like to know just how he managed to persuade JFK to become his voice in such an extraordinary undertaking, especially since we were at the time the underdogs in the space race, and those of Von Braun's team who had been left behind by the Americans and went to USSR had the lead. I don't think that was an easy sell at all.

It would be fascinating to have listened to the conversations of JFK and WVB on the moon shot. I can imagine that both of them had a number of wonderful ideas. It does seem, from all I have read so far, that WVB certainly kept an open mind to the possibility of life on other planets, and, as we see in statements he made to Dr. Carol Rosin at the end of his life, if there was extra-terrestrial life, he found it in no way threatening to our civilization. I find it amazing that he found no conflict between his dreams of traveling to the moon and Mars (and, in effect, becoming 'godlike') and the fact that he was someone who saw the Creator's hand in everything in space.

Edited by Pamela Brown
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JFK's commitment to go to the moon was pure JFK. It set a lofty goal that inspired many Americans. In that way, it was like the Peace Corps or the Green Berets. JFK had a sense of adventure that was reflected in his policies and his reading (Ian Fleming).

FWIW, I have doubts about claimed successes of the Apollo program. For many reasons. Like the official story of the JFK assassination, which is widely disbelieved abroad and at home, the official record of the Apollo program does not hold up especially well under close scrutiny on a number of points.

Oh, I know. The U.S. Government lied to us about the JFK assassination but surely not about the Apollo program.

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JFK and the Majestic Papers: The History of a Hoax is at CTKA. Scroll down about 40% of the way, the link is in the left-hand column.

I think Jim DiEugenio has mentioned recently that it's still one of his most-viewed pieces. It was so up-front it got Seamus a writing job. You've heard of must-see TV? Well, this is a must-read.

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JFK and the Majestic Papers: The History of a Hoax is at CTKA. Scroll down about 40% of the way, the link is in the left-hand column.

I think Jim DiEugenio has mentioned recently that it's still one of his most-viewed pieces. It was so up-front it got Seamus a writing job. You've heard of must-see TV? Well, this is a must-read.

Aha. Found it: http://www.ctka.net/2011/MJ%2012%20intro_Alien%20Dulles.html


Interesting article. I am finding, however, that it does seem, at this point in my reading, to tend at times to fall prey to the fallacy of false alternatives.

I must admit that I find it puzzling that anyone who is comfortable defining what they believe to be the conspiracy behind the assassination of JFK can turn around and slap the wrists of anyone asking questions about UFOs and a government coverup of them.

And, particularly in the case of Wernher Von Braun, it would appear that whatever evidence there was of strange sightings and experiences, he would have been involved in them. He would have known about them and would have had to decide how to deal with them in order to protect the Apollo crews and missions. Whatever he experienced did not seem to be threatening.

It is also ironic to me that when the incident at Roswell occurred, WVB was at Alamagordo, NM, not far from there. There are resports that WVB went to Roswell and saw whatever it was that was retrieved. And then, ironically, whatever was found was then shipped to Wright field in Ohio. That happens to be where my contact in the Peenemunde group had been placed on his arrival to the US. This man's specialty was jet engines, not rockets.

Edited by Pamela Brown
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On 11/1/2005 at 10:50 AM, John Simkin said:

William Torbitt is the pseudonymous author of Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (1970). When the book was published the author claimed he was a lawyer working in the southwestern part of the United States.

During the Second World War he served in the United States Navy. After completing a law degree from the University of Texas he worked as a prosecuting attorney (1949-51). He admits that his clients includes people involved in committing political murder. He claims he has also represented people involved in the "financial dealings of organized crime in Texas".

In Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal Torbitt claims that John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a "fascist cabal... who planned to lay the blame on honest right-wing conservatives, if their first ploy, to lay the blame on Oswald and the Communists, was not bought."

Torbitt argues that a Swiss Corporation named Permindex engineered the assassination. Also involved included Defense Industrial Security Command, organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan. Torbitt claims that DISC agents included Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby with Louis M. Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada in charge.

According to the author Permindex was comprised of:

(1) Solidarists, an Eastern European exile organization.

(2) American Council of Christian Churches led by Haroldson L. Hunt.

(3) Free Cuba Committee headed by Carlos Prio Socarras.

(4) The Syndicate headed by Clifford Jones, ex-lieutenant governor of Nevada. This group also included Bobby Baker, George Smathers, Roy Cohn, Fred Black and Lewis McWillie.

(5) Security Division of NASA headed by Wernher von Braun.

According to Torbitt, others involved in the assassination included Lyndon Johnson, Walter Jenkins, Fred Korth, John Connolly, William Seymour, Robert McKeown, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Lee Harvey Oswald, Ruth Paine, Micael Paine, Gordon Novel, and Clint Murchison. For example, he claims that Seymour impersonated Oswald in the School Book Depository and killed J. D. Tippit.

Torbitt adds that the "anti-Castro Cuban part of the plan was to tie the Castro regime into the murder of Kennedy and thus to have the U. S. military give all service to the overthrow of Castro".

In his book Who Shot JFK? (2002) Robin Ramsay argues that Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal was an attempt by the Central Intelligence Agency to link the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. "Torbitt took Garrison's inquiry into the ClA's links to the assassination and converted them into a story about the FBI's responsibility for the assassination. (This, in my view, tells us that the author/s of Torbitt were working for the CIA, trying to diminish the 'Garrison effect.')"

Torbitt also argues that J. Edgar Hoover and Louis M. Bloomfield planned the execution of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy. He names Albert Osborne as the man who organized these two assassinations.

What do members think of Torbitt's book?

You can read the full manuscript here:


The above link to Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal is broken. It can be found here:


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"L.M. Bloomfield, a lawyer of Montreal, Canada and a long time friend and confidant of J. Edgar Hoover, has been Hoover's contract supervisor of Division Five since his days in the OSS before World War II. Bloomfield held one-half of the shares of Permindex and was in total command of its operation in Europe and Africa as well as the North and South American continents. He was the co-ordinator of all activities responsible only to Hoover and Johnson in carrying out the plans for John Kennedy's assassination.34"

The above quote from Torbitt's book is false. It states that he held one half of the shares of Permindex. Bloomfield's role with Permindex was to act as a representative of some of Permindex's shareholders. The letter below, which I found in the Bloomfield collection at Library and Archives Canada descries his role.Bloomfield.pdf.

There is another document that can be found in the Library and Archives Canad Lawsuit thread. The document is from Michele Metta's CMC document collection. It is written in Italian and I translated both documents which state that Bloomfield holds shares as a proxy. A proxy is someone who  acts on someone else's behalf. Metta's CMC document corroborates Bloomfield's letter that he is representing some shareholders and does not have an ownership interest in either Permindex or CMC.

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On 11/1/2005 at 9:50 AM, John Simkin said:

William Torbitt is the pseudonymous author of Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (1970). When the book was published the author claimed he was a lawyer working in the southwestern part of the United States.

During the Second World War he served in the United States Navy. After completing a law degree from the University of Texas he worked as a prosecuting attorney (1949-51). He admits that his clients includes people involved in committing political murder. He claims he has also represented people involved in the "financial dealings of organized crime in Texas".

In Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal Torbitt claims that John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a "fascist cabal... who planned to lay the blame on honest right-wing conservatives, if their first ploy, to lay the blame on Oswald and the Communists, was not bought."

Torbitt argues that a Swiss Corporation named Permindex engineered the assassination. Also involved included Defense Industrial Security Command, organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan. Torbitt claims that DISC agents included Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby with Louis M. Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada in charge.

According to the author Permindex was comprised of:

(1) Solidarists, an Eastern European exile organization.

(2) American Council of Christian Churches led by Haroldson L. Hunt.

(3) Free Cuba Committee headed by Carlos Prio Socarras.

(4) The Syndicate headed by Clifford Jones, ex-lieutenant governor of Nevada. This group also included Bobby Baker, George Smathers, Roy Cohn, Fred Black and Lewis McWillie.

(5) Security Division of NASA headed by Wernher von Braun.

According to Torbitt, others involved in the assassination included Lyndon Johnson, Walter Jenkins, Fred Korth, John Connolly, William Seymour, Robert McKeown, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Lee Harvey Oswald, Ruth Paine, Micael Paine, Gordon Novel, and Clint Murchison. For example, he claims that Seymour impersonated Oswald in the School Book Depository and killed J. D. Tippit.

Torbitt adds that the "anti-Castro Cuban part of the plan was to tie the Castro regime into the murder of Kennedy and thus to have the U. S. military give all service to the overthrow of Castro".

In his book Who Shot JFK? (2002) Robin Ramsay argues that Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal was an attempt by the Central Intelligence Agency to link the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. "Torbitt took Garrison's inquiry into the ClA's links to the assassination and converted them into a story about the FBI's responsibility for the assassination. (This, in my view, tells us that the author/s of Torbitt were working for the CIA, trying to diminish the 'Garrison effect.')"

Torbitt also argues that J. Edgar Hoover and Louis M. Bloomfield planned the execution of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy. He names Albert Osborne as the man who organized these two assassinations.

What do members think of Torbitt's book?

You can read the full manuscript here:


Could not find the book in this link but found another version online.

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The Torbitt document contained bits of misinformation, red herrings and disinformation. Example of this is that it claim that Hoover aided Clay Shaw during Shaw's trial. This is typical misinformation because it was CIA who actually aided Clay Shaw. There are plenty of more examples.

Edited by Calvin Ye
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3 minutes ago, Calvin Ye said:

The Torbitt document contained bits of misinformation, red herrings and disinformation. Example of this is that it claim that Hoover aided Clay Shaw during Shaw's trial. This is typical misinformation because it was CIA who actually aided Clay Shaw. There are plenty of more examples.

Read the Torbitt Document, it is all misinformation. If you read the article about Permindex in Lyndon LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review you will see that they are almost the same. Both can be downloaded online. Not sure about William Copeland being the author as no one has provided definitive proof of who wrote it.

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9 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:

Read the Torbitt Document, it is all misinformation. If you read the article about Permindex in Lyndon LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review you will see that they are almost the same. Both can be downloaded online. Not sure about William Copeland being the author as no one has provided definitive proof of who wrote it.


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