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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. No doubt a mountain of things you we never knew about Oswald, huh Gerry? Thanks for the pithy and insightful response... (kidding like you) Stick around or do a little searching on the site... you can spend weeks reading new things about Oswald and what was done to him by the lovely FBI/CIA/INS/DPD... etc... Any questions or comments about what was presented?
  2. Also.. looking closely... no badgeman, hatman, or arnold gordon But this guy behind the fence is still there.. obviously in front of the foliage and behind the fence and in the same spot Sam Holland went when asked where he say the smoke. .
  3. I knew it was in the later Altgens photo, but I just jumped out at me in Moorman... I did some darkening and contrast to bring it out.. FWIW DJ
  4. For those who do not have a few select posters on ignore this may be a difficult thread... I've gone thru more H&L evidence of their separate existences than most people have gone thru ALL JFK evidence... The vast majority of evidence proves there were 2 men which had been combined into one record... BTAIM, To those interested I offer this, to those not... there are many other threads for you to find which support your views... DVP has his own spot I believe First I colorized and cleared up the supposed "split" image... then I superimposed the passport photo and anchored it to the right ear of the "split"image since this was claimed to be LEE's side of the image... Nothing I can do will make the head sizes match, the facial features are not in the same places... I've included a number of comparisons and an image of a 15 year old LEE most have never seen this is Harvey and this is LEE... Harvey superimposed over Lee A number of people looking like Oswald The 5'4" 115 lbs October 1951 versus 22 months later 4'9" 90 lbs... August 1953 Do children get smaller as they become teenagers? An image of a younger LEE (about 15-16) most people have never seen.. this is the big, leader of boys the students from his schools described... I get the impression due to the hair parted on the wrong side that the B&W was produced reversed.. yet as I look closer the buttons on the B&W shirt are on the correct side of the shirt, so in reality this colorized version I did is reversed.. DJ
  5. So doesn't this prove that they are both in the same place? I'm sorry but I don't understand your point then... "Raised up in the seat" should show JFK much higher than the readjusted downward location of the reenactment head... When are you saying he ROSE UP? And doesn't this simply prove that the reenactment camera was not in the exact Zapruder filming location but slightly higher? one of your gifs on the last page shows it doesn't line up well... The sign is lower while the holes in the wall are higher.. the result of the camera being slightly too high.. near objects appear lower, far ones, higher... ??
  6. Amazing the lengths people will travel to try and discredit Armstrong's work on WESTBROOK and CROY and the crooked cops surrounding them... WESTBROOK (Capt of PERSONNEL): Jacket, HIDELL ID, Arrests Oswald, has a second revolver in his office, appears to be railroading Oswald straight to patsy-land. and CROY tells us he sees Ruby, recognizes him well before Oswald is brought out...and does nothing... Ruby is over by the railing at the bottom of the Main Str Ramp... CROY at Tippit scene: CROY at assigned position CROY AND RUBY (in the hat far right of screen). screen grabs from youtube video of Oswald murder... John and I prove that RUBY did not come down that ramp but instead went thru a side door our man WESTBROOK later say was never checked or even considered a possibility... until the HSCA which concludes that side entrace was the most likely place RUBY entered... FWIW WESTBROOK is a large key to understanding what happens to Oswald... he is then shipped off to Vietnam to work with the CIA after he leaves the DPD... Yes, that's David Morales with the hat. WESTBROOK at far right in dark Tshirt I'd urge curious readers to Google WESTBROOK and see all that we've written about him and discovered about him... The "Captain of Personnel" who fails to even call the Tippits to tell them about what happened... but instead inserts himself at every critical moment of the day... "aint gonna learn what you don't wanna know"
  7. First off... quoting DALE MYERS as a source for anything is simply folly at best.... the man substantially and materially lied about most every aspect of the case to support his own version.... HOLMES SAID TO MYERS? really? --- and it was not even HOLMES himself but his son talking to Myers... solid evidence greg I think you're both missing the point about the WALLETS... the only wallets(billfolds) in DPD evidence are the red one FROM IRVING and a brown one FROM IRVING with a Marine group photo that does not appear in the list of wallet s or their contents... There are no wallets or billfolds in evidence described as the wallet taken from Oswald when arrested. This is the photo which is not listed on any inventory of wallet contents, specifically CLEMMENTS or BOOKOUT CE1991/1990 and CE1986 This is the wallet from "Oswald's home" shown below... Where in evidence is THIS wallet Bill? Greg? The one supposedly containing 16 items including the 3 HIDELL related cards: FPCC New Orleans card signed by "A.J. Hidell" SSS card with his photo and obviously erased and retyped info & the Marines cert of service with wildly wrong dates of service Items taken from this wallet, described as "taken from wallet at Oswald's home" match all the items supposedly taken from the arrest wallet, see below https://texashistory.unt.edu/search/?q=wallet&t=fulltext&fq=untl_collection%3AJFKDP [Items from Wallet, Photograph #9] DESCRIPTION:Evidence photographs of items found in Oswald's home. The items were taken from a wallet. DATE: November 1963 CREATOR: Dallas (Tex.). Police Department. ITEM TYPE: Refine your search to onlyPhotograph PARTNER: Dallas Municipal Archives You will notice below the LEE OSWALD Service card with the correct dates of service... inventoried as found in the arrest wallet, the physical billfold Fritz gives to Hosty on the 27th with the 16 pieces of cards and IDs... CE2003. Which wallet this is is anyone's guess... The wallet in Irving seems to have been swapped for the arrest wallet... with the arrest wallet disappearing completely. Then we have the wallet at the Tippit scene which you claim was CALLOWAY's and that Barrett is a xxxx. No reports on HOLMES, no evidence he was actually there... just Dale Myers and Now let me add another into the mix: The DPD photographed it but never mentioned it as evidence: https://texashistory.unt.edu/search/?q=wallet&t=fulltext&fq=untl_collection%3AJFKDP - this links to the wallet, contents and this image. ALL placed in a wallet found at "Oswald's home"... And then there is the $170 in a wallet in Irving... supposedly left for MARINA.... so I assume they believed it was hers and did not take the cash but only the wallet?.. and then not mention a portion of the contents anywhere? DPD inventory lists shows $13 and 87 cents while the 2 FBI reports of CLEMENTS and BOOKOUT show conflicting content lists... So Greg's deciding what people saw and heard based on Myers 3rd hand account doesn't strike me as very solid, and the changing of the wallet lists, and the physical evidence given and then returned to FBI (same stuff or not we don't know) AND the incontrovertible fact that there is NEVER mention of the arrest wallet and it's contents after the initial reports that there was an arrest wallet Bentley takes out while in the back seat and claims the name is LEE OSWALD... no HIDELL ID was seen or mentioned in that car.
  8. So doesn't that changes how the two vehicles are compared... the limo will always be lower than the reenactment limo and therefore JFK will be lower... or am I missing something obvious here? shouldn't you Lower the re enactment car by 10" (within the frame that is of course) and see how it lines up with the extant limo?
  9. Motivated devil's advocate.... Isn't the reenactment car 10" higher than the limo?
  10. Please do not pollute this forum with these posts... HICKEY nor OSWALD had anything to do with JFK's death... btw, the WCR is a load of cr@p, and proven so. Reminds me of a song lyric: You ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know...
  11. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/ayton-mel-and-david-von-pein-beyond-reasonable-doubt Martin Hay: (about halfway thru the article) It has also been suggested that Brennan, like a number of other witnesses, was pressured into changing his story. His job foreman, Sandy Speaker, told author Jim Marrs, "They took [Brennan] off for about three weeks. I don't know if they were Secret Service or FBI, but they were federal people. He came back a nervous wreck and within a year his hair had turned snow white. He wouldn't talk about [the assassination] after that. He was scared to death. They made him say what they wanted him to say." (Marrs, Crossfire, p. 26) Whether Speaker's story is true or not, it is interesting to note that years later Brennan refused to cooperate with the HSCA. When House Select Committee staff first contacted him, it was with the idea of talking quietly with him at his home in Texas. But, according to an outside contact report dated March 13, 1978, Brennan "stated that the only way he will talk to anyone from this Committee, is if he is subpoenaed." A month later the Committee asked him to reconsider and, when he refused, informed him that he would be subpoenaed to testify before the committee on May 2. Brennan wasted no time in informing the Committee staff that he "would not come to Washington and that he would fight any subpoena. And, in fact, Brennan was belligerent about not testifying. He stated that he would avoid any subpoena by getting his doctor to state that it would be bad for his health to testify about the assassination. He further told me that even if he was forced to come to Washington he would simply not testify if he didn't want to." (HSCA contact report, 4/20/78, Record No. 180-10068-10381) Between May 15 and May 19, 1978, 11 attempts were made to present Brennan with previous statements he had made which were finally left with him on May 19. But when Committee staff returned a few days later to collect the form asserting that his previous statements were correct, a very odd lacuna appeared in the record. It was discovered that Brennan had refused to sign the form. The HSCA went as far as granting Brennan immunity from prosecution, but he would not budge.
  12. Thanks Ron... was not aware of SPEAKER or the call... Millican sounds so nonchalant " A man standing on the South side of Elm Street, was either hit in the foot, or the ankle and fell down. And then I went back to work." Do we see Brennan look up to his left? And somehow he sees the person but not the scope directly in front of his face... And SORRELLS of the SS with him to boot.... Cinque gets all crazy about FORD citing Brennan's comment about "light colored clothing"... wasn't FORD lying, but Brennan. FWIW... DJ
  13. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2022/157-10014-10090.pdf

    Has to do with the CIA creating the African Division...  I seem to remember you are very interested in African affairs...

    Unmarked in the 2022 release which was not in earlier releases

  14. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2022/docid-32423437.pdf From the 2022 release but is part of the "Pending Resolution" Records RIF is the same... yet only has page 1 of 50.
  15. Sweet! Of all the men, McCloy amazed me with his ability to be at the center of virtually everything important in government post WWII. John Jay McCloy (March 31, 1895 – March 11, 1989, was a Wall Street lawyer and banker who served as Assistant Secretary of War during World War II, where he made many major decisions. After the war he served as president of the World Bank, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, and chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. He later became a prominent United States presidential advisor, served on the Warren Commission, and was a member of the foreign policy establishment group of elders called "The Wise Men." --- The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC, "swink") was a United States federal government committee created in December 1944 to address the political-military issues involved in the occupation of the Axis powers following the end of World War II. SWNCC was an important precursor to the National Security Council, and represents perhaps the most successful integration of military and civilian assets in the history of U.S. foreign policy. As a result, it has received renewed scrutiny in the wake of the Iraq War as the U.S. government attempts to overhaul its interagency national security system.[1] During World War II, interagency coordination had been largely informal and mediated by president Roosevelt, but recognizing the need for deeper integration, the Secretary of State, Secretary of War, and Secretary of the Navy began holding weekly meetings to work through shared problems. However, the so-called "Committee of Three" had no specific mandate or authority, and this weakness became apparent as the war moved toward its conclusions and the details of occupation planning began to occupy the various departments. As soon as he became Secretary of State, Edward Stettinius sent a letter to War Secretary Henry Stimson and Navy Secretary James Forrestal proposing that they create a jointly managed secretariat to plan the occupations and achieve full integration of U.S. foreign policy. The secretariat was headed by Roosevelt favorite, Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy.
  16. Peace was within our grasp Extracts from US President Roosevelt’s speech to the US Congress on the Yalta Conference, March 1st 1945.
  17. Thanks Lori... I had not seen this before... Real History is indeed stranger than Fiction... https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/coldwar/documents/episode-1/kennan.htm George Kennan's Long Telegram in 1946 is also credited with creating the dominant view of how the US should see the Russian state. Reading all his work is, IMO, essential to understanding the foreign policy of the US after 1945... And the book "The Wise Men" is something not to miss if foreign policy formation and execution is of interest. Although written with a somewhat elitist slant, I found it a wonderful insight into the decades post WWII. https://www.amazon.com/Wise-Men-Friends-World-They/dp/1476728828 The Wise Men shares the stories of Averell Harriman, the freewheeling diplomat and Roosevelt’s special envoy to Churchill and Stalin; Dean Acheson, the secretary of state who was more responsible for the Truman Doctrine than Truman and for the Marshall Plan than General Marshall; George Kennan, self-cast outsider and intellectual darling of the Washington elite; Robert Lovett, assistant secretary of war, undersecretary of state, and secretary of defense throughout the formative years of the Cold War; John McCloy, one of the nation’s most influential private citizens; and Charles Bohlen, adroit diplomat and ambassador to the Soviet Union.
  18. The difference between the 2 boys is crazy... the Bronx zoo photo which Robert claims to have taken is not recognizable to PIC as his brother... Taken just 18 months earlier, the inset is a 5'4" 115lb Lee Oswald described as a leader, one of the biggest in the class, and a one tough kid... I called the zoo to ask about the height of those railings to be sure... I don't think children get shorter and smaller between ages 12 and 13... or men get shorter and smaller between age 18 and 23...
  19. The original is written in Russian Sandy so I don't know whether this was an interpretation problem of something else. And I appreciate your emphatic nature in discussions... I'll give it some more thought yet I'd also like you to consider what I've said about it a bit more... No harm, no foul...
  20. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10408-10419.pdf NAGELL AKA JOE CRAMER, JOE KRANE, ROBERT C NOLAN... KNOWN TO LNERGO (CYPT FOR FBI IN 60'S AND 70'S) HAS NAGELL'S 201 # AND STATEMENT FBI DOES NOT HAVE 1963 LETTER By the way.. the 221 page Nagell report page 11 states that he had in his possession a receipt for the registered mail letter to Hoover from 1963... And Ben... his chronology shows he was in MEXCIO CITY SEPT 28, 1962... In 1963 Sept he was in jail in TX. I believe he contends he was with an Oswald in 1962. In Sept 1962 our Oswald was working at Leslie Welding in Ft. Worth so it is possible that NAGELL posed as OSWALD in Sept 1962 for this meeting. From Armstrong's H&L taken from a written summary from Garrison's office of the interview with Donald Norton... Norton told Ward further that another CIA assignment took him to Monterrey, Mexico in September of 1962, where he met a nan identified as Harvey Lee. Norton swears this man fits the description, and he is certain of this identification, of Lee Harvey Oswald. He says.he delivered money to Harvey Lee for .revolutionary activity against Castro. ..... Then in September 1962, after Castro had taken ever Cuba, he was given the as- signment to take $50,000 to the Hotel Yamajel in Monterrey, Mexico. He drove to Monterrey in his own 1956 Buick and registered at the hotel under his own name. Donald P. Norton, the CIA agent who received $150,000 from David Ferrie in 1958 and delivered the cash to Havana, was given another assignment involving Cuba in the fall of 1962. On this occasion he was given a case full of money and told to travel to Monterrey, Mexico and meet "Harvey Lee." Norton took the case, traveled to Monterrey as directed, and checked into the Yamajel Hotel. Before he was able to get to his room Norton was met by "Harvey Lee." The two men went into the hotel bar to drink a couple of beers and relax. Norton recalled that "Harvey Lee" refused to look him in the eye. He described "Harvey Lee" as a man of slight build who was dressed casually and said that he was from New Orleans. When Norton saw photographs of "Lee Harvey Oswald" in the newspaper following the assassination, he said the man was identical to the "Harvey Lee" he met in Monterrey, except that his hair appeared to be thinner. Norton delivered the case full of money to "Harvey Lee" and was given a briefcase full of documents in return.
  21. Most welcome... I just downloaded the Leavelle file which was free as well... looking for the free ones first...
  22. https://downloads.paperlessarchives.com/p/n3m8/ It's a free download
  23. Thanks Bob... Maybe help me understand some of the work I did as well... While the eyes/nose/mouth appear similar, the shape of the head is wrong, and in the collage below the difference in stature is easily seen The photo of LEE in the fatigues - a fairly large man in fact - and the ones of the smaller Oswald seem to betray the two different men to me... I've also included the writings of John Ely who was gathering the bio on Oswald... Jenner and Rankin knew there were problems with the conflict of who Ely spoke with and who they claimed was with Oswald thru his Marine career... Thoughts?
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