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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. There are quite a few great links to documents here http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/belligerence/Alpha-66-1-CIA.pdf once you erase the address back to the last "\" you get a list of links including the rest of these CIA as well as a FBI version... Here's a JULY 7 1962 report talking about VECIANA looking for more money.. by Sept 6 the CIA is informing the Military
  2. I believe I made a mistake Steve... I think Ellsworth was talking about JOHN MASEN, not this man....
  3. Hoping for some help... Found a heavily redacted CIA pdf on Alpha 66... Could "HERNANDEZ" of the Alpha 66 Hernandez group be FATHER LEON HERNANDEZ? p12 http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/belligerence/Alpha-66-1-CIA.pdf
  4. Yet Evica is referring to John Thomas Masen - who MAY be this man in one of the photos - front row "And We are all Mortal" p83 https://drive.google.com/file/d/13UcmmGkJpUIaFgMqn-XByNF0AKArhSWd/view Ellsworth revealed to reporter Russell that reports of Oswald with alleged Minutemen at a Dallas area rifle range were actually of his look-alike with known Minutemen friends. According to Ellsworth, he verified these rifle range appearances with his Other Oswald. Warren Report supporters have challenged Commission critics to come up with a name to match the many credible sightings of a ‘second Oswald,’ and now a name and identity can be supplied. And the most crucial sightings: the rifle range observations, where the Oswald double fired an Italian carbine and in the company of others, can now be corroborated. Ellsworth revealed that his Oswald double had been charged with a violation of the National Firearms Act and was released (after raising bond) on a routine okay from agent Ellsworth, the arresting Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms officer responsible for the investigation. The April 16 1964, Commission memo cites ‘the arrest of a local gun shop owner,’ and CD 853 verifies that arrest on National Firearms Act violations. Ellsworth described his covert Treasury Department inquiry into the ‘Other Oswald’ to Village Voice interviewer Dick Russell, asserting his look-alike and Oswald were exact duplicates of each other: weight, height, face, and hair, ‘identical twins.’ Ellsworth confirmed he had been tracking his ‘Oswald’ twin undercover, leading the look-alike to believe that Ellsworth was a criminal involved in Mexican smuggling. This ‘Oswald’ was a right-winger and a member of the Minutemen, according to Treasury Agent Frank Ellsworth, and was eventually convicted on a gun violation. Ultimately released, the Oswald double has remained in sometime contact with Ellsworth since 1964, reported Dick Russell. The April 16 Commission memo summarized Ellsworth's testimony: An organization known as the Minutemen is the right-wing group in Dallas most likely to have been associated with any effort to assassinate the President. As a result of (his] undercover activities Agent Ellsworth learned that Manuel O. Rodriguez ...was attempting to purchase arms in Dallas (from a Minutemen-associated gunsmith] for Alpha 66. Rodriguez is also a member of the DRE. Though Ellsworth did not make the final identification of his ‘Other Oswald’ to Russell by name, Ellsworth's description and the known facts about the arrested gunsmith cited in CD 853 dovetail exactly, and to reporter Russell, Frank Ellsworth finally admitted that Russell was pressing him for information which could jeopardize both himself and his ‘agency.’ He suggested that if Russell found his Oswald twin, the link between Ellsworth's gunsmith and the look-alike would be readily apparent; when Russell interviewed the gunsmith he found 84 a ‘resemblance.’ According to CD 853, Treasury Agent Frank Ellsworth had gathered evidence against John Thomas Masen... Dallas, Texas, for violation of National Firearms Act. Masen informed Ellsworth that (Manuel Orcarberro] Rodriguez...had made purchases from him; that they (Alpha 66] presently had a large cache of arms somewhere in Dallas... John Thomas Masen, whose history matches precisely the Ellsworth ‘Oswald’ description. And who is Manuel Rodriguez? Rodriguez was the head of the Dallas Alpha 66, the anti- Castro Cuban organization that met at 3126 Harlendale Avenue, reputedly the home of Jorge Salazar. Rodriguez (also known to federal authorities as Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro) was under investigation after the Kennedy assassination by the Protective Research Division of the Secret Service, that branch charged with probing possible threats to the life of the president. Rodriguez was known to be violently anti-Castro and to have made anti-Kennedy statements after the Bay of Pigs defeat.
  5. There is no HUSPETH in Oak Cliff... but there is an ELSBETH... Trying to find out what the "Hernandez Group of Alpha-66" was... as it seems He/They ran the safehouse behind Beckley https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.conspiracy.jfk/0uTDOAkK_W8 The FBI interviewed every Cuban they could find in Sulfur, Oklahoma. They found a man named Miguel L. DeSocarraz living in the Oklahoma Veterans Hospital, who said that on Sunday, November 17, he'd been visited by a number of people in a older, cream-colored station wagon. This group included Manolito Rodriguez, aka Manuel Rodriguez Occarberro, his wife and young child, two other men, their wives, and a girl of 13 or 14. DeSoccaraz studied the photograph of Oswald printed in the Daily Oklahoman, and stated that Rodriguez "possibly did resemble Oswald," but not identically. "Rodriguez cannot speak English. He resides at 1208 Huspeth (Oak Cliff) Dallas, Texas, with a telephone number FR4-5923 . . . Rodriguez is employed as a welder in Dallas." Coincidentally, Rodriguez, born in Cuba in 1928 and living in the US since 1960, was in 1963 the President of the Dallas Chapter of Alpha-66, the anti-Castro paramilitary group based in Miami. Rodriguez told the FBI (in Spanish) that Alpha-66 held meetings at 3126 Hollandale in Oak Cliff, and that he had no contact "with any American persons or other persons" concerning arms purchases. The CIA sent a teletype to the Miami FBI office that an informant called "'D' reports one Manuel Rodriguez (matronym unknown) living in Dallas, Texas, was known to be violently anti-President Kennedy." The Secret Service also received this report and rather belatedly issued a Protective Research Memorandum on Manuel Rodriguez Occarberro, describing him as "violently anti-Kennedy." On the evening following the assassination, an informant reported to Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers that Oswald had been seen attending meetings of the Alpha-66 group at "3126 Hollandale" in Oak Cliff. Some speculate this could actually have been John Thomas Masen, who was linked to this group by ATF agent Frank Ellsworth, and who bore some resemblance to Oswald in 1963, as seen in film stills (or video captures?) posted to alt.conspiracy.jfk by John Woods II. The CIA -- Alpha-66's sponsor -- denied that any such address existed. The FBI revealed in 1975 that the actual address at 3128 Harlandale Street; it had been vacated about a week before the assassination. The Bureau turned up 1963 Alpha-66 fundraising letters mailed from this address signed by "Manuel Rodriguez, General Secretary of Alpha-66" (CIA 88-27; Weberman Web site: http://www.weberman.com/nodules/nodule16.htm).
  6. The OSWALD Project started just around that time... and if Alpha-66 was truly run by the CIA... Tosh talks of visiting the 1026 safe house April - June 1963....
  7. Gonna do the best I can to find this out... Yet I am getting no info on "the HERNANDEZ GROUP of Alpha 66" who would have run that house... THE 1026 NORTH BECKLEY STREET SAFE HOUSEJack White has supplied an address for this safe house as being 1026 North Beckley. That is exactly the same address as the rooming house in which Lee Harvey Oswald was renting a room at the time of the assassination. Jack says that the safe house is a separate building on the same property, in back of the main house, that it faces an alley, and was "only about 50 feet from Oswald's room." Jack says he was taken there and shown the place by Jim Marrs, who had been shown it by Tosh PlumleeTosh Plumlee has said the following in pertinent part: "When I later learned that Oswald had been arrested as the lone assassin, I remembered having met him...in Dallas at an Oak Cliff safe house on North Beckley Street run by Alpha 66's Hernandez group, who had worked out of Miami prior to the assassination." In another place, Plumlee said: "I went to another safe house and that safe house was directly behind where Oswald had rented a room, in the alley, and I carved my initials on the draining board up there at that time and that was a gun running operation and Oswald was renting the front house. I saw him there briefly but did not talk to him."In another reference to this North Beckley Street Safe House, Plumlee introduces a reference to "Zang's [sic] Blvd" in association with "Hernandez" and "Alpha 66," something which caused some confusion temporarily. But N. Zang Boulevard diagonally intersects N. Beckley Street very close to 1026 N. Beckley Street, so this is being interpreted as a cross-street reference to the same safe house. [NOTE: As Zang Boulevard continues northeast from N. Beckely Street, it becomes Houston Street Viaduct, which becomes S. Houston Street, through Dealey Plaza.] -------------------------- In Someone Would Have Talked, Larry Hancock writes: Walthers continued his own investigation of the house and its occupants. He found that one occupant was Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberrio, and that Frank Ellsworth of the ATF was indeed monitoring Orcarberrio's armaments buying efforts at the time of the assassination. Walthers concluded his investigation and on November 26, he submitted a follow-up report. -------------------------- https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?8174-Former-safe-house-at-rear-of-1026-N-Beckley&p=43676#post43676 ---------------------------- http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1975/07/17/the-cias-mystery-man/ Peter Dale Scott: The CIA was also linked to an anti-Castro Cuban who lived in Dallas and who allegedly looked so much like Oswald that he was mistaken for him (CD 23.4). This Cuban, Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberrio, was both a member of the DRE, a CIA front contacted by Oswald, and the Dallas president of Alpha 66, a group implicated in the ongoing plans of the CIA (and specifically, if Szulc can be believed, of Hunt) to assassinate Castro. A Treasury Agent told the Warren Commission about Rodriguez’s attempts to buy arms for Alpha 66. He discovered these while investigating what he called “the right-wing group in Dallas most likely to have been associated with any effort to assassinate the President.” The Warren Commission then obtained an entire file on Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberrio (CD 853) which is still withheld. https://www.maryferrell.org/marysdb.html?id=943 unsourced Occupants of 1026 N. Beckley on 11/22/63: Bobby Joe Palmer, C. C. Lehmann, Roy Samuel Cleghorn, Floyd DeGraffenreid, Hugh Slough, Jack Cody, A. C. Johnson, George Gibboney, Donald Green, John Carter, James Watson, Herbert Lee --------------------------- https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?8174-Former-safe-house-at-rear-of-1026-N-Beckley&p=43676#post43676 ---------------------- http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/TOSHTRANS1.htm A: Yes, in '62 when I came back into Dallas area, that, through the Dallas Cubans over on, not Harlendale Street, but there was a "safe" house here in Dallas, Oak Cliff, two of'em. There was a small two bedroom frame type house that was located in Oak Cliff not far from the zoo where the old inner urban track used to go through, I mean there's a highline down through there now, at that place and then I think it was Zang's Blvd. there used to be "safe" house there that was run by Hernandez out of Miami that had connections with Alpha 66 at one point that se up a "safe" house for Dallas Cubans that were filtrating out of the Miami area. Oswald, from those two "safe" houses, I went to another "safe" house and that "safe" house was directly behind where Oswald had rented a room, in the alley, and I carved my initials on the draining board up there at that time and that was a gun running operation and Oswald was renting the front house. I saw him there briefly but did not talk to him. Q: Is that the house he lived in when the assassination occurred? A: I'm not sure of the dates. Researchers would have to get the dates but this was just prior.. I had just came in from flying Roselli and John Martino from Houston to Galvezton and my next trip was from Houston back to Dallas so that would have been around June of '63, or no...before June...it would have been around April or May of '63. Oswald leaves Dallas/FtWorth on April 24 May/June/July/Aug/Sept of 1963, the Oswalds were in New Orleans NOT Texas... yet we are to remember my other thread showing that LINNIE MAE RANDLE saw the Oswald in Ft Worth during the Summer of 1963...
  8. Sorry that we cannot ascertain who stayed at an apartment behind Beckley for which t I was at least able to find a bit of history and context... How would you begin to find the names of these men Joseph... I'm truly all ears on this one for all I've found so far is Dept of Interior facts and commentary But I'd like to make this observation... The reports of POTTS and SENKEL state that Lt. CUNNINGHAM also joined them when they left HQ... yet the CUNNINGHAM report of the arrest and subsequent activities does not include that tidbit... in fact we learn that he, TONEY and TAYLOR interviewed the theater patrons - (yet those are lost to history - right?) QUESTION - HAS ANYONE EVER SEEN MENTION OF THE APARTMENT BEHIND BECKLEY USED BY OSWALD OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER?
  9. http://dallascityhall.com/departments/sustainabledevelopment/historicpreservation/HP Documents/Resources Page/Johnson Rooming House National Register Report.pdf "Behind the main dwelling is a 2-story garage apartment building with eight rooms. Combined, the house, the basement and the garage apartment building at one time provided the Johnson family with 18 rooms to rent" "with access to a two-lane street at the front and an alley at the rear." "Garage Apartment Building The 2- story garage apartment building, identified at the same address as the main house in the county’s appraisal district records as “Garage Apartment,” is clad in lapped wood siding, with a hipped composition shingle roof with exposed rafters, wood windows and doors, and a metal staircase leading to the second floor entrance landing. This building was constructed in 1953 as a “garage, wash rm. and servant’s quarters,” according to the city’s construction permit. However, the permit contains remarks from the building inspector that state: “one room only of accessory bldg. to be occupied by bona fide servants employed on premises.” The garage portion of the building is on the south end and includes a one-car garage door and the wash room is on the north; both are one story. A single central door provides access to each level of the apartment building; the landing of the second floor serving as a cover for the first floor entrance. On each floor are four small rooms, two on each side of a narrow hallway and United States Department of the Interior National Park Service / National Register of Historic Places REGISTRATION FORM NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1024-0018 Johnson Rooming House, Dallas, Dallas, Texas Section 7 - Page 8 a bathroom with shower at the end of the hall for a total of eight additional rooms. The building is set back a few feet from the alley and occupies almost the entire width of the property. The rear yard is formed by the rear addition and the Garage Apartment Building and runs the full width of the lot. A clothesline remains on the north side of the yard. A very large and healthy pecan tree has grown horizontally into the yard due to the close location of another pecan tree to its west. The trees together provide a broad canopy and shade to the entire rear yard and most of the building roofs." Ms. Hall’s recollection from her grandmother’s ownership period is that the garage apartment building and the rear addition both existed when Mrs. Johnson purchased the property and that the apartment building was actually a place that the doctor used to house patients that needed overnight attention. The basement was the doctor’s office and treatment rooms. City directories indicate that the doctor only resided at this address for two or three years and the 1953 permit dispels the garage apartment building portion of this story.
  10. The Summer of 1963.... In April of 1963, Lee Oswald moves to New Orleans Marina is in New Orleans from May 10 until Sept 24 1963 Lee is working for Reilly Coffee (supposedly) yet is easily proven that he is living and working in New Orleans throughout the summer of 1963... On the other hand, there are numerous reports of Oswald sightings OUTSIDE of New Orleans... including Florida training camps (a film exists), at the Carousel working for Ruby, etc... Dorothy Marcum was dating Jack Ruby in the summer of 1963 and her aunt worked for Ruby.109 Dorothy told the FBI she knew for a fact that Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby knew each other, because Oswald worked for Ruby in June and July (1963). In the summer of 1963 Jack Ruby was interviewing Francis Irene Hise for a job as a waitress when a young man came into the Carousel Club. Ruby acknowledged the man by saying "Hi, Ozzie" and later joined him in the back room after finishing the interview with Francis. After Ruby hired Miss Hise the same young man came into the bar and asked if he could buy her a drink. After the assassination Miss Hise recognized "Ozzie" as "Lee Harvey Oswald." Other Ruby employees who claim to have seen Oswald at Ruby's Carousel Club include William Crowe, Wally Weston, Dixie Lynn, and Kathy Kay. One would think there would not be too much incentive to state Oswald was with Ruby at that time... yet they do... and here's come icing on the cake Wesley's sister, living around the corner from the Paine's, tell us that LEE AND MARINA are seen "in the vicinity" of the Paine residence on numerous occasions .... This would be at the same time JUDY BAKER claims to be spending time with a married Oswald in New Orleans.... yet.... Testimony given MARCH 11, 1964 Mrs. RANDLE. Well, I believe it was the first week in October. Mr. BALL. That is the first time you had ever met Mrs. Oswald? Mrs. RANDLE. Officially met her. I had seen her out in the yard and through the neighbor I knew who she was, I hadn't met her until that time. 1 week later this report is written after an interview on the 16th... only 5 days later. Why would the FBI be questioning her AFTER the testimony and why would Linnie Mae offer that information... "advised she recalls" One more RANDLE connection: Wesley lived with Linnie Mae, her husband BILL RANDLE and 3 kids - or rather they lived with him (his mother and stepfather had arrived a week prior to the 22... he was in the hospital ill on the 22nd. BILL RANDLE indicated he personally knew LEE H OSWALD - but nothing about that was discussed or asked about by the "ace" FBI agent HT BURK... on the other hand, http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/R Disk/Randle Bill William Evert/Item 02.pdf includes this FBI Randle report - including paragraph 4 - and another report summary from the Secret Service - IOW both the FBI and SS wanted to know about BILL just not what he meant in the statement below about knowing him... One wonders why he'd mention an association to the FBI but have the SS state the opposite.... ??? In either case... LINNIE MAE's
  11. I've read TOSH say that various men and meetings were involved with the mother in law unit at the back... (per Zillow listing) And yes please Mr. M - do tell.... was this a smaller version of the Harlendale group?
  12. Steve... What do you make of the repeated mention of the " mother-in-law" apartment behind 1026 N Beckley used now for the Oswald tours but then... it was said there were "meetings" at this location which app[ears to be completely off the grid... They had up to 17 renters at a time (Johnson Testimony)... the way he speaks it is certainly hard to conclude our little Oswald was not there for at least some extended period of time... didn't Ozzie call Marina every day? Mr. BELIN. You said that you heard him talk in a foreign language. About how often would he make these calls? Mr. JOHNSON. Most every evening after work. Mr. LIEBELER - Do you remember how many times Oswald called Marina on Monday? Mrs. PAINE - Well, he called nearly every evening while he was working during the week--he usually called around 5:30, just to talk. How would that be something made up? ZILLOW LISTING for 1026 N Beckley: PARKING Parking: Attached Garage, Detached Garage, 4 spaces, 880 sqft garage UTILITIES Green Energy Great solar potential Sun Number™: OTHER Mother-in-Law Apartment
  13. No doubt Paul.... for this paper and this moment, these associations have been offered... I'm surprised that LITAMIL/9's real name is listed... any idea when these docs were created?, (EDIT: FEB 1978) as he was on the edge a great deal of the time and was burnt out by the mid 60's... he was regularly seen as THE greatest source of info from inside that embassy and for the social activities of AZCUE...
  14. Correct Eddy... not only is there no room to simply "pass thru"... the reality of those kinds of bullets (if used) is shown below with a slightly smaller bullet.... No bullet traveled thru JFK's upper chest... sorry nutters. A 6.5mm bullet would leave at least a quarter inch channel... not to mention the pressure waves and what they do to the soft tissue and bone surrounding the path... the assertion that the wound closes up on itself is pure rubbish...
  15. Boy... 1026 N BECKLEY was on everything....
  16. Greg Parker & Ed LeDoux write about Apartment "O" rented by HERBERT LEE on October 14th... http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t214-herbert-leon-lee?highlight=herbert+leon+lee As one looks, one finds that many of the addresses used by the Oswald's over the years no longer exists... Possibly, before the freeways, there was a 3610 N Beckley... but it truly does not appear so... the Street #'s end at 2900... more importantly - as linked to above - is that HERBERT LEE worked at TRINITY FLOORING at 1912 N Beckley... a 4min busride up the street or a 15 min walk...
  17. I reread the thread here where you investigate the origins of Beckley... and agree... I too think we're looking at ACIS and the CRICHTON group related to Whitmeyer and Brandsetter... So I am with you and looking for corroboration... I used this for comparison... Has all the hallmarks of his actual signature... with the "S" connected to the "O" This also seems to make it look like OSWALT (J)... which was used in the Mexico City fabrications
  18. I wanted to see what was on the TSBD application to confirm BECKLEY's address was not written anywhere and they knew him as O.H. LEE. Who would have been made aware of that address? FBI? ONI? CIA? AISC? I came across this in my search and for the life of me cannot understand what a "copy" of CE496 would be doing with what is trying to pass for a real OSWALD signature... https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth190981/m1/1/sizes/m/ from Pat Speer (thx!) shows that VJ BRIAN of the Intel section created this "copy" - is no one else interested in how well "Brian" copied the Oswald signature? And how that version of the signature appears in a number of places... like Mexico The signature on the TSBD COPY is awfully close to the one on the Stamped Cuban Visa application below.... what possible use could there be for a HANDWRITTEN COPY of an Oswald original document? And in HELSINKI or the Museum he never visited... the man Ruby killed... his signature is all loopy and very upright... David Von Pein April 5, 2015 at 7:55 pm Yeah, that copy is a complete forgery. Where did that version come from, Jeff? It’s certainly not the original TSBD application in LHO’s handwriting (which is CE496). Here’s what the real one filled out by Oswald looks like….
  19. Or the one where the shot enters as it should yet exits the chest and then somehow moves from left to right between the 2 men... The Nutter's intellectual dishonesty knows no bounds...
  20. Right to left shot leaving JFK's throat traveling 20 degree off center ... even if possible, a shot would hit JC on the left side of his body... not the right armpit... But hey, nice try at confusing the issue...
  21. interesting... With the TSBD to the rear and right of JFK.. and Connolly in this image to the front and right of JFK.... how again does a bullet traveling north to south change direction to move south to north? A shot moving from JFK's right to left (from behind) exits the throat and can still hit JC's right armpit? In which if these frames can a bullet moving RIGHT TO LEFT at over 20 degrees exit his throat and still hit JC in the right armpit? or did the WCR get this recreation incorrect as well? (Reversed) and seems to require JFK not be on the rail but closer to Jackie... - not so much
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