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David Josephs

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    By the Beach
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    History and restoring our 100 year old summer home

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  1. Hi David, yes they are directly out of the book, only larger and more legible. I guess the answer to your question is both the Relationships and the Date book. A picture does paint a thousand words and color has been added to show the date book entries on the chart. Please let me know if you have any questions about the color coding and thanks for the welcome. I made a second post called part 2 with a much larger graphic.

    1. David Josephs

      David Josephs

      The chart helps a lot...  I do them for myself all the time.

      At this point I want to know more about Thomas Eli Davis Jr. and Mexico since I've written extensively on how Oswald was simply not found or seen in Mexico City...

      Look forward to this journey and thanks for the help

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