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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. In the same vein... "I'm just a Patsy" is not "I am innocent" but suggests the awareness of a plan where Oswald is the scapegoat... the patsy. I find it impossible that Hoover didn't know... and kept quiet due to our incredible lack of USSR data... and by the way... there is a page 2 of that letter guys (despite it NEVER being shown in search results)... and in June 1960 Hoover is asking about Albert Schweitzer College AND the FBI offers the wrong "last address" given that Oswald filled out the SEPERATION PAPERS in Sept 1959 listing 3124 W 5th St in Ft Worth... The Collinwood address was on the Oct 15, 1956 "Declaration of Parental Consent" (Folsom Ex#1 p35) We are to remember that GORSKY tells us LEE separated from the Marines in March 1959.... the date on this application - March 19,1959.... Mack Osbourne telling us he remembers Oswald's disappointment at not being accepted... The conflicting dates and responses suggests that 2 different people named LEE OSWALD were involved with the ASC and the trip to Minsk... Add to that this account by the Steenbargers and the established fact very little about Oswald's post-marine/pre-Minsk travel makes sense from London's Heathrow to arriving in Minsk.
  2. Again reading thru Cooper's work we get this little tidbit: Haven't we proven this to be wrong ?? Our ability to scan and see what's what on Mars is immeasurably better than 1962... We didn't have the rockets to reach the moon let alone Mars in 1962.... So based on what exactly are we supposed to believe this? On May 22, 1962 a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment which could support life. Not long afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest. Today cities exist on Mars populated by specially selected people from different cultures and occupations taken from all over the Earth. A public charade of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years in order to fund projects in the name of National Defense when in fact we are the closest allies
  3. Doug.... I've been reading excerpts from William Cooper's "BEHOLD a Pale Horse" and it appears to me that back to Truman & FDR we were in contact with the Soviets about this "Alien Presence" L. Foreign Policy and National Security To date, only Great Britain, Canada and the Soviet Union are contacted and appraised in the event invasion is imminent. It is the current policy of the Administration that no other foreign countries will be consulted or advised. The national security status of the MAJESTIC operation exceeds that of the H-bomb development. President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem since the Roswell recovery. This had been done in case the aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race. Plans were formulated to defend the Earth in case of invasion. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret society which became known as the "Bilderburgers". The headquarters of this group is Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderburgers evolved into a secret world government that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and is now, an international joke. By 1955 it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty. Mutilated humans were being found along with mutilated animals all across the United States. It was suspected that the aliens were not submitting a complete list of human contacts and abductees to MJ-12 and it was suspected that not all abductees had been returned. The Soviet Union was suspected of interacting with them and this proved to be true. It was learned that the aliens had been and were then manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion. After several Air Force combat air engagements with alien craft it also became apparent that our weapons were no match against them. Are you accepting the entire kitandkaboodle? Lizard people, treaties, etc... What bothers me is there is a discussion of Q&A with the aliens... yet at the same time they discuss cracking the language barrier ... how did we actually communicate with these entities up to the point we finally did figure out the language... or did they speak ours? I realize Cooper doesn't speak for all... can you recommend reading material in which you have faith ? thanks... DJ But then I come to stuff like "the Driver did it" and the entire thing unravels.... We landed a probe on Mars in 62... ?? C'mon Doug.... isn't it hard to hide that kinda thing? On May 22, 1962 a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment which could support life. Not long afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest. Today cities exist on Mars populated by specially selected people from different cultures and occupations taken from all over the Earth. A public charade of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years in order to fund projects in the name of National Defense when in fact we are the closest allies. At some point President Kennedy discovered portions of the truth concerning the drugs and the aliens. He issued an ultimatum in 1963 to MJ-12. President Kennedy assured them that if they did not clean up the drug problem he would. He informed MJ-12 that he intended to reveal the presence of aliens to the American people within the following year and ordered a plan developed to implement his decision. President Kennedy was not a member of the Council On Foreign Relations and knew nothing of "Alternative 2" or "Alternative 3". Internationally the Operations were supervised by an Executive Committee known as the "Policy Committee". In the United States they were supervised by MJ-12 and in the Soviet Union by its sister organization. President Kennedy's decision struck fear into the hearts of those in charge. His assassination was ordered by the Policy Committee and the order was carried out by agents of MJ-12 in Dallas. President John F. Kennedy was murdered by the Secret Service Agent who drove his car in the motorcade and the act is plainly visible in the film. WATCH THE DRIVER AND NOT KENNEDY WHEN YOU VIEW THE FILM.
  4. Never did say ur welcome... also, a huge thank you.... you been doing simply great work, well thought out and really helpful in tying things down ur probably not even aware of in the thoughts like mine trying to see as big a picture as possible both micro and macro... The military is where many answers lay buried... nice digging dj
  5. I’m rereading docs I haven’t looked at in a long while with a different lens.
  6. I don't think Hill mixed it up at all... Let's remember that Hill was in WESTBROOK's unit on loan as well... He knew full well the Lt. was H H Stringer and not R D.... The toughest question to answer... Who other than Baggett, Hudson, & Hawkins are in back of the theater and not listed here? Capt Talbert. H H Stringer's report talks about Talbert and more officers questioning a boy in the alley....(Brewer?) And how he, HH, sees a truck with the engine running just north of the alley. "I checked the truck for a weapon and just walked back to the alley... from inside the... theater..WE GOT HIM! " WESTBROOK has been literally all over the place and at every critical location up to this point and when they actually arrest OSWALD He decides to go the other way ?? Mr. BALL. Did you see him taken from the theatre? Mr. WESTBROOK. No, sir; because I went the other way. Mr. BALL. You went to the back? Mr. WESTBROOK. Yes; he went out the front and I never saw Oswald again--- that's the last time I saw him Bernard Haire tells us the spitting image of Oswald was taken out the BACK of the theater and taken away in a police car... 1 - who was the man being taken away? (Balcony?) 2 - what about the truck? One thing we do not know... did Ken CROY drive a truck, or a car that day? But true to form, Gerald "auto shells" Hill throws in a red herring to explain why his call # is used on ch 2, 30 minutes AFTER the Abundant Church us declared cleared, to ask what every happened down at the Abundant Life church. It is LIKELY that an assailant did indeed hide out in that Church.... Crisman was a bishop in the UNIVERSAL Life Church.
  7. Doug... A recent movie I saw called UNACKNOWLEDGED also promotes the idea that the MJ-12 crowd was behind the JFK assassination due to his meddling in the UFO thing and wanting to give the Russians a break with James Webb so a Space program could be jointly developed... https://www.livescience.com/33224-new-declassified-memos-jfk-kennedy-ufos-assassination.html the show offers 1st person stories which are very convincing... They did not mention June Crain which I found surprising... Does all this dovetail into the secret Nixon letter?
  8. Mr. Butler, the ambulance driver, tells us that his call sign was #601 and that they arrived at Tippit within 5 mins of the call. Problem I'm having is that the last transmission from #601 is at 12:51 and they are at Parkland... Butler says they are at 400 E Jefferson when the call comes in, and are at Tippit within minutes... There is a lot more but since I cannot post images at the moment, please see this post at DPF.... Thanks DJ https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?16862-The-Tippit-Case-in-the-New-Millenium&p=124826#post124826
  9. 'Cause most of the DPD Intelligence was associated with the US Army and FBI... and by using that bunker the US Military could listen in ??
  10. As we know - Hill claims it was R D Stringer who used his radio... Mr. BELIN. Now, also turning to Sawyer Deposition Exhibit A, I notice that there is another call on car No. 550-2. Was that you at that time, or not, at 1:40 p.m.? Would that have been someone else? Mr. HILL. That probably is R. D. Stringer. Mr. BELIN. That is not you, then, even though it has a number 550-2? Mr. HILL. Yes; because Stringer quite probably would have been using the same call number, R.D. Stringer worked the 12 midnight to 8 am shift (see below) and probably would not have been called in prior to his shift... as he had just recently gone home... he would/should report to work that night... William B Frasier was the Capt of Police for that shift.. this suggests that he'd have also come to work at 11pm on the 22nd.... Mr. HUBERT. What time did you come on duty? Do you know? Mr. FRAZIER. At 11 p.m., on the 23d. I think that is what they call the first shift? Mr. HUBERT. First platoon. First platoon, rather, and that goes until roughly 7 in the morning? There is not a single report or radio transcript which includes anything from R D Stringer.... from the entire weekend. ======
  11. https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?16862-The-Tippit-Case-in-the-New-Millenium&p=124816#post124816 I can't seem to post images right now... this is a link to a similar thread about Tippit and Holan and Croy and Westbrook, etc... I also posted a photo of David Philips with his signature... Some additional images of Phillips https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/photos/david-atlee-phillips?sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=david atlee phillips#license
  12. Sadly Ray, the man you're talking about is EBERSOLE and I do not believe anyone corroborates this.. With the exception of the periods when I personally carried the cassettes containing the X rays to the X ray Department which was on the fourth floor of the hospital -- with the exception of those periods I was in the autopsy room from the time the coffin arrived to approximately three o'clock in the morning at which time my services were obviously no longer necessary and I left the hospital. Upon removing the body from the coffin, the anterior aspect, the only things noticeable were a small irregular ecumonic area above the super ecolobular ridge and a neatly sutured transverse surgical wound across the low neck. As we turned the body on the autopsy table there was a textbook classical wound of entrance upper right back to the right of the midline three or four centimeters to the right of the midline just perhaps inside the medial board to the upper scapula. There are no such word as "ECUMONIC" nor is there a place on the body called the "super ecolobular ridge ". The man was so FOS it was absurd anyone listened to him. And we come to find that he is the source of much of the manipulation - as well as mistakes in examining - on the xrays Reading the Ebersole depo from the HSCA is a must for those wanting to better understand what happened at BETHESDA... --- While Perry claims to have left the wound "inviolate" i.e. "still readily visible" and the Bethesda men failed to see or report on it for some time... It was Ebersole in his HSCA depo where we find a host of conflicts and inconsistencies... From what I remember, those under Ebersole (Custer & Reed) claimed he couldn't read or even create xrays and was pretty much another WCR mouthpiece... CUSTER: lf they have a technician there. the technician takes the X-lays The radiologist reads the X-rays. Plain and simple. It’s an unwritten law. Q: That said, do you know whether Dr. Ebersole knew how to take X-rays, if he had wanted to? And what I’m asking is not what you would guess, but just what you know. CUSTER: I’m not trying to be fictitious about this, but that’s funny. Dr. Ebersole had a very high-fluting attitude about things ”I don’t want I to dirty my hands.” And this was his opinion. “I am here. You are here. That’s fine. If you want to feel that way, that’s fine. I’ll do my job. Do my job to the best of my ability. But don’t step on my toes, and say you’re doing my job.” And he had a bad habit of doing that. He was a gentleman that liked to bask in the glory. But when the heat come down, he was the first one that went out the door Page 190-191 below in CUSTER's ARRB deposition he talks about another lie from Ebersole... that it was he who took the x-ray film cartridges up for development.. Custer claims he never leaves the morgue. The second sheet of his depo discusses how badly Ebersole interprets the images... And this is that who's-who at Bethesda...
  13. Between the half dozen or so people who claim to have "tracked down the rifle" this one appears even farther outside the box than Holmes... Armstrong felt if Curry said it, then it has a high probably of being true... yet it may have been a way to hide the origins from where this info actually came... Curry also only mentions this as "called in a tip" from the minister.... "that led to the mail order rifle tie-in" This minister seems to have identified KLEIN SPORTING GOODS as the next line reads... "Fed agents contacted the Chicago dealer...." I wonder why Curry specifically calls out South Carolina as well... I mean who cares where he's from....
  14. If Hunt was Acting Anything he’d have signed off on the Oct cables about Oswald... not Willard Curtis.... IOW the evidence from 1963 should be similar to 1960 in proving him there... I don’t see that it does nor does any of the newly found docs on MX suggest anyone saw home there.... Didnt Anne Goodpasture talk of turning the daily intel haul over to Win by mid morning every day for evaluation? Thanks for the crypto on Hunt Bill.. I was unaware of that one too. we need to remember that between the mafia, cia and dpd... no one told a 100% truth... in fact, my feel was 80/20 the other way to maintain confusion or just the fact that leopards cannot change their spots...
  15. Hunt as station chief puts him above Phillips... I don’t see that making much sense. Is there any item of evidence with Hunt or an alias signed off FROM MX CIA? I just read that the source was Ted Szulc in his book Compulsive Spy. Q: If Hunt was the Acting Chief from August thru Nov, why do the Sept reports from LIENVOY not mention the Sept 27 and 28 Oswald calls as objects of interest? Based on these contemporaneous reports, those calls did not happen. Would Hunt and or Phillips forget such a simple detail? If I haven’t sufficiently shown that Oswald was not in MX at this time, what have I missed? Hunt was as good a xxxx/agent as there was... On Oct 8 “Willard Curtis... aka Scott” signs the LIENVOY SUMMARY REPORT and again on Oct 16 he writes to Amb Mann a memo about Oswald and Kostikov There are CIA memos about Phillips aka Choaden coming to be Cuban desk Chief on Oct 7th.. so no secret there. We have the Hunt personnel file page 104-10120-10356 which shows from Jul 62 thru Aug 64 he was: Ops Off 0136.01 Grade 15; SO: D DDP/DODS/Facilities Br/Ch,R&PSeo at Hq
  16. I'm pretty sure he was talking about Masen in this context Mark.... A number of authority figures including Ellsworth I believe had their eyes on Masen for that role.
  17. We also have the story of the OTHER Oswald on a flight to Germany at the same time our Oswald is on a ship to France.... At this point I think the existence of doubles for Oswald is established.... as Jim eludes though... was it just Lee or a handful of men working together.. Personally - I think Lee had help
  18. No problem... and thanks, never heard about the SC minister.... Left a message with Armstrong as well... we'll track it down.
  19. Thanks buddy.. I'll check it out... Something to reconsider until I can upload photos again... VAGANOV seemed to be up to no good and as it is told, was quite frantic a bit after 12:30 when he arrived there... His WIFE ANNE tells us he is interviewed around 4pm at his apartment by 2 FBI agents.... She says he has a rifle with scope and a .38 revolver... and he is leaving for PA with these items to dispose of them. ANNE VAGANOV gives (FBI SA?) Probation Officer LARRY HAUKE of Conroe TX (where IGOR picks his wife up on Nov 27) these items taken from his coat on Nov 22: King of Spades playing card torn in half with staple holes at the top 3x3 piece of paper with: EL 6-6111 E. STRAZDS 353-1539 ARVIDS JZAKE Long distance call receipts from Holiday Inn Hapeville GA btw - there is a 12 6 page copied 2x - notebook on VAGANOV at the Baylor Archive http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/23343
  20. Nat A. Pinkston Obituary Pinkston, Nat A. Nat A. Pinkston, born in Dallas, Tx, Nov. 26, 1915, passed away September 4, 2011. He was preceded by his wife Matty, and survived by sons Scott and Bob and numerous grand and great grand children. Nat received his Bachelor of Laws from SMU in 1939 and a BA from North Texas Agricultural College (UT Arlington). He was a graduate of Oak Cliff (Adamson) High School. He worked as an attorney in Dallas for a period before joining the FBI. He was a Special Agent of the FBI 28 years, retiring in 1967, a member of the Masonic Lodge Scottish Rite Shrine, the Texas Police Association, the FBI National Academy Association, the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, and a member of the Happy Warriors, the world's only geriatric Air Force. He was listed in the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators since 1961. Nat appeared on the History Channel "Infamous Guns" program, interviewed about how he identified the Oswald rifle. He was a contributor to the School Book Depositary Museum of JFK assassination historical artifacts. His name-sake, Nat Pinkston, founded Pinkston, Texas, outside of Corsicana in the late 1800s. The site is currently a ghost town. A Memorial service will be held at 11AM at the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Cedar Hill, Saturday, 17th, 915 Old Straus Road @ FM 1382 He said in a 2007 interview: Well, I had an informant who was a pawn broker and a licensed gun dealer... he said, "...they were sold in Dallas by Titche-Goettinger Company." So I went to them and they said, "We have no record...but if we didn't sell it, it almost had to come from Klein Sporting goods Store in Chicago... They had closed for the day so one of the AGENTS there went pout, picked up the manager, ... and in 15 minutes they had a record that this ... particular rifle had been sold by KLEIN...."" In another thread just recently I showed how the FBI nor KLEIN could have known about that rifle before Sunday and their re-evaluation of the FELDSOTT evidence. Up to that point, the records showed that N2766 was shipped to KLEIN in JUNE 1962 as FELDSOTT had said, except the serial number was N instead of C. In essence, N2766 was not in any of the contemporaneous records of the KLEIN/CRESCENT relationship. So they were created. FBI SA DOLAN takes the microfilm and returns a copy to KLEIN, 2 weeks later. ======================= Now, who the heck is this "minister in South Carolina called in a tip that led to the mail order rifle tie-in" ??? FWIW - Wade and Alexander were TEXAN loyalists first, FBI second, IMHO... they also helped to throw the FBI under the bus that night... for which Hoover had his men extract a recant... I'm still trying to find the bit about the MINISTER... all I have so far is: this from the 23rd... Do you have a link to the houston article?
  21. A Nov 1963 Field and Stream ad was submitted by Harry Holmes... Given the price is as stated and not $12.88 as shown in the actual ad used... Holmes and Curry seemed to be feeding info out to the papers.... seems CURRY was a bit miffed about the FBI not telling him about Oswald as he told REVILL I also found the same article on 11/24 in the NY TIMES... and in LINCOLN ... Seems it was an UPI story... Wonder who gave them the positive info on the parrafin tests... Think it was all Curry and Fritz?
  22. BTW - from that link you gave me I found this huge list of JFK related everything links and references https://dallaslibrary2.org/dallashistory/archives/KennedyAssassinationCollectionGuide.pdf
  23. Too bad there is no link to these records.... I thought I had a map showing who was where in OAK CLIFF... but I simply cannot put my hands on it and nothing is coming up in my searches... I do have the personnel lists though... was Oak Cliff "Northeast" or "Northwest" substation and then there are 3 platoon for round the clock coverage... Tippit was SOUTHWEST area... so Oak Cliff would be NORTHWEST ?? I checked BATCHELOR #5002 which are the personnel lists... There is no WENTZEL on the list at all... Thoughts?
  24. Is there a connection here that I am assuming or am I circling it? West Davis Street.... At the same time Tippit is sent to Oak Cliff, Call # 87 - Patrolman R. C. NELSON - is also sent to Oak Cliff 12:45 Dispatcher 87, 78, move into central Oak Cliff area. 12:45 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87's going north on Marsalis at R.L. Thornton. 12:52 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87 12:52 Dispatcher 87 12:52 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87 out down here. So here we are with one of the DPD men assigned to Oak Cliff with Tippit, yet within 10 mins of his shooting, NELSON is back at the TSBD... ??? When he is ordered to 4340 W Davis (corner of W Davis and Cockrell Hill Rd.) and just under 3 miles WEST of the TIDY LADY 1:19 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87 1:19 Dispatcher 87 1:19 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) I'm in my car here at Elm and Houston. Do you want me over there? 1:19 Dispatcher 87, report to 4340 West Davis at the service station for information regarding suspect on this Signal 19 of the President. 1:19 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 4340 1:19 Dispatcher Code 3. Since the TIDY LADY sighting is put prior to 1pm, and EL CHICO is around 2pm is it possible that this white wagon (Rambler?) and the FALCON are connected? From JFK and the Unspeakable – Why He Died and Why It Matters by James Douglas This is about 2:pm while Lee Oswald sits in the Dallas lock up Convinced of his duty, T. F. White took Wise into EI Chico’s parking lot and walked him step by step through his “full face” encounter with Oswald. Wise realized the car had been parked at the center of Oswald’s activity in Oak Cliff that afternoon: one block from where Oswald got out of the taxi, six blocks south of his rooming house, eight blocks north of his arrest at the Texas Theater, and only five blocks from Tippit’s murder on a route in between. Taking notes on his luncheon invitation, Wise said, “I just wish you had gotten the license number.” “This is it,” he said. FBI agent Charles T. Brown, Jr., reported from an interview with Milton Love, Dallas County Tax Office: “1963 Texas License Plate PP 4537 was issued for a 1957 Plymouth automobile in possession of Carl Amos Mather, 4309 Colgate Street, Garland, Texas.” 1:24 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87. (Siren) 1:24 Dispatcher 87 1:24 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) Was that 4340 West Davis? 1:24 Dispatcher Yes. 1:24 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 10-4. 1:24 Dispatcher Somebody pulled in there and bought some gas; driving a white Pontiac '61 or '62 station wagon with the prefix P(ecos) E(llis). He had a rifle laying on the seat. 1:24 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 10-4. Not exactly sure what the significance of 4340 W Davis is yet.... or whether this even relates to Tippit/JFK... I simply find it odd that 87-NELSON disobeys orders, returns to the vicinity of the TSBD and then is sent on a seemingly wild goose chase many miles from where the activities occurred... While the EL CHICO was a known meeting place for Cuban groups and only blocks from all the activity... the TIDY LADY is only just around the corner from where IGOR VAGANOV and girlfriend were shacked up that day... at 815 Sunset. VAGANOV looked a lot like OSWALD - enough so that driving by in a car he could easily be mistaken for him.... 1:26 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87 1:26 Dispatcher 87 1:26 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) A white station wagon believed to be P (Paul) E (Ellis) 3435, unknown make or model, late model, occupied by two white males, left this fellow's station going east on Davis and believed they had a shotgun or rifle laying in the back seat. 1:26 Dispatcher Received, 87. 1:26 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87 en route down there on Jefferson. 1:26 Dispatcher 87, when you get down there see if you can find that car down there at the scene*. 1:26 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 10-4, Code 2. (Beeps) *If the car LEFT THE STATION I'm at a loss for why DISPATCH would ask him to see if he can find the car.... HOW WOULD HE DO THAT??? ..... But the info changes a little just 8 mins later... If we remember, Mr. T F WHITE told us that he saw an OSWALD LOOK-ALIKE in a RED FORD FALCON at the El Chico with license plates PP4537 vs the PE3435 ... 5317 Goodman is only 2 miles from this gas station... My interest is whether the description of this car and license was used in place of the car WHITE saw... at 2pm back at the CHICO... Abandoning a car makes sense if it was stolen... too bad we don't have a license plate from the witnesses given the car was just sitting there... 1:34 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) 87 1:34 Dispatcher P (Paul) E (Ellis) 3435, C.E. Storey, 5317 Goodman, 1961 Falcon (four door?). 1:34 87 (Ptm. R.C. Nelson) He wasn't sure of the license number. 1:34 Dispatcher 10-4. They do make 4 door Ford Falcons... yet with the direct connection to CARL MATHER of COLLINS RADIO.... From JFK & the Unspeakable: FBI agent Charles T. Brown, Jr., reported from an interview with Milton Love, Dallas County Tax Office: “1963 Texas License Plate PP 4537 was issued for a 1957 Plymouth automobile in possession of Carl Amos Mather, 4309 Colgate Street, Garland, Texas.” Agent Brown then drove to that address. He reported that the 1957 Plymouth bearing license plate PP 4537 was parked in the driveway of Mather’s home in Garland, a suburb of Dallas. Thus arose the question of how a license plate for Carl Amos Mather’s Plymouth came to be seen on the Falcon in EI Chico’s parking lot, with a man in it who looked like Oswald. The FBI had also discovered that Carl Amos Mather did high-security communications work for Collins Radio, a major contractor with the Central Intelligence Agency. Three weeks before Kennedy’s assassination, Collins Radio had been identified on the front page of the New York Times as having just deployed a CIA raider ship on an espionage and sabotage mission against Cuba.
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