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Dealy Plaza Survey Data

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Chester Breneman...Mr. B.

So according to Mr. Breneman, (with West) he surveyed Dealey Plaza for Life Magazine on Monday, using Zapruder's perch as a point of reference, and with still prints of the Z-film, one of which showed JFK's head matter spraying backwards that isn't on the film we have today.

The conclusion they all agreed upon was that there were two shooters.

The Life Magazine team that hired him, which he described as an "investigators," were lodged at the Adolphis Hotel.

Who were these investigators from Life, and what became of the still prints of the film?


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So Mr. West and his associate Mr. B.? were hired to survey Dealey Plaza first by Life Mag, especially in regards to Z-film and then by the Warren Commission, but when the WC Report was published, they changed the figures?


As I understand what Tom Purvis writes, the TIME/LIFE survey came on 11/26/63; the Secret Service survey on 12/5/63; the "survey" of positons provided by the FBI on 2/7/64...and in the WCR, the cardboard "representation" of the survey was introduced as evidence, but the actual survey was not unsealed, IIRC, so the WC never got to see it...they only got to hear what FBI agent Shaneyfelt TOLD them was in the survey.

And the data block in the WC Report does NOT have the same figures as the one on the original SS survey of 12/5/63...although it putports to be a "copy" of the actual survey.

Hopefully, Tom will post and correct whatever misinterpretations I have made of his work.

In event that anyone cares, I am neither deceased nor even ill!

Merely that lightening took out our phone line and we do not have internet connection at the house.

Suprisingly, I actually get a lot more work done now, without the internet ability.

Currently on a library Computer.

For those who may have interest in facts, the "FIRST SHOT"/aka CE399 facts, began being published in the George County Times back in November of 2009.

One may be able to contact the newspaper and find old back issues, but it is unlikely.

George County Times

Lucedale, Mississippi

ATTN: Mr. Buddy Sellers.

As to the question!

1. The Time/Life survey work was done, as indicated, on 11/26/63.

Due to the "no-notice" of this requested work, Mr. West did not have a survey "Party Chief" available as his crews were already designated far in advance for other tasks.

He therefore contacted Breneman, who did part-time survey work for Mr. West, as well as others, and Breneman and others from Mr. West's office conducted the survey.

The Breneman work is highly inaccurate due to many reasons, but was apparantly sufficient to satisfy Time/Life.

As a result of inaccuracies in the actual survey, the survey plat also, by nature of the data, has inaccuracies in it as well.

Other than this work, Breneman was not employed for any of the other surveys which were performed strictly by Mr. West's crews and often with Mr. West's direct supervision.

2. The Secret Service Survey Plat (& re-enactment) which is dated 12/5/63 is in fact the culmination of survey work which was done on December 2, 3, & 4th, in which extremely accurate survey data as well as vertical control was carried into and utilized in the survey work.

This work produced information which was thereafter utilized in the FBI Survey Plat as well as the Warren Commission survey plat.

This survey plats the impact point of each of the three shots fired, and the second shot impact location/aka Z313 impact is only a foot or so away from the WC's plotting of the impact location.

And, as previoulsy indicated, the third shot impact is some 30-feet farther down Elm St., directly in front of where James Altgens was standing, approximately 5-feet prior to the second yellow curb stripe.

3. The FBI Survey Plat (& re-enactment) occurred on 2/7/64. Actually, very little survey work was done as this "scam" merely attempted to move the second/aka Z313 impact back up Elm St. a few feet to a point at which JBC is observed "reacting".

And, for those who have never observed the difference, there exists a big difference between "reacting" to having been hit by a shot, as opposed to "reacting" to being shot at.

Nevertheless, the FBI Survey Plat left the third/last/final impact location (down directly in front of James Altgens location) on their Survey Plat.

This survey plat is the one which they have attempted to palm off as being the SS Survey Plat which erroneously platted the second shot impact location, and which plat is seen in the WC documents as well as the Dallas Archives.

I have repeatedly informed that one should look down in the "legend" block and they will find in the revision block: 2/7/64.

Which, anyone who also took drafting and/or mechanical drawing, would understand the significance of.

4. Then, along came the WC, who made the first shot impact location (which was the same for the SS as well as FBI survey plat) disappear.

Then, due to other "magical" capabilities, they made the third/last/final shot impact location disappear.

Then, they accurately surveyed in the Z313/aka Second shot impact location which was less than 1-foot from where the SS had previously surveyed it in, and then gave us all "THE SHOT THAT MISSED".

5. And, in making the first shot location completely disappear, the WC altered their own survey data, and slightly shifted camera locations, and gave us their purportedly "accurate" re-enactment for the Z210 vicinity, while claiming that they did not even get these frames of the film and also neglected to publish these frames of the film.

6. Lastly, not to leave anything open to chance, on paperwork, they "moved" James Algens location back up Elm St. to a point at which he would have been standing somewhere between where the lamp post comes into view and Mary Moormen/Jean Hill are standing.

Then, Shaneyfelt informed us that there was nothing past Z334 worth seeing, which also just so happens to be just prior to James Altgens actually coming into view in the film.

Now, perhaps one can understand "Tom's saying".

"There is no Magic. However,

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear"

Are we having fun yet?????????????

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So Mr. West and his associate Mr. B.? were hired to survey Dealey Plaza first by Life Mag, especially in regards to Z-film and then by the Warren Commission, but when the WC Report was published, they changed the figures?


As I understand what Tom Purvis writes, the TIME/LIFE survey came on 11/26/63; the Secret Service survey on 12/5/63; the "survey" of positons provided by the FBI on 2/7/64...and in the WCR, the cardboard "representation" of the survey was introduced as evidence, but the actual survey was not unsealed, IIRC, so the WC never got to see it...they only got to hear what FBI agent Shaneyfelt TOLD them was in the survey.

And the data block in the WC Report does NOT have the same figures as the one on the original SS survey of 12/5/63...although it putports to be a "copy" of the actual survey.

Hopefully, Tom will post and correct whatever misinterpretations I have made of his work.

In event that anyone cares, I am neither deceased nor even ill!

Merely that lightening took out our phone line and we do not have internet connection at the house.

Suprisingly, I actually get a lot more work done now, without the internet ability.

Currently on a library Computer.

For those who may have interest in facts, the "FIRST SHOT"/aka CE399 facts, began being published in the George County Times back in November of 2009.

One may be able to contact the newspaper and find old back issues, but it is unlikely.

George County Times

Lucedale, Mississippi

ATTN: Mr. Buddy Sellers.

As to the question!

1. The Time/Life survey work was done, as indicated, on 11/26/63.

Due to the "no-notice" of this requested work, Mr. West did not have a survey "Party Chief" available as his crews were already designated far in advance for other tasks.

He therefore contacted Breneman, who did part-time survey work for Mr. West, as well as others, and Breneman and others from Mr. West's office conducted the survey.

The Breneman work is highly inaccurate due to many reasons, but was apparantly sufficient to satisfy Time/Life.

As a result of inaccuracies in the actual survey, the survey plat also, by nature of the data, has inaccuracies in it as well.

Other than this work, Breneman was not employed for any of the other surveys which were performed strictly by Mr. West's crews and often with Mr. West's direct supervision.

2. The Secret Service Survey Plat (& re-enactment) which is dated 12/5/63 is in fact the culmination of survey work which was done on December 2, 3, & 4th, in which extremely accurate survey data as well as vertical control was carried into and utilized in the survey work.

This work produced information which was thereafter utilized in the FBI Survey Plat as well as the Warren Commission survey plat.

This survey plats the impact point of each of the three shots fired, and the second shot impact location/aka Z313 impact is only a foot or so away from the WC's plotting of the impact location.

And, as previoulsy indicated, the third shot impact is some 30-feet farther down Elm St., directly in front of where James Altgens was standing, approximately 5-feet prior to the second yellow curb stripe.

3. The FBI Survey Plat (& re-enactment) occurred on 2/7/64. Actually, very little survey work was done as this "scam" merely attempted to move the second/aka Z313 impact back up Elm St. a few feet to a point at which JBC is observed "reacting".

And, for those who have never observed the difference, there exists a big difference between "reacting" to having been hit by a shot, as opposed to "reacting" to being shot at.

Nevertheless, the FBI Survey Plat left the third/last/final impact location (down directly in front of James Altgens location) on their Survey Plat.

This survey plat is the one which they have attempted to palm off as being the SS Survey Plat which erroneously platted the second shot impact location, and which plat is seen in the WC documents as well as the Dallas Archives.

I have repeatedly informed that one should look down in the "legend" block and they will find in the revision block: 2/7/64.

Which, anyone who also took drafting and/or mechanical drawing, would understand the significance of.

4. Then, along came the WC, who made the first shot impact location (which was the same for the SS as well as FBI survey plat) disappear.

Then, due to other "magical" capabilities, they made the third/last/final shot impact location disappear.

Then, they accurately surveyed in the Z313/aka Second shot impact location which was less than 1-foot from where the SS had previously surveyed it in, and then gave us all "THE SHOT THAT MISSED".

5. And, in making the first shot location completely disappear, the WC altered their own survey data, and slightly shifted camera locations, and gave us their purportedly "accurate" re-enactment for the Z210 vicinity, while claiming that they did not even get these frames of the film and also neglected to publish these frames of the film.

6. Lastly, not to leave anything open to chance, on paperwork, they "moved" James Algens location back up Elm St. to a point at which he would have been standing somewhere between where the lamp post comes into view and Mary Moormen/Jean Hill are standing.

Then, Shaneyfelt informed us that there was nothing past Z334 worth seeing, which also just so happens to be just prior to James Altgens actually coming into view in the film.

Now, perhaps one can understand "Tom's saying".

"There is no Magic. However,

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear"

Are we having fun yet?????????????

great to see you posting when possible, Tom! Hope all is well...

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So Mr. West and his associate Mr. B.? were hired to survey Dealey Plaza first by Life Mag, especially in regards to Z-film and then by the Warren Commission, but when the WC Report was published, they changed the figures?


As I understand what Tom Purvis writes, the TIME/LIFE survey came on 11/26/63; the Secret Service survey on 12/5/63; the "survey" of positons provided by the FBI on 2/7/64...and in the WCR, the cardboard "representation" of the survey was introduced as evidence, but the actual survey was not unsealed, IIRC, so the WC never got to see it...they only got to hear what FBI agent Shaneyfelt TOLD them was in the survey.

And the data block in the WC Report does NOT have the same figures as the one on the original SS survey of 12/5/63...although it putports to be a "copy" of the actual survey.

Hopefully, Tom will post and correct whatever misinterpretations I have made of his work.

In event that anyone cares, I am neither deceased nor even ill!

Merely that lightening took out our phone line and we do not have internet connection at the house.

Suprisingly, I actually get a lot more work done now, without the internet ability.

Currently on a library Computer.

For those who may have interest in facts, the "FIRST SHOT"/aka CE399 facts, began being published in the George County Times back in November of 2009.

One may be able to contact the newspaper and find old back issues, but it is unlikely.

George County Times

Lucedale, Mississippi

ATTN: Mr. Buddy Sellers.

As to the question!

1. The Time/Life survey work was done, as indicated, on 11/26/63.

Due to the "no-notice" of this requested work, Mr. West did not have a survey "Party Chief" available as his crews were already designated far in advance for other tasks.

He therefore contacted Breneman, who did part-time survey work for Mr. West, as well as others, and Breneman and others from Mr. West's office conducted the survey.

The Breneman work is highly inaccurate due to many reasons, but was apparantly sufficient to satisfy Time/Life.

As a result of inaccuracies in the actual survey, the survey plat also, by nature of the data, has inaccuracies in it as well.

Other than this work, Breneman was not employed for any of the other surveys which were performed strictly by Mr. West's crews and often with Mr. West's direct supervision.

2. The Secret Service Survey Plat (& re-enactment) which is dated 12/5/63 is in fact the culmination of survey work which was done on December 2, 3, & 4th, in which extremely accurate survey data as well as vertical control was carried into and utilized in the survey work.

This work produced information which was thereafter utilized in the FBI Survey Plat as well as the Warren Commission survey plat.

This survey plats the impact point of each of the three shots fired, and the second shot impact location/aka Z313 impact is only a foot or so away from the WC's plotting of the impact location.

And, as previoulsy indicated, the third shot impact is some 30-feet farther down Elm St., directly in front of where James Altgens was standing, approximately 5-feet prior to the second yellow curb stripe.

3. The FBI Survey Plat (& re-enactment) occurred on 2/7/64. Actually, very little survey work was done as this "scam" merely attempted to move the second/aka Z313 impact back up Elm St. a few feet to a point at which JBC is observed "reacting".

And, for those who have never observed the difference, there exists a big difference between "reacting" to having been hit by a shot, as opposed to "reacting" to being shot at.

Nevertheless, the FBI Survey Plat left the third/last/final impact location (down directly in front of James Altgens location) on their Survey Plat.

This survey plat is the one which they have attempted to palm off as being the SS Survey Plat which erroneously platted the second shot impact location, and which plat is seen in the WC documents as well as the Dallas Archives.

I have repeatedly informed that one should look down in the "legend" block and they will find in the revision block: 2/7/64.

Which, anyone who also took drafting and/or mechanical drawing, would understand the significance of.

4. Then, along came the WC, who made the first shot impact location (which was the same for the SS as well as FBI survey plat) disappear.

Then, due to other "magical" capabilities, they made the third/last/final shot impact location disappear.

Then, they accurately surveyed in the Z313/aka Second shot impact location which was less than 1-foot from where the SS had previously surveyed it in, and then gave us all "THE SHOT THAT MISSED".

5. And, in making the first shot location completely disappear, the WC altered their own survey data, and slightly shifted camera locations, and gave us their purportedly "accurate" re-enactment for the Z210 vicinity, while claiming that they did not even get these frames of the film and also neglected to publish these frames of the film.

6. Lastly, not to leave anything open to chance, on paperwork, they "moved" James Algens location back up Elm St. to a point at which he would have been standing somewhere between where the lamp post comes into view and Mary Moormen/Jean Hill are standing.

Then, Shaneyfelt informed us that there was nothing past Z334 worth seeing, which also just so happens to be just prior to James Altgens actually coming into view in the film.

Now, perhaps one can understand "Tom's saying".

"There is no Magic. However,

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear"

Are we having fun yet?????????????

great to see you posting when possible, Tom! Hope all is well...

Just came into the library in order to make a couple of copies of some WC documents for those "full-page" articles which are being run in the local/home-town newspaper.

As difficult as it may be for some to accept:

1. Three shots.

2. Three hits.


4. LHO was an absolutely excellent shot when shooting from a fixed position at targets of 300 yards.

5. The Model 91/38 Short Rifle is an excellent weapon of choice, which compares in accuracy with the U.S. issue M14. (which still happens to be the basis for many current sniper rifles).

And, as hard as it may be for some to accept, the Warren Commission is a lie/aka intentional misrepresentation of the simple facts of the assassination event.

"Failure to understand the evidence has no bearing on the validity of that evidence. As a general rule, it merely means that one does not understand the evidence."

(Tom Purvis)

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So Mr. West and his associate Mr. B.? were hired to survey Dealey Plaza first by Life Mag, especially in regards to Z-film and then by the Warren Commission, but when the WC Report was published, they changed the figures?


As I understand what Tom Purvis writes, the TIME/LIFE survey came on 11/26/63; the Secret Service survey on 12/5/63; the "survey" of positons provided by the FBI on 2/7/64...and in the WCR, the cardboard "representation" of the survey was introduced as evidence, but the actual survey was not unsealed, IIRC, so the WC never got to see it...they only got to hear what FBI agent Shaneyfelt TOLD them was in the survey.

And the data block in the WC Report does NOT have the same figures as the one on the original SS survey of 12/5/63...although it putports to be a "copy" of the actual survey.

Hopefully, Tom will post and correct whatever misinterpretations I have made of his work.

In event that anyone cares, I am neither deceased nor even ill!

Merely that lightening took out our phone line and we do not have internet connection at the house.

Suprisingly, I actually get a lot more work done now, without the internet ability.

Currently on a library Computer.

For those who may have interest in facts, the "FIRST SHOT"/aka CE399 facts, began being published in the George County Times back in November of 2009.

One may be able to contact the newspaper and find old back issues, but it is unlikely.

George County Times

Lucedale, Mississippi

ATTN: Mr. Buddy Sellers.

As to the question!

1. The Time/Life survey work was done, as indicated, on 11/26/63.

Due to the "no-notice" of this requested work, Mr. West did not have a survey "Party Chief" available as his crews were already designated far in advance for other tasks.

He therefore contacted Breneman, who did part-time survey work for Mr. West, as well as others, and Breneman and others from Mr. West's office conducted the survey.

The Breneman work is highly inaccurate due to many reasons, but was apparantly sufficient to satisfy Time/Life.

As a result of inaccuracies in the actual survey, the survey plat also, by nature of the data, has inaccuracies in it as well.

Other than this work, Breneman was not employed for any of the other surveys which were performed strictly by Mr. West's crews and often with Mr. West's direct supervision.

2. The Secret Service Survey Plat (& re-enactment) which is dated 12/5/63 is in fact the culmination of survey work which was done on December 2, 3, & 4th, in which extremely accurate survey data as well as vertical control was carried into and utilized in the survey work.

This work produced information which was thereafter utilized in the FBI Survey Plat as well as the Warren Commission survey plat.

This survey plats the impact point of each of the three shots fired, and the second shot impact location/aka Z313 impact is only a foot or so away from the WC's plotting of the impact location.

And, as previoulsy indicated, the third shot impact is some 30-feet farther down Elm St., directly in front of where James Altgens was standing, approximately 5-feet prior to the second yellow curb stripe.

3. The FBI Survey Plat (& re-enactment) occurred on 2/7/64. Actually, very little survey work was done as this "scam" merely attempted to move the second/aka Z313 impact back up Elm St. a few feet to a point at which JBC is observed "reacting".

And, for those who have never observed the difference, there exists a big difference between "reacting" to having been hit by a shot, as opposed to "reacting" to being shot at.

Nevertheless, the FBI Survey Plat left the third/last/final impact location (down directly in front of James Altgens location) on their Survey Plat.

This survey plat is the one which they have attempted to palm off as being the SS Survey Plat which erroneously platted the second shot impact location, and which plat is seen in the WC documents as well as the Dallas Archives.

I have repeatedly informed that one should look down in the "legend" block and they will find in the revision block: 2/7/64.

Which, anyone who also took drafting and/or mechanical drawing, would understand the significance of.

4. Then, along came the WC, who made the first shot impact location (which was the same for the SS as well as FBI survey plat) disappear.

Then, due to other "magical" capabilities, they made the third/last/final shot impact location disappear.

Then, they accurately surveyed in the Z313/aka Second shot impact location which was less than 1-foot from where the SS had previously surveyed it in, and then gave us all "THE SHOT THAT MISSED".

5. And, in making the first shot location completely disappear, the WC altered their own survey data, and slightly shifted camera locations, and gave us their purportedly "accurate" re-enactment for the Z210 vicinity, while claiming that they did not even get these frames of the film and also neglected to publish these frames of the film.

6. Lastly, not to leave anything open to chance, on paperwork, they "moved" James Algens location back up Elm St. to a point at which he would have been standing somewhere between where the lamp post comes into view and Mary Moormen/Jean Hill are standing.

Then, Shaneyfelt informed us that there was nothing past Z334 worth seeing, which also just so happens to be just prior to James Altgens actually coming into view in the film.

Now, perhaps one can understand "Tom's saying".

"There is no Magic. However,

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear"

Are we having fun yet?????????????

Mr. Purvis,

Have you ever considered the possibility of putting up a web site where all of your extremely valuable information would be available for everyone to see? The advantages would be:

1) A great resource for the research community.

2) You'd be assured credit for your work.

3) No chance your materials could ever be lost - fire, theft, nasty heirs or whatever - or altered.

4) No official repository, everybody gets to see everything any time it's useful for them.

As you well know you have some unique and important materials. Ironically, the best way to safeguard them maybe to give a copy to everyone for safekeeping.

Best regards to you,


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Very relieved to hear you're well, Tom.

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So Mr. West and his associate Mr. B.? were hired to survey Dealey Plaza first by Life Mag, especially in regards to Z-film and then by the Warren Commission, but when the WC Report was published, they changed the figures?


As I understand what Tom Purvis writes, the TIME/LIFE survey came on 11/26/63; the Secret Service survey on 12/5/63; the "survey" of positons provided by the FBI on 2/7/64...and in the WCR, the cardboard "representation" of the survey was introduced as evidence, but the actual survey was not unsealed, IIRC, so the WC never got to see it...they only got to hear what FBI agent Shaneyfelt TOLD them was in the survey.

And the data block in the WC Report does NOT have the same figures as the one on the original SS survey of 12/5/63...although it putports to be a "copy" of the actual survey.

Hopefully, Tom will post and correct whatever misinterpretations I have made of his work.

In event that anyone cares, I am neither deceased nor even ill!

Merely that lightening took out our phone line and we do not have internet connection at the house.

Suprisingly, I actually get a lot more work done now, without the internet ability.

Currently on a library Computer.

For those who may have interest in facts, the "FIRST SHOT"/aka CE399 facts, began being published in the George County Times back in November of 2009.

One may be able to contact the newspaper and find old back issues, but it is unlikely.

George County Times

Lucedale, Mississippi

ATTN: Mr. Buddy Sellers.

As to the question!

1. The Time/Life survey work was done, as indicated, on 11/26/63.

Due to the "no-notice" of this requested work, Mr. West did not have a survey "Party Chief" available as his crews were already designated far in advance for other tasks.

He therefore contacted Breneman, who did part-time survey work for Mr. West, as well as others, and Breneman and others from Mr. West's office conducted the survey.

The Breneman work is highly inaccurate due to many reasons, but was apparantly sufficient to satisfy Time/Life.

As a result of inaccuracies in the actual survey, the survey plat also, by nature of the data, has inaccuracies in it as well.

Other than this work, Breneman was not employed for any of the other surveys which were performed strictly by Mr. West's crews and often with Mr. West's direct supervision.

2. The Secret Service Survey Plat (& re-enactment) which is dated 12/5/63 is in fact the culmination of survey work which was done on December 2, 3, & 4th, in which extremely accurate survey data as well as vertical control was carried into and utilized in the survey work.

This work produced information which was thereafter utilized in the FBI Survey Plat as well as the Warren Commission survey plat.

This survey plats the impact point of each of the three shots fired, and the second shot impact location/aka Z313 impact is only a foot or so away from the WC's plotting of the impact location.

And, as previoulsy indicated, the third shot impact is some 30-feet farther down Elm St., directly in front of where James Altgens was standing, approximately 5-feet prior to the second yellow curb stripe.

3. The FBI Survey Plat (& re-enactment) occurred on 2/7/64. Actually, very little survey work was done as this "scam" merely attempted to move the second/aka Z313 impact back up Elm St. a few feet to a point at which JBC is observed "reacting".

And, for those who have never observed the difference, there exists a big difference between "reacting" to having been hit by a shot, as opposed to "reacting" to being shot at.

Nevertheless, the FBI Survey Plat left the third/last/final impact location (down directly in front of James Altgens location) on their Survey Plat.

This survey plat is the one which they have attempted to palm off as being the SS Survey Plat which erroneously platted the second shot impact location, and which plat is seen in the WC documents as well as the Dallas Archives.

I have repeatedly informed that one should look down in the "legend" block and they will find in the revision block: 2/7/64.

Which, anyone who also took drafting and/or mechanical drawing, would understand the significance of.

4. Then, along came the WC, who made the first shot impact location (which was the same for the SS as well as FBI survey plat) disappear.

Then, due to other "magical" capabilities, they made the third/last/final shot impact location disappear.

Then, they accurately surveyed in the Z313/aka Second shot impact location which was less than 1-foot from where the SS had previously surveyed it in, and then gave us all "THE SHOT THAT MISSED".

5. And, in making the first shot location completely disappear, the WC altered their own survey data, and slightly shifted camera locations, and gave us their purportedly "accurate" re-enactment for the Z210 vicinity, while claiming that they did not even get these frames of the film and also neglected to publish these frames of the film.

6. Lastly, not to leave anything open to chance, on paperwork, they "moved" James Algens location back up Elm St. to a point at which he would have been standing somewhere between where the lamp post comes into view and Mary Moormen/Jean Hill are standing.

Then, Shaneyfelt informed us that there was nothing past Z334 worth seeing, which also just so happens to be just prior to James Altgens actually coming into view in the film.

Now, perhaps one can understand "Tom's saying".

"There is no Magic. However,

Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear"

Are we having fun yet?????????????

Mr. Purvis,

Have you ever considered the possibility of putting up a web site where all of your extremely valuable information would be available for everyone to see? The advantages would be:

1) A great resource for the research community.

2) You'd be assured credit for your work.

3) No chance your materials could ever be lost - fire, theft, nasty heirs or whatever - or altered.

4) No official repository, everybody gets to see everything any time it's useful for them.

As you well know you have some unique and important materials. Ironically, the best way to safeguard them maybe to give a copy to everyone for safekeeping.

Best regards to you,


The simple answer being Yes!

My oldest son who resides in Oklahoma ( and who is a personal embarassment to all who carry the family name as he is in Law School) set it up.

I just never learned to use it.

As you well know you have some unique and important materials. Ironically, the best way to safeguard them maybe to give a copy to everyone for safekeeping.

One can rest assured that the various repositories selected for much of this information will insure that it can not disappear from the public domain.

They did not give us the designation "Sneaky Pete" for no reason.

Thanks for the concern.

Tom Purvis

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Hi Jerry

Link to some of Tom's images in my gallery.

Tom Purvis Gallery

And, your "gallery" happens to contain many of those "EEI's" (Essential Elements of Information) necessary to resolve many of the often confusing and highly obscured facts relative to the event.

Might want to post the "Bond# 8" again and see if David can figure our exactly how it comes into play in regards to his (& others) attempts at demonstration of their favorite subject matter.

IE: Zapruder Film alteration.

Are we having fun yet?


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Very relieved to hear you're well, Tom.

Me Too!

"Failure to understand the evidence has no bearing on the validity of that evidence. As a general rule, it merely means that one does not understand the evidence."

(Tom Purvis)

As example: In event that one "understands" that the version of the survey (CE585) as published within the Warren Commission as well as within the Dallas Archives, is in fact the Secret Service Survey Plat which was drawn on 12/5/63, is one of those who neither understands the evidence nor understands how the (slight)/sleight-of-hand manipulations of Specter & Company have served to misguide and confuse many.

Long before I came down the pike, someone had found the "2/7/64" down in the "Revision" block.

Too bad they neither knew nor took the time to resolve exactly what this actually meant.



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I miss your input. There are a number of avenues of research that are brought to a halt for me by a lack of an absolutely certified correct surevey of LEVELS, ANGLES and TRAVERSE POINTS and the transition between points, and all the correct notes taken from which a proper plat can be drawn. Do you have them, are they accessible. I'm not interested in shot locations but topography as can be drawn on a preperly detailed survey. I'm talking what we in OZ call ''high detail'' with regards to object locations and levels throughout the area surveyed.

What exactly is your opinion of Drommer?

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If one considers Kennedys head as a lightsource, then every object in the plaza casts a shadow (with a penumbra which a skilled sniper can make use of with a near certainty of the bullet landing exactly within a very small area where it was meant to). These shadows, cast on surrounding structures, dramatically narrows down that which is possible.

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And then one can construct a z map in 256 steps of dealey plaza and the facade of every buiding and look through any window outside the shadowed areas that also coincides with a tunnel shot that is guaranteed to minimise collateral damage. I think there are three definites. But without the data thats all it is, a thought.

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