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J. Edgar Hoover

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that's not the kind of bar (or sauna) I go to. LOL Except when I was driving a taxi and my dispatcher sent me there! The first time it was a very weird feeling walking in and realizing that all eyes were "on" me! I guess that's when I first experienced Hemingway's concept of "grace under pressure" on a personal level, and somehow managed to summon up a very manly voice and ask the bartender, "Who the H__ called for a cab?

Reminds me of the first time I went to Nashville. I checked into a cheap downtown hotel, then walked down the street to the nearest bar. I had no idea it was a gay bar, till I walked in and everybody in the place (it was pretty crowded) whistled at me.

I didn't say anything, I just turned around and walked out, as if to say, "Wrong number."

Back when I was in college I spent a summer in Berkeley, two girls I knew took me to a lesbian bar as a joke and I got a very weird vibe!

More recently a gay friend took me to a gay bar in Brazil which was OK except for the bathroom, let's just say I ended up peeing in the alleyway out back.

Edited by Len Colby
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It is no small coincidence that Guy Banister, who clearly knew Lee Harvey Oswald, was in charge of anti-Cuban operations in Mexico.

David Atlee Phillips: As we've seen, CIA propaganda expert Dave Phillips, a veteran of the CIA overthrow of Guatemala's government in 1954, was involved in both the Castro assassination plots and the CIA counterintelligence operation against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, working under Watergate's James McCord. By the Fall of 1963, he was in charge of anti-Cuban operations in Mexico City at the time of Oswald's visit, but was out of town and didn't return until about a week after Oswald left; a cable from Mexico City suggests the CIA station there held materials about Oswald's visit for Phillips to pick up. Every key source who tried to tie Oswald to Castro after the assassination had links to Phillips.


I still think that the key relationships here, as they relates to the Kennedy assassination cover up are Banister/Hoover, the FBI players of the Cuban Operation, and Jim Garrison, the official who helped Hoover and Johnson bury information about the illegal, Cuban operation.

Does the Warren Report mention the Cuban Operation?

Lynne, this thread began with your question, "Didn't Hoover frame Oswald?". It's turned into a gossip column about the gender-preferences of Hoover, which I find germane in only one small area.

Gerry Patrick Hemming declared when he was a member of the Forum some years ago that RFK himself put up the cash to find some dirt on Hoover, because Hoover was finding a lot of dirt on JFK. Hemming and his crew took that cash and found some dirt very quickly -- Mafia photographs of J. Edgar Hoover at parties in many types of compromising, gender-twisting positions.

This is irrelevant on a personal level, but it matters at a political level because it clearly drew a line in the sand between Hoover and the Kennedys. Most people in Washington cooperated with Hoover's game. But the Kennedys chose to fight back, and gave Hoover a dose of his own medicine.

There was no way to repair this, was there? Hoover at this point had to break all hopes of working with the Kennedys after this point. There was no turning back.

I don't find enough evidence to say that Hoover framed Oswald -- but I would love to see some if it's available.

In my current theory, former Major General Edwin A. Walker was the person who framed Oswald. He had a strong material motive -- he was aware (probably through FBI channels through Mr. and Mrs. Igor Voshinin who heard it from George DeMohrenschildt on 4/14/1963) that Lee Harvey Oswald was the one who shot into his living room on 4/10/1963.

Also, Walker was convinced (till the end of his life) that RFK himself hired Oswald to kill Walker.

Walker, as an officer of the Texas Minutemen, was also acquainted with Guy Banister, who was an officer of the Lousiana Minutemen. They started the process of framing Oswald, as a punishment for this crime.

Now, I have no doubt that Hoover would hear about this through the grapevine -- and his complicity in the crime is simply that he did nothing at all to stop it. All Hoover had to do was turn a blind eye.

Sure, Hoover hated the Kennedys, but he also had a good run of a career. He wouldn't risk his reputation on becoming personally involved. (And the same goes for LBJ, I believe). Rather, the only thing that the rich and powerful had to do was look the other way.

The people in the ground-crew that framed Oswald were professionals, and they did a professional job. Their hatred for RFK was so profound that they literally worked for RFK as they used RFK's own resources to kill JFK.

Operation Mongoose was RFK's own operation, controlled from the White House. Eladio del Valle said that RFK would personally call 544 Camp Street on a regular basis to ensure that the Castro-killing operations were making good progress. Yes, yes, of course, was their answer, as they used Operation Mongoose resources to plot the JFK assassination for November in Dallas.

I was finally convinced that this was the correct route to the truth when I read Gerry Hemming claim that he saw General Edwin Walker at Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana. Add this to the claim by David Atlee Phillips that he saw Lee Harvey Oswald at Lake Pontchartrain, as well.

Cuban Exiles play a major role in this. I have found very little about General Walker's interaction with the Cuban Exiles -- although one Forum member, Harry Dean, says he was an eye-witness to these events, and affirms that General Walker worked closely with Cuban Exiles during this period.

Two of these Cuban Exiles are on film with Lee Harvey Oswald, and are both noteworthy here. Edward Butler, a Cuban Exile, ran a radio station in Florida called Radio-Free-Cuba through a counter-revolutionary organization named INCA, which was funded liberally by the CIA through David Atlee Phillips, who also supported other militant Cuban Exile organizations like the CRC and the DRE. Carlos Bringuier, another Cuban Exile, and also a member of both CRC and DRE, was equally interested in propaganda. Butler and Bringuier were the main Latino sources for Bill Stuckey's radio show, "Latin Listening Post."

Guy Banister and David Ferrie manipulated Oswald very skillfully. Using Clay Shaw to grant Oswald a few dollars here and there, they convinced him that he had the right stuff to be their undercover operator. Probably they convinced Oswald to pretend to be an officer of the FPCC, because then he could get into Cuba overnight, kill Castro easily, then return to the USA for his fame and fortune.

That's why Oswald pretended to be an officer of the FPCC. (Remember that the FPCC officers in New York wanted nothing to do with this pretender, and Oswald had no members at all in his so-called organization.) But Guy Banister had to make the pretense look real.

So, Guy got together with some Cuban Exiles - Ed Butler and Carlos Bringuier, who also had offices at 544 Camp Street. Their plan was to use the radio and TV to film Oswald in the act of being an FPCC officer. They started with a fake fight on Canal Street to get them arrested and start some free publicity. They then moved to the "Latin Listening Post" radio show, rehearsing nearly every line.

Then Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler arranged to set up a TV show, starring Lee Harvey Oswald as the FPCC officer. Newspaper, radio and TV (and newspaper stories about the radio and TV spots) were the street credentials Oswald would take with him to Mexico.

Although this seems a bit corny -- this was the essential apparatus to frame Lee Harvey Oswald. The essence was to control him so that he posed as a communist for the whole world to see. He could not back out of that.

Further, Oswald had to be convinced that no matter how deeply he got involved as a double-agent, he would always be rescued by his comrades in arms. This explains why Oswald did not expose his accomplices when he was arrested in Dallas on 11/22/1963. He was always certain that he was going to get away with it.

So - that's my theory, Lynne. Hoover was aware of all this, because Guy Banister alone would be enough to guarantee Hoover's knowledge. When the file cabinets of Guy Banister were confiscated by the FBI the day he died - we lost our best evidence for the framing of Lee Harvey Oswald.

So what about General Walker? What was his role? In my current theory, Walker was waiting in Dallas when Lee Harvey Oswald came crawling back from Mexico City - a dismal failure as a fake FPCC officer. Nobody in Mexico believed Oswald - he was a joke. (Probably, too, Nagell told Oswald that he'd kill Oswald if the Mexican Consulate gave him passage to Cuba, so Oswald simply hired somebody else to pretend to be Oswald, to push his paperwork through. This would explain why the 'Oswald' that the Consulate recalled wasn't the real Oswald.)

In my current theory, General Walker was getting things ready for 11/22/1963. Walker had friends who could find or create a job anywhere in the city, at the drop of a hat. Walker had friends who could change the Presidential Parade Route, anytime he wanted. Walker had loyal followers who were among the world's best sharpshooters - whether former military, or Minutemen, or both. General Walker also had many friends in the Dallas Police Department. I believe these are simple facts.

With the patsy now completely sheep-dipped, economically dependent, and tamed as the failure he surely was -- he was ready for the Big Show.

Once again -- Hoover knew all about this -- probably every detail. But Hoover wasn't the one who framed Oswald, and he wasn't the one who planned the JFK assassination. His was the complicity of silence; he was surely an accomplice after the fact.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo, MA

Edited by Paul Trejo
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(Probably, too, Nagell told Oswald that he'd kill Oswald if the Mexican Consulate gave him passage to Cuba, so Oswald simply hired somebody else to pretend to be Oswald, to push his paperwork through. This would explain why the 'Oswald' that the Consulate recalled wasn't the real Oswald.)

Paul: Kill Oswald for the KGB? Interested in what you think Nagell's motives toward Oswald were.

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(Probably, too, Nagell told Oswald that he'd kill Oswald if the Mexican Consulate gave him passage to Cuba, so Oswald simply hired somebody else to pretend to be Oswald, to push his paperwork through. This would explain why the 'Oswald' that the Consulate recalled wasn't the real Oswald.)

Paul: Kill Oswald for the KGB? Interested in what you think Nagell's motives toward Oswald were.

David, I take my clues about Nagell from Dick Russell's book, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1992). So, in my view, Nagell was a double-agent, and he was charged with protecting Castro. He used this project and this cover to obtain information about the KGB for the CIA. But he would kill in order to protect his cover. Oswald was a small player in Nagell's world.

According to Dick Russell, Nagell warned Oswald several times about the company he was keeping. As an alleged communist, Oswald never joined the Communist Party, never went to communist rallies, and more importantly, never had any communist friends or associated with any communists - ever. Instead, Oswald moved in right-wing circles in New Orleans. His most common compatriots were Cuban Exiles (what Dean Andrews would call, 'Chicanos').

So Nagell warned Oswald that if Oswald went to Mexico, Nagell would follow him; and if Oswald tried to get passage to Cuba, Nagell would kill him. This is because Nagell was aware that Oswald's FPCC front was only a front, and that the FPCC did not trust Lee Harvey Oswald. It is possible that Nagell warned the Mexican and Cuban Consulates that a fake FPCC officer would try to obtain passage to Cuba.

Nagell would have killed Oswald if Oswald's fake FPCC street credentials would have worked. Not because Nagell was a communist, but because Nagell had to protect his own cover as a double-agent. Evidently Nagell believed he had bigger fish to fry than Lee Harvey Oswald.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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So, in my view, Nagell was a double-agent, and he was charged with protecting Castro. He used this project and this cover to obtain information about the KGB for the CIA.

Thanks, Paul. I've read Dick Russell's book several times, too. I forget the extent to which (before Nagell put himself in an American jail) the CIA knew about Nagell being compromised by having been duped into working for KGB.

Who was aware that Nagell was meeting with Kostikov? Was Nagell reporting on KGB-Mexico City to CIA? Could "Bob," the CIA operative who duped Nagell into handling a project for KGB, have tricked him on orders from both CIA and KGB - making Nagell a triple-agent?

Edited by David Andrews
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(Probably, too, Nagell told Oswald that he'd kill Oswald if the Mexican Consulate gave him passage to Cuba, so Oswald simply hired somebody else to pretend to be Oswald, to push his paperwork through. This would explain why the 'Oswald' that the Consulate recalled wasn't the real Oswald.)

Paul: Kill Oswald for the KGB? Interested in what you think Nagell's motives toward Oswald were.

David, I take my clues about Nagell from Dick Russell's book, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1992). So, in my view, Nagell was a double-agent, and he was charged with protecting Castro. He used this project and this cover to obtain information about the KGB for the CIA. But he would kill in order to protect his cover. Oswald was a small player in Nagell's world.

According to Dick Russell, Nagell warned Oswald several times about the company he was keeping. As an alleged communist, Oswald never joined the Communist Party, never went to communist rallies, and more importantly, never had any communist friends or associated with any communists - ever. Instead, Oswald moved in right-wing circles in New Orleans. His most common compatriots were Cuban Exiles (what Dean Andrews would call, 'Chicanos').

So Nagell warned Oswald that if Oswald went to Mexico, Nagell would follow him; and if Oswald tried to get passage to Cuba, Nagell would kill him. This is because Nagell was aware that Oswald's FPCC front was only a front, and that the FPCC did not trust Lee Harvey Oswald. It is possible that Nagell warned the Mexican and Cuban Consulates that a fake FPCC officer would try to obtain passage to Cuba.

Nagell would have killed Oswald if Oswald's fake FPCC street credentials would have worked. Not because Nagell was a communist, but because Nagell had to protect his own cover as a double-agent. Evidently Nagell believed he had bigger fish to fry than Lee Harvey Oswald.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo


Makes sense to me. Helps me to understand TMWKTM.


--Tommy :)

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So, in my view, Nagell was a double-agent, and he was charged with protecting Castro. He used this project and this cover to obtain information about the KGB for the CIA.

Thanks, Paul. I've read Dick Russell's book several times, too. I forget the extent to which (before Nagell put himself in an American jail) the CIA knew about Nagell being compromised by having been duped into working for KGB.

Who was aware that Nagell was meeting with Kostikov? Was Nagell reporting on KGB-Mexico City to CIA? Could "Bob," the CIA operative who duped Nagell into handling a project for KGB, have tricked him on orders from both CIA and KGB - making Nagell a triple-agent?

David, I'm unaware of Nagell's full motives, but it's an interesting question. Being a spy is a thankless job -- and if a spy gets caught, the Government disowns that spy immediately. "Never heard of him."

That's pretty bad, but the fate of a double-agent is twice as bad. Only one side must know that this spy is a double-agent, otherwise it won't work. But even then, the side that knows that this spy is a double-agent is always suspicious that they are being tricked by the other side (i.e. that he is a double-crossing double-agent, a.k.a. a triple-agent).

In other words, every double-agent is always under suspicion of being a triple-agent, no matter what.

Although Nagell eventually confessed to being a double-agent, he never divulged details of his cases. That's why Jim Garrison couldn't use Nagell -- Nagell would say, "that's classified" for almost every question. The interviewer was simply supposed to take his word about his anecdotes of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Dick Russell used Nagell quite skillfully, IMHO. He didn't press him, but carefully followed each lead to see where it led -- and Nagell was usually correct.

So, presuming that Nagell told the truth when he said he was a double-agent, the answers to your questions would look like this:

(1) The CIA and KGB were both aware that Nagell was meeting with Kostikov.

(2) Nagell was certainly reporting on KGB-Mexico City to the CIA.

(3) When it comes to the work of spying, with its endless denials, endless lies and endless secrets, anything is possible.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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  • 8 months later...

Under-age lovers, transvestite tendencies and a porn stash - featuring Joan Crawford: New book exposes secret world of J. Edgar Hoover

By Daniel Bates

Daily Mail

Last updated at 9:56 AM on 9th February, 2012


The author, Darwin Porter, also co-wrote this classic: http://www.amazon.co...ref=rdr_ext_tmb

From the publisher:

The Kennedys: All the Gossip Unfit for Print

No other book in the history of publishing has assembled in one volume 80 years of pansexual scandals associated with the Kennedys-all in one guilty pleasure of a sizzling book. Meticulously researched, it showcases the indiscretions and extramarital romps of America's most famous political clan. In addition to lesser known and often shocking scandals about Jack (Mr. President), other parts of this pioneering page-turner will be devoted to Bobby and Teddy, with extra space reserved for founding father Joseph P. Kennedy when he operated as a libidinous Hollywood mogul. Paparazzi cameras zoom in on that uber-goddess of all things glam, Jackie, documenting her many love affairs, which were matched only by America's Prince Charming, her son, John-John, a horny young man with a gleam in his eyes. The Kennedys is illustrated with hundreds of candid photographs.

Most of the book is reproduced in Amazon's Look Inside feature.

Darwin Porter was working for the Miami Herald about the time things were starting to heat up. From his Amazon biography:

Darwin Porter (born 1937) is known as one of the writers of the Frommer's travel guides and a sensationalist Hollywood biographer known for books whose source material derives from transcription of oral dialogues from living witnesses of not-widely-publicized events and relationships in the entertainment industry. Porter was born in western North Carolina and grew up in Miami Beach, Florida. He attended the University of Miami and graduated in 1959. At the age of 20, he became an entertainment columnist for The Miami Herald, later being made bureau chief in Key West. He has written biographies of Merv Griffin, Michael Jackson, Steve McQueen, Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, Howard Hughes, Katharine Hepburn, and Paul Newman, in many cases after their deaths. Most of these biographies have illuminated aspects of Hollywood history hitherto unknown to the general public.

Darwin Porter's latest book alleges another JFK tryst: http://www.huffingto..._n_1956906.html

Huffington got Porter's name wrong (Potter): http://www.amazon.co...e/dp/1936003317

(Posted with some reluctance - I don't think much of this genre.)

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(Posted with some reluctance - I don't think much of this genre.)

But some do.

This, of course, is just the most recent installment in the disturbing trend that has been dominating popular culture now for two decades: the bringing down of our national icons, demonizing them, smearing them with as much vile and unsupportable innuendo as the market will allow. And why not? These people cannot complain from the grave. Hence distortion, defamation, and outright lies that serve further to incite media bias are routinely accepted as that norm.


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  • 2 weeks later...

He framed Lee Harvey Oswald, didn't he?

Lynne, I don't think that J. Edgar Hoover framed Lee Harvey Oswald -- but I do believe that J. Edgar Hoover knew about the framing of Oswald, and knew the persons who framed Oswald, and looked the other way when it happened, and joined in the cover-up of the framing of Oswald. In other words, J. Edgar Hoover protected the people who framed Lee Harvey Oswald.

If this is correct, then knowing the politics of Hoover, we can surmise the politics of the persons whom Hoover protected, because Hoover would not have protected persons with politics hostile to his own.

Insofar as Hoover was extremely conservative (if not reactionary) in politics, we can expect that the people Hoover protected were also extremely conservative (or even reactionary) politically.

There are many shades of grey in the nuances between political affiliations. For example, Hoover issued a mandate in 1961 that no FBI agent could ever be a member of the John Birch Society, because Robert Welch and the JBS had declared US Presidents FDR, Truman and Ike to be Communists.

That was not conservative -- that was radical, in the opinion of J. Edgar Hoover (and all conservative Americans).

Nevertheless, the JBS was also at war with Chief Justice Earl Warren, the United Nations and world Communism, and they practically worshipped the ground that the late Senator Joseph McCarthy walked upon. These are points that most conservative Americans could find in common with the JBS.

IMHO, the JBS and ex-General Walker were closest to the ground-crew in the JFK assassination and in the framing of Lee Harvey Oswald. These individuals were to the right of J. Edgar Hoover, but still close enough politically that Hoover would be interested in protecting them.

IMHO, Hoover did not frame Oswald -- but he was part of the cover-up. Hoover knew who framed Oswald and he was, as Sylvia Meagher declared, "an accomplice after the fact."

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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In an odd twist, I do believe Hoover (or perhaps an odd sense) compromised Oswald by his total and final disassociation with him post JFK hit. Definitely agree with Trejo here with being an accessory after the fact though there could exist evidence to support that Hoover was an accessory before the fact.

Mr. Copeland, I wonder what you might consider to be evidence that Hoover could have been an accessory before the fact.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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I think that any good historian who carefully analyzes this November 29 document and compares it with the Warren Commission report cannot avoid the conclusion that Hoover Framed Oswald.

In particular, these are the most interesting parts:

...that there are a number of stories which tied Oswald to the Civil Liberties Union in New York in which he applied for membership and to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee which is pro-Castro, directed by communists, and financed to some extent by the Castro Government.

The President asked how many shots were fired, and I told him three. He then asked if any were fired at him. I said no, that three shots were fired at the President and we have them. I stated that our ballistic experts were able to prove the shots were fired by this gun; that the President was hit by the first and third bullets and the second hit the Governor; that there were three shots; that one complete bullet rolled out of the President's head; that it tore a large part of the President's head off; that in trying to massage his heart on the way into the hospital they loosened the bullet which fell on the stretcher and we have that.

He then asked were they aimed at the President. I replied they were aimed at the President, no question about that.

I further advised him that we have also tested the fact you could fire those three shots in three seconds. I explained that there is a story out that there must have been more than one man to fire several shots but we have proven it could be done by one man.

The President then asked how it happened that Connally was hit. I explained that Connally turned to the President when the first shot was fired and in that turning he got hit. The President then asked, if Connally had not been in his seat, would the President have been hit by the second shot. I said yes.

The President then indicated our conclusions are: (1) he is the one who did it; (2) after the President was hit, Governor Connally was hit; (3) the President would have been hit three times except for the fact that Governor Connally turned after the first shot and was hit by the second; (4) whether he was connected with the Cuban operation with money we are trying to nail down. I told him that is what we are trying to nail down; that we have copies of the correspondence; that none of the letters dealt with any indication of violence or assassination; that they were dealing with a visa to go back to Russia.


It is interesting that the only questions that Hoover raises about Oswald concern the Cuban operation, specifically,

(4) whether he was connected with the Cuban operation with money we are trying to nail down. I told him that is what we are trying to nail down; that we have copies of the correspondence; that none of the letters dealt with any indication of violence or assassination; that they were dealing with a visa to go back to Russia.


Given his detailed knowledge about everything except the Cuban operation, is it not safe to assume that it related to Jack Ruby's gunrunning operation to Cuba, I think my previous effort to link it to Hunt, is wrong.

The words Money, Cuba and guns spell gunnrunning to Cuba, in my opinion, and Guy Banister, Hoover's former pal, coordinated that effort out of New Orleans -not to mention the fact that Guy Banister was probably Garrison's pal as well, and it is difficult to imagine an illegal plot to send guns to Cuba without Garrison's consent.

Lynn, I'd like to review the points you made several years ago regarding that memo from Hoover published seven days after the JFK assassination (although your link no longer works):

(1) Hoover noted that Oswald could be tied to the ACLU. Today that means little, but many Americans in 1963 believed (falsely) that the ACLU was a communist organization. The FBI did not officially consider the ACLU to be a communist organization, but Hoover knew that many Americans considered the ACLU to be Communist. This is because many Americans in 1963 (those that Hoover valued most) believed that racial integration in public schools was a Communist plot organized by Martin Luther King Jr. and others in the Civil Rights movement.

(2) Hoover noted that Oswald applied for membership to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee which is pro-Castro, directed by communists, and financed to some extent by the Castro Government. Hoover did not care to notice that Oswald might have applied for FPCC membership in order to spy on the FPCC on behalf of Guy Banister, whose office building he shared at 544 Camp Street in New Orleans. Again, it was mainly important to Hoover that many Americans in 1963 believed that Oswald wanted to support Communism.

(3) Hoover told LBJ that 3 shots were fired; that all three bullets were fired by one rifle; that JFK was hit by the 1st and 3rd bullets and the 2nd hit Connally; that the head-shot bullet was the one that fell on the stretcher at Parkland Memorial Hospital. This is an amazing fiction in the light of all the ballistics evidence that appeared later, yet Hoover was perfectly confident that these lies would fly.

(4) Hoover told LBJ that the FBI tested the proposal that anybody could fire 3 shots in 3 seconds, and "proved" it could be done. Hoover evidently did not yet know that Jim Tague standing by the underpass was hit by a stray bullet -- making four shots.

Furthermore, Hoover did not care to note that another bullet was later discovered inside JFK by doctors at Bethsaida hospital. Hoover did not care to note that Connally had sustained three separate bullet wounds. Hoover did not care to note that additional bullet holes were counted in the Presidential limosine. In other words, Hoover was very keen to spread a fiction about the JFK killing -- and clearly the fiction had been prepared in advance -- possibly long in advance.

This is probably what you meant, Lynn, when you proposed that Hoover "framed" Oswald. One could clearly argue that case.

Yet, IMHO, framing Lee Harvey Oswald was a procedure that began on 14 April 1963 to be precise, and J. Edgar Hoover knew nothing about it until after the JFK shooting.

Framing Oswald took its deepest dive in August, 1963, in New Ordleans, when Lee Harvey Oswald worked overtime with Carlos Bringuier and Ed Butler (using money from Clay Shaw and office at 544 Camp Street, shared with Guy Banister and David Ferrie) in order to get Oswald's name and picture in the newspaper, the radio and on television, always promoting Oswald as a (fake) officer of the FPCC.

In other words, the persons who framed Oswald were the persons who talked Oswald into pretending to be a Communist for the newspaper, the radio and the television, all in New Orleans, and all during August, 1963.

According to Marina Oswald, Lee took all these newspaper clippings with him to Mexico City, to the consulates of Cuba and the USSR, to convince them that he was a Communist who deserved to be admitted to Cuba without further ado. The Consulate Staff refused to believe Oswald. Oswald got angry and pushy, and was naive enough to believe that would help his case.

But that was not the most important event. Unknown to Oswald, the newspaper, radio and television exposure that he received in New Orleans that had consistently portrayed him as an officer of the FPCC, an obviously Communist organization, had a secondary purpose. That news exposure was used to spread among rightist circles, and even the FBI, to show material evidence to the American public that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist.

As a Communist, Oswald was the perfect patsy for the assassination of JFK just as the right-wing in Dallas (i.e. ex-General Edwin Walker and his Minutemen) had planned it since 14 April 1963.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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