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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Thing was, he was a mechanic, not an air traffic controller.... or radar operator... Does one go to Atsugi as a 6741 and not work on the U-2? what did he do there, really...
  2. Edit... I didn’t address the weird related to Robert... could they have used part of his service record and his life’s journey to backstory Harvey? Neither a sgt or really from Ft Worth... yet the Aussie girls claim his nickname was TEX and was from Fort Worth... with his 1959 passport.... lol. Seems just another tie between Robert and the entire charade As MC states... more and more evidence points to Gorsky being correct with Lee leaving the Marines in March 59 after having taken a similar yet time augmented path thru marine service. The bull necked 5’11” 165 Lee was not the man on that ship or in Russia... (the evidence for Lee being in the US during this time is substantial...) The sept/oct 59 trip conflict joins the many location and timing conflicts in H&L’s lives. The evidence for H being on that ship is compelling given the contemporaneous records and the surrounding evidence yet as we saw, the docs suggest 2 different people...
  3. My point is the post and Ozzie’s shadows are converging at much too high and angle verses the rest of the shadows.... They should be almost parallel when in fact they converge even before they reach the white fence... either the shadow from Ozzie or from that post is wrong... Can anyone explain the ghost image insert and why the background of all the byps are skewed? It should be a perfect match The shadow I placed for the post wshould meet with Ozzie’s shadow at the image’s horizon... like the photos posted... the shadow betrays the composite
  4. That’s my point... the shadows do not converge in the opposite direction of the sun, they fall in different directions and merge in the wrong direction.... The late evening shadows shoe this better since the shadows are longer... in the byp, the shadows are not long enough to show convergence... yet parallel shadows cannot cross each other...
  5. Bringing Mr O’Hagan and his original post full circle... sometimes believing one’s own eyes is sufficient We didn’t MAKE the two men appear differently, they just do... if they were the same, the physical makeup of the features would not conflict in every comparison. The 1959 passport photo is the last image of Lee Oswald we have.... Lee in a white jacket holding a rifle and the same man in Russian, 2 years later... thinner and shorter? Below is evidence of the 2 men taking 2 different trips to Europe in Sept/Oct ‘59... As to Marina and her “truthful testimony” related to the BYPs.... the camera is held chest high as one looks down at an inverted image, Marina testifies to this being the only time using a camera... she didn’t or wouldn’t ID the camera she was handed correctly, the 2 magazines represent competing factions and would usually not be subscribed to or read, philosophically, together.... The fact that Det Brown was positioned in the one pose no one sees until 1977, on 11/29/63 is a bit weird, especially since it was Stovall and Roscoe White who had these prints... Finally, if the sun is behind and to the right of the camera, all shadows fall away from the lens and must fall in the same direction.. http://forum.assassinationofjfk.net/index.php/topic/1800-debunking-dartmouth/#entry9397 But the real problem is the ghost image compared to the real.. not sure why it squished.... but there obvious serious problems with those photos
  6. Found this in the recent release https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10419-10076.pdf Ozzie was never more than Private.... Pretty sure Ms Egerter would be VERY interested... Mr. OSWALD. I might say going through boot camp at San Diego, Calif., during the second week of boot training I was selected as the right guide of the platoon which actually was a go-between the drill instructors and the rest of the platoon, and I retained that position all the way through the remainder of the boot camp. On completion of boot camp I was a Pfc. I retained that excuse me, I retained that rank until I went to Miami, Fla., at which time on my departure from Miami, Fla., I received my corporal's stripe, and prior to leaving Korea in April of 1955 I received my sergeant's stripe which was my last stripe that I received in the Marine Corps.
  7. So I am still trying to find a contemporaneous "Summary or Progress" report from October 1963 related to the coverage of the SOVIET EMBASSY (LIMERICK) which identifies OSWALD I posted this before - at the same time the reports on the PHOTOGRAPHIC coverage of the Soviet Embassy/Consulate above are not mentioning the unidentified American, the PHONE TAPS of the lines OSWALD supposedly used (both the Attache and Embassy) only produced 2 LEADS IN SEPT... and neither one was Oswald visiting and/or calling the Soviets. It would seem that LIERODE which had some camera problems was covering a different location. 2566 prints (counted and reviewed - obviously) also do not warrant mention of Oswald or an American.... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=4463#relPageId=2&tab=page And here is the report from NOV 14 for OCTOBER 1963: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10211-10140.pdf Over 3000 photos with specific mention of Oct 3,4,5... LIFIRE A joint program with the Mexican security forces. LIFIRE obtained passenger manifests of all commercial flights, passport photographs of travelers to Cuba, and could sometimes even follow a passenger to the hotel with their surveillance truck. LIEMPTY Umbrella surveillance project in Mexico City, formerly code-named LIPSTICK. Included a variety of sub-projects under it. LIENVOY CIA telephone tapping program in Mexico City, targeting Cuban and Soviet embassies and run in conjunction with the Mexican DFS. Netted phone calls allegedy of Oswald. See also LIFEAT. This is the LIENVOY Monthly Operational Report for SEPT 1963... https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10211-10113.pdf Of note is mention of no significant ??? contacts and "No problems during the month" Also of some interesting significance is the date, Oct 8, is the first day DAP is running the show on Mexico City's Cuban Desk... and the same day memo about OSWALD's intercepts goes to CIA HQ. We must ask ourselves... if there were intercepts known to the MX station for the Oct 8 Memo, why isn't it also on the contemporaneous summary reports? LIMERICK Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. LICALLA One of three photo surveillance sites under the LIEMPTY umbrella project. LILYRIC was an apartment which provided a view of the back of the Soviet Embassy compound in Mexico City. The other two photo sites were LIMITED and LILYRIC.
  8. Can or should we expect to see mention of OSWALD in the LITEMPO summary reports? It appears they discuss a variety of occurrences worth noting before and after Oswald is supposedly there.... or the assumption that LITEMPO would include Oswald incorrect? https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//NSAEBB/NSAEBB204/8.pdf LITEMPO summary report Sept 1963 https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//NSAEBB/NSAEBB204/3.pdf LITEMPO summary report Oct 1963
  9. Returning to this subject... Here is the evidence offered in a nutshell. Why didn't anyone ever ask Win Scott of JC King who he was?
  10. Sounds like the Judy Baker mantra. There is strong evidence he was not there... That's not the same as there not being evidence of him in MX or on the journey to or fro. What do you think Hoover means here? and how does he play into the "rogue CIA" scenario?
  11. Michael, have you read Wilderness of Mirrors? Your summary just does not sound like something JJA would let happen To himself... remember he’s head od CIA CI.... a master planner and plotter... whether he was KGB like Philby is an issue more real to me than his being duped in MX. and then there’s that Russian officers book claiming he was in MX... and Nosenko, another false defector, provides BS on Oswald. It seems even today we do not understand that Russian CI is designed to muddy the waters, not steal secrets but plant lies which dictate policy getting us running in circles. Finally, also look very closely at the entire Alvarado incident... that was DAP, entirely. The dates, his story, his background.... when Cuba is taken off the table, see how DAP manipulates his asset... I’d need to see much more to be convinced JJA was fooled here somehow... As to Oz in MX... what proves he was there?
  12. The scenario is clear, just not how I see it... while Armstrong and I have spoken of this, he concedes that while some of the evidence points to “LEE” , if leaving a trail for future investigators to find was the point of the trip, it was done terribly and only leads to more questions. There is a lot to read... I am working on a PowerPoint to make my POV easier to follow... I’m about a third done... Good talking with you about it.... and please keep asking if I’m not clear... easier to address during the workday when the mind is sharp... lol DJ
  13. Odio came after. The evidence offered does not put Oswald there.... the LITAMIL-9 reports specifically asking about Oswald. Showing him “a” photo... maybe im approaching this wrong... Simpich does not put Oswald there... if there was this mole hunt in process, the use of the name Oswald holds duplicitous meaning at the least. Oswald’s physical presence is absent at every stop from New Orleans to that hotel and back to Dallas... the FBI uses physical witnesses who are easily impeached.... over 20 FBI assets in MX city found no trace of Oswald, as badly as Hoover needed them to.... what would Hoover’s motivation be for hiding the fact he wasn’t there... when he needed to cover for him? He wouldn’t, so a second voice and photo means 2 people in MX, not just the written no 1.
  14. Literally within hours of the assassination, the 4 lines mentioned above had their records “borrowed” by Mexican Pres Staff, as well as changed in these hours... and only for the days in question. We’ve only ever seen copies of copies provided by an FBI asset placed incredibly high in the Gobernacion... and not Echevarria. All the evidence goes thru a single person.... hmmmm.
  15. Thanks for take no the time to muddle thru my Mexico fun.... counter point is greatly appreciated... “Angleton duped by rogues” by making Oswald in MX evidence disappear... hmmmm. 1, duping JJA seems a fool’s goal... and 2, we look at the things said and done contemporaneously and reported upon prior to the 22nd of Nov to see how they match the accusations. And they don’t. Let me clarify my position for you. The man Ruby killed was not in MX on those dates but on a Trip thru Austin to Dallas stopping at Sylvia Odio and remaining in Dallas until the 4th. Calls were made from the Cuban Emb to the Soviet compound. Whether Duran was the female voice IDK, but the male was not Oswald... we know this as FBI agents did hear a tape, it was not Oswald... and as Jim mentions, the only 2 who ID Oswald both say the man Ruby killed was not him... question remains, was there a real person in the Cuban Consulate doing the things Azcue and Duran claim? Again, we assume so, but there are more lies related to those days than truths... On Oct 7 DAP shows up and on Oct 8 both THE memo is written about 35 year old Ozzie And the Sept summary report is written. Are we to accept that Scott nor Goodpasture, nor Phillips were aware of the calls from the 27th and 28th for their operational interest...? It was this passage from the Lope report that got me really motivated... once you see that the man did not travel as offered 4 or 5 different times and ways.... and Odio and her sister were so sure... and he was seen in Dallas, seen in Austin.... It is very possible that these things are happening concurrently... why not, right? Yet an FBI Oswald in Dallas wth Hispanics is quite in line with his FBI expectations and an embarrassment for Hoover should that get out... Hoover knew everything that happened down there... and even he couldn’t find him
  16. Correct... not even mentioned. And for the November report, they would know exactly who they were talking about... but still no mention of his name, or the operational value... How again does Ozzie know the number to the Soviet military attaché? The calls occurred when the embassy was closed both Friday and Sat, the 27th and 28th... Similar to there not being a report of a rifle shipment in March or April.... that rifle evidence didn’t exist until after the fact.
  17. Just as there were no reports of Ozzie receiving a rifle or pistol, contemporaneously.... The calls of the 27th and 28th either did not occur or were ignored at the time for the Oct 8th LIENVOY Summary report. You’d think the reports would have been rewritten
  18. A bit more info on that document... This is the one that Anne Goodpasture and Barbara Mandel send to CIA HQ ... from Ch 6 on Mexico: https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/chapter6_3c.pdf "Bill Simpich provided me with the documentation links showing that Goodpasture, working with LADILLINGER (Soviet Desk officer Barbara Murphy Manell), took what was obviously a photo from 12:22 on Oct 2nd and represented it as Oct 1 to match the call transcript." There is literally nothing factual in that memo... and Ms. Goodpasture did not make mistakes over simple dates... ===================================== Why it fits so well that DAP masterminded the CI operation of OSWALD IN MEXICO.... David Atlee Phillips receives a package as MICHAEL CHOADEN sent from MX to HQ on OCT 1 On OCT 2 a memo is sent from MX to HQ stating that the "AMMO REQUESTED STILL NOT REC'D".... SUGGEST CHOADEN BRINGS AMMO ON NRETURN MEXI" Wasn't TIPPIT killed with .38 Special Ammo? An OCT 4 memo goes from HQ to MX informing them of DAP's position and his arrival OCT 7 The Memo you posted is from OCT 8, 1 day after Phillips arrives as CUBAN DESK CHIEF... the problem which arises is that the contemporaneous SUMMARY REPORTS for LIENVOY activity for the month of SEPT 1963 does not mention any of the calls from SEPT to the RUSSIAN numbers... This report is also dated OCT 8 It has always been my theory that any "evidence" created after the fact would have to conflict with any contemporaneous reports filed o was the FBI/CIA watched Oswald... If this man actually called these locations on the 27th and 28th it would have been mentioned in these reports... Only when we get to OCT do we see mention of the English speaking man... From the OCT 8 report https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10413-10268.pdf we are told of only 2 leads of operational interest in SEPT 1963... neither one is OSWALD... How can there be transcripts of LEE OSWALD calls from SEPT 27/28 yet them not mentioned until the NOV report on OCT activity, and only a single line in passing... by the NOV SUMMARY REPORT - shouldn't we be seeing the name OSWALD We must also remember that the Cuban Embassy closed at 2pm, and was closed on weekends... yet Oswald. "notwithstanding" was able to proceed with his discussions and meetings.
  19. Isn't the car behind the Queen Mary in McIntyre, LBJ 's ? https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-att-us&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=1nhUW-PsIPGe_QaO352wDw&q=dealey+plaza+mcintyre+closeup&oq=dealey+plaza+mcintyre+closeup&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..30i10.2971.5572..5927...0.0...1135.2443.4j2j5-1j0j1......0....1.2R9AstOA_vk#imgrc=sS3Iz5PvCMXjyM:
  20. You posted: But there was never any conspiracy. No plot. Nothing sinister. No pre-autopsy surgery at all. Nothing. (Maybe some bones moved a bit when the body was hastily moved around, that's all). That might reconcile some of your findings (that can sometimes be hard to explain away) with the arguments of the defenders of the official version (who, you have to admit it, have good reason to doubt your – may I say - farfetched conclusions about pre-autopsy surgery and a we-shall-fire-from-the-front-with-a-patsy-being-behind-and-take-the-body-unnoticed-and-change-the-wounds conspiracy (which even other conspiracists don't believe in).What do you think ? and you truly expected that your question would be taken seriously... newsflash buddy... we are not talking about “belief” but established fact... this “thread” you started includes: Here is my supposition (and I use the word "supposition" on purpose). sup·po·si·tion ˌsəpəˈziSH(ə)n/ noun an uncertain belief. So while a theory is offered backed by evidence.. all you do is guess what might have happened and use this guess to do what?.... try and impeach decades of research..
  21. One wonders then... what was his plan? According to the WCR there was little advance planning... but there had to be some planning involved... https://kennedysandking.com/content/oswald-on-november-22-1963 kinda looks like they had a suspect and made the evidence fit... after the fact...but you decide....
  22. Some items to scan thru https://www.jfk-assassination.eu/articles/deaths.php https://www.assassinationresearch.com/v1n2/deaths.html http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKdeaths.htm https://www.amazon.com/Hit-List-Depth-Investigation-Assassination/dp/1634508521. Full book
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