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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Thanks for the deep insight Lance... One can only imagine how lost we would be without your input
  2. I started out to simply disprove what LOPEZ wrote... that the WCR correctly established the journey... it did the opposite. If he was there by some other means, I still have mounds of conflicting evidence that puts this much closer to Sandy's Fake Conspiracy that an actual human being down there impersonating Oswald and leaving virtually no trace of himself... if going down there to establish Oswald was there was the point. The calls themselves are extremely suspect... The info on Tarasoff I discovered after I finished but turned out being very important in the scheme of things. (pun intended 🙂
  3. For me it comes down to how the evidence is authenticated... FBI puts Oswald on a different bus than the Aussie girls and the MacFarland's and never makes the correction Ben... I put a lot of work into those 5-6 chapters on that trip... Repeatedly we are offered trips that are impossible, witnesses that are obviously lying and physical evidence that has been either created on stolen on a country wide basis. If you want to know why I think what I do about Mexico, you'd have to read the work. There are scores of names, more documents and I honestly think I did a decent job of illustrating what the FBI did with OCHOA and the CIA with Echeverria. Agree or not my friend... Oswald did not take a bus to Mexico, nor does the evidence establish he was actually in Mexico at any point in time. E.G... the Aussie girls get back onto their DEL NORTE bus on Monterrey... FBI is still focused on their conclusion that Oswald was on Flecha Rojas... CD1245 was especially helpful among many, many others. Not only are they not on the bus manifest, but the bus leaves at 15:30 which makes it impossible to have gotten from Nuevo Laredo to Monterrey on any bus in time to leave on the next one. The passport she talks about is the 1959 one not the one Harvey gets in June 1963 with no stamps whatsoever... like she's been fed the info... Mr. BALL. Well. you were shown pictures of a man later on by the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, were you not?Miss MUMFORD. Yes.Mr. BALL. And they showed you pictures of Oswald, didn't they; Lee Harvey Oswald?Miss MUMFORD. No.Mr. BALL. You didn't ever see a picture of Oswald?Miss MUMFORD. No. Even Oswald himself would not consider himself a "Texan".. he was from New Orleans... Miss MUMFORD. There was a young English couple who were traveling down to the Yucatan to study the Indians and their way of life. There was an elderly English gentleman in his mid- or late-sixties, I should imagine. He told us during the journey that he had lived on and off in Mexico for 25 years.Then there was the young Texan, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Patricia and myself. This is the man BOWEN testifies is Spanish and older... that no one on the bus he was on spoke english... The Aussies and the MacFarlands, despite being on a manifest were lying about who they were with on their buses.... One needs to dig a little deeper than you seem to want to go with this... and then again, I can be 100% wrong as well... Just putting out there what I did and what I found it meant... many, many are now finally coming around to see I may have been right.
  4. You too Gerry? Checking back here every few months to find the same subjects being horribly misunderstood with posters making statements without a hint of a source, a suggestion of support or any awareness of the years of work and the analysis already done to dismiss such an obvious attempt to further incriminate our little Oswald. Maybe you were being pithy and sarcastic? Please
  5. Truth has no place on those platforms Karl How else can they possibly make any money? People clicking for the truth?
  6. Thanks guys... you will also notice as you look threw images of Oswald pre and post 1959 that Harvey 's arms are bent in virtually every image you find whereas Lee's are not and then there is this... Anyone care to explain it as the only thing I can figure is that the person on the right is much farther away from the wall than the man on the left... which then would skew his actual height... or it was just created for some reason... No one 5'9" has a head 13" long. That image on the right remains one of the most suspect in his Marine file... on the left is from the Aug 1963 arrest if I remember correctly
  7. Ben... help me understand then ... the FBI blows her off (since they say he was on a bus that day) the WC waits until July 1964 to even talk to her and take her testimony in which she correctly identifies Oswald in a variety of photos depicting a variety of locations... Could she be lying? as well as her sister? FBI wasn't interested in pushing the matter. If this is Oswald at Odio... or even if it's possible we must look very carefully at where the WC and FBI puts him and with what substantiation? The closer one looks the more obvious he didn't go it becomes... (and then there is everything Tarasoff says that was suppressed for years) Mr. LIEBELER. When did you first become aware of the fact that this man who had been at your apartment was the man who had been arrested in connection with the assassination?Mrs. ODIO. It was immediately.Mr. LIEBELER. As soon as you saw his picture?Mrs. ODIO. Immediately; I was so sure.Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have any doubt about it?Mrs. ODIO. I don't have any doubts.Mr. LIEBELER. Did you have any doubt about it then?Mrs. ODIO. I kept saying it can't be to myself; it just can't be. I mean it couldn't be, but when my sister walked into the hospital and she said, "Sylvia, have you seen the man?" And I said, "Yes." And she said, "That was the man that was at the door of my house." So I had no doubts then.
  8. He is also listed as being assigned the job of an aircraft mechanic... not the Atsugi Radar operator he was known to be. Here is that 4 image transition above as an overlay, one blue one green, using the left eye as the anchor.. I truly do not see how the man can morph in a few years where facial features are no longer in the same places...
  9. There are 5 chapters at K&K that go about the task of verifying Oswald never made that trip... My HYPOTHESIS, not yet proven, is that there is a real possibility the entire "visit" was a False Mystery made of paper statements... the no one specifically impersonated Oswald but like so much of the bus evidence, real people in real circumstances are substituted for Oswald... a man not Oswald but sitting next to Bowen is morphed into it being Oswald with the most dubious of supporting evidence.
  10. From ma 5'11" 165lb man to a 5'8" 135lb man in 3 years... and the shoulders are so different they cannot be the same person Thanks Gil...
  11. I started to do this and realized most of these things are in the WCR or Exhibits... just look thru the Exhibits TOC.. there must be hundreds of items with unique numbers specific to Oswald and the assassination... also look in the Warren Commission Documents. only 1550 or so of them Here are a few Using the incorrect SS#. 3937 not 3739. (CE2189)
  12. How far off the main topic are we going to get here? Oswald Never went to Mexico... Marina and the rifle - both complete lies from top to bottom - has nothing to do with it... "Almost certainly". don't know about you Tom but this isn't horseshoes or hand grenades... "almost" doesn't really cut it when we have mountains of "evidence" from which to source such a statement... Please provide a link or source for that statement... or at least present it as an opinion or hypothesis without any support but a hunch... Most of us having done this for quite a while are fully aware how poor Marina is as a source for most anything... how she was immediately surrounded and coached, interpreted by the white Russian community of Dallas and goes from that homely little girl to cover girl... Marina was a Russian prostitute... fwiw please check out more of the evidence related to her... case in point... she could not even deal with the BYPs with even a touch of honesty... She claims in her testimony it was the first time she ever worked a camera... yet couldn't remember how amazingly difficult it is to work a box camera while getting 3 crystal clear images... from 2 shots and 1 negative...
  13. Very well done Sandy... Let me add some icing... AZCUE was also and intelligence agent whose job it was to identify potential double agent candidates and turn them against the US. We know this from a AMMUG/1. AZCUE would have welcomed Oswald as the disgruntled American and worked to turn him against the US and send him back with instructions... since he would have been so eager to harm the US and help the communists... But none of that happened. AZCUE supposedly gets into some argument with the man and throws him out of the embassy/consulate... AZCUE made no effort at all in that direction. AS Salandria put it... a False Mystery...
  14. There is no one there buddy.... Hickey is not standing up... Maybe take a few days and read thru this forum... give you a much better idea of what occurred than wild speculation... Thanks
  15. Hi Marjan, As Joe mentions, I too enjoy alternate views of the events as long as Evidence and the Authentication process for that evidence is also discussed... Sadly you offer nothing to support this opinion, this hypothesis on how the events unfolded... Take a moment and read this... take you 15 minutes... and then we can discuss your hypothesis of events.... https://www.kennedysandking.com/content/oswald-on-november-22-1963 How and when does Oswald get the disassembled rifle, lack of a clip and himself to that window at the right time? How is it possible to ignore every bit of contrary evidence that leads up to your presentation?
  16. Thanks Gil... I'd like to add that in the WCR evidence we are offered letters from Lee to his mother... she claims that while in the marines letters were written back and forth very often with multiple letters each month...yet the only letters offered are after mid-1961 and there are no letters at all from Marge to Lee... the same man who seems to have kept virtually everything crossing his path. Where are all the letters while he was in the marines? Yet
  17. Of the 4 pages in the HENCH MEMO I only have 1 page thanks to John Armstrong's daily visits to the Archives and his copying a treasure trove of documents not offered anywhere else. Maybe send this to Russell to close the loop? How does this change your humble opinion?
  18. Opinions are wonderful places to start looking for supporting evidence so your opinion can move to a hypothesis and in turn be approached with some level of scientific process to prove or disprove.... Given your extensive research into the subject what brings you to that conclusion? "added to the manifest after the trip"?
  19. Important for sure Jim... but on the credibility scale we have a little problem, no? Like Bolden and Wilcott... flew a bit too close to the sun and their wings just melted away.
  20. I think you are asking about the chlorophyll when you gotta look at the trees in the forest. ...and why the CT side of this case is so overwhelming. yet at the core Ben, it is simply not possible that each and every lead led to Oswald... each and every statement placing harm in Oswald's way has to be looked at as suspect since - surprise surprise - Oswald did not kill anyone that day. So when Nagell talks about killing the patsy he is not implying Oswald's guilt in the killing whereas our 3 KGB men supporting Ozzie in Mexico (and btw - the Rave party arrest story was perpetuated for years and years after the fact especially by June Cobb) are directly implicating him... supporting the WCR's version as if what was learned in the years since was never even considered. Would the three say L/9 was lying?
  21. BTW... it was Goodpasture who switched Oct 1 for the actual date of Oct 2 and 4... of course they knew it wasn't Oswald... and it amazes me to this day that this memo was never more important or followed up upon... If JC King knows who mystery man was... why was he never asked?
  22. Ben... Taken by whom at face value? Who is it that you see of any consequence in our scenario believes Nagell and that there was a letter....? Finally Ben, how much Nagell research have you done? I have almost 100 pages on Nagell related activity and history with copies of many other letters he said he sent to specific people. From what I've seen I still have a difficult time piecing together that puzzle part... but he was an agent, a double agent and maybe even a triple. He wasn't even really sure who he was working for... and he supposedly did have that ID card with Oswald's name and quasi image. Yet belief or not in the bona fides of Nagell versus 3 ex KGB has very little to do with "why" but with all the other evidence that ties to the events they describe. Nagell had been pretty messed up over his life both physically and mentally... I think one can devote quite a bit of time to just him... the Man who knew too much.
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