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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Mr. SCOGGINS. Right near. They had a stop sign there and someone had had a wreck previously, I don't know, the sign was down. It was laying there, it had been bent over. If we can trust this.... I should have looked here first... Thanks Steve... I'd imagine there would have been a DPD report from the patrolman who would normally work that area... right?
  2. and does that stain on the sidewalk where the shooter passed by have anything to do with it...??? https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth184765/m1/1/zoom/?resolution=1.5&lat=1512&lon=750
  3. If I was a betting man, I'd say Lee, Wilson, Masen and Vaganov cover Dallas, Santa Ana/El Toro, New Orleans and the training camps in Florida... and would be "involved enough" to keep quiet... I truly think we forget how PRIVATE things were unless the FBI wanted to know.. and if that was the case I'd have to assume that ALL the intel agencies would be interested... As for "loose ends", the threat of the military kept scores quiet for decades... it was the civilian witnesses who were the "loose ends" like Yates, Bolden, and the scores of people accidently suicided or mysteriously killed in oh so innocent ways... (BTW - do you know hpow to use Google Drive links here? I paste the "link" address yet the image does not appear????) What are your thoughts on this? Accurate?
  4. Alternatively, the question may be, “how many of these men.”.. not which of them... if indeed you implied only one. Edit, and thx for not including Mexico City... dj
  5. I like your satirical use of "coincidence" given the number of people who bore a sticking resemblance to little Harvey... Also, let's remember that without the digital world as it is you couldn't compare these images ad nausea... If I fleetingly saw Wilson or Vaganov or Wayne shoot someone and then see Oswald on that oh-so-sharp-and-clear 1960's TV, given the news and accusations I'd say it was Oswald too... you as well?
  6. That's a great question Rick and as usual has a long and complicated answer.... here are the official responses with a bit extra thrown in for effect.... Before me, Mary Rattan, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Lt. J. C. Day, Dallas Police Department, who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: When testifying before the President's Commission, I stated I did not remember who returned the two spent 6.5 hulls and envelope to my possession on the night of November 22, 1963. Since returning to Dallas Detective C. N. Dhority has called my attention to the fact he brought the three hulls in the envelope to me and asked me to check them again for fingerprints even though I had checked them when they were picked up on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository about 1:20 p.m. November 22, 1963 by Detective R. M. Sims and myself and placed in a manila envelope. Since talking to Dhority I remember now that he was the one who returned the shells to me about 10:00 p.m. and stated that his office wanted to retain one. He left me two shells and the envelope that Detective Sims and I had previously marked. It was then that I scratched my name on the two shells that were released at 11:45 p.m. Agent Vince Drain along with the rifle and other evidence. Signed this 7th day of May 1964. (S) J. C. Day, J. C. DAY Before me, Mary Rattan, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Detective C. N. Dhority, Dallas Police Department, who after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: The night of November 22, 1963 Captain J. W. Fritz gave me three 6.5 rifle hulls and told me to give them to Lt. J. C. Day in the Crime Lab. Captain J. W. Fritz told me to have Lt. Day to dust them for prints and return one of the 6.5 hulls to him. I took these three 6.5 rifle hulls to Lt. Day and gave them to him in an envelope which had been previously marked by Det. R. M. Sims. Lt. Day dusted the shells for prints and gave me one back. I returned this 6.5 shell back to Captain J. W. Fritz. Signed this 12th day of May 1964. (S) C.N. Dhority, C. N. Dhority. Before me, Mary Rattan, a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared J. W. Fritz, Dallas Police Department, who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: I wish to supplement the evidence given by me on Wednesday, April 20, 1964, before the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, as follows: The Spent Rifle Hulls Three spent rifle hulls were found under the window in the southeast corner of the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building, Dallas, Texas, on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. When the officers called me to this window, I asked them not to move the shells nor touch them until Lt. Day of the Dallas Police Department could make pictures of the hulls showing where they fell after being ejected from the rifle. After the pictures were made, Detective R. M. Sims of the Homicide Bureau, who was assisting in the search of building, brought the three empty hulls to my office. These were delivered to me in my office at the police headquarters. I kept the hulls in an envelope in my possession and later turned them over to C. N. Dhority of ,the Homicide Bureau and instructed him to take them to Lt. Day of the Identification Bureau. I told Detective Dhority that after these hulls were checked for prints to leave two of them to be delivered to the FBI and to bring one of them to my office to be used for comparison tests here in the office, as we were trying to find where the cartridges had been bought. When Detective Dhority returned from the Identification Bureau, he returned the one empty hull which I kept in my possession. Several days later, I believe on the night of November 27, Vince Drain of the FBI called me at home about one o'clock in the .morning and said that the Commission wanted the other empty hull and a notebook that belonged to Oswald. I came to the office and delivered these things to the FBI. We have Mr. James P. Hosty's receipt for these items in our report. As early as the photos the FBI took of those two empty hulls and one live one there was confusion about the 3rd apparently missing hull. Lt Day tries to fill in the gaps with this affidavit and then finally we have yet another statement from DAY
  7. Steve... Amazing little Rabbit Hole we got here...no? WESTBROOK is so FOS it's hard to see thru it all... I posted that since it conflicts directly with other evidence that bypasses BAKER entirely. === I've been looking into the "K" v "Q" FBI evidence references in which FRASIER lied his butt off https://www.history-matters.com/essays/frameup/FrazierSpeaks/FrazierSpeaks.htm The bottom line is that former FBI SA Robert A. Frazier offered up three differing, unreasonable, implausible “stories” for why the Limo Search evidence went into limbo for at least 3 hours on 11/23/63. It is my firm belief that Frazier knows exactly why the Limo Search evidence went into its holding pattern. The question, What really happened between 2:00 and 7:30 AM? remains unanswered. I found a presentation about the FBI's "bullet lead" fiasco which contained a very interesting slide: http://www.ams.jhu.edu/~seminar/seminar/20071011spiegelmanslides.ppt •No cases identified whether there was a match (or a method(s) for how a match was obtained) •There are massive inconsistencies among FBI data sets and FBI descriptions of the data sets •There are differences in the chemical compositions patterns of bullets according to the caliber of the bullets- relevant to how the FBI calculated the probability of false matches. •Only a few cases, 138, in the data provided have both K and Q bullets –K bullets are those found at the crime scene –Q bullets are suspect bullets •The more K and Q bullets the more matches ( This is a point that is not brought out by the FBI). The list above appears to be following these definitions... All the "Q" evidence are "suspect" except for Q10, 11 & 12 which have nothing to do with ballistics other than those items MAY have had some ballistic evidence from having come in contact with the weapons. While the "K" are items that have an established Chain of Custody despite the fact this list isn't created until 11/26.... I simply cannot find anything that talks about how they get from Q15 to Q74, 75, 76 & 77 for CE594. There were 59 more "Q bullets = suspect bullets (or pieces)" between Q15 and Q74 if number sequentially... You ever see these other "Q" items of evidence?
  8. I've always felt that the TIPPIT evidence was manufactured from police issue items. the markings on the bullets casings, the live ammo taken from him, and even the pistol itself... Now, we are also aware that BARNES says POE gave him the shells.... what we probably don't remember in the course of things was where did these two go AFTER the Tippit scene... one or both of these men having some of the shells with them... Mr. BALL. Were you at the Texas Theatre? Mr. POE. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Did you see him apprehended? Mr. POE. No, sir; I didn't. Mr. BALL. You were out? Mr. POE. At the back. Mr. BALL. At the back? Mr. POE. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. I think that is all, Mr. Poe. Not gonna ask HIM any more questions…. And what about the other guy with the SHELLS? Sure does seem like a lot of opportune time to bring all the Tippit evidence together... just look carefully at those who were at the TSBD, the Tippit scene and the Theater and wind up in WESTBROOK'S office where the Tippit evidence was "stored" - while HILL was holding this evidence before supposedly giving it to TL BAKER. Mr. BELIN. Did you make any pictures of the Texas Theatre? Mr. BARNES. I did. Mr. BELIN. When did you do those? Mr. BARNES. I did that the afternoon of November 22, as soon as I finished with the Tippit car pictures. On April 7th we hear from BARNES: Mr. BARNES. I photographed the scene; yes. There was a couple of hulls that was turned over to me. Mr. BELIN. Do you mean empty shell casings? Mr. BARNES. Empty .38 caliber hulls was turned over to me at the scene by patrolman--I believe I would be safe in saying Poe, but I am not sure about that. Mr. BELIN. Let me backtrack a minute. You may have misunderstood my question. When you finished up at East 10th and Patton Streets, you took pictures, you got shells, you said you tried to get fingerprints. Did you try to do anything else at East 10th and Patton? Mr. BARNES. No. Mr. BELIN. Then where did you go from East 10th and Patton? Mr. BARNES. The Texas Theatre. Mr. BELIN. Before you got to the Texas Theatre, did you stop at the spot where you say this jacket was found? Mr. BARNES. Yes. Mr. BELIN. Did you take a picture there? Mr. BARNES. Yes. Mr. BELIN. All right, did you take any other pictures between East 10th and Patton and the Texas Theatre? Mr. BARNES. I took two photos of the place where the jacket was found. Mr. BELIN. How many of these hulls, to the best of your recollection, did you identify out there? Mr. BARNES. I believe that the patrolman gave me two, and Captain Doughty received the third. And now the clincher... Mr. BELIN. What instrument did you use to place this mark? Mr. BARNES. I used a diamond point pen. Mr. BELIN. You put it on Q-74 and Q-75? Q74 and Q77 ??? J.M.P.? Mr. POE. I want to say these two are mine, but I couldn't swear to it. Mr. BALL. Did you make a mark? Mr. POE. I can't swear to it; no, sir. (April 7th 1964 compared to above in June/July)Mr. BALL. But there is a mark on two of these? Mr. POE. There is a mark. I believe I put on them, but I I can't seem to find the exhibit with the complete list of "Q" items... but I'm pretty sure they are not interchangeable.. Poe claims to have marked them BEFORE giving them to BARNES... here are the marks... On April 8th we hear from HILL: Mr. BELIN. You went back to 400 East 10th Street? Mr. HILL. Right. And Poe showed me a Winston cigarette package that contained three spent jackets from shells that he said a citizen had pointed out to him where the suspect had reloaded his gun On April 9th we hear from POE: Mr. BALL. How many cartridges, or empty cartridges or shells were given to you? Mr. POE. There were two in an empty Winston cigarette package. Mr. BALL. Did you save the Winston cigarette package? Mr. POE. I turned it in with the two cartridges. This is part of WCD345 the FBI unofficial list of evidence... Interesting how someone notes that the 2 other shells were found "down the street" and not "handed to DPD in cigarette wrapper by Domingo" (they name the Davis') one still has to wonder what HILL was thinking between the THREE hulls and the AUTOMATIC comment...
  9. Jim... I'm a bit confused by your post... Benavides said he had on a DARK shirt under the Jacket... and he was not asked to ID the man and yes, the description he gives - with the detail about the hair - suggests it was not the 5'8" 135lb Oswald. Mr. BENAVIDES - You are about 5' 10"? Mr. BELIN - I am between 5' 10" and 5' 11". Closer to 5' 11", I believe. Mr. BENAVIDES - I would say he was about your size, and he had a light-beige jacket, and was lightweight Mr. BELIN - Do you remember what kind of shirt he had on? Mr. BENAVIDES - It was dark in color, but I don't remember exactly what color. Mr. BELIN - Did he ever take you to the police station and ask you if you could identify him? Mr. BENAVIDES - No; they didn't. Mr. BELIN - Ted told you the next day at work that he had gone down and identified him? Mr. BENAVIDES - Yes; I don't know if Ted told me, but somebody told me. === Tatum on the other hand does not mention anything other than a zippered jacket http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/tatum.htm so I am again a bit confused by your statement... Do you have more from Tatum that we haven't seen yet? Mr. Jack Tatum was not interviewed until the HSCA 15 years later. He claims to have seen these things from Denver & 10th From his affidavit: He evidently makes the left turn (despite not saying so) and drives up to and right past the murder scene. "I was driving XXXX north on Denver and stopped at 10th St. when I first saw the squad car and men walking on the sidewalk near the squad car." "he next thing I knew I heard something that sounded like gun shots as I approached the intersection. (10th & Patton)." "saw this young white man standing near the front of the squad car. Next. this man with a gun in his hand ran toward the back of the squad car, but instead of running away he stepped into the street and shot the police officer who was lying in the street." So, given the description of how Tippit was found (as well as covered by a Royal blue coat that simply vanishes)... I wonder how the killer shoots Tippit in the right temple with a bullet moving from front to back coming to rest at the top rear of the skull? (Eerily similar to JFK's wound) he's on his stomach... and Tatum remains to only person to mention this 4th shot with so much description... Mr. BELIN - How many shots did you hear all told? Mr. BENAVIDES - I heard three shots. Mr. BELIN. How many shots did you hear? Mr. SCOGGINS. Three or four, in the neighborhood. They was fast. Mr. BELIN. They were fast shots? Mr. SCOGGINS. Yes; they were fast. ELBERT AUSTIN, 8317 Fourth Avenue, Dallas, advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was working on a construction job at the intersection of Tenth and Denver Street, Dallas, Texas. He advised he was a brick mason's helper and was assisting in the construction of an apartment house. Me stated sometime after 1:00 PM he was on a scaffold in front of the aforementioned apartment house when he heard approximately two or three shots JIMMY EARL BURT, General Delivery stated that on November 22, 1963 he was living at 505 E. 10th Street, Dallas, Texas which is the residence of his father—in—law, DAVID SHAEFER. He and a friend WILLIAM SMITH were sitting in his brother, BILLY BURT's house located at the corner of 9th and Denver Streets, Dallas. It was some time after lunch when they heard two gunshots. He and SMITH immediately ran from the house toward his car, a 1952 two—tone blue Ford which was parked facing south on Denver Street. As they ran from the house they heard four more shots making a total of six. Mr. BALL. What did you hear at that time? Mr. CALLAWAY. I heard what sounded to me like five pistol shots. Mr. BALL. Five pistol shots? Mr. CALLAWAY. Five shots, yes, sir. FRANK CIMINO, 403 East Tenth Street, Apartment 7, Dallas, Texas, advised that on November 22, 1963, he was residing in an apartment at 405 East Tenth Street. He Stated that at around 1 p.m. he was at his apartment listening to the radio. He heard four loud noises which sounded like shots and then he heard a women scream The officer was lying on his side with his head in front of the left front head light of his car. His gun was out of the holster and lying by his side Mr. DULLES. Plural? How many did you hear? Mrs. DAVIS. Just two, they were pretty close together. (both sisters say the same thing) Mr. BALL. How many? Mr. GUINYARD. I heard three. FRANCIS KINNETH, 1425 Caidwell, Dallas, Texas, advised he was employed on a construction job at the intersection of Denver and Tenth Street, Dallas, on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. He advised at approximately 1:00 PM he had heard approximately two or three shots L. J. LEWIS, 7616 Hums, Pleasant Grove, Texas, advised he is presently self-employed as a wholesale car dealer. LEWIS advised that on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was on the used car lot of Johnny Reynolds Used Cars together with HAROLD RUSSELL and PAT PATTERSON, during which time they heard approximately three or four gun shots coming from the vicinity of Tenth and Patton Avenue, Dallas, Texas Mr. LIEBELER. How many shots did you hear? Mr.REYNOLDS. I really have no idea, to be honest with you. I would say four or five or six. I just would have no idea.
  10. http://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index i have a few... thx for checking them out John... dj
  11. Sounds right to me Ron... Westbrook n Croy? Unknowns? E Roberts was pretty blind... lol
  12. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32977054.pdf a. Discredit b. Harass c. Collect Intel d. split regime leadership e. Assist Cuban exiles f. be prepared to exploit a revolt
  13. uh... pretty sure, like Monty Python, he's not serious... "Bring out ur dead".... "Bring our ur dead" "I'm not dead yet... feeling better, think I'll take a walk...."
  14. Even worse is that the 10 packing slips from Italy - part of the thousands of rifles and parts sent - which make up the 100 rifle shipment to Kleins in Feb 1963... ARE EXACTLY THE SAME.... Again, the 10 slips given to the FBI on 11/22 by FELDSOTT which represented a part of a larger shipment from ITALY... are the same exact slips of paper the FBI claimed were the Feb 1963 order.... despite the fact "38 - E" was never used for domestic orders... We see "38 E" on all the 10 packing slips FEDSOTT gave the FBI, as expected... On every other item of evidence they are referred to as T-38.... Add another nail to the coffin that is the belief Oswald had anything to do with these rifles.... or that they ever existed in the first place. Amazingly and with an uncorroborated chain of possession, these 10 packing slips and carton numbers somehow become Waldman Exhibit no. 3 which represents the February 1963 shipment to Klein’s. Mr. BELIN. I'm going to hand you what has been marked as Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 3 and ask you to state if you know what this is. Mr. WALDMAN. Yes; these are memos prepared by Crescent Firearms showing serial numbers of rifles that were shipped to us and each one of these represents those rifles that were contained in a case. Mr. BELIN. Now, you earlier mentioned that these were packed with the case. Mr. WALDMAN. Well, I would like to correct that. This particular company does not include these with the cases, but sends these memos separately with their invoice. This could not be farther from the truth. We refer again to Rupp’s FBI interview report where he states that he places the packing slips inside the carton and pastes one slip on the outside as well.
  15. http://www.freehomepage.com/jfkresearch/c2766.html The photo on the left (top) was selected for publication in Life Magazine. In this photo, the serial number C-2766 is clearly visible on the barrel base (bottom left). The Warren Commission photo of the serial number (bottom right). Please note the difference in the numbers themselves. The most obvious difference can be seen in the 2, which is far more ornate on the FBI / Warren Commission rifle. Notice the way the vertical shaft is thinner at the bottom and balloons out at the top, and the way it narrows to a fine line as it curves left. It then ends with a teardrop that nearly touches the left side of the vertical shaft. By comparison, the lines that form the 2 on the Life rifle are fairly consistent in thickness, with plenty of space between the end of the loop and the left side of the vertical shaft. Also note the C in both photographs. While the Life photo shows a C with a rounded bottom, the Warren Commission C has a serif on the bottom which somewhat resembles a G.
  16. That wasn't him on the bus Dan.... at least not from the research I've seen I think he was taken home in the Rambler, and then taken to the Theater by the police car that came by... McWatters will repeatedly tell you that he was talking about Roy Milton and not Oswald... Bledsoe's description of the arrest shirt... before he'd even been to the theater is quite the trick of clairvoyance...
  17. Why he fought is a very good question ... there'd be nothing to gain and everything to lose by resisting... so why... ?? ----- My how times have changed... 55 years ago a man accused of shooting a fellow police officer has a gun in his hands as 6 cops subdue him... and is not shot a single time. Not even by accident. The officers fired 20 rounds at a young black man in Sacramento, who died in the yard. Police said they thought he had a gun in his hand, but it was actually an iPhone. The officers are never heard identifying themselves as police before fatally shooting Clark. “He was at the wrong place at the wrong time in his own back yard?” his grandmother, Sequita Thompson, told the Sacramento Bee. “C’mon, now, they didn’t have to do that.”
  18. Good assumption I'd think. Let me also add this.... The claim of seeing the MAUSER may have been part of the plan since there was no clip found initially and the MC did not load without a clip while the MAUSER used a Stripper Clip which did not stay with the weapon. Furthermore, they claimed the scope was there as well... With the MAUSER, any scope would obscure the writing Craig claimed to have seen since the writing is exactly where the scope mounts go
  19. About 40 seconds in for about 25 seconds... Did you kill the President? No, I have not been charged with that. In fact nobody has said that to me yet First I heard about it was from the newspaper reporters in the hall "ax" me that question "You have been charged" 'scuze me? "You have been charged".... From 59 seconds to his expression at 1:04... to me.... shows a disappointment about something he NEVER thought could happen to him...
  20. https://kennedysandking.com/content/author/361-davidjosephs Here is the entire list of articles.... they come up as PDFs in a window yet can be linked out to these addresses, maybe you have to do that from the site itself... https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/rifle-money-order-timeline https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-mauser-the-carcano-and-the-lt-day-rifle
  21. I'm sorry On the rifle in evidence - CE139 - There were specific identifying marks on key areas of the rifle... On the afternoon of 11/22, Lt. Day walks out of the TSBD with this rifle and a very good photo is taken... good enough that the rifle's markings can be compared to those of the rifle in evidence CE540 & CE541 ... where the markings as DAY described them are found Mr. BELIN. What did that have reference to?Mr. DAY. That was stamped on the scopic sight on top of the gun. On the gun itself, "6.5 caliber C-2766, 1940 made in Italy." The center image shows something that seems to say "CAL" and has some scratches which may be writing In my graphic... #4 points to that scratched area which we can now see has "Made in Italy" scratched into it with a year that seems to be 1941 and some sort of graphic which may be the same as the bottom image of this page of CE541 #2 points to the difference in the exaggerated bezel. In CE139 (on left near the #4) there is a clear lip after the area widens, there is no lip on the TSBD image #3 seems to show how the end of the scope is not the same as the scope on the TSBD rifle Day is carrying The most glaring to me is #1 where the "CAL 6.5" is not there at all... Well, that and the fact the serial numbers don't match
  22. It's quite possible that his "contact" within the theater would lead him towards the back door and he'd be taken away by J D Tippit. Could explain the extra police shirt hanging in the rear of his car. Since our Ozzie is not aware of the killing of Tippit, (and he can't really think this reaction was for sneaking into a theater) we MUST remember that if he had any contact with RUBY and friends, (after Bannister et al in New Orleans) he had to be thinking guilty thoughts.. If he was aware of any of the goings on at the TSBD.... I think he just didn't want to get hurt but seemed to know that he was on the right side of this thing when all along he was set up That he says he is a "patsy" is enough for me to understand his awareness of a plan against him... He never says the words "I'm innocent"... does he?
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