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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Here you can see them before and after the splice... The people had nothing to do with altering the film... unless one does a frame to frame analysis how the film was altered is much more difficult to see. We need to remember that the route was changed for the single purpose of framing Oswald... cause no one could have made the shot if the limo was over on Main...? Really? The change moved the press truck and physician to the back and removed McHugh from center front limo.... then moved all escorts to behind the limo.... There would be no one in front of JFK, no one to the sides.... a sitting duck.
  2. I forget who made the point... but those two groups are ideological opposites... someone reading one of the pubs would NEVER read the other... I think it was Ms Mellon.... We also don’t know when that photo was created... but March ‘63... do we know which month’s those papers are? I don’t remember If I was to pick a start date... I’d look to the Nixon loss of 1960. The people most put out with that loss are the ones at the center of the assassination. It was as if the Republicans made it all the way to the alter with Nixon and 8 years of secrets... only to wind up marrying a different woman... one completely aghast at the direction these same people were taking the country. LBJ on that ticket was potentially a big part of step one in removing Kennedy... That JFK reinforces this change in philosophy from early on only pushes him closer to his death... Very sad.
  3. DH - I'm fairly sure that Chris and I (mostly Chris) worked thru the corner and found Zapruder did not stop filming at all... and that the arbitrary numbering of frame 133 simply adds 33 frames to what should have been frame #100. Add that to the Myers fallacy about the film speed of Towner and you have a perfect fit... I assume you mean to use as a matte... yes? I believe we should also agree that the alteration was done in phases... the original and 4 films are created, not 3... 0184 cannot simply disappear or be skipped over... I theorize this is the split film which was sent to Rowley The trail of THAT film ends with Rowley, yet the film itself simply vanishes... THIS is the film which I see is sent to HAWKEYEWORKS for the first round of alteration ... and shows up in Dino's hands by 10pm Saturday night... A different 16mm film is delivered Sunday night to Homer McMahan. The copies are replaced and we must decide if the information about the FBI getting a film Friday night is accurate... According to Sorrels, he gets 2 films from Zap, sends one to Rowley and gives the other to the FBI - LEAVING HIM WITH NOTHING... The SS lets Zapruder keep both the Original and 1st gen best copy... Does that sound right to you? Phillips on the other hand tells us a different story - and this is where the extra copy comes into existence. If neither one of the 2 Sorrels copies goes to Rowley (2 films), AND Zapruder has the Original and a best copy (2 films) the "third print is forwarded" has to be the 5th film... The film we know today is the same film from which Homer makes his briefing boards... The NPIC notes match the Homer briefing boards and calls into question the 16 v 18 fps problem.... as well as how LIFE determines the frames for shots 1 & 2... A continuous film predominantly shot at 48fps would give the conspirators the greatest leeway to alter as needed in the short term with the HEALY process employed when more time was available - if we feel that was even necessary
  4. His visibly handing out leaflets... the fight with Bringuier, the discussions on the radio... and the faked trip to Mexico all go to providing Oswald Bona Fides as he gets deeper and deeper into the groups of Cuban supports of Castro. He hires yet another FBI informant Charles Steele Jr. to help him hand out leaflets... If I'm not mistaken, that's Steele on the left The DOD was all over Oswald's FPCC connections as well
  5. Lol... never happened Steve. I think, in the end, this may have been done to create more problems for the FBI... and ultimately help keep them from the truth...
  6. Doesn't it make sense that the FBI/CIA would be "In" on the creation of this "committee" for the sole purpose of identifying supporters of the concept... Much like the way the British Intelligence services befriended and kept track of Nazi sympathizers during WW2, incase the Nazis ever landed they'd be able to round up and thwart any supportive actions... No doubt members of FPCC were true Socialist/communist supports of Fidel... but I'd guess over 1/3 of the members were agents looking to catch Commie supporters...
  7. Context... Alvarado was a CIA asset used by Phillips to incriminate Oswald with his story... There were others who tried as well... PEDRO GUTIERREZ VALENCIA also claimed to have seen Oswald and another get into a Renault and drive off...
  8. The image on the left is BEFORE the limo arrives and is taken from much further down Elm Your ability to completely botch a simple viewing of a photo is remarkable... Not a single thing youve posted here has been correct... as if you try harder to be wrong just so someone will notice you... Pathatic that Conspiracy Realists have to deal with Conspiracy Fanatics so wheat and shaft dont mix...
  9. I don't understand how a conversation can be had about Nosenko without mention of one of the key players in the "reversal" Leonard McCoy was relentless in his exoneration of Nosenko... I fail to see how Nosenko can be discussed without consideration for what McCoy did December 1965 Introduction: After examining the evidence of Nosenko's mala fides in thee notebook, which I assume to be the best evidence, although not all of it, I am convinced that Nosenko is a bona fide defector. I believe the case against him has arisen and persisted because the facts have beei misconstrued, ignored, or interpreted without sufficient consideration of his psychological failings.
  10. Here's a little point about the Jacket and WESTBROOK and how whoever ran to Jefferson had nothing to do with that jacket Mr. WESTBROOK. Actually, I didn't find it--it was pointed out to me by either some officer that--that was while we were going over the scene in the close area where the shooting was concerned, someone pointed. out a jacket to me that was laying under a car and I got the jacket and told the officer to take the license number. Mr. WESTBROOK. It was actually on Jefferson, but the place where this jacket was found would have been back closer to the alley, Mr. Ball. the policeman who discovered the jacket in a parking lot behind a nearby service station was assigned call number '279'; his identity, however, was “unknown" according to a notation on the transcript. The name of the officer who recovered the jacket, disclosed here for the first time, was John Mackey. A motorcycle officer who went on to obtain the rank of sergeant in the DPD communications division, Mackey responded in an angry and evasive manner when I approached him for an interview in 1978. Beyond a cursory account, he refused to discuss his finding of the jacket 15 years earlier. "That information," he told me, "might be something they (senior DPD officials) don't want given out." -Larry Harris "COVERUPS" 1985 Mr. Hutson: That occurred while we were searching the rear of the house in the 400 block of East Jefferson Boulevard at the rear of the Texaco station. Behind cars parked on a lot at this location, a white jacket was picked up by another officer. I observed him as he picked it up, and it was stated that this is probably the suspect's jacket. (Hutson said, "Captain Westbrook was there and he was there at the time this was picked up") Mr. HUTSON. The last time I saw this jacket, the officer had it in his possession.Mr. BELIN. Do you know who he gave it to?Mr. HUTSON. No, sir; I don't.Mr. BELIN. You don't know if he gave it to Captain Westbrook?Mr. HUTSON. I don't know. Captain Westbrook was there behind the house with us, and he was there at the time this was picked up with the man, but I don't know who had it in their hands. The only time I saw it was when the officer had it.
  11. My understanding was they tested the rifle and 10 out of 10 the shooter had residue on the cheek and back of hand but not the palm... I also understand that his work and cleaning could have exposed him to something that would test positive... FWIW (thanks Pat) https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=4379&context=jclc 1955 Unreliability of Dermal Nitrate Test for Gunpowder In the sum total of the cases studied 75 % were inconclusive. Coupled with the 13 % gross errors, the test becomes less than worthless. It cannot be argued that the 75 % inconclusive findings merely represent non-productive or non-informative work http://scholarship.law.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2849&context=mulr Volume 44 Issue 4 Spring 1961 Article 4 Evidential Implications of the Dermal Nitrate Test for Gunpowder Residues Because oxidizing agents in common use by the public may produce positive reactions we may say that the Dermal Nitrate Test is specific for nitrates but non-specific for gunpowder or gunpowder residues. This is the most frequent criticism levelled at the test.
  12. I have a CIA memo from January 1958 related to GOLUB which mentions the name COLONEL BJORK as the man in charge of all espionage in Finland at the time... Except I don't get much when looking for him... Any ideas who this guy was? Sounds like a Colonel in the same vein as General Cabell https://archive.org/stream/foreignservicel1960wash_0/foreignservicel1960wash_0_djvu.txt FINLAND - Helsinki (E) Sessions, Edson O., A.E. and P Oct. 22,59 Melbourne, Roy M., couns. (0-2) Sept. 6,59 Cantwell, John A., 3d sec.; g. s. o. (0-8) Sept. 22, 57 Conrath, Ernst, 3d sec.; v.c.; g.s.o. (0-7) Jan. 10, 60 Friberg, Frank F., 2d sec.; pol. off. (R-4) Apr. 4, 57 Fulton, Robert M., v. c.; cons. off. (R-7) Sept. 26, 58 Hilbun, Pauline C., sec. (S-7) June 28,59 Hilliker, Grant G., 1st sec.; cons.; pol. off. (0-3) Nov. 20,55 Houle, Ernest J., coms-rec. supvr. (S-9) Feb. 8, 59 Jokinen, Melvin W., 2d sec.; pol. off. (R-6) July 27,58 Kelley, Margaret R., 2d sec.; cons.; cons. off. (0-5). Sept. 6, 59 Kresse, Thomas R., 3d sec.; v.c.; b.f-d.o. (0-7) July 26, 59 Miller, William K., couns. ec. aff.; cons. (0-3) June 30,57 Nelson, Harvey F., Jr., 2d sec.; pol. off. (0-4) Jan. 24, 60 Pederson, Wallace H., cml. att. (R-4) Nov. 16, 58 Sandford, Eleanor W., 2d sec.; adm. off. (0-4) Sept. 21, 58 Sellin, Theodore, 2d sec.; labor off. (0-6) June 28,59 Youngquist, Eric V., 2d sec.; cons.; ec. off. (0-5). .. Dec. 29,57 (AA, NA, & Air A) Bjork, Col. Delbert L. {army attache} Apr. 8, 57 Soderholm, Cmdr. Carlton E., n. a./n. a. a May 20,57 Rauk, Col. Karl T., air att Feb. 18,59 Atkeson, Capt. Edward B., asst, army att Jan. 23, 59 Thorne, Maj. Nicholas G. W., a. n. a./a. n. a. a Jan. 29, 58 Davis, Lt. Col. Jerome N., asst, air att Apr. 2, 58 Thornton, Maj. Lee R., asst, air att May 5, 59
  13. Steve... a new name for which I can find very little - so far... Military attaché to Helsinki - Colonel BJORK... I have a document from 1958 which states that Col. BJORK "calls the shots for American Espionage in Finland" Any info you turn up would be appreciated... DJ
  14. Thanks Jim... interesting thoughts and questions... Yet, like Eddie Lopez for the HSCA... you are making the assumption that the WCR tells an accurate story of his travel.... He was here this day, there the next, took this plane, that train, those buses... Between Le Havre and Helsinki all we have is paper. And here is the FIRST paper where we see serious intent to go to ASC... "4 months" does not appear to be his handwriting - yet there it is. The semester he was supposedly attending started April 1960... it's over 6 months until April 1960 yet the initial purpose of the trip is to attend ASC... this is written Sept 4th... Isn't that a bit of a timing problem? I think it important to consider a doppelganger for Oswald... and Sunday Oct 11 appears to be gone entirely... He gets to TORNI the night of the 10th and checks out the next day, checking into KLAUS... but that doesn't occur until the 12th....
  15. So this becomes the ONLY example of Oswald signing the name A J HIDELL/HIDEEL Sandy... the HIDEEL Vaccination card not only helps him by pass his way back into the US without having to do the who ID/Vaccination thing... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10477#relPageId=650&tab=page "the purchased must present his birth certificate on obtaining this tourist card or vaccination cert" This is June 8 on the Vaccination card followed by Sept 17-26, 1963 on the Tourist Visa....
  16. There was a variety of different ways to get to Helsinki... "Non-stop" was a qualifier they didn't need but used to hide how he really travelled... The "stamped passport" remains a LEE thing with LEE's image.... and could have been LEE traveling... I believe there were some connecting flights which got him in by 8 or 9pm I believe he could take a combination of vehicles... trains, buses, boats.... ======= I am finding out that Finland was quite the hotbed of CIA activity - a neutral country so close to Russia... I found a notebook (Weisberg?) with letters from Jukke in Finland and Alan Weberman - included are copies of the hotel documents Appears that the man's story didn't change... : Hotel TORNI shows a 10/12 checkout... Also appears the writing is different for the departure and "USA" What happens to Oct 11th? And if he's filling out this card before he gets to - or as he gets to Finland... the hotel dates and the dates in Finland conflict... And I wonder what "His Family!" is supposed to mean - he was alone.
  17. Over in Helsinki, looks like the same two we will see on Mexico documents. Fond the images of the hotel docs.... interesting experiment if nothing else... hiding spies within the names and histories of each other combined into one recognized person.... the perfect ghost.... the real lee Oswald?
  18. In Chrome it should ask to do it for you... Or copy paste into Google translate By the way. They keep saying "met at train station" so Intourist can help them to hotel... Yet the Russian files say "met at the hotel"... Yet made res for Klaus in Stockholm..??
  19. "Kurd" is a mistranslation... Hotel "Kurki" Klaus. Edit... Still, cards or reservations? From Stockholm... ? Train thru Vyborg to Moscow
  20. Well gee... thought finding the actual evidence was pretty cool.... that’s the same pattern as seen in his “trip” to Mexico .... sure looks like 2 people acting as one....
  21. Now where have we seen 2 different signatures on the same application by supposedly the same person? Cuban Consulate in Mexico... original and signed carbon... one of them a loopy "L" and a bit more upright than the other which leans far to the right... just sayin'
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