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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Doesn't matter if the hole was 10 inches... the connected tissue in the brain keeps it from just "falling out"... too many important connections need to be severed including the spinal cord... We also have to differentiate between pre-8pm and post 8pm procedures.... PURDY: How big was that opening? Was it an official opening? ROBINSON: Well, there, of course, was an opening from the bullets,but then they had enlarged that. The brain had been removed, and you could see it. MD180 Robinson Meeting Report: Removal of President’s Brain: Robinson drew dotted lines on the drawing he executed of the posterior skull which shows the wound between the ears. When asked by ARRB staff what the dotted lines represented, he said “saw cuts.” He explained that some sawing was done to remove some bone before the brain could be removed, and then went on to describe what is a normal craniotomy procedure, saying that this procedure was performed on JFK. He seemed to remember the use of a saw, and the scalp being reflected forward. Boswell ARRB: Q. Was it necessary to make any incisions in the scalp in order to remove the brain? (Boswell). No. Q. Was it necessary to saw any of the bones in the cranium? A. No. Q. Who was it who removed the brain? A. I think Jim Humes did, but I can't be sure of that. Humes ARRB Q. Why is there no weight for the brain there? (HUMES). I don't know. I don't really--can't really recall why. Q. Was the fresh brain weighed? A. I don't recall. I don't recall. It's as simple as that. Taking HUMES' description of the injuries I mapped them onto a real brain and skull... "We found that the right cerebral hemisphere was markedly disrupted. There was a longitudinal laceration of the right hemisphere which was parasagittal in position. By the sagittal plane, as you may know, is a plane in the midline which would divide the brain into right and left halves. This laceration was parasagittal. It was situated approximately (1 & 2) 2.5 cm. to the right of the midline, and extended from the tip of occipital lobe, which is the posterior portion of the brain, to the tip of the frontal lobe which is the most anterior portion of the brain, and it extended from the top down to the substance of the brain a distance of approximately 5 or 6 cm. The base of the laceration was situated approximately 4.5 cm. below the vertex in the white matter. By the vertex we mean--the highest point on the skull is referred to as the vertex. The area in which the greatest loss of brain substance was particularly in the parietal lobe, which is the major portion of the right cerebral hemisphere. The margins of this laceration at all points were jagged and irregular, with additional lacerations extending in varying directions and for varying distances from the main laceration. In addition, there was a (3) laceration of the corpus callosum which is a body of fibers which connects the two hemispheres of the brain to each other, which extended from the posterior to the anterior portion of this structure, that is the corpus callosum. Exposed in this laceration were portions of the ventricular system in which the spinal fluid normally is disposed within the brain. When viewed from above the left cerebral hemisphere was intact. There was engorgement of blood vessels in the meninges covering the brain. We note that the gyri and sulci, which are the convolutions of the brain over the left hemisphere were of normal size and distribution. Those on the right were too fragmented and distorted for satisfactory description. (4) When the brain was turned over and viewed from its basular or inferior aspect, there was found a longitudinal laceration of the mid-brain through the floor of the third ventricle, just behind the optic chiasma and the mammillary bodies. This laceration partially communicates with an oblique 1.5 cm. tear through the left cerebral peduncle. This is a portion of the brain which connects the higher centers of the brain with the spinal cord which is more concerned with reflex actions."
  2. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP57-00384R001000020006-5.pdf https://www.maryferrell.org/php/jfkdb.php?field=recordseries&value=NARA+RG319%3A+ACSI+G2%2C+COUNTERINTELLIGENCE+ORGANIZATIONS is a list of all the records related... but no links yet to the doc https://www.archives.gov/research/catalog but not sure if that's the entire site
  3. FYI Michael... the ignore function works very well thanks for the kind words
  4. Agree David... the man in question should be taken as seriously as the WC and HSCA Reports.... Alice in Wonderland stuff...
  5. How much visual and cognitive diarrhea must we take from that man? Those are his words I've posted on the image The conclusion for which there is no waiver is that THIS is Hill and Moorman who were photographically manipulated so as to move them down the street.. And here's even more "in-depth analysis" yielding rotten fruit... Recipe - take a 72dpi image and blow it up to 500%... and one gets clipping! amazing To the resident Mr. Magoo... PLEASE learn something about images and how they work BEFORE you post... your persistent foot-in-mouth disease borders on gaslight insanity... Enough is enough already...
  6. Definitely.... when she meets Webster, what language do they speak... if he learned Russian in Russia, how did he and Marina speak in the mean time... enough to want to get married, unless that too was a cover... or an assignment
  7. Without the negative Ray... we're kind of at the mercy of the generations and journey the image took... What are you comparing it to?
  8. Let's try to remember that Marina claims this was the only time she used a camera.... and yet she gets up to 4 perfect photos without remembering this view? Dave - got any swamp land for sale this week?
  9. Thanks for the perfectly teed up ball buddy... (398) The 133-B negative (CE 749) was digitally processed at the Aerospace Corp. and the University of California Image Processing Institute using several different image-processing techniques. This process confirmed that the grain distribution was uniform. (173) (See fig. IV-31, JFK exhibit 197.) Under very carefully adjusted display conditions, the scanned image of the Oswald backyard negative did exhibit irregular, very fine lines in the chin area. The lines appeared, however, only with the Aerospace gradient-enhancement process, where the technique was applied at a much higher resolution (i.e., the image area scanned was magnified since only a small portion of the picture was being subjected to the computations). Amazing that the only argument against this is that they actually looked more closely at the image than they should have?? 482) Composite photographs made using a paste up or montage technique can usually be defected as such unless the component parts are made under identical conditions and with great skill. Clues that commonly reveal fakery are mismatches of the density, contrast, sharpness, graininess, perspective, and lighting, and imperfect blending of the edges between the parts. No such clues can be found in these photographs. Furthermore, there is no disruption of the grain pattern across the boundary between the head and the body or between the head and the background so that any composite photograph involving the head would require using large original negatives and prints and then copying a composite image with the Oswald camera Mr. SHANEYFELT. It is my opinion that it was used directly to make the print. However, I cannot specifically eliminate the possibility of an internegative or the possibility of this photograph having been copied, a negative made by copying a photograph similar to this from which this print was I think this is highly unlikely, because if this were the result of a copied negative, there would normally be evidence that I could detect, such as a loss of detail and imperfections that show up due to this added process. Although a very expertly done rephotographing and reprinting cannot positively be eliminated, I am reasonably sure it was made directly from the negative. 86) Photographic reproductions could only be compared visually with other photographic reproductions or with original documents. All conclusions based solely upon photographic reproductions are necessarily tentative and inconclusive. since they cannot reveal much about pen pressure and other dynamic qualities of handwriting. Further, they sometimes conceal, rather than reveal, evidence of tracings, alterations, erasures, or obliterated writing. HSCA Item # which were understood as PHOTOCOPIES: 18. November 15, 1959. Photocopy of handwritten account of interview with Miss Aline Mosby, UPI reporter. Unsigned. (The original of this document was also submitted but could not. be examined because it was completely covered and stained with fingerprint developer.) Location: Archives. (CE 2717: JFK exhibit F-489. ) 29. March 12, 1963. U.S. postal money order No. bearing handwritten fill-ins as follows: Klein's Sporting Goods, A. Hidell, P.O. Box 2915. Dallas, Tex. Blue ink, ballpoint pen. Location: Archives. (CE 788; JFK exhibit F-509A and 509B.) 39. September 27, 1963. Photocopy of a page from a hotel register, signed, on line 18, "Lee, Harvey Oswald, U.S.A. (Texas) PHOTO. U.S. citizen." Location:Archives. (FBI exhibit D-36; JFK F-499.) 40. September 27 1963. Photographs (one of the entire document and one of the signature) of the original of the visa application, Cuban Consulate, Mexico City, signed Lee H. Oswald. Location: Archives. (CE 2564; JFK F-407 entire document.) 47. November 8, 1963. Two photographs of a facsimile copy of a handwritten letter to Mr. Hunt. One is of the entire document, the other an enlargement of the signature. These were obtained by the committee from a researcher in Dallas, Tex. Location: HSCA files. (JFK F-506.) Now, who do we know that has access to EXPERT PHOTOGRAPHIC RETOUCHING PERSOINNEL.... thanks for the laugh this morning Dave... ...the HSCA declared... "Blakey told him, "You guys are thinking too big. You've got to get your conspiracy smaller." Sprague replied, "Well, how small Bob?" The professor replied, "Five or six people." HSCA investigator Eddie Lopez vouched for this rendition of Blakey's view of how large a conspiracy could be."
  10. Robert Webster... and he was working his angle to also get any info on the economy... that Marina also approached him Was amazing and hard not to see how the KGB would try to get friendlies into our country too.... So.. Any possibility? In this case? {grin} so, who goes to Russia? I believe the one who went was smarter than Lee by quite a bit, was getting info about Russia and working for Angleton via Phillips. Lee punched a sarge, shot himself, got VD.... it is very hard for me to believe the real Lee learning Russian... he was a good old southern boy... maybe Ruby even kept an eye in him... idk So sorry for staying the course... two different people, as I see it ........ Again, photo at bottom middle,1959 passport... last of Lee Oswald I’m aware of....
  11. No matter who I read it seems they can state that it MAY not have been Oswald down there, yet continue the argument as if it HAD to be Oswald... (e.g. the testimony about Oswald pitching a fit at the Cuban Embassy... to get remembered... except - it wasn't Oswald who was in Dallas with 2 Hispanic looking men visiting Odio and tooling around Dallas So your thought may be interesting yet there are numerous people here in the US after 1962 who are aware of his Russian language proficiency.. One also has to wonder how Marina and Marguerite communicated... One spoke no Russian while the other supposedly spoke no English... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11472#relPageId=2&tab=page H&L p.226 Henry Roussell, Jr. served with Harvey Oswald for 3 or 4 months in MACS 9 at Santa Ana (MACS 9) and was one of six Marines who shared a Quonset hut with him in 1958 (while Lee Oswald was still in Japan). A couple of months after Roussell left MACS 9 (on 3/6/59) his aunt, Rosalee Quinn, visited him in Santa Ana. She was a stewardess for Pan American airlines, had taken a Berlitz course in Russian, and was interested in working for the American Embassy in Moscow. Roussell wanted to introduce his aunt to Oswald and thought a meeting would give her a chance to practice speaking Russian. One evening Roussell brought Oswald to a boarding house where his aunt was living, introduced her to Oswald, and then left while Miss Quinn and Oswald went to dinner and later to a movie. After conversing in Russian for several hours she thought Oswald spoke Russian very well for someone who had never attended a formal course in the language. 29 (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=448&tab=page) H&L p415 According to Katya Ford it was either George Bouhe or Teofil Meller who found Oswald the job at JCS. After the assassination Peter Paul Gregory told the Secret Service that it was Bouhe who found Oswald the job at JCS. 129 (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1139#relPageId=437&tab=page) Vada Oswald (Robert Oswald's wife) told her neighbor, Mrs. Penny Pearson, that Lee Harvey Oswald was hired by Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall "because he could speak Russian. "130 (https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10406#relPageId=236&tab=page) H&L p425-425 The party was attended by Lev Aronson, Thomas and Natalie Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Sullivan, George Bouhe, Anna and Teofil Meller, Tatiana Biggers, Samuel Ballen, Lydia Dymitruk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, and Yaeko Okui. Nearly all of these people were either Russian or married to a former Russian national.of Polish decent."..... ----- Natalie Ray, one of the party attendees, said, "Oswald was very proud of the fact that he spoke Russian so well." As a native of Russia Natalie said that she was amazed that he had such a good command of the language.169 Other attendees of the party were equally amazed at his proficiency in the Russian language and discussed their thoughts with the Warren Commission: • Natalie Ray was asked by Commission attorney Wesley Liebeler, "Did he (Oswald) speak to you in Russian?" Mrs. Ray replied, "Yes; just perfect; really surprised me. .... it's just too good speaking Russian for be such a short time, you know .... .l said, 'How come you speak so good Russian? I been here so long and still don't speak very well English."' • George Bouhe was asked by Liebeler, "Did Oswald's command of the Russian language seem to be about what you would expect from him, having been in Russia for that period of time? Would you say it was good?" Bouhe replied, "I would say very good."170 • Mrs. Teofil (Anna) Meller was asked by Liebeler, "Do you think that his command of the Russian language was better than you would expect for the period of time that he had spent in Russia?" Mrs. Meller replied, "Yes; absolutely better than I would expect." • Elena Hall was asked by Liebeler, "In your opinion, Lee did have a good command of the Russian language?" Mrs. Hall replied, "Very good ..... " • Mrs. Dymitruk was asked by Commission attorney Albert Jenner, "He did speak Russian?" Mrs. Dymitruk replied, "Yes; and I was really surprised-in short time, he spoke nicely." • George DeMohrenschildt told Jenner, "He loved to speak Russian ..... he spoke fluent Russian ..... he had a remarkable fluency in Russian ..... he preferred to speak Russian than English any time. He always would switch from English to Russian." • Peter Gregory told Warren Commission Representative Gerald Ford, "I thought that Lee Oswald spoke (Russian) with a Polish accent, that is why I asked him if he was of Polish decent."
  12. HSCA by definition, virtually, is a smoking gun.... lol Brains just don’t fall out... they also don’t lose 30% or more and weight 1500 cc I don’t mean to be so literal... yet The Evidence IS the Conspiracy... which tells us what didn’t happen... the truth remains hidden in plain sight within the stories told... 55 year fencing match
  13. Micah.... Before a conclusion about the size of the hole, some basics about brain removal is needed. Brains don't just fall out, regardless the hole or damage. Brains are attached to the nervous system and skull as well as the circulatory system... These are the steps to remove a brain... Very little offered by the key players from Bethesda is truthful... Until we get to the ARRB
  14. A very good post and only slightly hijacked.. Sorry Bart... Here is the corrected overlay of DP showing what was photographed (or frame grabbed for Bronson/Nix) related to the Ass'n sequence. I also ponder the question... why not take Elm instead of Main? It remains parallel to Main for the same stretch and no turn would have been necessary... Just wondering aloud...
  15. One has to wonder then why he needs Peter Gregory to confirm his abilities.. He never actually USED this recommendation to DO anything... Kinda like LIFE buying Zap's "film" only to lock it away... The son's father teaches Russian and instead he goes to Marina/Ozzie for lessons and discussion... Me thinks there's more to these Gregory's than meets the eye...
  16. If I remember correctly, wasn't it reported that a cream/tan colored station wagon was seen quite often around 4907 Magazine as well as seen with Ruth driving...when it should have been blue? Thanks Steve...
  17. Here's over to the right in the frame, behind the wall were the shadow figure was seen, happens about 2/3 the way thru This one, right Michael? Obviously Chris is talking about someone else... shooting from a different direction
  18. Not hijacking the thread... just clarifying Wanted to say that yes, my map had BRONSON in the wrong place... While there are no photos of him, it is obvious he was standing on a concrete column on the south side of Main. I fixed my map, thanks Robin...
  19. WN, good meeting you .... and thank you by way of confirmation of the thoughts Oswald never "learned" Russian... he spoke it flawlessly and was in fact even said to have been good enough to be an interpreter ... except there is not mention of the Monterey School (at which an old learned French translation - I lived in Monterey a while) nor is there any mention of the schooling for Russian in his Service Record... The "alleged" language disability is a line of thought put forward by those who cannot see how that contradicts his abilities in Russian... or try to avoid attributing the poor English (and lack of any southern accent) to it NOT being the man's 1st language... Marina claimed Ozzie had an accent from the region while articles a plenty have been written about the strange accent... Gary Oldman: Share Tweet Jan 16, 2018 Gary Oldman found mastering president-killer Lee Harvey Oswald’s accent daunting while he was working on Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie Jfk. The Brit, who is winning acclaim and awards for portraying Winston Churchill in Darkest Hour, was so confident he knew what John F. Kennedy’s assassin sounded like, he left the accent until after he’d researched the character’s past – only to discover Oswald sounded nothing like he imagined. “The producers gave me a per diem, an airline ticket and a couple of contacts with addresses and phone numbers… and I became an investigator to find Oswald,” Gary explains. “I was in New Orleans and Dallas. It all felt very shady. “I think I’ve got the accent in the bag, this sort of Southern thing, like Matthew McConaughey, and then I see him (Oswald) speak and he’s got the weirdest accent in the world. He sounded a little like Kermit the Frog!” This is the famous moment when he reacts to being charged for JFK... about a min in... at 22 seconds in he starts talking... would you EVER guess this man spent 21 of his 24 years in the south? And the crazy thing was that at age 12, 13, 14 in NYC having just moved - did not have a "southern" accent at all... http://harveyandlee.net/Comrade/Comrade_boy.html is an article that contrasts Harvey in USSR and Lee here in the USA... We are to remember that Oswald arrives June 13th... within a week he contacts P P Gregory (a Russian speaking Petroleum engineer... hmmmm, where have we heard THAT title before?) in order to have HIM certify his proficiency in Russian... so what I say ??? Oswald and Paul EDIT: IT'S BEEN BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION THAT THIS WAS NOT PAUL GREGORY... BUT ALEXANDER ZIGER.. SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION AND MISLABELING Turns out his dad, Peter Paul Gregory helped George Kunkel with Marina
  20. I am both suggesting and asking about whether someone with Asperger's and difficulty writing (as is evident in virtually every ENGLISH written document from Ozzie) Would be able to not only learn RUSSIAN but write it with what appears to have been NO ERRORS similar to the English written words... When does this assumption of "Asperger's" give way to a native Russian speaker learning and writing English and the results thereafter? CE3134 below, is by the same Dr. ROME who was reporting on Hemingway's condition when he was admitted to the Mayo Clinic as George Sevier.. and who many feel was involved in changing the man enough to cause him to commit suicide... It wasn’t money or terminal cancer (https://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/02/opinion/02hotchner.html) that drove the Nobel Prize winner to kill himself with a double-barreled shotgun, at least according to his friends. Many of them say that it was the FBI that made him paranoid. Hemingway was admitted to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in 1960 for growing mental and physical illness. He died that summer. “The Clinic had suggested that Mr. Hemingway register under the alias George Sevier,” a January 13, 1961 letter to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover said. “Mr. Hemingway is now worried about his registering under an assumed name, and is concerned about an FBI investigation.” https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh26/pdf/WH26_CE_3134.pdf is the report which Dr. ROME sends to the WCR which attempts to state that OSWALD had a specific language disability: Those with Asperger syndrome have some ability with language in its widest sense, hence their huge potential in learning a new language, but have difficulty with abstraction and creativity. Those with dyslexic difficulties tend to find reading and spelling their main area of difficulty, but they are frequently highly creative. http://languageswithoutlimits.co.uk/resources/SfLAutism.pdf In Class Strategies https://www.brighthubeducation.com/teaching-tips-foreign-languages/64308-aspergers-and-learning-languages/ There are some useful strategies and considerations when teaching a language to someone with Asperger's Syndrome. Here are a few suggestions: Find out how they learn best - this information may be in their IEP, or you could talk to the person about their preferred learning styles Concrete examples - you may find that concrete, meaningful, real life examples of language work best, and that abstract or imagination based tasks are much more challenging Role play - this is a handy strategy, providing the young person is able to understand that it is a role play and not a real life event that you are conducting Language in action - show how language is used in a practical way, with language being used in cooking tasks, when reading a magazine, in online activities or in conjunction with other learning (such as games on an interactive whiteboard)
  21. On a semi-serious note - it does appear they are TRYING to be accurate.... Actors portraying DPD cops on television AND in Dealey Plaza
  22. http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/39280 These are the JOHN HART ELY Interviews... Zack STOUT is not included... as are the rest of the names ELY mentions which are foreign to him.
  23. "When a blip appeared on his scope" The aviation mechanic is now an air traffic controller at a secret CIA U-2 base? Given the work of John Ely and other "biographers"... we find that there were indeed two separate and distinct sets of people connected to the different LHO's.... the SGT reference remains a mystery to me. This is from Epstein's book... Legend I guess the real question becomes... Which SGT are they talking about - Robert? Lee? Another? Robert E Webster served in the US Navy and worked for RAND.... not a SGT I'd assume.
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