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Gil Jesus

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  1. I believe Trump was Carlson's original source. I believe that Trump got his information from Pompeo. I believe that Carlson ( or his producers ) went to Pompeo and got confirmation of what Trump told him. That would put Pompeo on the hot seat. It coincides with what Trump told Judge Napolitano. That's my opinion, FWIW. You're going to find out in the long run that it was the CIA's Cubans who pulled the trigger. Of the Cuban groups, my main suspects are the DRE. Oswald was an FBI informant who tried to infiltrate their group in New Orleans and in retribution, they set him up as their "patsy". The whole things smells of a CIA operation: Create an atmosphere of hate. Arm the opposition group. Let the opposition group do their thing. The CIA set it up, with help from their pals in the US Military and the Secret Service. In the aftermath, the Dallas cops arrested the wrong guy ( Oswald ) and the FBI and Warren Commission covered up the whole sordid affair. The American government is run by the CIA. It started back after the second world war ended. The National Security Act of 1947 created the CIA. Truman thought when he signed the act into law that the CIA's purpose would be to collect information. He never thought it would be an operational arm of the US Government. But the CIA also became an operational arm of American business, creating changes in foreign governments who were not friendly to our corporations. The CIA started by subverting governments in foreign countries in tha 1950s. On November 22, 1963, they brought their expertise home. Kennedy's election in 1960 was a coup d'etat. The Joint Chiefs, who had taken orders from the Supreme Allied Commander of WWII for eight years, were now going to take orders from a PT boat commander. The White House Detail, the most elite assignment in the Secret Service, would now become errand boys, babysitters and lookouts for Jackie whenever the President was engaged in infidelities with other women. These were deeply degrading and depressing times for the military and the Secret Service. This BS had to end and in my opinion, when the opportunity presented itself, last minute changes were made to the motorcade route to make it easier for the gunman to hit the President. When the shooting started, the driver even slowed the limo down, not accelerating until after he saw the President's head explode. They had intentonally taken the President into an ambush. Kennedy was a dead man in a matter of seconds. JFK's assassination was a counter-coup to return the Presidency to the power elite that controlled it prior to 1960. In allowing the President to be killed, the pre-1960 status quo had been re-establshed and the Cold War continued. It meant billions for the military contractors and jobs for their employees. Kennedy's doctors said he wouldn't live to the age of 45. When Johnson saw the doctor's reports, he changed his mind about taking the # 2 spot. Once JFK was elected, the CIA now had their man Johnson waiting in the wings. But Kennedy didn't die as his doctors had thought. He proved the doctors wrong and a 45th birthday party was given to him at Madison Square Garden in May of 1962, highlighted by Marilyn Monroe singing , "Happy Birthday to You ". From the CIA to Soviet Premier Khrushchev, everyone thought they could push the young President around. They thought they could get him to do their will. They quickly found out different. Unable to control him, they had to remove him from office. Kennedy was seen by the most extreme of his political enemies as a coward and a traitor. His desire to peacefully coexist with Communists was seen as an anathema. It was a departure from George Kennan's policy of "containment" which had been the foundation of American Foreign Policy since 1947. They saw themselves as patriots. In their view, Kennedy's policies and his behavior while in office presented a serious threat to the securty of the country. He had to be removed from office.
  2. That sounds about right. Mr. Brown makes up a lot of things, like Tippit was killed at 1:17. Lone Nut supporters have to make up things because the evidence doesn't add up. They're left with "filling in the holes" with opinion, speculation, conjecture and what they call, "common sense". Their speculations and wild guesses only serve to raise more questions, questions they can't answer. For example, Mr. Brown puts Helen Markham on the corner witnessing a murder at 1:17, when she should be on her 1:15 bus. Mr. Brown suggests that Tippit was shot at or after 1:15 and killed instantly. If that's true, how did a doctor at Methodist Hospital know the exact minute he was killed ? Not even a coroner can tell you the exact minute a victim was killed. He can narrow it down to a timeframe, but he can't tell you the exact minute. There is corroborating evidence that Tippit was killed before 1:15. There's corrborating evidence that documents were altered by the FBI to show Tippit was pronounced dead at 1:25 instead of 1:15. Mr. Brown and his allies choose to ignore this evidence. Lone Nutters grab on to one piece of evidence and the hang onto it like their lives depended on it. They do it with the dictabelt. They do it with the "backyard photographs". They do it with the Tippit shells. They claim Oswald received the murder weapons, but can't tell us on what date he received them or who in the Post Office and REA Express office handed him those weapons. They can't tell us how Oswald allegedly ordered a 36" troop special and got a 40" short rifle in its stead. They can't tell us why the shells found at the Tippit murder scene don't match the bullets removed from his body. They can't tell us how Oswald purchased a postal money order and mailed it in an envelope that was post-marked at a time when his work sheets proved he was at work. They can't tell us why the only stamp on the money order is a stamp for deposit and why there are no stamps indicating that payment was made on that money order. They can't tell us why the "fillers' in the police lineups in no way resembled the descriptions of the witnesses to the Tippit murder. They can't tell us why Oswald was not allowed to see his family until Saturday. They can't tell us why Oswald was not allowed to use a phone until Saturday afternoon. They can't tell us why the back of head autopsy photo shows the scalp intact, when the autopsy report notes that there was a hole that extended into the "occipital region" where there was an "absence of scalp". ( 16 H 980 ) And there are plenty more. They can't explain the gaps in the chain of custody for much of the evidence. You'll notice, as I do, that 90% of what these Lone Nutters post is comments. They can speculate, but they can't provide the proof to back it up.
  3. That is correct. In fact, Kennedy attended Rayburn's funeral in 1961. Sounds like this author didn't do his research.
  4. One of those officers who DID ride at the rear corner of the limousine, B.J. Martin, testified that, "they instructed us that they didn't want anyone riding past the President's car and that we were to ride to the rear, to the rear of his car, about the rear bumper." ( 10 ) Not only were they reduced in number and moved to the rear corners of the car, the four who were positioned at the rear of the limo were told not to react if anyone assaulted the President. Martin said that, "at morning muster the four Presidential motorcycle officers were ordered that under no circumstances were they to leave their positions regardless of what happened." ( 11 ) Sound like they were interested in protecting the President ? Martin also said that, "while Kennedy was busy shaking hands with all the well wishers at the airport, Johnson's Secret Service people came over to the motorcycle cops and gave us a bunch of instructions...We were to stay well to the back and not let ourselves get ahead of the car's rear wheels under any circumstances." ( 12 ) These last minute changes were made to keep the motorcycle officers out of the line of fire. It indicates that "Johnson's Secret Service people" were well aware from which direction the shots would be fired. And it also indicates that the Secret Service played a role in the assassination. Sources: ( 10 ) 6 H 293 ( 11 ) "Murder From Within" by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p.33 ( 12 ) Jean Hill, "JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness" (1992), pp. 112-114
  5. I once asked the Warren Commission supporters what standard they used to determine a witness' credibility. I got no answer. Because the answer is that their standard is this : any witness who adds to Oswald's guilt is credible and any witness that adds to his innocence is not. Witnesses who have come forward years later ( like Paul Landis and Jack Ray Tatum ) are still measured according to that standard. That's the standard they use. It doesn't matter if the physical evidence supports the witness or not. It's all about what the witness has to say in relation to the guilt or innocence of Oswald. These people have their own truth and are not open minded or willing to accept new evidence. You can show them testimony after testimony and document after document and they still won't accept it. Corroborating evidence means nothing to these folks. Witnesses and physical evidence that corrobrates what you say is nothing more to these folks as "kook sh*t". Many of them are driven by a hatred for "conspiracy theorists". They don't care that they've only heard one side of the story. They've only heard the prosecution's side of the case. Many of them haven't even read the 26 volumes, only the Report. That's like being a juror in a murder case, never hearing any of the testimony and only hearing the prosecution's final summation. What kind of a reasonable and prudent juror ( or judge ) would be satisfied never hearing from the defense and only deciding the guilt or innocence of an accused based solely on the prosecution's summation ? But, in effect, that's the stand these people have taken. Guilty until proven innocent. And even after you cast a reasonable doubt on his guilt, he's still guilty. If anyone has any doubt on the success of brainwashing, they only need to engage one of these folks to see it. The Dallas Police, the FBI and the Warren Commission started with a conclusion ( that Oswald was guilty ) and worked backwards to try to prove that. That's not the way a criminal investigation is conducted. If this case were legitimate and the evidence authentic, then everything should add up. There should be NO questions. The bullets that killed Tippit should match the shells found at the scene. The rifle should have been able to hit the sillouette targets in the head. The ammunition tests should have produced a bullet like CE 399. The wounds tests should have produced head wound like the one the President suffered. Not one of the tests conducted for the Warren Commission produced results that supported its conclusions. There should be no questions about the chain-of-custody of any of the evidence. The fact that there are nothing but questions about the evidence is troubling. But it's not just about the evidence. In a normal investigation, witnesses are not harassed into changing their stories, like W.W. Litchfield or Dr. Malcolm Perry. Witnesses are not warned to keep their mouths shut like Richard Randolph Carr or Acquilla Clemmons. Witnesses are not threatened with deportation like Marina Oswald or with death like Orest Pena. These are things you would do in a coverup. In a normal investigation, a suspect would not have been questioned after he asked for a lawyer. He would not have been held incommunicado from his family for 24 hours. He would not have been delayed a phone call until the next day. His lawyer would have been present when he was shown in a lineup. The "fillers" in that lineup would not have been teenagers and a Mexican. They would not have been men whose appearances automatically eliminated them from being chosen. Witnesses would not have told the suspect was in the lineup. These are things you would do if you were trying to frame an innocent man for a crime he did not commit. But none of this matters to people who think that your Constitutional rights are granted by Supreme Court decisions and that those rights are not in effect until the court says so. So I'm going to put these people on ignore and post what I post and I'm not going to respond to them. It's a total waste of time that could be better used for something else.
  6. Witnesses who viewed Abraham Zapruder's original film at Kodak described what they saw. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/first-showing.mp4
  7. I was very disappointed for a couple of reasons when I saw the part in Episode 3 where they claim the extant Zapruder-film has been altered. #1 The female reporter claims to have been shown a version of the film where the driver shoots the President. In this film, she describes her host slowing it down and demonstrates how "the bullet comes out of the gun this slow". Those of us who have done the calculations on bullet speed and Zapruder frames know that this is not possible. Only a high speed camera can film a bullet in flight. Zapruder's camera at 18.3/fps simply was not fast enough. The film she was being shown was obviously an altered film, a fake. #2 She was told that the bootleg Groden version, the version that the public has seen, is an altered film and the proof is that in that version there is a tree in mid-air. I had never seen this before and found this interesting so I went back to my copy of the Zapruder film and it shows the tree intact. Upon closer look, the so-called "floating tree" version is the obvious fake, because the shadow of the tree trunk is visible where no trunk is apparent. If they had said that the "floating tree" version was the original and that some anomaly in the camera caused the tree to appear to have no trunk, they might have had me, because I had gone over the Z-film a hundred times and had never seen that version before. But to say that the "floating tree version" is the bootlegged public version shown by Bob Groden in 1975 is not true. This is a frame from Groden's 1975 "Goodnight America" presentation showing the tree trunk intact. And to suggest that Zapruder's camera was fast enough to pick up a bullet in flight and film it in several frames is not true as well. I believe the reporter saw what she said she saw. To her credit, she was skeptical. But I'm disappointed that the producers didn't call out the "floating tree" film and "the bullet travelling through the air" film as fakes. The version shown to the reporter of the driver shooting the President and the bullet travelling through the air IMO, is an obvious fake. As is the version with the "floating tree". Yes, what the reporter was shown were two fakes, one presented as the "original" with the driver shooting the President and the "bullet travelling through the air", and the other presented as the altered public version with the tree trunk missing. Speaking of fake versions of the Zapruder film, the revelation that there ARE altered versions out there may serve the CIA's purpose very well in the long run. The more fakes out there, the easier it would be for the Agency and its allies to reject a copy of the original film as a fake should one ever surface.
  8. Good story teller, but provides no evidence. This guy's full of baloney. A police officer picked up Oswald, but he never tells you who. Only that it wasn't Tippit. How does he know ? Who's his source ? And who is Mr and Mrs. Malcolm, who allegedly witnessed the murder of Tippit but are never mentioned in the official records ? Who was the blonde in the '62 Ford who smashed into the back of Tippit's cruiser ? Why isn't she mentioned by any of the witnesses ? Why is there no accident report in the Dallas police files ? And why isn't there any damage in the rear of the cruiser ? He claims that the limo had a glass partition between the front seat and the rest of the car. But it didn't. This guy tells a good story but it's the official version with some of his BS speculation added in. He interviewed people but he presents no recordings, no videos and no documents to prove his case. Mr. Down writes : "JFKA researcher Michael Brownlow investigated the Tippit shooting for many years and interviewed many of the witnesses. He confirmed Oswald shot Tippit." If he "confirmed Oswald shot Tippit" I'd have no questions. I guess you have to buy his books to find out the answers to your questions. That should tell you something. SMH.
  9. Mr. Brown has provided no evidence to support his claim ( the subject of this thread ) that Bowley's watch was slow and that the killing occurred at 1:17. Mr. Brown does not tell you that the average time of Bowley's trip between the Robert L. Thornton Elementary School, where he picked up his daughter at "approximately 12:55", to the Tippit murder scene was 14 minutes, completely consistent with Bowley's arrival at 1:10 pm. In addition, Mr. Brown fails to explain why Helen Markham was on the corner of 10th and Patton at 1:15 when she should have been on her bus at that time. As I've explained before: you can't have the shooting either at or after 1:15 and have Markham on the corner. It doesn't add up. So either Markham is on the corner and the shooting is BEFORE 1:15, or the shooting is at or AFTER 1:15 and Markham is on her bus. Mr. Brown also fails to tell us ( if Tippit was killed instantly at 1:15 ) how Judge Joe Brown knew that when he issued the permit for the autopsy. Mr. Brown also fails to tell us how the time of death is determined when a victim is D.O.A. Doctors only use a clock to declare a victim dead if the victim displays signs of life when admitted, as in the case of President Kennedy. The President was making an effort to breathe, so the doctors decided to resuscitate him. That effort began with establishing an airway. When efforts to resuscitate him were exhausted, Dr. Clark declared him dead. Although the clock inidcated the time was earlier, the doctor decided that the official time would be 1:00 pm, in order to give LBJ time to get to Love Field. The point is that times-of-death are determined in different ways depending on the circumstances. In the case of a D.O.A. ( such as this was ) the time of death is not determined by the time of injury. It is determined by the time of arrival at the hospital, hence "Dead-On-ARRIVAL". If the autopsy request says the body was dead on arrival and the time of death was 1:15, then the body arrived at the hospital at 1:15. It's not rocket science but apparently Mr. Brown doesn't get it. Mr. Brown also does not tell you why, when the FBI realized that they had a problem with different times of the murder, they instructed the Dallas office to " make sure our times jibe". Were they ordering the Dallas FBI to alter the times in their reports ? Apparently yes, because the next day, that's exactly what they did. In this report, the time Tippit was pronounced dead has been altered. As I've said before, if you look closely at the time, the original time was altered to read 1:25. And this wasn't the only document the FBI changed the time to read "1:25". They did the same thing in their report on the records of the Dudley Hughes Funeral Home, the ambulance company that transported Tippit. On this document, the time has been altered by hand. It's obvious to anyone looking at these documents that they were altered. The first was typed over, the second was altered by hand. All of this in order to make the times "jibe". Mr. Brown also failed to respond when I asked him why the dictabelt indicates that Ted Callaway made a second citizen call for help AFTER the ambulance had already arrived. Mr. Brown also fails to tells us why the record shows that taxi driver William Scoggins radioed his dispatcher for an ambulance ( 3 H 326 ) at 1:25 ( CD 5, pg. 78 ) when Tippit's body was already at Methodist Hospital. There are a lot of things Mr. Brown doesn't tell you about this case. Probably because Dale Myers never addresses it. Of course this whole timing issue could have been resolved by the doctor who pronounced Tippit dead, but Dr. Liquori was never called to testify. Why not ? Does Dale Myers address any of these issues ? Because Mr. Brown doesn't. The "Oswald-did-it" timeline only worked if Tippit was shot at 1:15 or after. A week after the assassination, the FBI knew that. They ordered the Dallas Office to make sure their records reflected that. The altering of these documents causes me to question the motive behind those alterations. I believe that the record was altered to hide the fact that Tippit was murdered sometime between 1:06 and 1:10 and that Oswald could not have been that killer. But for folks like Dale Myers and Mr. Brown, there's nothing to see here.
  10. It's been explained to you in the paragraph previous to the one you cited. Please try to keep up.
  11. I owe you an apology. While the Dallas Police transcript shows the caller to be "78", ( Tippit ) the FBI transcript shows the callers to be two different units, the first being "58" and the second being "488". I went back and listened to the audio and the FBI transcript is correct. The two calls made at 1:08 that the Dallas Police attributed to Tippit were not made by him. This is the FBI transcript and I've added the audio to show this to be true. Note: The FBI did not transcribe all the the broadcasts only those they felt were pertinent. So you're going to hear exchanges that are not on the transcript. https://gil-jesus.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/the-two-78s.mp4 I erred in saying that both versions of the radio transcripts had the same information. I also erred in taking the Dallas PD version as gospel without comparing it to the FBI version. When I did and found the conflict between the two transcripts, I went back and studied the audio and found that the FBI transcript was the correct one. I apologize to anyone who was misled. The two calls to dispatch made at 1:08 were NOT made by Tippit. But that doesn't mean he was killed at 1:15.
  12. You don't have to rely on the honesty of Helen Markham when there is corroborating evidence that supports what she says. I identified a call at the time I WANTED ? I use it because I like it ? No I use it because it's evidence and part of the official record. I identified what was cited on the transcript as Tippit's last call. I didn't make the transcript up myself, it's part of the official record. I didn't alter it. It's cited for anyone to double-check. I merely cited it as the last time we know Tippit was alive. It's cited on both the Dallas Police transcript ( CE 705 ) and the FBI version ( CD 1420 ). And yes, it is audible on the recording. I have it a copy of it. Anyone who knows me knows I don't make stuff up. I may not always be right, but I don't make stuff up. Everything I post I back up with evidence. And I cite everything in red so anyone who doesn't believe me can check my sources for themselves. It's called transparency. If you have evidence that Tippit never made the two attempts to call his dispatcher at 1:08 or was alive after 1:10 pm please post it. I'd be interested in seeing your evidence. Thanks in advance.
  13. You can't have the shooting at 1:15 and Markham standing on the corner, a block from her bus. At 1:15, she would have been on her bus. She testified to that. So either the shooting was at 1:15 and Markham never witnessed it because she was on her bus, or she DID witness it and it occurred before 1:15. The preponderance of the evidence indicates that she DID witness the murder ( other witnesses place her there ) so the shooting HAD to have occurred BEFORE 1:15. Mr. Brown's theory that Bowley used the radio at 1:17 is in error and it's based on the dictabelt being accurate. Unlike some of you folks, I don't rely on the dictabelt being accurate. I've already given an example of the recording of a second civilian use of the police radio to call for help ( blue highlight ) AFTER the ambulance has arrived on the scene ( pink highlight ). No one's been able to explain why the civilian ( Callaway ? ) made a second broadcast for help AFTER the ambulance had reportedly arrived. When I see things depicted out of their logical order, this certainly raises my suspicion over the accuracy of that order. Maybe other people have no problem with this, but to me it makes no sense. A second call for help SHOULD have occurred BEFORE the ambulance arrived. This is common sense. The fact that the second call appears on the dictabelt AFTER the ambulance arrived leads me to believe that the dictabelt is not accurate and may have been tampered with. The evidence indicates Mrs. Markham was on the corner at 1:06-1:07. Her testimony indicates Tippit was alive and confronted someone on foot. The evidence indicates Tippit was alive and used his radio at 1:08. The evidence indicates he was dead at 1:10. The evidence indicates his body arrived at Methodist Hospital and was pronounced dead on arrival at 1:15. The evidence indicates the FBI altered two reports dated 11/29 to reflect that Tippit was pronounced dead at 1:25. Like I've said, you can believe the dictabelt, or you can believe everything else to the contrary.
  14. Because he rode a bus to get to the theater. Earlene Roberts saw him standing at the bus stop outside the roominghouse after he left. ( 7 H 439 )
  15. All speculation. Bowley was never called to testify. The only statement he made was an affidavit taken by an unknown officer ( 24 H 202 ). In that affidavit, he stated, "I looked at my watch and it said 1:10 pm." He leaves no doubt what time his watch displayed. When you claim his watch was 5 minutes slow, you're speculating without any evidence to back it up, choosing to "explain what makes sense" instead of looking at the evidence to the contrary. There is overwhelming and corroborating evidence that the murder occurred before 1:15. Bowley's time of 1:10 pm for his arrival is corroborated by other evidence. Firstly, if the murder occured at or after 1:15, Helen Markham is not standing on the corner. She's on her bus and well on her way to work. Markham had been walking along Patton on her way to "catch the 1:15 bus" to work at the corner of Patton and East Jefferson, one block from the shooting. She told the Commission that she had left her house a little "after 1:00", walked one block to Tenth and Patton and placed the time of the shooting at 1:06 - 1:07 pm. Mr. BALL. You think it was a little after 1? Mrs. MARKHAM. I wouldn't be afraid to bet it wasn't 6 or 7 minutes after 1. Mr. BALL. You know what time you usually get your bus, don't you? Mrs. MARKHAM. 1:15. Mr. BALL. So it was before 1:15 ? Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, it was. ( 3 H 306 ) The time of the shooting HAD to have been before 1:15, otherwise Mrs. Markham was never going to get her bus. Helen Markham had to walk two blocks to catch her bus. She had only walked one block when she witnessed the murder. The 1:15 time for the shooting is ridiculous for two reasons: it implies that either Mrs. Markham left her house too late to catch her bus, or that she would have taken over ten minutes to walk that one block. Markham's sworn affidavit put the time of the murder at "approximately" 1:06 pm: Markham's estimation that the shooting occurred at 1:06 is completely consistent with her walk to the bus stop taking a total of 10-12 minutes. This is supported by the schedule of the bus Mrs. Markham was trying to catch, which indicates that the time the bus would get to Patton and Jefferson was 1:12 pm. You can't have Markham on the corner at 1:15 AND the murder occurring at that time. Her bus arrives at Patton Ave and East Jefferson at 1:12 and leaves at 1:15. She can't be one block away at 1:15 and still catch her bus. Either you have the crime occurring after 1:15 pm and Markham is on her bus, or you have Markham on the corner witnessing the murder BEFORE 1:15. But you can't have it both ways. The evidence doesn't support it. Tippit's last radio broadcast ( Car 78 ) was at 1:08 pm. At that time, he was still alive. The evidence now indicates that the time of the murder was between the 1:08 of his last transmission and the 1:12 arrival of Mrs. Markham's bus. Secondly, there are the transcripts of the police log. Commission Document 1420 is the transcript of the Dallas police log for 11/22/63. It shows that T.F. Bowley made the original call on the radio at 1:16 ( page 52 ). BUT the ambulance WENT TO THE WRONG LOCATION before it arrived at the Tippit shooting scene. On page 54, The ambulance responding to the call ( 602 ) radioes that he's arrived at the scene, ( Code 6 ) the time is noted as 1:19. Then he asks, "what's that address on Jefferson ?" He's redirected by the dispatch to a second wrong address, "501 East Tenth". On the next page, the ambulance once again indicates a Code 6 ( out at destination ). On the following page, although the ambulance has already arrived, there is a second use of the police car radio by a civilian ( highlighted in blue ) to report the shooting. Why on earth would someone use the police radio to report the shooting a second time if the ambulance was already on the scene ? Is this evidence that the dictabelt has been tampered with ? Thirdly, witnesses in the neighborhood placed the time of the shooting closer to 1:00 pm, rather than after 1:15. Ted Callaway " about 1 pm" ( 24 H 204 ) Sam Guinyard "about 1pm" ( 24 H 210 ) Barbara Davis "a few minutes after 1pm" ( CD 87, pg. 556 ) Domingo Benavides " it was about 1 o'clock" ( 6 H 446 ) Francis Kinneth "approximately 1 pm" ( Oswald 201 file, Vol 25, part 2 of 2, pg. 119 ) Frank Cimino "around 1pm" ( Oswald 201 file, Vol. 8, pg. 239 ) Mrs. Higgins "heard the shots and ran out her front door to see Tippit lying in the street. She said it was 1:06. She knew that because she was watching TV and the announcer said it. So she automatically checked her clock when he said it and he was right." ( Barry Ernest interview with Mrs. Higgins from his book, "The Girl on the Stairs", 2010 ) Not one witness puts the murder later than 1:10 pm. Fourthly, Dallas Police Officers Davenport and Bardin escorted the ambulance with Tippit's body to Methodist Hospital. Their report indicates that Tippit was pronounced dead at 1:15 pm. Not only was Tippit pronounced dead, he was pronounced "dead on arrival ". The term D.O.A. means that the victim was "dead on arrival" or "dead on admission" to the hospital. In the case of a D.O.A., doctors at the hospital have no way of knowing when a victim actually lost his life, so the time of pronunciation of death is based on the time of arrival at the hospital, hence dead-on-ARRIVAL. The report of the officers is corroborated by the "Permit for Autopsy" , which states that Tippit was indeed "dead on arrival" and that the time of his arrival was 1:15 pm. Tippit couldn't have been shot later than 1:15 as the Commission ( and you ) contend if his body was arriving D.O.A. at the hospital at 1:15. Fifthly, in his interview with the House Select Committee on Assassinations, in September 1977, ambulance driver Jasper Clayton Butler said that from the time the ambulance company got the call to the time Tippit was pronounced dead was "approximately four minutes." This puts the call from police to the ambulance company at 1:11, again, consistent with Bowley's arrival time of 1:10 and Tippit's last use of the radio at 1:08. This puts the killing in the 1:08-1:10 range, a physical impossibility for Oswald to have been in that location if he left his roominghouise a few minutes after 1:00. Sixthly, there is evidence that the FBI tampered with the written record. The FBI claimed that it interviewed Dr. Richard Liquori, who pronounced Tippit dead and that Liquori stated that he pronounced Tippit dead at 1:25 pm. But if you look closely at the time, the original time was handwritten over to read 1:25. And this wasn't the only document the FBI changed the time by hand to read "1:25". They did the same thing in their report on the records of the Dudley Hughes Funeral Home. Dr. Liquori was never called to testify. A homicide case where the doctor who pronounces the victim dead is never called to testify ? I suggest to the reader that these documents originally said "1:15" and the second "1" was altered by hand to a "2 ". Seventhly, and finally, more than one witness claimed to have seen Oswald BEFORE Tippit was murdered, more than 3/4 of a mile from the murder scene. Perhaps the most damaging evidence to an Oswald-killed-Tippit scenario comes from the man who ran the concession stand at the Texas Theater, Warren ( Butch ) Burroughs, who said he saw Oswald enter the Texas Theater between 1:00 and 1:07 pm. Burroughs said that Oswald had purchased popcorn about 1:15 and then sat next to a pregnant woman who went to the bathroom and then disappeared. A second witness who puts Oswald inside the Texas Theater at the time of the Tippit killing was Jack Davis. Author Bill Simpich writes, "Burroughs’ story was corroborated by eighteen-year-old Jack Davis, never questioned by the Warren Commission, who remembered at 1:15 seeing Oswald squeeze in right next to him at the mostly deserted theater during the opening credits to the movie, then got up quickly and sat down next to someone else. Davis stated that Oswald sat next to him and then another patron before going out to the lobby." Documentation indicates that Tippit was pronounced dead on arrival at Methodist Hospital at 1:15. Given the four minute approximate that it took for the ambulance to respond to the call and transport the fallen officer, I believe that the timeline supports that Tippit was killed before 1:11. I believe he was killed between 1:08 and 1:10. Tippit's last broadcast was at 1:08 pm. He called dispatch twice and got no response. T.F. Bowley came upon Tippit lying in the street, looked at his watch and it said 1:10. If Tippit was killed AFTER 1:15, Helen Markham and T. F. Bowley would not have been witnesses. Markham would have been on her bus and Bowley would have already picked up his daughter at school. The documented evidence supports a shooting timeline prior to 1:15 pm, probably in the 1:08-1:10 range, too early for Oswald to have walked to the scene from his roominghouse, even if he left at 1:00 pm. When it comes to the time of the murder, you can believe the dictabelt or you can believe the mountain of corroborating evidence to the contrary. But the timing of the Tippit murder as proof for or aganist Oswald's guilt becomes insignificant when you consider that Oswald had an alibi. Two witnesses ( Burroughs and Davis ) saw Oswald in the Texas Theater at or before 1:15 pm and their corroborating accounts make it impossible for him to have been Tippit's killer. Learn the case.
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