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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. It was not until the 29th of Nov did MX tell HQ that Alvarado recanted... but there is more to the story of course... including Alvarado's superior (Wheelock) coming yet not taking part in the interrogation. From the time Alvarado told his story the FBI, specifically Hoover was very concerned as this changed Oswald from LONER to this being a Castro Plot... Phillips was in on the interrogations and yes he did recant yet privately he maintained the Sept 18th date and that the story was real... DAP musta put the fear of G~d and the CIA in him... One of the most damaging and amazing stories about the root cause of the assassination coming from Mexico and the CIA wants to make sure he is not punished and given something "useful and non-sensitive" to do for a few months... to recap: A CIA asset tells a story about Oswald receiving money to kill JFK but gets the date wrong (despite this date being the day after he supposedly got his tourist visa - and not to even mention what Nagell knows) After a brutal interrogation he agrees to recant... So we guess it's ok for a CIA asset to lie about who killed JFK and why as nothing happens to the man and the lead is summarily dropped as implausible... a fabrication. Except there are at least 3 or 4 other "witnesses" to our Oswald in MX doing nefarious things.... I did attach a CIA report of them talking with Papich... but not the one where the CIA refuses to polygraph Villanova.... another Alvarado-type source of disinformation.. FWIW
  2. When was he on the street Denis and based on what evidence?
  3. Lopez also agreed the WCR got the trip down and back correct as well... Not so much. Wow, Lopez publishing in Blakey's final report says Oswald not CIA... stop the presses!
  4. In protection of the president... why do you supposed Harry would be so upset? 68-08-15 Harry Weatherford threatens Roger Craig years later as Craig gave up Weatherford's position on 11-22 on the county records building roof.pdf
  5. 4. They were real, lifetime KGB agents, who in fact perpetuated the lie about Oswald in Mexico... If your question is going to include all the possible wrong answers we get a tautology. So I'd have to ask in return... What provoked CBS to create specials to lie to the American people and the world about the assassination? What provoked Time-Life to do what they did with the films, frames, images and WCR fantasy? Ben, I think what happens as we continue to discuss this is that we become desensitized... In the real sense of the word there was a coup d'etat in the US... a successful coup not like that sloppy mess on Jan 6th. this was a coup run by the US Military and carried out by those beholden to that Military, which in 1963 was virtually everyone. There would be no reason EVER to allow the pieces of said coup to form a picture despite the fact we both know that parts of the picture puzzle are as plain as day to see... The true cutters of the puzzle pieces can only be culled from a very select group.. Dulles, Angleton, Helms and their closest were, as I see it, carrying out military orders with Military Intelligence, although with the added benefit of the CIA's CI machine. But let's be real clear here. Without the Military and the Military's budget.. the CIA was a toothless doberman... You ever wonder why everything always falls on the CIA as opposed to ONI or MID? Just maybe it was planned that way? In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  6. Matt - Like the rave party that Oswald never attended, Duran's reputation based on her looks and affair with Carlos Lechuga former Cuban ambassador to Mexico and at the time Amb to the US.... would in no way mean she was as "wild" as the CIA and Leibeler would make her out to be. Who was this Mexican source Matt? It's important.
  7. Ben, while the documents are indeed the door... it remains the players who are most important to straighten out. I disregarded what occurred in Mexico on purpose because of LOPEZ's off-hand acceptance of the WCR conclusion that Oswald made the trip. The 2 documents which began my journey are the New Orleans visa and the Hotel Registry. (https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index) WE 2478 and 2480. The 15 day visa (actually good for 180 days) is made out to "Lee, Harvey Oswald" yet signed as we have seen his signature a million times. The rule at the hotel is the guest signs in day 1 while the manager writes in the name each day for the length of the stay. The man who signs "Lee H. Oswald" Puts "Lee, Harvey Oswald" on the hotel registry - overlays - mimicking the visa (visa acquisition being another ruse) I came to learn that every item of evidence was the work of OCHOA with direct evidence he added and changed documents before giving to the FBI and the fBI only provided copies, never originals. Point remained... if the Visa was the work of Gaudet, which I believe was so, creating the evidence after the fact created all sorts of problems for OCHOA and the FBI.... When I then learned that all 4 Mexican bus lines' main and Nuevo Laredo locations were raided the day of the assassination with only the records for Sept 26 thru Oct 4th removed... from all 4, and by "representatives of the government" Even the FBI's own reports contradicts which line they think he was on as he traveled and are even worse in MExico when we are treated to the Aussie ladies and the MacFarlands.... both of whose evidence is terrible for something so vitally important. Then there was OSBORNE/BOWEN And how what he says appears in the report: You'd have to read some of the work to dive deeper into the "others on the bus" who had anything to say about an American. Those who do are invariably tied to DAP or the Gobernacion which had both a CIA asset and FBI asset running things.
  8. I have PAt... many, many times and with substantial supporting evidence. Alvarado's story was a DAP invention... Kinda sad when it stares you in the face and you'd rather find any other solution
  9. Please also remember that Seymour Weitzman was referred to as "Officer Whitman of Robie Love Office" by Boone, another Sheriff under Decker. A bit of a conflict over when he was in the sporting goods business... plus it didn't LOOK like anything... the rifle in evidence is clearly marked, kind of. So one has to ponder why Boone and Weitzman are so sure at the time... an unscoped Masuer with a stripper clip would have made a much better weapon from that spot than an unaligned, scoped, POS, firing POS bullets. Joe Ball: Are you fairly familiar with rifles? Seymour Weitzman: Fairly familiar because I was in the sporting goods business awhile.... Joe Ball: Now, in your statement to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you gave a description of the rifle, how it looked. Seymour Weitzman: I said it was a Mauser-type action, didn't I? Spartacus claims that for the 15 years prior to his joining the police force, he worked at a woman's dress shop... Weitzman graduated from Indiana Engineering School in 1945. He returned to Dallas and was district supervisor and manager for Holly's Dress Shops for 15 years.
  10. (Thanks for the kind words Ben) Let's see... why would KGB officers lying about Oswald being in Mexico... in support of the CIA.. their immortally locked enemy? 1 - they never saw the FBI reports from Nov 1963 looking for Oswald 2 - they never heard DURAN fabricate her meeting with this man 3 - they were not fully aware of the complete 180 degree turnaround on ALVARADO 4 - the ongoing lie to this day via June Cobb and cousin de la PAZ that Oswald was at some Rave party 5 - the scores of other names who claim to have experienced some interaction with Oswald, yet all lead back to Phillips How would it make them look if they let it known the entire thing was a ruse... We have to accept that the KGB played with the Seat of their Government as wildly as the CIA played with ours.... During the months of July, August, September and October the CIA also listened in on KGB home lines, private personal lines on which they reported. Extemporaneously as would be expected, reports in Oct and Nov SHOULD be filled with KGB/Soviet discussion of that crazy American... I have the book too... just for Sh!ts and giggles... Kostikov claims Oswald is there on the 27th at 12:30. This report was buried with emphasis on the 28th (BS CIA transcript) and the 1st which supposedly corroborates it being Oswald on the 28th. More importantly is the HSCA testimony of BORIS TARASOFF... I suggest reading all of it as he only remembers 2 conversations not 6... and all the DURAN phone conversations from the morning of the 27th are pure CIA CI. At least how I saw it after a few years of working on it
  11. Win Scott = CIA And he doesn't say he has a photo of Oswald but a man Scott believes impersonated him. How does Scott even begin to know what Oswald looked like? The scramble in MX was for HQ to get the Navy to send a photo. Goodpasture straight out lies about the photos... when and where and who. If our man in Mexico had a photo of Oswald... what's the point of a memo like this, incriminating his staff (Manel/Goodpasture) as the ones misinforming others about photos as shown below.. And how can it be a threat that Scott reveal this Oswald photo? It's the proof everyone wants...?? If anything he would have a mark on his back for having a photo of a man which would prove Oswald was not there... enter JJA and a disappearing safe.
  12. Joe... I am of the strong opinion that the rifle DAY carries out is not the rifle in Evidence... As I've alluded to, the written descriptions are eerily close and much more specific than needed on an affidavit... "I saw the rifle" would have been sufficient. Weitzman then Boone. Finally... our man Brennan who did/didn't see what happened did say this... A scope seems less and less possible first from this statement and second from the reality a shooter at this distance with a moving target would not use a scope.... Food for thought. (btw - Boone calls Weitzman "Whitman from Robie Love office")
  13. I do Matt... They are in the 17-18 release and I believe there are links to them in the articles... This is the one sent Oct 8th, day after Phillips arrives, for All of Sept coverage. At the bottom right I include an earlier reports "exploitation" section to show how detailed a call/visit report on an American speaking person gets.... The October report does not get to HQ until Nov 14
  14. I don't know that we've seen the application Duran refers to - the one she sends to Cuba for a visa... the one in our records does not show a denial... I am of the opinion the photos are attached to "the" applications after the fact.
  15. Within the the days after 11/22 she is asked by the FBI and SS and both her answers were negative as to her having any knowledge Oswald was going to Mexico... Ruth says the same. this is the FBI SS report
  16. Yes, Consul Eusabio AZCUE Lopez specifically says it was not the Oswald killed by Ruby... On a side note, AMMUG-1 tells us the manner in which AZCUE is described as dealing with an American wanting to go to Russia/Cuba as completely the opposite of how he needed to behave... as if he know this was not a defector... AZUCE's job was to keep tabs upon and turn Americans interested in Cuba/Russia... He like most of them was KGB. As to that photo... I get pretty detailed into how that could not have been the images attached to the application... the top two were found in his photo album and is described by Marina as a photo of him in Russia. Worse yet the signatures on both applications are different as well as the carbon not coming close to matching the original.... and finally, if you go to the exhibits, the top of one is cut off while the bottom - with his signature - is cut off the other.... CORNWELL - So, from all the circumstances, did it appear to your that he just went somewhere locally and had the pictures made?TIRADO - Yeah. I think that I already explained (to) him where he could take the photographs.CORNWELL - You told him some locations in town where ge could go? Were there some right in the neighborhood of the Consulate there?TIRADO - That I don't remember. CORNWELL - And what did you do with the photographs?TIRADO - Stapled them.CORNWELL - Stapled them?TIRADO - Yes.CORNWELL - On top of the application.TIRADO - Yes. Please notice the photocopy of the CC does not have a staple holding the photo in place... there's nothing there... The WC choose not to show DURAN the photo on the application while a call between ARMAS and Dorticos specifically state that DURAN did send in an application and it was declined:
  17. There are so many things right and wrong with an identification as a Mauser... and a scoped Mauser at that. The scope mounts on the Mauser obscure the word MAUSER as well as the caliber. MASUERs use stripper clips... SINCE THERE WAS NO CLIP IN SIGHT.. and the stripper clip is discarded after loading this is very possibly the reason Weitzman says it's a Mauser.... What stikes me as strange is the reading of the Boone and Weitzman affidavits... they are virtually identical as if they are given a script... raising the question... "Why specifically name the caliber of the rifle in a signed legal document when according to so many DAY shows them a 6.5 FC Carcano? or does he? The photo below on the right side under the "CAL 7.35" is the only photograph depicting the rifle in evidence's caliber... (part of Riva's job in Italy was to sand off the serial numbers and etch "Made in Italy" (https://www.kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JosephsRifle.pdf). Expanding on Armstrong's great work with the rifle origins https://www.kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JosephsRiflePart1.pdf will give a good understanding of the events leading to placing a rifle into evidence.
  18. Interesting comment Evan... but I believe an overshot. If one is able to read and connect information over a vast network of data, we find that some of what he says does wind up being substantiated and authentic... although wrapped inn other lies and misdirection. I would never use the CIA or MAFIA as sources for reliable information until it is Authenticated... until then I'd say the fall into the "Really good leads" category. FWIW
  19. I believe it was Thursday night The Texas Employment Commission building is but 4-5 miles from the cafe where Mrs. Norman worked, L.B. Day confirms her story while Leon Oswald is not at Sylvia Odio's in Dallas until the early evening of the 26th. Sylvia's testimony suggests that the 26th or 27th was possible and that she had been to work that day (although she finally does settle on the evening of the 26th as the time and date).
  20. I go into the monthly summary reports in my essays... For September there is NO MENTION OF OSWALD while mentioning 2 direct leads from the same sources... CHOADEN/PHILLIPS sends himself pouches from Mexico as he traveled back and forth
  21. No Pat... he didn't.. For the entire month of November Hoover had agents and assets looking for any sign of Oswald in Mexico including their asset OCHOA at the Gobernacion A day before the famous "memos" go out Phillips arrives in Mexico... amazing. The #1 double agent in the Cuban Embassy was LITAMIL-9 who was extremely close to AZCUE and helped identify photos of visitors as part of his gig there... He like everyone else can only point to CIA transcripts and FBI controlled evidence for his being there.... Maybe read one of my 5 chapters on the subject... The FBI's reconstruction of a journey that never happened is absurd. For example... if the man was known as "O.H. LEE" why is the evidence offered to use with his name alphabetized under "O" ?? between MOORE and OUELLET... and this is just the tip of the disinformation iceberg... The man Ruby killed was not in Mexico at the end of Sept/Oct 1963... and there is truly no reason to believe anyone impersonated him... spycraft Pat... Phillips was a master of CI... Alvarado, DURAN, Tarasoff, and so many more.... read the actual FBI reports and see if what they say makes any sense... or you can just read my series at K&K.... they arbitrarily put Gobernacion employees on the passenger lists and then had them testify it was Oswald... Teresa PROENZA claims Oswald first speaks to her when entering the building... talk about a backstory on a person... No Pat... our little Oswald was elsewhere... if someone was there trying to leave the impression Oswald was there... they did an incredibly bad job
  22. Lopez's report aided... was he aware of what he was doing with this one sentence? ps... all the info he had on Mexico came from the CIA or CIA related assets...
  23. I think Hoover knew On October 10 when he sees that cable... He KNOWS Oswald is elsewhere... on the way to Odio with "comrades" via Austin. hidden within over 1600 documents is the reality he never went and Tarasoff aided as a CIA contract employee... FWIW
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