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Missing Nix frames

John Dolva

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This is silly Bill, it reminds me of other times we have discussed things. You refuse to address the meat (ie the tracking) and instead fluff about with the milk, (insistence of ladders as if that somehow is a central theme) and then with odd notions with no backing. Cops with light coats suddenly are the same as one with a dark coat.

John, have you ever been to Dealey Plaza and stood behind the colonnade? I have photos of it in my office and I will be happy to share them in a few days when I get back into the U.S. I called Groden tonight just to get his estimate as to how high it is back there from the ground to the first row of windows and he guessed it to be about 10 feet off the ground. With that being said, I will post some photos of that area and then we can talk some more about what is silly and what is not.

John, there are so many photos at the 6th floor Museum that people have never imagined to exist and I have been lucky enough to see a fraction of them. Try emailing Gary Mack and ask him about the cops who wore raincoats on that day. By the way, do you by chance have a time frame locked in as to when the woman and the cop in your post were present for that photo??? And if a cop could stand atop obstacles in your mind and fire off rounds from a gun without drawing attention .... then why would he not be able to walk out of the plaza with it in plain sight of everyone because many cops had long guns on them immediately after the assassination.

Bill Miller

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Frank, my apologies for digression. I was a bit excited over finding the tracking bar. It flowed from the research, but perhaps deserved a thread of its own.

This list by you is the true fruit of the efforts.

Thank you for staying on track. I think you humbly and to the point show the value of persistent independent research, unlike my own flailing about (which has in its own ways its values too).

This listing is great IMO. One could take any pair, and presumably later with overlaps into other films, and check for consistency.

Now that this table is in existence, I think it will form the basis of a much needed reference guide. Thank you very much.

Bill, I look forward to being shown/proven wrong. We'll see.

Who said a 'cop' shot anyone. Someone dressed like a cop was walking across the plaza with a lady (after being ordered to the RR yards). Also the suggested shooter (with cop cap in pocket) shot once.

Edited by John Dolva
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Z-#   Time (Z325 ref)	 NS#   Time (NS35 ref)		Z vs. Nix Delta time

291	-1.8579234973	   001	 -1.8378378378		 -0.0200856594
292	-1.8032786885	   002	 -1.7837837838		 -0.0194949047
293	-1.7486338798	   003	 -1.7297297297		 -0.0189041501
294	-1.6939890710	   004	 -1.6756756757		 -0.0183133954
295	-1.6393442623	   005	 -1.6216216216		 -0.0177226407
296	-1.5846994536	   006	 -1.5675675676		 -0.0171318860
297	-1.5300546448	   007	 -1.5135135135		 -0.0165411313
298	-1.4754098361	   008	 -1.4594594595		 -0.0159503766
299	-1.4207650273	   009	 -1.4054054054		 -0.0153596219
300	-1.3661202186	   010	 -1.3513513514		 -0.0147688672
301	-1.3114754098	   011	 -1.2972972973		 -0.0141781125
302	-1.2568306011	   012	 -1.2432432432		 -0.0135873578
303	-1.2021857923	   013	 -1.1891891892		 -0.0129966032
304	-1.1475409836	   014	 -1.1351351351		 -0.0124058485
305	-1.0928961749	   015	 -1.0810810811		 -0.0118150938
306	-1.0382513661	   016	 -1.0270270270		 -0.0112243391
307	-0.9836065574	   017	 -0.9729729730		 -0.0106335844
308	-0.9289617486	   018	 -0.9189189189		 -0.0100428297
309	-0.8743169399	   019	 -0.8648648649		 -0.0094520750
310	-0.8196721311	   020	 -0.8108108108		 -0.0088613203
311	-0.7650273224	   021	 -0.7567567568		 -0.0082705656
312	-0.7103825137	   022	 -0.7027027027		 -0.0076798110
313	-0.6557377049	   023	 -0.6486486486		 -0.0070890563
314	-0.6010928962	   024	 -0.5945945946		 -0.0064983016
315	-0.5464480874	   025	 -0.5405405405		 -0.0059075469
316	-0.4918032787	   026	 -0.4864864865		 -0.0053167922   MOORMAN  Muchmore 45
317	-0.4371584699	   027	 -0.4324324324		 -0.0047260375
318	-0.3825136612	   028	 -0.3783783784		 -0.0041352828
319	-0.3278688525	   029	 -0.3243243243		 -0.0035445281
320	-0.2732240437	   030	 -0.2702702703		 -0.0029537734
321	-0.2185792350	   031	 -0.2162162162		 -0.0023630188
322	-0.1639344262	   032	 -0.1621621622		 -0.0017722641
323	-0.1092896175	   033	 -0.1081081081		 -0.0011815094
324	-0.0546448087	   034	 -0.0540540541		 -0.0005907547

325	 0.0000000000	   035	  0.0000000000		  0.0000000000

326	 0.0546448087	   036	  0.0540540541		  0.0005907547
327	 0.1092896175	   037	  0.1081081081		  0.0011815094
328	 0.1639344262	   038	  0.1621621622		  0.0017722641
329	 0.2185792350	   039	  0.2162162162		  0.0023630188
330	 0.2732240437	   040	  0.2702702703		  0.0029537734
331	 0.3278688525	   041	  0.3243243243		  0.0035445281
332	 0.3825136612	   042	  0.3783783784		  0.0041352828
333	 0.4371584699	   043	  0.4324324324		  0.0047260375
334	 0.4918032787	   044	  0.4864864865		  0.0053167922
335	 0.5464480874	   045	  0.5405405405		  0.0059075469
336	 0.6010928962	   046	  0.5945945946		  0.0064983016
337	 0.6557377049	   047	  0.6486486486		  0.0070890563
338	 0.7103825137	   048	  0.7027027027		  0.0076798110
339	 0.7650273224	   049	  0.7567567568		  0.0082705656
340	 0.8196721311	   050	  0.8108108108		  0.0088613203
341	 0.8743169399	   051	  0.8648648649		  0.0094520750
342	 0.9289617486	   052	  0.9189189189		  0.0100428297
343	 0.9836065574	   053	  0.9729729730		  0.0106335844
344	 1.0382513661	   054	  1.0270270270		  0.0112243391
345	 1.0928961749	   055	  1.0810810811		  0.0118150938
346	 1.1475409836	   056	  1.1351351351		  0.0124058485
347	 1.2021857923	   057	  1.1891891892		  0.0129966032
348	 1.2568306011	   058	  1.2432432432		  0.0135873578
349	 1.3114754098	   059	  1.2972972973		  0.0141781125
350	 1.3661202186	   060	  1.3513513514		  0.0147688672
351	 1.4207650273	   061	  1.4054054054		  0.0153596219
352	 1.4754098361	   062	  1.4594594595		  0.0159503766
353	 1.5300546448	   063	  1.5135135135		  0.0165411313
354	 1.5846994536	   064	  1.5675675676		  0.0171318860
355	 1.6393442623	   065	  1.6216216216		  0.0177226407
356	 1.6939890710	   066	  1.6756756757		  0.0183133954
357	 1.7486338798	   067	  1.7297297297		  0.0189041501
358	 1.8032786885	   068	  1.7837837838		  0.0194949047
359	 1.8579234973	   069	  1.8378378378		  0.0200856594
360	 1.9125683060	   070	  1.8918918919		  0.0206764141
361	 1.9672131148	   071	  1.9459459459		  0.0212671688
362	 2.0218579235	   072	  2.0000000000		  0.0218579235
363	 2.0765027322	   073	  2.0540540541		  0.0224486782
364	 2.1311475410	   074	  2.1081081081		  0.0230394329
365	 2.1857923497	   075	  2.1621621622		  0.0236301876
366	 2.2404371585	   076	  2.2162162162		  0.0242209423
367	 2.2950819672	   077	  2.2702702703		  0.0248116969
368	 2.3497267760	   078	  2.3243243243		  0.0254024516
369	 2.4043715847	   079	  2.3783783784		  0.0259932063
370	 2.4590163934	   080	  2.4324324324		  0.0265839610
371	 2.5136612022	   081	  2.4864864865		  0.0271747157
372	 2.5683060109	   082	  2.5405405405		  0.0277654704
373	 2.6229508197	   083	  2.5945945946		  0.0283562251
374	 2.6775956284	   084	  2.6486486486		  0.0289469798
375	 2.7322404372	   085	  2.7027027027		  0.0295377345
376	 2.7868852459	   086	  2.7567567568		  0.0301284891
377	 2.8415300546	   087	  2.8108108108		  0.0307192438
378	 2.8961748634	   088	  2.8648648649		  0.0313099985
379	 2.9508196721	   089	  2.9189189189		  0.0319007532
380	 3.0054644809	   090	  2.9729729730		  0.0324915079
381	 3.0601092896	   091	  3.0270270270		  0.0330822626
382	 3.1147540984	   092	  3.0810810811		  0.0336730173
383	 3.1693989071	   093	  3.1351351351		  0.0342637720
384	 3.2240437158	   094	  3.1891891892		  0.0348545267
385	 3.2786885246	   095	  3.2432432432		  0.0354452813
386	 3.3333333333	   096	  3.2972972973		  0.0360360360
387	 3.3879781421	   097	  3.3513513514		  0.0366267907
388	 3.4426229508	   098	  3.4054054054		  0.0372175454
389	 3.4972677596	   099	  3.4594594595		  0.0378083001
390	 3.5519125683	   100	  3.5135135135		  0.0383990548
391	 3.6065573770	   101	  3.5675675676		  0.0389898095
392	 3.6612021858	   102	  3.6216216216		  0.0395805642
393	 3.7158469945	   103	  3.6756756757		  0.0401713189
394	 3.7704918033	   104	  3.7297297297		  0.0407620735
395	 3.8251366120	   105	  3.7837837838		  0.0413528282
396	 3.8797814208	   106	  3.8378378378		  0.0419435829
397	 3.9344262295	   107	  3.8918918919		  0.0425343376
398	 3.9890710383	   108	  3.9459459459		  0.0431250923
399	 4.0437158470	   109	  4.0000000000		  0.0437158470
400	 4.0983606557	   110	  4.0540540541		  0.0443066017
401	 4.1530054645	   111	  4.1081081081		  0.0448973564
402	 4.2076502732	   112	  4.1621621622		  0.0454881111
403	 4.2622950820	   113	  4.2162162162		  0.0460788658
404	 4.3169398907	   114	  4.2702702703		  0.0466696204
405	 4.3715846995	   115	  4.3243243243		  0.0472603751
406	 4.4262295082	   116	  4.3783783784		  0.0478511298
407	 4.4808743169	   117	  4.4324324324		  0.0484418845
408	 4.5355191257	   118	  4.4864864865		  0.0490326392
409	 4.5901639344	   119	  4.5405405405		  0.0496233939
410	 4.6448087432	   120	  4.5945945946		  0.0502141486
411	 4.6994535519	   121	  4.6486486486		  0.0508049033
412	 4.7540983607	   122	  4.7027027027		  0.0513956580

The usefulness and significance of Frank's Table of Reference is far reaching.

(Frank, I hope you don't mind some minor changes in presentation, just aligning the columns).

I think a third person confirmation of 35 325 sync would be good. Or at least an attempt at debunking it. Personally, I think it's solid.

This enables overlapping into other films and photos. For example, Moorman is almost exactly 316 (IMO), and Muchmore 45 is suggested as 316 on the version I have. So now I'm looking for a match on Muchmore.

What frame rate for Muchmore's camera. How many frames are supposed to be in the film?

Edited by John Dolva
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It's all in the hands of the little boy. If M17 matches Z287. then if the cameras run at roughly the same speed, then Z316 should be about M46, not 45.???

Can we say that the frame numbered M17 in this version is a good match for Z287 (not 288 as marked on the frame) and therefore we have a anchor point leading in to Muchmore? IOW forget about the number on the frame, and how many frames before this one is in the Muchmore film?

Edited by John Dolva
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The way I understand it, this Muchmore matches with the Moorman. This is marked as M45.

The little boys hands gives a match. This is marked as M17. And it corresponds to Z287.

Z316 matches N26.

Between Z316 and Z287 are 28 frames.

Between M17 and M45 are 27 frames.

What does it mean? Did Muchmores camera run slower than Zaps? Or (here we go again) does it indicate, missing/added frames?

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Bill, I look forward to being shown/proven wrong. We'll see.
I take that you have never been or seen photos of the back of the colonnade.
Who said a 'cop' shot anyone. Someone dressed like a cop was walking across the plaza with a lady (after being ordered to the RR yards). Also the suggested shooter (with cop cap in pocket) shot once.

Maybe I misunderstood your implication when I read, "The first people some saw in the parking area was a 'cop'. What better guise to adopt, knowing that the area would shortly be flooded with cops. Then just stroll away, with the rifle under a coat." And yes, the police were ordered into the RR yard at the onset of the shooting and this is why I asked if you had a post assassination time for their images being captured on film. I am aware that officers flooded into the RR yard and that there were also some who once they didn't see anyone, they returned back to the plaza.

Bill Miller

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Between Z316 and Z287 are 28 frames.

Between M17 and M45 are 27 frames.

What does it mean? Did Muchmores camera run slower than Zaps? Or (here we go again) does it indicate, missing/added frames?

The Muchmore film had a break in it, however, Groden does offer an undamaged B&W version on his assassination films DVD.

Bill Miller

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There is a video called 'On the trail of the Assassin" I think. It has some latterday footage of that area. I did rip a lot and then for want of space deleted them. Now I wish I hadn't. I do remember seeing the plaza through the holes. Otherwise there seems to be only aerials readily available. Contemporary groundlevel images are called for. It'l be interesting to see them when posted.

It's from the Bell film after the Limo has gone. This 'cop' has a dark long coat. He should be easily identifiable. I haven't seen him in any other films or photos.

Edited by John Dolva
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Hi John,

I appreciate you taking the time to line-up columns, etc. I was very short on time (as always, it seems) and wanted to get the table out there for consumption.

I have not been able to determine any tested frame rates of the Muchmore camera yet. Perhaps Gary Mack has this information available, or perhaps it is available elsewhere. Nevertheless, if the cameras are gapping by a frame, it could easily be a slightly different frame rate.

Bill Miller is correct -- the NFV/Groden Muchmore film has a splice (right around the headshot, of course). I've been looking into this spliced area and will compare it frame-by-frame to the black and white version provided (which shows no splice). Based on looking at the film a few dozen times, it looks like the film was broken at that frame and taped back together (poorly, too). The frame registration drifts for a frame or two. This may be something that can be digitally "improved", as some preliminary studies I've done seem to indicate that the whitespace in the splice is larger than it needs to be.

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Z-#   Time (Z325 ref)	 NS#   Time (NS35 ref)		Z vs. Nix Delta time

291	-1.8579234973	   001	 -1.8378378378		 -0.0200856594
292	-1.8032786885	   002	 -1.7837837838		 -0.0194949047
293	-1.7486338798	   003	 -1.7297297297		 -0.0189041501
294	-1.6939890710	   004	 -1.6756756757		 -0.0183133954
295	-1.6393442623	   005	 -1.6216216216		 -0.0177226407
296	-1.5846994536	   006	 -1.5675675676		 -0.0171318860
297	-1.5300546448	   007	 -1.5135135135		 -0.0165411313
298	-1.4754098361	   008	 -1.4594594595		 -0.0159503766
299	-1.4207650273	   009	 -1.4054054054		 -0.0153596219
300	-1.3661202186	   010	 -1.3513513514		 -0.0147688672
301	-1.3114754098	   011	 -1.2972972973		 -0.0141781125
302	-1.2568306011	   012	 -1.2432432432		 -0.0135873578
303	-1.2021857923	   013	 -1.1891891892		 -0.0129966032
304	-1.1475409836	   014	 -1.1351351351		 -0.0124058485
305	-1.0928961749	   015	 -1.0810810811		 -0.0118150938
306	-1.0382513661	   016	 -1.0270270270		 -0.0112243391
307	-0.9836065574	   017	 -0.9729729730		 -0.0106335844
308	-0.9289617486	   018	 -0.9189189189		 -0.0100428297
309	-0.8743169399	   019	 -0.8648648649		 -0.0094520750
310	-0.8196721311	   020	 -0.8108108108		 -0.0088613203
311	-0.7650273224	   021	 -0.7567567568		 -0.0082705656
312	-0.7103825137	   022	 -0.7027027027		 -0.0076798110
313	-0.6557377049	   023	 -0.6486486486		 -0.0070890563
314	-0.6010928962	   024	 -0.5945945946		 -0.0064983016
315	-0.5464480874	   025	 -0.5405405405		 -0.0059075469
316	-0.4918032787	   026	 -0.4864864865		 -0.0053167922   MOORMAN  Muchmore 45
317	-0.4371584699	   027	 -0.4324324324		 -0.0047260375
318	-0.3825136612	   028	 -0.3783783784		 -0.0041352828
319	-0.3278688525	   029	 -0.3243243243		 -0.0035445281
320	-0.2732240437	   030	 -0.2702702703		 -0.0029537734
321	-0.2185792350	   031	 -0.2162162162		 -0.0023630188
322	-0.1639344262	   032	 -0.1621621622		 -0.0017722641
323	-0.1092896175	   033	 -0.1081081081		 -0.0011815094
324	-0.0546448087	   034	 -0.0540540541		 -0.0005907547

325	 0.0000000000	   035	  0.0000000000		  0.0000000000

326	 0.0546448087	   036	  0.0540540541		  0.0005907547
327	 0.1092896175	   037	  0.1081081081		  0.0011815094
328	 0.1639344262	   038	  0.1621621622		  0.0017722641
329	 0.2185792350	   039	  0.2162162162		  0.0023630188
330	 0.2732240437	   040	  0.2702702703		  0.0029537734
331	 0.3278688525	   041	  0.3243243243		  0.0035445281
332	 0.3825136612	   042	  0.3783783784		  0.0041352828
333	 0.4371584699	   043	  0.4324324324		  0.0047260375
334	 0.4918032787	   044	  0.4864864865		  0.0053167922
335	 0.5464480874	   045	  0.5405405405		  0.0059075469
336	 0.6010928962	   046	  0.5945945946		  0.0064983016
337	 0.6557377049	   047	  0.6486486486		  0.0070890563
338	 0.7103825137	   048	  0.7027027027		  0.0076798110
339	 0.7650273224	   049	  0.7567567568		  0.0082705656
340	 0.8196721311	   050	  0.8108108108		  0.0088613203
341	 0.8743169399	   051	  0.8648648649		  0.0094520750
342	 0.9289617486	   052	  0.9189189189		  0.0100428297
343	 0.9836065574	   053	  0.9729729730		  0.0106335844
344	 1.0382513661	   054	  1.0270270270		  0.0112243391
345	 1.0928961749	   055	  1.0810810811		  0.0118150938
346	 1.1475409836	   056	  1.1351351351		  0.0124058485
347	 1.2021857923	   057	  1.1891891892		  0.0129966032
348	 1.2568306011	   058	  1.2432432432		  0.0135873578
349	 1.3114754098	   059	  1.2972972973		  0.0141781125
350	 1.3661202186	   060	  1.3513513514		  0.0147688672
351	 1.4207650273	   061	  1.4054054054		  0.0153596219
352	 1.4754098361	   062	  1.4594594595		  0.0159503766
353	 1.5300546448	   063	  1.5135135135		  0.0165411313
354	 1.5846994536	   064	  1.5675675676		  0.0171318860
355	 1.6393442623	   065	  1.6216216216		  0.0177226407
356	 1.6939890710	   066	  1.6756756757		  0.0183133954
357	 1.7486338798	   067	  1.7297297297		  0.0189041501
358	 1.8032786885	   068	  1.7837837838		  0.0194949047
359	 1.8579234973	   069	  1.8378378378		  0.0200856594
360	 1.9125683060	   070	  1.8918918919		  0.0206764141
361	 1.9672131148	   071	  1.9459459459		  0.0212671688
362	 2.0218579235	   072	  2.0000000000		  0.0218579235
363	 2.0765027322	   073	  2.0540540541		  0.0224486782
364	 2.1311475410	   074	  2.1081081081		  0.0230394329
365	 2.1857923497	   075	  2.1621621622		  0.0236301876
366	 2.2404371585	   076	  2.2162162162		  0.0242209423
367	 2.2950819672	   077	  2.2702702703		  0.0248116969
368	 2.3497267760	   078	  2.3243243243		  0.0254024516
369	 2.4043715847	   079	  2.3783783784		  0.0259932063
370	 2.4590163934	   080	  2.4324324324		  0.0265839610
371	 2.5136612022	   081	  2.4864864865		  0.0271747157
372	 2.5683060109	   082	  2.5405405405		  0.0277654704
373	 2.6229508197	   083	  2.5945945946		  0.0283562251
374	 2.6775956284	   084	  2.6486486486		  0.0289469798
375	 2.7322404372	   085	  2.7027027027		  0.0295377345
376	 2.7868852459	   086	  2.7567567568		  0.0301284891
377	 2.8415300546	   087	  2.8108108108		  0.0307192438
378	 2.8961748634	   088	  2.8648648649		  0.0313099985
379	 2.9508196721	   089	  2.9189189189		  0.0319007532
380	 3.0054644809	   090	  2.9729729730		  0.0324915079
381	 3.0601092896	   091	  3.0270270270		  0.0330822626
382	 3.1147540984	   092	  3.0810810811		  0.0336730173
383	 3.1693989071	   093	  3.1351351351		  0.0342637720
384	 3.2240437158	   094	  3.1891891892		  0.0348545267
385	 3.2786885246	   095	  3.2432432432		  0.0354452813
386	 3.3333333333	   096	  3.2972972973		  0.0360360360
387	 3.3879781421	   097	  3.3513513514		  0.0366267907
388	 3.4426229508	   098	  3.4054054054		  0.0372175454
389	 3.4972677596	   099	  3.4594594595		  0.0378083001
390	 3.5519125683	   100	  3.5135135135		  0.0383990548
391	 3.6065573770	   101	  3.5675675676		  0.0389898095
392	 3.6612021858	   102	  3.6216216216		  0.0395805642
393	 3.7158469945	   103	  3.6756756757		  0.0401713189
394	 3.7704918033	   104	  3.7297297297		  0.0407620735
395	 3.8251366120	   105	  3.7837837838		  0.0413528282
396	 3.8797814208	   106	  3.8378378378		  0.0419435829
397	 3.9344262295	   107	  3.8918918919		  0.0425343376
398	 3.9890710383	   108	  3.9459459459		  0.0431250923
399	 4.0437158470	   109	  4.0000000000		  0.0437158470
400	 4.0983606557	   110	  4.0540540541		  0.0443066017
401	 4.1530054645	   111	  4.1081081081		  0.0448973564
402	 4.2076502732	   112	  4.1621621622		  0.0454881111
403	 4.2622950820	   113	  4.2162162162		  0.0460788658
404	 4.3169398907	   114	  4.2702702703		  0.0466696204
405	 4.3715846995	   115	  4.3243243243		  0.0472603751
406	 4.4262295082	   116	  4.3783783784		  0.0478511298
407	 4.4808743169	   117	  4.4324324324		  0.0484418845
408	 4.5355191257	   118	  4.4864864865		  0.0490326392
409	 4.5901639344	   119	  4.5405405405		  0.0496233939
410	 4.6448087432	   120	  4.5945945946		  0.0502141486
411	 4.6994535519	   121	  4.6486486486		  0.0508049033
412	 4.7540983607	   122	  4.7027027027		  0.0513956580

The usefulness and significance of Frank's Table of Reference is far reaching.

(Frank, I hope you don't mind some minor changes in presentation, just aligning the columns).

I think a third person confirmation of 35 325 sync would be good. Or at least an attempt at debunking it. Personally, I think it's solid.

This enables overlapping into other films and photos. For example, Moorman is almost exactly 316 (IMO), and Muchmore 45 is suggested as 316 on the version I have. So now I'm looking for a match on Muchmore.

What frame rate for Muchmore's camera. How many frames are supposed to be in the film?

Mr. SHANEYFELT: Of course the only shot that is readily apparent in any of the films, and it appears in the Zapruder, the Nix, and the Muchmore film, is the shot that hit the President in the head.

and there are three photographs picked at random from the Muchmore film, including frame 42, which is the frame depicting the head shot.

The Zapruder camera was found to run at an average speed of 18.3 frames per second.

The Nix and Muchmore cameras were both found around 18.5 frames per second.

She says that when she heard the shots, she panicked, and did not take any further pictures. But a review of her film shows pictures of the assassination route, the motorcade going down Elm Street, beginning just before the shot that hit the President in the head, and continuing a short period after


When one takes into consideration that "the shots" included the third/last/final shot down by James Altgens position, then it is quite understandable as to exactl why the film continues on past the Z312/313 aka (second shot) to the head.

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Credit Lee Forman for the images below.

Thanks for reposting these images... they clearly show that someone standing on a car bumper would have an excellent vantage point through the first window.

I agree, these latter day photos are indicative of the need to stand on something. One must accept that. Equally the need of a ladder is not there. Like you say the back of a car bumper, or perhaps a pickup truck would do.

But back then the parking lot/rr yard was not much more than a paddock with rails crossing it. It wasn't landscaped. A photo of the day showing the topography/condition of the rear of the pagoda is needed.

Still, apart from establishing how someone could be at the second opening and track Kennedy, the tracking motion remains. It hasn't and wont evaporate by distractions. In fact it won't evapoarate at all. It's there in the film. No one has seen it before because no-one has been able to align the frames correctly to show it happening. And, in order to bring it out you have to increase the gamma to the point that what most would normally want to see is washed out. And finally the timing of the frames and the consequent understanding of the fragment path directions hasn't been done properly before. Now that it has been done, a new place to look at became possible.

And in looking at it there is the movement of a dark line tracking Kennedy's head. Sorry, but there it is. No amount of ignoring it or attempting to divert attention will ever change that.

It shows that the analysis of the evidence available is far from finished. Far from it. The revolution in the electronic world in capabilities and sharing results, has and will continue to bring results not possible before.

post #200:


You might not like it but that doesn't change it.

What is it?

A ghillie wrapped rifle with a flash cone?

Edited by John Dolva
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John...the area behind the pergola that you are speculating about

had a small "tool shed" up against the wall. Someone on top of it

would have a perfect view thru the pergola openings. And I doubt

very much that the tool shed was searched for weapons.

I think Lee Foreman took several photos of the tool shed and

posted them here months ago. I believe it was under the big

tree. Maybe Lee will repost his photos.


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