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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. And so far, his most insightful and productive post to date... ya gotta love the persistence and stickytoit-tiveness... Now I know why I hide all his posts... falling out a boat in the middle of the ocean and STILL misses the water...
  2. Not really sure which way to go with this Denis... where's the rest of the body? Heads don't just float in space... the rest of him needs to also be below the horizontal pane, doesn't it? No one ever seems to point out the body part in this analysis - which seems to be missing..
  3. Thanks for the great copy of the Claim Ticket... Greener Exhibit... Hiding in plain sight under Greener... too bad their testimony is so uncertain.. Wonder how many old Carcano rifles Dial/Greener see in the course of a month for which mounting a scope was requested. Also wonder if disassembling the rifle does something to the scope's accuracy when reassembled... especially after paying for a Dry Bore and Sighting... and not being able to test the scope before using it.. (or Marina ever mentioning to her friend Ruth what they did with her car and that rifle she never saw) But since nothing happens before or after this event that has any bearing on this event or the assassination, the POS scope and rifle must have been zeroed in perfectly since he got 2 of 3 on target and only missed by a hair with one of the shots...
  4. That "rifle" was not received until March 1963, right? Fall of 1962? With them seeing the OSWALDs last in Jan 1963... How is that possible? and how reliable is their story now? These are the only other people than Marina to claim to have seen a rifle. A slide from my SF rifle presentation... no doubt all these people are wrong and you MUST be right about the 4 of them, despite Marina claiming they never went, Ruth saying she never took them... But hey, nice house of cards you built there...
  5. 100% correct... I blew it. Saw a brownie box camera which inverts the image vertically... I've been to that Camera's page so many times too... Sorry for the misrepresentation DJ
  6. The is the WCR trying to explain away those line... At higher magnification and with some contrast the lines are readily apparent... as if those who created it wouldn't try to do the best job possible... Of course it would take magnification and contrast to bring out the alteration... And don't forget the DPD losing one of the negatives, and keeping one of the hulls... Greg will offer some benign explanation as usual... amazing how much a LNer has to dismiss to get their conclusions to make any sense.
  7. Your conclusions are one possible explanation for what happened... that you ignore months of his and his family being impersonated all thru Texas is yet another portion of the puzzle you leave out as it is not consistent with y our conclusions.... That you are blissfully unaware of the FBI's creation and manipulation of evidence related to that rifle is really no surprise Greg, it conflicts with your conclusions again. You can make out handwriting on that ticket? Other than the faint "Oswald" written at the top you can't make out anything and you take on faith evidence presented by the FBI... I can't make that leap after everything I've seen... Not imaging anything Greg... You want to believe the FBI of 1963... when virtually every item of evidence has their stink all over it, is your choice to make... There are a few good books about the corruption of the Hoover FBI thru the 50's and 60's... but again, if it conflicts with your presentation, why bother including it... Look up the DOLAN reports on the visit to Klein's... tell me why back to back FBI reports conflict on something as basic as who has the microfilm... You can believe in unicorns too Greg, doesn't make them real.
  8. ALBA's evidence goes both ways... Can't right now, but will look more into it... Alba statement re Oswald in NO - Rifle_sling.pdf Rifle_sling2.pdf
  9. Gotta love that ignore button... removes the post and therefore removes the impulse. Makes the forum a much more enjoyable place to have a discussion... As you've said, same basic stuff with the same tired WCR excuses. Like the world stopped in 1964 and nothing has been done since...
  10. The circle reminded me of something on the frontal xray... seems to be in about the same place too. (below) The 6.5mm planted piece of metal is seen to the right of the circle And with brightness turned up... I have no idea what that might represent...
  11. Thanks Denny... been doing this a long time. Sorry for being so bad at suffering the fools though... Terribly hard to abide by any rationally thinking individual who can look at the evidence uncovered and still conclude there was no conspiracy, no cover-up and Oswald was alone and personally responsible. And no, they don't get any benefit of any doubt... The intellectual dishonesty necessary to come to those conclusions boggles the mind.
  12. You are kidding, right? Now you're going to start telling us the backyard photos are genuine? Seems the forest has obstructed your view of the trees... Marina is such a reliable witness too... She was asked how the camera worked... she testifies this is the first time ever working a camera and she held it to her face to take photos... and remembers little else.. The way the camera worked she'd need to hold it at her chest, look down, hold it absolutely still and hit the shutter... Below, is what she would have seen... and these details escape her.. as does her taking more than 1 photo... "But I must have". 3 times to produce 2 negatives of which 1 is lost at the DPD. Are you truly willing to accept anything the FBI throws up on the wall hoping it sticks, as authentic evidence? How can you defend them here of all places? So, you'll start defending the Silly Bullet Theory soon.... and next you'll tell us there were no shots from the front. Do it up Greg... show us all how wrong we are these past 40 years for showing the DPD/FBI/CIA evidence for what it was. We have Harry Holmes' story, and the "finding" of the Money order in Virginia, and this report as well... How many different stories can there be for finding one Money Order?
  13. I think there are actually 5 now... the 2 in evidence, arrest wallet, Tippit wallet, and the studded wallet in the photo I posted... Been working with Armstrong on when exactly the HIDELL IDs are entered into evidence and how... The D71 ID listing on the FBI inventory and is missing from their Wallet inventory as of the 23rd, but listed in BOOKOUT's report of the 25th with only 1 of the IDs listed on Clements' FBI report of the 23rd (CE1990-91).
  14. Why's that Greg... Love to see the research and your paper on the rifle and Klein's situation... I've written a few on the subject and did presentations in Dallas and SF on the topic... but hey, if you have info I didn't, love to see it. And I posted the Repair Tag above...
  15. Well, here is the REPAIR TAG ticket I have in any case... if Greg can post something more legible, like where it says what Ryder claims it says.. that would be great... this is what the FBI calls "Evidence". Hmmm... now were else does his name and little else appears on FBI-related evidence that even gets disavowed by the FBI itself...? Again, if anyone can post Evidence which cannot be so easily shown for the "batpoo" it really is, and how the FBI so willingly accepts it until it is shortly proven fake or phony and they make no excuse for accepting it in the first place yet summarily drop it as evidence at all.... please do. WCR:
  16. Standards aren't mine Mr. P... they're the forum's. And no worries, I know you're you... nobody else wanted the job...
  17. Honestly don't know Eddy... All I know is that it is there, in both FOX images and in the exact spot at the hairline over the right eye by the temple where he was shot from the front right... Perfectly round objects seem to find their way into the evidence and are proven to have been added after the fact... this round spot is even suggested in this image just above and to the right of the V notch. It has to be something though... and if it doesn't look like it's hiding anything to you, what wouyld make a perfectly round hole like that, naturally?
  18. Hi Denny, The evidence (inventory sheets) only shows $13.87... the claimed $170 in a wallet in Irving was not part of the evidence... Neither is the arrest wallet, or the Tippit wallet... All we have in evidence is a red wallet and Brown wallet "with Marine group photo" - both from Irving... What happened to the wallet Bentley supposedly pulls from him in the car back to the station? The three photos are of Oswald as a Marine, Marina and June... CE1986 Wonder why D71 is not listed in the FBI's inventory of evidence broken down by # and starting letter (A, B, C, D) Wallet is B1 while that ID is D71... . Sorry, this is the biggest image of this I have Caption for this wallet and the below contents says they are from a wallet found at Oswald's home... You will not find mention of that arrest wallet anywhere.. How come? . This The Marine group photo - never mentioned as part of the wallet contents. LEE OSWALD cards with correct dates and names... No HIDELL. Yet another wallet found at "Oswald's home"... they don't get more specific than that sadly. All of these images are from the Dallas DPD/JFK archives
  19. Greg, I hope you don't mind a question or two.... most importantly - Do you have a readable version of the ticket? Holmes claimed they had found the Postal Mail Order stub and THAT was how they found the rifle... but there is no stub so there is no evidence, just Holmes' word. They wrote the name "Oswld" on a bus manifest to "prove" he had taken a certain bus in Mexico except the clerks there admitted adding it to the manifest after the fact... again, useless, forged evidence for the purpose of incriminating Oswald.... How do we show he has a rifle after the fact - a day after he is killed, and 3 days after the JFK assassination when all weekend he is reading about our little Oswald... The job ticket was handwritten in pencil and authenticated by Dial Ryder as his handwriting. The ticket had no date but was a writeup of a $6.00 total charge for two itemized subcharges: $4.50 for drill-and-tapping of a rifle scope installation plus $1.50 for boresighting. The kind of rifle or scope was not stated. The customer’s name was “Oswald”, no further information. The stub at the bottom of the numbered job ticket had not been torn off and given to the customer as a claim for later pickup. There was no contact information for the customer such as a phone number. Ryder told Horton he had done the job of that ticket, and that ticket was the only record of that job. He told Horton what he remembered of the customer and the rifle (taken up below). --- Against this, the Warren Commission’s final Report rejected the evidence of the Oswald job ticket, the testimony of Dial Ryder that that was a real customer job which he had personally done, and the Furniture Mart witnesses who placed Oswald as looking for a gunsmith and referred to the Sport Shop that day. The Warren Commission insinuated in its final report that Dial Ryder fabricated the job ticket, for which there is no evidence or reasonability. Yes there is Greg... the ticket retained the claim portion, never given to the customer... the "evidence or reasonability" is due in part to this fact... as well as the fact there was no other record when we both know most businesses keep some sort of internal record of sales beyond a claim ticket... and if they didn't keep any other record of sales, the fact the ticket was net separated so the customer can then claim his property... and Ms. BERRY, on the very next pager of reports, says she doesn't remember anything like Dial's story from that day. A number of people created stories which allowed them to gain a little fame ... some more than others (Judy Vary Baker comes to mind) and if Oswald was sticking around and the man pockets the cash, as you hypothesize, why write a claim check at all? btw - I'm still reading but do you or do you not have this ticket stub to show? I still have not come across a link to an image... Mr. RYDER. Well, actually, all it had on it was drill and tapping; it said drill and tap and a price of $4.50 On the one hand the story was accurate that Oswald had a rifle sighted at that shop. After all the contrary evidence you write in part 2, how do you come to that conclusion? Again, my friend... you are aware the FBI created evidence after the fact related to the rifle and getting it into Oswald's possession? Had you not considered this was part of that bogus evidence? The Warren Commission erred in rejecting Lee and Marina at the Furniture Mart and Irving Sport Shop. It happened, on Nov 11, 1963. I see you did not consider that possibility in the least. FBI agent DOLAN lies about the microfilm from Sat night/Sun morning at Klein's - which is the basis for all the evidence from Klein's. Did you offer the TAG in part 1? Have you seen this tag yourself? I ask because I have and I have a copy of it. But if you have a better version where you can see what Dial claims he wrote on it more clearly... please post it. If not, I will post what I have and you can decide for yourself what you think it says... I enjoyed your essay yet knowing what I know about the FBI and that rifle it is much more likely the ticket was created after the fact... how I know? We will never see any other claim tickets from Irving; was this a book, numbered in order as there is no date on my copy? Were they just randomly numbered and pulled from a drawer? So this man who barely drives puts his family in the car and speeds off as soon as Ruth leaves, not knowing when she'll return, but is willing to wait for the work to be done with this other scope he did not buy... and despite there being evidence of multiple sightings of Ozzie and family all thru south Texas (Alice in Wonderland) when we know he was elsewhere, you can conclude without a doubt this was our Oswald and Family... on the 11th. Below this image please find an excerpt from Oswald in Aliceland... you can probably find the pdf with a search. I believe you need to consider these other sightings and the activities of the FBI in Nov 1963 before you reach the conclusion you do about a man and his family who had been impersonated repeatedly in the months prior to the assassination... From "Oswald in Aliceland" Perhaps the most well-known sighting involving an Oswald family occurred at the Furniture Mart in Irving on November 6 or 7. Edith Whitworth and her friend, Gertrude Hunter, claim that Oswald, Marina, and two girls matching the ages of Rachel and June came in to inquire about a plunger for Oswald's rifle, apparently because of a sign above the door which said *Gun Shop.* When Whitworth commented on the two little girls, this *Oswald* said that he would have rather had a boy. He also said that the infant had been born on October 20. After he asked to see some bedroom furniture, Whitworth showed the family a set. But the wife maintained an inexplicable silence the entire time she was in the store. After the assassination, the women concluded that her silence was because she was not able to speak English. This *Oswald* drove his family away from the store in a 1956 or 1957 two-tone Ford, blue and white. (34 -- Researcher Carol Hewett claims she has identified a third vehicle owned by the Paines which matches this description and apparently is preparing an article for Probe.) The Warren Commission, of course, attempted to resolve the Furniture Mart sighting by arranging for a face-to-face meeting of Whitworth and Hunter with Marina and her children in Dallas on July 24, 1964. But even at the face-to-face meeting, Whitworth and Hunter stubbornly continued to insist that Marina and her two children had been in the store with her late husband in early November, while Marina continued to insist that she had never been in the furniture mart and had never seen the two women before in her life. (35) At least in this case, since Whitworth and Hunter specifically remembered that the children were girls and remembered discussing that fact with this particular Oswald, the FBI apparently was forced to set aside its usual maddening lack of specificity with respect to the sex of the children when preparing its memoranda on the furniture mart incident. A second false sighting in Irving involved a grocer named Leonard Hutchinson, who claimed that a *Harvey Oswald* tried to cash a two-party check for $189 in his store on November 8 when the real Oswald could not have been there. Harvey apparently had been in Hutchinson's store several times before, including one time when he was accompanied by a young woman who spoke to him in a foreign language. (36) Other Oswalds in Early October Just to heap a few extra layers of confusion on top of all of this, consider now that there appears to be an inordinate number of other Oswald sightings during this early October period upon which we have been focusing. To wit: • An apparent Oswald lookalike checks into the South Cliff Motel in Dallas on a Friday in early October, which certainly could have been the 4th. This Oswald drove up in a white 1955 or 1956 car, and ended up staying through Saturday night. (37) • Back in New Orleans at the Hotel LaSalle, several hotel employees apparently realized on the evening of the assassination that Oswald looked familiar. The manager is then said to have pulled a registration card dated for a Lee Harvey Oswald, dated October 3, 1963, which indicated a charge of $5 for a period of only two or three hours that day. (38) • Yet another report indicates that an Oswald may have stayed at the Sands Motel in Laredo on October 3. (39) • Somewhere around October 1, someone using the last name of Oswald turns up at the Hollywood Bar in El Paso, apparently in the company of a Mexican girl from Juarez and another unidentified man. This Oswald approaches another bar patron named Ross Johns, offers to sell him drugs, and tells him he has plenty of contacts in Mexico who can get Johns anything he wants. (40) • In late September or early October, a man who looked like Oswald and may have been using the name, *Lee Oswald,* approached personnel advisor Evelyn Sheppard at the Continental Oil Company in Houston seeking an employment interview. He told Sheppard that he had just returned from Mexico * where he had gone with a friend * and that they had been unsuccessful in their efforts to get directly from Mexico to Cuba. (41) • On October 4 at Ruby's Carousel Club, Attorney Caroll Jarnagin overhears a conversation between Jack Ruby and a man he later identified as Oswald. Oswald was telling Ruby he was going by the name *O. H. Lee*. Jarnagin said Ruby and Oswald were discussing a plot to kill Governor Connally and potential future plans to eliminate Bobby Kennedy. (42) • On October 4, a man named J. G. Hardin whose car has broken down catches a ride from Richland, TX to Dallas with a man he later believes was Oswald in a beat-up 1953 Ford. (43) • Sometime during early October, Mrs. Lovell Penn heard shooting on her property outside of Dallas. After chasing away three men, one of whom she later said could have been Oswald, she found a 6.5 mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle shell where they had been target shooting. (44) • A "Lee Oswald" shows up at gunrunner Robert Ray McKeown's home in Bay Cliff, Texas sometime in late September or early October wanting to buy high-powered rifles with scopes, according to both McKeown and his friend, Sam Neill. (45) (37) Garrison Letter dated November 17, 1967 re motel operator Earl Edwards. (38) FBI 89-69-167. (39) FBI 89-67-115. (40) FBI 62-109060-1640 (41) FBI 105-1291-298 (42) Crossfire, pp. 409-410. (43) FBI 62-109060-1373 and 62-109060-624. (44) Crossfire, p. 545 (45) Ibid., p. 396; The Man Who Knew Too Much, Dick Russell, Carroll and Graf, 1992, p. 431-32
  20. Well done Matt... yes that's No Name Key's Mr. Wilson.
  21. Carolyn Arnold, if you believe her, puts Oswald near the front door around 12:15 possibly later as I believe she said the FBI move her "12:25" statement to 12:15... and while we simply cannot use the images we have to ID the man at the west end of the landing during the assassination, Oswald is a very good candidate imo as both Lovelady and this person are seen together. They've called him Prayerman... Your scenario fits in perfectly with our contention that the FBI manufactured/altered/removed evidence for the sole purpose of getting Oswald convicted... nicely done. Thing is, most the evidence puts him down on the lowest floors as 12:30 rolls around... and no one sees anyone looking like him at all on the 6th floor in those last 15 minutes... so while plausible, it is not supported by the evidence of the conspiracy. This is the image of the man in the west corner of the landing and some composite work I did, since to me the stance and general outline suggests to me it may actually be Oswald... I added detail on the right with an image that just so happened to put Oswald in relatively the same position... Any evidence that anyone said this was Oswald would be dismissed since he HAD to be in the 6th floor window... no other option. Agreed, yet when 1st day evidence says one thing and the same person has a completely different story later... Or like with Boone and Weitzman, their 1st day affidavits are eerily similar in prose and presentation... and why state the caliber in a signed affidavit when it was supposedly announced what the caliber and markings said.. always perplexed me why they were so specific in those docs. FWIW, Hoover initially did not want the FBI to state it was only Oswald in a memo to his Sr. Staff.. Maybe this was CYA as the FBI WCD #1 concludes that Oswald was alone and planned/executed the entire thing himself. I said I personally believe Oswald was the assassin; that the second aspect as to whether he was the only man gives me great concern; that we have several letters, not in the report because we were not able to prove it, written to him from Cuba referring to the job he was going to do, his good marksmanship, and stating when it was all over he would be brought back to Cuba and presented to the chief; but we do not know if the chief was Castro and cannot make an investigation because we have no intelligence operation in Cuba; that I did not put this into the report because we did not have proof of it and didn't want to put speculation in the report; that this was the reason I urged strongly that we not reach conclusion Oswald was the only man.
  22. Prior to Bethesda Pat, who would be an eyewitness to a bullet lodged behind his ear? No surgery in Dallas... and this an internal memo between FBI senior staff... as I've said for years and years... The Evidence IS the Conspiracy... and you think it talks about the events of that day... nice
  23. Thanks Micah... yes very true. At the same time, black on an xray GENERALLY suggests that something is missing, especially if the xray is of a bony structure like the skull, and the amount of black is significantly large. And since they were all supposed to be fully jacketed bullets.. what's with the fragment trail from temple to rear?
  24. Got it Pat... thanks for clarifying... . "He surmised it", right. Because - like - he wasn't inches from the man. Ya see Pat, this isn't about whether you believe or not... but hey, Dennis David, O'Connor and everyone else who was there and drew a wound in the right temple... not the left, not the ear, not the face, but all of them place it at the right temple... are all wrong according to you because you think the shots came from behind with Oswald at the trigger... Thanks for clarifying your POV. And that bullet lodged behind the ear... just another mistake right? 3 shots 2 hits and the magic bullet... O'Connor's bullet removed from the intercostals, Ebersol copying and altering xrays to remove evidence of a frontal shot... smoke and mirrors and more lies... the Nix, Muchmore and Zapruder films, and Moorman's photo... all evidence of an EOP wound... and not the in your face obviousness of a shot to the right temple... Attacking Horne sure does make your explanations and work that much more persuasive, and oodles less biased. You mean this Tom Robinson? What's that say about a wound in the temple? He selling a book too or trying to cement his place in history? And of course David Mawell, Jeremy Gunn & Tim Wray were selling snake oil as well -Visible damage to skull caused by bullet or bullets (as opposed to damage caused by pathologists): ‘Robinson described 3 locations of wounds: -he saw 2 or 3 small perforations or holes in the right cheek during embalming, when formaldehyde seeped through these small wounds and slight discoloration began to occur (and executed a drawing of three slits, or holes, in the right cheek of the President on a photocopy of a frontal photograph of the President); -he described a “blow-out” which consisted of a flap of skin in the right temple of the President’s head, which he believed to be an exit wound based on conversations he heard in the morgue amongst the pathologists (and executed two drawings of this right temporal defect on both a photocopy of a right lateral photograph of the President, and on a right lateral anatomy diagram of the human skull); -he described a large, open head wound in the back of the President’s head, centrally located right between the ears, where the bone was gone, as well as some scalp. He related his opinion that this wound in the back of the President’s head was an entry wound occuring from a bullet fired from behind, based on conversations he heard in the morgue among the pathologists. (Robinson executed two drawings of the hole in the back of the President’s head, one on an anatomy drawing of the posterior skull, and one on an anatomy drawing of the lateral skull. On the annotated lateral skull drawing, the wound in the rear of the head is much larger than the wound in the right temple.) Yes indeed Pat, those crack pathologists who performed that immaculate autopsy... were SURE the shots had come from behind, at the NAVAL hospital, with unnamed brass shouting direction of what to do and not to do. What Fantasy Island episode did you get all this from ? And his HSCA testimony... wonder why they didn't call him to the WC for testimony, huh?
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