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Vince Palamara

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About Vince Palamara

  • Birthday 06/25/1978

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  • Location
    Pittsburgh, PA
  • Interests
    The Secret Service, JFK, Presidential history, the Steelers, music (Playing guitar)

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  1. BRIAN DOYLE HAS SPOKEN: "If you could post in that Education Forum thread and ask if I could defend my own research I'd appreciate it" Brian feels vindicated- it is a woman, Sarah Stanton (?), not LHO (don't kill the messenger)
  2. Yet ANOTHER video was sent to me (this time thanks to Robbie Irskine)! A gentleman I corresponded with several times: lead Tampa motorcycle officer Russell Groover (from local Tampa news 2013). Groover confirmed that all multi-story building rooftops were guarded during the 28 mile motorcade in correspondence with myself. In this rare local news clip, Groover confirms JFK plot information coming from the FBI and CIA. The first less-than-a-minute video is the clip Robbie sent me. The second less-than-a-minute clip is from a SILENT video I made a couple years back about the 11/18/63 Tampa, Florida motorcade with both rare photos (including the major Secret Service report confirming multi story building rooftops guarded) and some of my correspondence with Groover. SEE MY SIXTH BOOK COMING OCTOBER 2024 FOR MUCH MORE!
  3. https://www.amazon.com/Interviews-Parkland-Hospital-Assassination-President-ebook/dp/B00KUUOMKE/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BD01CHIKV30J&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ClVdGWCyNSiiiMyvreICl8Np3w4jzWWfmRIzFQMPPgnGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.58ekb_pf8MliGrNCE7_EOeLL7Dl0hx_dtQPFDY5qtkY&dib_tag=se&keywords=brad+parker+jfk&qid=1723161783&s=digital-text&sprefix=brad+parker+jfk%2Cdigital-text%2C78&sr=1-1
  4. Watching the amateur video, it does seem like there is a heck of a delay before the counter sniper finally fires.
  5. WOW---IF this is true, heads will roll (and it reminds one of Dallas)
  6. This whole thing is surreal. The shooter is from my hometown and graduated at the same high school (albeit decades later)!
  7. What I have been saying. Where are the ear pieces, as well?
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