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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. http://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index i have a few... thx for checking them out John... dj
  2. Sounds right to me Ron... Westbrook n Croy? Unknowns? E Roberts was pretty blind... lol
  3. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32977054.pdf a. Discredit b. Harass c. Collect Intel d. split regime leadership e. Assist Cuban exiles f. be prepared to exploit a revolt
  4. uh... pretty sure, like Monty Python, he's not serious... "Bring out ur dead".... "Bring our ur dead" "I'm not dead yet... feeling better, think I'll take a walk...."
  5. Even worse is that the 10 packing slips from Italy - part of the thousands of rifles and parts sent - which make up the 100 rifle shipment to Kleins in Feb 1963... ARE EXACTLY THE SAME.... Again, the 10 slips given to the FBI on 11/22 by FELDSOTT which represented a part of a larger shipment from ITALY... are the same exact slips of paper the FBI claimed were the Feb 1963 order.... despite the fact "38 - E" was never used for domestic orders... We see "38 E" on all the 10 packing slips FEDSOTT gave the FBI, as expected... On every other item of evidence they are referred to as T-38.... Add another nail to the coffin that is the belief Oswald had anything to do with these rifles.... or that they ever existed in the first place. Amazingly and with an uncorroborated chain of possession, these 10 packing slips and carton numbers somehow become Waldman Exhibit no. 3 which represents the February 1963 shipment to Klein’s. Mr. BELIN. I'm going to hand you what has been marked as Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 3 and ask you to state if you know what this is. Mr. WALDMAN. Yes; these are memos prepared by Crescent Firearms showing serial numbers of rifles that were shipped to us and each one of these represents those rifles that were contained in a case. Mr. BELIN. Now, you earlier mentioned that these were packed with the case. Mr. WALDMAN. Well, I would like to correct that. This particular company does not include these with the cases, but sends these memos separately with their invoice. This could not be farther from the truth. We refer again to Rupp’s FBI interview report where he states that he places the packing slips inside the carton and pastes one slip on the outside as well.
  6. http://www.freehomepage.com/jfkresearch/c2766.html The photo on the left (top) was selected for publication in Life Magazine. In this photo, the serial number C-2766 is clearly visible on the barrel base (bottom left). The Warren Commission photo of the serial number (bottom right). Please note the difference in the numbers themselves. The most obvious difference can be seen in the 2, which is far more ornate on the FBI / Warren Commission rifle. Notice the way the vertical shaft is thinner at the bottom and balloons out at the top, and the way it narrows to a fine line as it curves left. It then ends with a teardrop that nearly touches the left side of the vertical shaft. By comparison, the lines that form the 2 on the Life rifle are fairly consistent in thickness, with plenty of space between the end of the loop and the left side of the vertical shaft. Also note the C in both photographs. While the Life photo shows a C with a rounded bottom, the Warren Commission C has a serif on the bottom which somewhat resembles a G.
  7. That wasn't him on the bus Dan.... at least not from the research I've seen I think he was taken home in the Rambler, and then taken to the Theater by the police car that came by... McWatters will repeatedly tell you that he was talking about Roy Milton and not Oswald... Bledsoe's description of the arrest shirt... before he'd even been to the theater is quite the trick of clairvoyance...
  8. Why he fought is a very good question ... there'd be nothing to gain and everything to lose by resisting... so why... ?? ----- My how times have changed... 55 years ago a man accused of shooting a fellow police officer has a gun in his hands as 6 cops subdue him... and is not shot a single time. Not even by accident. The officers fired 20 rounds at a young black man in Sacramento, who died in the yard. Police said they thought he had a gun in his hand, but it was actually an iPhone. The officers are never heard identifying themselves as police before fatally shooting Clark. “He was at the wrong place at the wrong time in his own back yard?” his grandmother, Sequita Thompson, told the Sacramento Bee. “C’mon, now, they didn’t have to do that.”
  9. Good assumption I'd think. Let me also add this.... The claim of seeing the MAUSER may have been part of the plan since there was no clip found initially and the MC did not load without a clip while the MAUSER used a Stripper Clip which did not stay with the weapon. Furthermore, they claimed the scope was there as well... With the MAUSER, any scope would obscure the writing Craig claimed to have seen since the writing is exactly where the scope mounts go
  10. About 40 seconds in for about 25 seconds... Did you kill the President? No, I have not been charged with that. In fact nobody has said that to me yet First I heard about it was from the newspaper reporters in the hall "ax" me that question "You have been charged" 'scuze me? "You have been charged".... From 59 seconds to his expression at 1:04... to me.... shows a disappointment about something he NEVER thought could happen to him...
  11. https://kennedysandking.com/content/author/361-davidjosephs Here is the entire list of articles.... they come up as PDFs in a window yet can be linked out to these addresses, maybe you have to do that from the site itself... https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/rifle-money-order-timeline https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-mauser-the-carcano-and-the-lt-day-rifle
  12. I'm sorry On the rifle in evidence - CE139 - There were specific identifying marks on key areas of the rifle... On the afternoon of 11/22, Lt. Day walks out of the TSBD with this rifle and a very good photo is taken... good enough that the rifle's markings can be compared to those of the rifle in evidence CE540 & CE541 ... where the markings as DAY described them are found Mr. BELIN. What did that have reference to?Mr. DAY. That was stamped on the scopic sight on top of the gun. On the gun itself, "6.5 caliber C-2766, 1940 made in Italy." The center image shows something that seems to say "CAL" and has some scratches which may be writing In my graphic... #4 points to that scratched area which we can now see has "Made in Italy" scratched into it with a year that seems to be 1941 and some sort of graphic which may be the same as the bottom image of this page of CE541 #2 points to the difference in the exaggerated bezel. In CE139 (on left near the #4) there is a clear lip after the area widens, there is no lip on the TSBD image #3 seems to show how the end of the scope is not the same as the scope on the TSBD rifle Day is carrying The most glaring to me is #1 where the "CAL 6.5" is not there at all... Well, that and the fact the serial numbers don't match
  13. It's quite possible that his "contact" within the theater would lead him towards the back door and he'd be taken away by J D Tippit. Could explain the extra police shirt hanging in the rear of his car. Since our Ozzie is not aware of the killing of Tippit, (and he can't really think this reaction was for sneaking into a theater) we MUST remember that if he had any contact with RUBY and friends, (after Bannister et al in New Orleans) he had to be thinking guilty thoughts.. If he was aware of any of the goings on at the TSBD.... I think he just didn't want to get hurt but seemed to know that he was on the right side of this thing when all along he was set up That he says he is a "patsy" is enough for me to understand his awareness of a plan against him... He never says the words "I'm innocent"... does he?
  14. https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsMOTimeline.pdf - a timeline with EST detailing the different activities related to the procurement of this slip of paper https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsRiflePart1.pdf - Everything you might want to know abut that rifle https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsRifle.pdf - was the rifle in DAY's eventually CE139? From what I can see... it was not the same rifle....
  15. As I wrote in my article, the FELDSOTT packing slips with the "38 -E" designation was directly refuted by Rupp and FELDSOTT as not being the documents related to any order shipped to Klein's... In the US the rifles are either T-38 or further broken down to their specific size and model: Troop Speciale, Fucile Corto, or Cavalleria (the #’s 38 or 91 refer to the original introduction year of the Carcano – 1891 or 1938. Carcanos DVP can pontificate all he likes... the FBI reports themselves show that it would have been impossible for anyone to trace that rifle to HIDELL/OSWALD since the one order mentioned from June 18, 1962 did NOT repeat after me Davey... C2766 WAS NOT SHIPPED TO KLEINS IN JUNE 1962.... "N" 2766 was as offered by your honest FBI agents.... Yet CENTURY ARMS offers a shipping check in log which shows NO PREFIX AT ALL on hundreds of rifles... that can't be right Davey... how could these rifles possibly be tracked without the full serial number? Why again can't THIS be the our rifle? That does seem to say - Carbine 41" - the FC rifle was 40.7 inches long... Now it gets really interesting... The ad for this rifle from Klein's runs from August 62 thru Feb 63... Since the TS carbine was indeed 36" long... and the Secret Service concluded that the order was for a TS scoped rifle (see bottom graphic) the one glaring problem we have is that the 36" TS Carbine was advertised with an "ADJUSABLE REAR SIGHT" --- in fact all the ads for these rifles say "ADJUSABLE REAR SIGHT" (and please don't tell me these people haven't a clue about describing a rifle they have for sale... for a year.) and they all say 36" Carbine. So which rifles were ordered by Klein's? It appears that Klein's had originally ordered the adjustable sight 36" carbine described in the ads... (from March to June 1962, one has to wonder which rifles were shipped for C20-T750 orders...) Originally it was the "91 TS".. as we can see, that 92.2cm / 36.3" inch overall length with an adjustable sight is virtually identical to the 91/38 TS, except for the sight Yet the rifle in evidence is almost 41" long and has a fixed sight. Klein's order changed to "M91/38" which designates one of 3 rifles: - In the US the rifles are either T-38 or further broken down to their specific size and model: Troop Speciale, Fucile Corto, or Cavalleria (the #’s 38 or 91 refer to the original introduction year of the Carcano – 1891 or 1938. - An adjustable rear sight makes a scope somewhat redundant... especially for the distances in Dealey Plaza.... so I have a hard time accepting that KLEIN's shipped a fixed sight rifle to everyone who ordered one with an adjustable sight.... and put a scope on it to boot.... CE139 is not 36" nor does it have an adj rear sight.... the changed Klein's order identifies the only rifle which could replace it - the M91/38 the "TS" is implied for why would they order rifles for ads which are running, that are not the ad rifles? No matter, you and the others claim the FC was ordered and shipped since THAT was what was found... tautological reasoning... No matter that Klein's employees support that only 36" fixed sight rifles would get a scope and a special price.... No matter than not one other FC rifle from those 100 supposedly shipped to Klein's has ever been seen... despite them selling - on ad which was corrected in March1963 and ran thru Nov 63... except the changes were slow.. The April 1963 ad still has the length and weight of the earlier ads but now says "Rear Open Sight" Starting in May 63 they were aware enough to make these changes under the assumption that they received a shipment of FC rifles in Feb 1963 to satisfy these ad's orders.... we now have a 40" 7 lb rifle with a scope... and regardless of DVP's position here... I for one would like to see any single order for any one of these advertised rifles from receipt to delivery... If they were waiting for the Feb rifle shipment to fulfill C20-T750 orders then the KLEIN'S Microfilm with the HIDELL order should also have a few similar orders for the same item #... But I showed you the bait and switch DOLAN pulled on us regarding this microfilm... Until there is some outside corroboration for these 100 rifles, the evidence clearly shows C2766 not only was never sent to KLEINS but it may have never left HARBORSIDE warehouse... this is the first withdrawal from the C2766 shipment from Italy to Adams (Crescent) not a single carton that appears on the Lifschultz shipping document to Klein's was removed from that inventory.... Furthermore... all of the remaining withdrawals do not include the carton numbers and ends Oct 31, 1962. Crescent sent RUPP the KLEIN's order to fulfill - according to FELDSOTT - in June 1962... the first batch of rifles Rupp pulls to clean, test, repair does not include a single carton shipped to KLEIN'S.... 86 cartons of rifles were still in inventory after the 10/31 withdrawal That a certain rifle appears at a certain place ... this does not create incriminating evidence until ALL the connections are made. Everything we've seen offered by the WCR and beyond confirms that the rifle found... should not and could not be connected to Oswald.... ... and that the additional evidence manufactured: the obviously fake HIDELL IDs, the obviously fake Postal Money Order, and the FBI's own reports specifically NOT connecting C2766 with any of the contemporaneous FELDSOTT documentation .... To come full circle here... the FBI had info related to a specific order and specific rifle serial # from FELDSOTT Friday eve. The FBI reports thru the morning of 11/24 that there was no C2766 on a June 18 1962 order... while also mentioning an order for rifles in March 1963 which has not documentation at all.. We also cannot forget that the first batch of rifles from THAT inventory at HARBORSIDE did not occur until AUGUST 1962....
  16. One of the most misunderstood aspects of this case remains the evidence of the purchase of the rifle associated with the shooting of JFK - C2766. By 10:41 pm 11/22/63 NY Time (9:41 in Chicago) a teletype is sent from NY to DALLAS & CHICAGO discussing the shipping information found at Crescent Firearms (Feldsott) It spells out a June 18, 1962 order and a March 23, 1963 order which were sent to Kleins with similar rifles yet NOT showing that C2766 was part of those shipments... The above sent following an interview with LOUIS FELDSOTT which was finally made official in June 1964. The very next day, 11/23, SA Chapman reiterates these results yet adds that despite this conflict the Klein records showed C2766.... So as it stands on Nov 23rd, Kleins was NOT shipped C2766 in the June 18, 1963 order for which FELDSOTT provided info and docs Yet also on Nov 23rd, this postal money order is found in at least 3 different places at 3 different times and all with the name HIDELL It is not until the 24th do we learn that the NY office of the FBI (I believe) has done a "further review" of the Crescent records shows C2766 received from Italy and subsequently sold to Kleins... but now the shipment related to an order in January and April 1962 finally arrives in Feb 1963... 10 months later. We learn that when the SS gets to Waldman and Kleins Saturday they are told by Waldman that he gave the ORIGINAL MICROFILM to FBI SA DOLAN…. Who in turn has it reproduced on Dec 4th (2 weeks later?) and then RETURNS A COPY TO WALDMAN… but we’ve never seen these, have we? We have virtually identical conflicting reports from the FBI as to whether DOLAN took the film or whether WALDMAN kept it…. Yet SOP dictates that once the FBI has anything original, anything needed can be created and represented as “original” when all we’re shown are the copies of copies…. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10408#relPageId=195&tab=page is page 188 of CD7 stating that WALDMAN KEPT THE MICROFILM The very next page has DOLAN signing the report by himself now and stating that he gave WALDMAN A RECEIPT FOR THE MICROFILM which he takes... That we never, ever see or know of anyone who bought another 40" Fucile Corte rifle from the 100 rifle shipment to Kleins should not worry anyone... Harry Holmes tells a story about what happens the next morning, 11/23, when he goes into work at the Dallas GPO.... and is recounted in a doc the US Postal Service prepared to illustrate their helpfulness to the FBI/SS that weekend... Holmes claims to have found the PMO by 11/23 noon They appear to have combined Holmes’ BS with FBI BS to create Universal BS… If a DALLAS INSPECTOR (Holmes?) has a record of PMO 2,202,130,462… what happened to it? The next morning, on Saturday, when I came in, the inspector who was on duty in the lobby watching the boxes told me, “You’ve got an inspector up there sitting in your office.” --- I called it in immediately to the chief on the open line to Washington and said, “I’ve got the money order number that Oswald used to buy this gun, and according to the records up there, they had shipped it to this box that he had rented at the main office in Dallas at that time But if it could not be carried on a person, such as a pistol, like a shotgun or a rifle, then it was $1.25 or $1.37 extra. Shipping charges were also added, so I added those together, took that figure and called around to all the different stations and the main office where these crews were checking stubs. It wasn’t ten minutes that they hollered, “Eureka!” They had the stub! -Notes from Harry Holmes 11/22 (this all occurs at the Dallas GPO prior to 1pm) This would be a slam dunk except for a couple things… One - There was no stub… or if there was, it was not retained or entered into evidence to PROVE there ever really was a PMO with that number… Before splitting, the PMO should have looked a little like this and a blank one would have made a great exhibit… Two - Holmes couldn't know which BOX this PMO was sent since all they would have seen is the far right stub with the amount, the date and the #..... "according to the records up there, they had shipped it to this box that he had rented" Unless they kept a master record of all PMO in a master book as each PMO is written there would be no way to get the ADDRESS from the STUB.. “Eureka!” They had the stub! To trace the HIDELL Kleins order they needed to trace a specific rifle from receipt to inventory to order to packing to shipping.... but as of Nov 23rd, there was not yet proof C2766 was sold to Kleins and if you read my RIFLE essay you know that the 10 packing slips and the rest cannot possibly be related to these non-existent 100 40" FC rifles. The order # on the microfilm run matches a number on the HIDELL Order form - 270502. The Hidell order form connects C2766 with a VC # Scribor kept track of... which in turn refers to those 10 packing slips which came from Italy with FELDSOTT's original order in 1960. There is literally no way they would be used as packing slips for an order FROM Crescent to anyone.. additionally each of these lists the rifles as "38 - E" which was the international designation... When Crescent sells them in the US they are given the more familiar "T-38" With the info available in Chicago from 11:30 am 11/22 until Oswald is questioned about HIDELL in the afternoon of 11/23 … there is no way they could have found the HIDELL order #270502 since they had yet to find the incoming rifle order from Crescent to Kleins with the FELDSOTT info. Even if Chicago knew the HIDELL name, they needed to first find C2766…. And since Chicago didn’t know about the “further review” from the 24th on the 22nd or 23rd…. they would have been left with the 2 reports above which spell out clearly C2766 was not found in Klein records…. Endnote: Despite Holmes claim, it is not until 8:30 that night and even later when finally produced, that SS Asst Chief Paterni asks one of his Special Agents to get the original or a copy... How again can the Postal Money Order be found in 2 different states at 2 different times... notice the repeated use of "paid money order" just so you know it's legit and all...
  17. John lists 5 different wallets for Oswald Westbrook's Bentley's 3-4) On November 26 Ruth Paine voluntarily turned over to the Dallas Police a red billfold (FBI Ex.#382) and a brown wallet(FBI Ex.#114) which she said belonged to Oswald. and a black plastic wallet.... The inventory lists offer the following... the wallet they placed into evidence was neither the WESTBROOK or the ARREST wallet... If the BROWN BILLFOLD was taken off of Oswald by BENTLEY or found at the TIPPIT scene by WESTBROOK... it wouldn't be designated an IRVING item but like the belt it would have been (OSWALD'S PERSON)
  18. The list that contains "LETTER/#" designations for the evidence is a FBI DOCUMENT...WCD345 I believe...
  19. 100% correct buddy... Westbrook's office appears to have been THE place to be after the arrest... Mr. BALL. Where did you go? Mr. CARROLL. I went into the police personnel office. Mr. BALL. Who went In there with you? Mr. CARROLL. There was Jerry Hill, Ray Hawkins, McDonald, Hutson, Bentley, Lyons, and myself. Oh, by the way, Lyons was in the car with us also when we came from the theatre to the police department. I don't remember whether he was sitting In the front or back seat, though, but he did come down with us. Lyons had sprained his ankle and Paul Bentley also had sprained his ankle, and shortly after we went into the police personnel office Lyons and Bentley left and went to Parkland to have their legs checked and taken care of. Baker writes in his report of his activities that Fritz sends cops to 1026 Beckley at 2:30 with explanation of how that address was discovered... the Library card you speak of includes the ELSBETH address - which is of course an Oak Cliff address...... There is a W 5th Street address in Ft Worth on one of the items, so Steve... you are correct, nothing in the wallet offered in evidence provides his address in Irving (or on Beckley) and the MARINE PHOTO wallet disappears with SIMS and HICKS until we see this: SIMS gives the stuff to HICKS, photos are made and it's all returned to SIMS... Friday evening at 5:30pm.... and yet for the rest of that evening, a 1:30am arraignment, and a morning interrogation... and we STILL do not hear a thing about HIDELL or the obvious fake ID... {sigh} You'll also notice in Appendix 11 that CLEMENTS acknowledges the SSS card with photo is not the actual card, but a PHOTO.... "Photo of SSS card with photo of OSWALD...." And yet again, with this ID in hand at the DPD at 2pm 11/22.... the first question related to HIDELL finally comes in the early afternoon of the 23rd.... still well before a Postal Money Order is created by Harold Marks and Robert Jackson of the US Postal Service Archive section.... (even though J. Harold Marks is a FINANCE OFFICER... and Robert Jackson a "Management Analyst who delivers the PMO) but seems to come at about the time Harry Holmes finds the booklet of PMOs and the stub from the Oswald/Hidell purchase.... (NOT!)... While Holmes tells us they have the PMO in hand by noon-1 o'clock Saturday... SS/FBI reports tell a different story So was the evidence which shows the rifle ordered in Hidell's name to bolster the case against him... uses an alias to buy the assassination rifle (that he leaves it and a paper trail to his doorstep after the shooting while vehemently denying involvement speaks volumes.) RCNagell later claims to have had in his possession two Mexican tourist visas, one under the name "Joseph Kramer" and one under the name of "Albert" or "Aleksei Hidell." But as far as I can tell - he is the only source of that info The only ARREST REPORT with the terminology suggested
  20. Thanks Steve... I believe you are correct... No one mentions Owens and the way B.O. and Bookout are written on Fritz1 does indeed suggest they are the same... What threw me was the " BO + me" which I interpreted as someone "with" Fritz as opposed to the FBI or SS. The important thing is the sequence of events... Hill puts the discovery of HIDELL in the car on the way to the DPD... And he also made the statement that there was some more identification in this other name which I don't remember, but it was the same name that later came in the paper that he bought the gun under. Mr. BELIN. Would the name Hidell mean anything? Alek Hidell? Mr. HILL. That would be similar. I couldn't say specifically that is what it was, because this was a conversation and I never did see it written down, but that sounds like the name that I heard. Mr. BELIN. Was this the first time you learned of the name? Mr. HILL. Yes; it was. 1:52 550/2 (Sgt. G.L. Hill) Suspect on the shooting the police officer is apprehended and en route to the station. 1:52 Dispatcher We had a shooting of a police officer which was DOA at Methodist. The suspect has been apprehended at Texas Theater and en route to the station. Hill and the others are requested to make a statement, have it typed and sign it.... but then something strange happens related to the Arrest Report for the Tippit murder: And at about this point Captain Westbrook suggested that I change the heading of my report to include arrest of the suspect in the assassination of the President and in the murder of Officer J. D. Tippit, which I did. When we got it back ready to sign, Carroll and I were sitting there, and it had Captain Westbrook's name for signature, and added a paragraph about he and the FBI agent being there, and not seeing that it made any difference, I went ahead and signed the report. Actually, they were there, but I didn't make any corrections. And as far as the report, didn't allege what they did, but had added a paragraph to our report to include the fact that he was there, and also that the FBI agent was there. Now as to why this was done, your guess is as good as mine. Arrest Report On Investigative Prisoner, by an unknown author. Arrest report identifies Oswald as the assassin of President John F. Kennedy and Police Officer J. D. Tippit, (Photocopy), 11/22/63. 00001383 1 page 05 02 086 1383-001.gif 30. Arrest Report On Investigative Prisoner, by M. M. McDonald. Arrest report identifies Oswald as the assassin of President John F. Kennedy and Police Officer J. D. Tippit, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 11/22/63. 00002183 1 page 07 02 030 2183-001.gif These are both the same document Hill goes on: Mr. HILL. Paul Bentley called off two addresses. One, as I recall, in Irving, and another one in Oak Cliff, when he was reading from information inside the suspect's billfold. But neither of these addresses was an address on 10th or on Beckley. Ok, so he mentions the 2 addresses... what about the 2 different identification names? (BTW - Paul Bentley was not called to Testify) From my paper on the pistol we also know that TL BAKER was acting a bit wonky.... BENTLEY says he gave TL BAKER Oswald's ID and in turn BAKER tells Fritz they have LEE OSWALD in custody... BAKER does not mention a 2nd person's identification with Oswald's photo. When Oswald's ID is turned into the DPD on a CSSS we SHOULD see TL BAKER'S signature and a time between 2pm and 3pm? Except we don't have those things at all, what we have is RM SIMS and JB HICKS with Oswald's ID cards, addresses and ONE BILLFOLD which is not entered into evidence until 5:30pm... HICKS is not asked about this form which effectively ends the chain of custody for this wallet and contents... SIMS offers nothing in relation to OSWALD'S ID & BILLFOLD.... Mr. STERN. Now, the search in which you participated of Oswald at 4:05 on Friday, just before the first showup---you have told us that either you or Mr. Boyd found five live rounds of .38 caliber pistol shells, and a bus transfer slip, and an identification bracelet, according to your memorandum-- Mr. STERN. Do you remember anything else that was found on Oswald at that time? (Mr. SIMS. No, sir; I don't remember anything else. Mr. STERN. A wallet or identification card? Mr. SIMS. No, sir; that had been taken off of him. Mr. STERN. That had been taken off of him upon his arrest at the time of his arrest? Mr. SIMS. Well, I don't know when, but he didn't have it on. Continuing on.... the DPD had notebooks listing evidence taken in alphabetical while also identifying WHERE THE ITEM CAME FROM... Items taken off of Oswald's person are listed as such... Items found in the rooms at Irving, or Beckley are also listed as such... Why does the BROWN BILLFOLD say "(IRVING)" when it was taken from Oswald's person by Bentley and given to TL BAKER (per Bentley)? Which wallet is being represented on that CSSS form with SIMS/HICKS? And the $64,000 Q.... Why is OSWALD not asked about HIDELL IDENTIFICATION found by BENTLEY at 2pm Nov 22nd and given to TL Baker so that he can tell FRITZ the man's name related to the TIPPIT case... until the 23rd? In a previous post I had both the B1 Exhibit listing the contents of his wallet and the CLEMENTS report also detailing the contents of the wallet... Both refer to this wallet as the one with the MARINE GROUP PHOTO. I will post again here but we need to look at a few things... First, CLEMENTS' 2nd item is not a SSS CARD, but a "Photo of..." doesn't this mean they knew it was not a real ID Card? Second, B1 lists 3 photos ... CLEMENTS lists 2 photos "Snapshot photo of woman, apparently wife... Snapshot photo of infant" What's missing? The Marine Group Photo ... WCD443 is a large batch of photos shown to Marina for ID... there are only 2 photos which it could... P3 is a photo with Roscoe White with hands on hips... Marina says this is a photo of "Oswald's Friends from Japan" and this one found http://www.jfklancer.com/bymain.html ... I do not know if this was in the wallet Our next photograph only just qualifies for inclusion here, but it does show Oswald with what is undoubtedly a rifle. The photograph shows a group of about ten Marines relaxing somewhere apparently in the Far East. They are on a beach with palm trees in the background. As in the preceding USMC photograph, Oswald is the central figure. He is sitting cross-legged, wearing Marines fatigues. He is facing left and, like his companions, he is wearing a forage cap. In the foreground, at Oswald's feet, are his helmet and his rifle. Edward Jay Epstein has identified Oswald's fellow Marines as Godfrey Jerome Daniels, George A. Wilkins, Jr., Zack Stout, Bobby J. Warren and James R. Parsons. He states that none of these men was ever questioned by either the Warren Commission or the FBI The point remains, A wallet taken from the IRVING HOME is referred to as the MARINE GROUP PHOTO wallet on both the DPD index and FBI/DPD combined list of evidence.... YET, this photo appears NOT to have been in the wallet HOSTY/CLEMMENTS/etc review and write their report on. Records (a TL BAKER report where he refers to himself in the 3rd person) show BENTLEY giving Lt. BAKER the IDhe took from Oswald during the car ride from the Theater on which is claimed a 2nd name is associated with Oswald... Alek HIDELL CSSS form shows SIMS entering the billfold, photos and id's into evidence by giving them to HICKS at 5:30pm 11/22... with no recourse back to Lt. TL BAKER. Neither man's reporting or testimony supports this happening or which wallet this refers to... if even Oswald's. James Bookout ("B.O." - not CB OWENS) finally asks Oswald about the HIDELL ID sometime in the afternoon or evening of 11/23... If TL Baker has the wallet during the interrogation... what happened to the HIDELL ID?
  21. For "BO" to ask Oswald about "HIDELL" as having been on ID in his wallet (per FBI SA Manning Clements), the inventory listed in Clements' report must have been correct... I hope to show here that it seems virtually impossible for both ID's to have been seen on the 23rd, just in time to match Klein's production of the Hidell Money Order.... another provably fabricated item of evidence.... === Assuming that someone at DPD did see the HIDELL "SS Notice of Classification" along with all the other items in the wallet... We need to look back to the chain of possession: In 1996 after Hosty's book, Croy claims to have given a wallet he found to Westbrook Westbrook shows a wallet with HIDELL ID at the Tippit scene (from H&L) But Capt. Westbrook had a very good reason for driving to 10th & Patton. It was there, at the murder scene, that Westbrook showed fellow police officers the wallet ..... Identification in this wallet would identify "Lee Harvey Oswald" as the prime suspect in the murder of officer Tippit. Identification for "Alek Hidell," also found in this wallet, would link Oswald/Hidell to the rifle found on the 6th floor of the Book Depository. There were now many police and dozens and dozens of on-lookers at 10th & Patton with whom Westbrook could mingle. A few minutes later, at 1:42 PM, crime lab officers George Doughty, W.E. Barnes, and Paul Bentley arrived and inspected the wallet produced by Westbrook. FBI Agent Bob Barrett arrived, parked his car, and walked toward Tippit's patrol car. Barrett explained, "I went on over there and Captain Westbrook was there with several of his officers.... It hadn't been very long when Westbrook looked up and saw me and called me over. He had this wallet in his hand. Now, I don't know where he found it, but he had the wallet in his hand... the wallet was there. There's no getting around that. Westbrook had the wallet in his hand and asked me if I knew who these people were. I'm adamant that there was a wallet in somebody's hand and Westbrook asked me if I knew who 'Lee Harvey Oswald' was and who 'Hidell' were." As Westbrook showed the wallet to Barrett and fellow DPD officers, WFAA-TV Channel 8 news photographer Ron Reiland filmed the wallet. Sgt. Bud Owens was holding the wallet while Capt. Doughty was looking at the wallet. Oswald is arrested and is back at DPD by 2pm where Doughty, Barnes, & Bentley also ultimately wind up with Westbrook and Hill. It should now be widely known that the man in custody has 2 ID's, one SSS card with Oswald AND NO PHOTO while the other SSS card is for Hidell WITH A PHOTO The real SSS cards do NOT have a photo Notes are taken at the interrogations which take place on the 22nd, all day the 23rd and the morning of the 24th Kelley, Hosty, Bookout, Clemments and someone called "B. O." As shown above, Clemments informs us that the interrogation included questions about the contents of his wallet... (there was a RED wallet from Irving, the wallet on Oswald when he was arrested and THIS wallet...) Clemments lists the contents of the wallet which matches the FBI's "B1" list except for the real SSS card which is listed twice... first on the initial page next to the fake one yet is not called a SSS card this time... and then 2 pages later when it is called out as a SS No. card.... It is important to note that the DPD would now be looking at 2 pieces of ID which conflict with each other... one with a photo and one without... yet also listed in the contents is his USMC Cert of Service #4,271,617 which also has a photo on it... Yet if you look... they are the same photo.. and even worse... the photo is of Oswald from MINSK. Are we to believe - that despite having these items in their possession - or at least awareness of their existence... Oswald was not asked about the 2 identities until the afternoon of the 23rd? and then by someone Fritz calls "B.O." Best we could figure out - since Bardum Odum is not listed on the FBI list of Interrogation attendees - is this must be Bud Owens given the interrogation was initially related to Tippit's murder... I am guessing that Fritz used the initials BO since the HIDELL ID would be side by side with Oswald's real ID since there is one and only one wallet EVER mentioned containing identification: Mr. HILL. That was the second question that was asked the suspect, and he didn't answer it, either. About the time I got through with the radio transmission, I asked Paul Bentley, "Why don't you see if he has any identification." Paul was sitting sort of sideways in the seat, and with his right hand he reached down and felt of the suspect's left hip pocket and said, "Yes, he has a billfold," and took it out. I never did have the billfold in my possession, but the name Lee Oswald was called out by Bentley from the back seat, and said this identification, I believe, was on the library card. And he also made the statement that there was some more identification in this other name which I don't remember, but it was the same name that later came in the paper that he bought the gun under. Mr. BELIN. Would the name Hidell mean anything? Alek Hidell? Mr. HILL. That would be similar. I couldn't say specifically that is what it was, because this was a conversation and I never did see it written down, but that sounds like the name that I heard. Mr. BELIN. Was this the first time you learned of the name? Mr. HILL. Yes; it was. Mr. BELIN. All right; when did you learn of his address? Mr. HILL. There were two different addresses on the identification. One of them was in Oak Cliff. The other one was in Irving. But as near as I can recall of the conversation in the car, this was strictly conversation, because I didn't read any of the stuff. It didn't have an address on Beckley, that I recall hearing. Mr. BELIN. Let me ask you this. Now from the time you got in the car to the time you got to the station, I believe you said that at least the second question asked was where do you live, and the man didn't answer? Mr. HILL. The man didn't answer. Mr. BELIN. Was he ever asked again where he lived, up to the time you got to the station? Mr. HILL. No; I don't believe so, because when Bentley got the identification out, we had two different addresses. We had two different names, and the comment was made, "I guess we are going to have to wait until we get to the station to find out who he actually is." After about the time Bentley reached in his pocket and got his billfold, Mr. BELIN. At any time up to the time you left, did you ever get any address on the suspect as to where he lived other than the statement of Captain Fritz that he had this address on Fifth Street somewhere in Irving? Mr. HILL. Paul Bentley called off two addresses. One, as I recall, in Irving, and another one in Oak Cliff, when he was reading from information inside the suspect's billfold. But neither of these addresses was an address on 10th or on Beckley. As to exactly what they were, I don't recall, as I didn't see the identification. It is not until many, many years later that we learn of the CROY>WESTBROOK wallet, (thanks I understand to Dale Myers?) and his re-questioning of Barrett and Croy http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2014/03/solving-tippit-murders-wallet-mystery.html Dale appears to conclude that the TV wallet and archive wallets are not the same... The wallet seen in the WFAA-TV news film is similar in style to Oswald’s arrest wallet, however, they are clearly not identical – period. It’s not even close. In particular, the newsfilm wallet has a leather flap that is square, while Oswald’s arrest wallet flap is rounded. In addition, the news film wallet is obviously thinner and more worn than Oswald’s arrest wallet. Kenneth H. Croy told me in 2009 that the wallet turned over to him at the Tippit shooting scene had seven or so identification cards in it, and that none were in the name of Oswald. Why then did Croy think the wallet was Oswald’s? Croy’s belief that the wallet was Oswald’s was based on an assumption that Tippit’s killer dropped the wallet, and that since Oswald was later arrested for Tippit’s murder, the wallet must have been his. Croy told me that he had no first hand knowledge that the wallet contained anything that connected it to suspect Oswald. FBI agent Robert Barrett did not know how police got the wallet or where it was found. He never handled the wallet or saw the identification cards in it. His recollection was that Captain Westbrook was holding a wallet while at the scene and asked him (Barrett) at the scene about the names Oswald and Hidell. FBI agent Barrett returned to Dallas police headquarters following Oswald’s arrest to make sure the arrest report contained information that Oswald’s civil rights were not violated at the theater and subsequently was in contact with officers, including Westbrook, who had learned Oswald’s wallet contained two names – Oswald and Hidell. Was this what Barrett was recalling? Barrett says no. FBI agent Barrett was known by fellow agents as being one who put meticulous details in his reports, the kind of details other agents usually overlooked. Barrett’s contemporary report of his activities on November 22, 1963, fails to mention the wallet, as does his 1975 testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee during which he recounted his activities that day. Both Barrett and Croy’s recollections are based on thirty to forty-year-old memories. None of their contemporary reports or testimony mention the recovery of Oswald’s wallet – a highly curious oversight given the significance both men now attach to the discovery. Croy’s latter claims about the wallet are particularly suspect given that he was first reportedly interview about it in 2005 by conspiracy advocate Jones Harris, seven years after the publication of With Malice. It certainly appears strange that the same key players: Westbrook, Croy and Hill (who transferred to Westbrook's squad about the same time Oswald started working at the TSBD) are so involved in virtually every aspect of that day's activities and we have the Captain and a Detective for Personnel Division and an unscheduled Reservist handing virtually all of the most incriminating evidence from that day... Hill is pretty adamant about NOT seeing a wallet or any ID... Seems he senses something wrong with WESTBROOK and what's going on, but that's only a hunch. The dates on the FBI reports are the dates... whether accurate and true... who knows yet as of the 23rd DPD HQ was aware that their man in custody had ID offering 2 different names... It just seems to me that anyone with a brain could see these ID's conflicted,,, or they didn't and HIDELL's ID with Oswald's image was created by someone else... Possibly Harvey himself... yet the DPD had recently added a quite adept photo manipulator by the name of Roscoe White...
  22. Been speaking with John about the inventory from the DPD to FBI and back again... 250 items leave, 455 numbered items return... WCD345 is the FBI "unofficial inventory" yet it matches the numbered inventories and the lettered inventories exactly... The focus has been the wallet and the HIDELL ID... There is only 1 wallet in evidence said to contain anything of importance... This wallet is NOT listed in the 455 items but is listed as "B1" with all its contents NOT listed separately, but under B1. There are "A, B, C, & D" lists of evidence... the "D" list of evidence appears to be a variety of documents specifically related to Oswald and Marina... the SS Notice truly seems out of place on this list... Since it was not in the 1 wallet in custody, and there was no other wallet turned in... one has to wonder about the chain of custody for D71... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10746#relPageId=37&tab=page What you will not find on the HIDELL items is the DPD inventory check from the night of 11/22 ... Items that came back from FBI in DC on the 26th that were not at the DPD 11/22 will not have this notation
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