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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. Holocaust denial is unpleasant and disreputable academically, and actually illegal in some countries. If, however, it isn't illegal in your own country, which, in the case of Mr Morissette, I assume to the the USA, then I would think it most unlikely that you would be arrested and extradited! Or is there yet another "conspiracy" involved here about which I know nothing? Like the Corsican, Greek, Italian, FBI, Cuban, CIA, Yale, etc conspiracies to kill Kennedy... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm actually from Canada. Here you may be criminally prosecuted for denying the holocaust.
  2. WARNING to anyone who would be tempted to claim that the holocaust is a myth: You could end up in jail!
  3. Tue, January 25, 6am-7am ET/PT History Channel Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 1. President John F. Kennedy's legacy is largely defined by the permanent scar his assassination left on America's psyche. This 3-part analysis reveals the saga of an amazing man who led the charge in a technologically advancing world, yet was restricted by personal obstacles, national crises, and international challenges. Using JFK's private records, phone logs, medical reports, and secret recordings of staff meetings, we expose a flawed giant who dominated his time through sheer determination. ===================================================== Wed, January 26, 6am-7am ET/PT History Channel Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 2. Using previously unreleased images, including Kennedy Family home movies and photos from Life magazine's archive, combined with the 35th President's private records, phone logs, medical reports, and secret recordings of staff meetings, we trace John Fitzgerald Kennedy's journey from privileged roots as son of a wealthy Irish-American entrepreneur to groundbreaking presidency--as both the first Catholic and youngest man ever to be elected to America's highest office. ===================================================== Thu, January 27, 6am-7am ET/PT History Channel Classroom JFK: A Presidency Revealed, Part 3. To help capture the essence of the man and the times in which he lived and led, we deliver in-depth interviews with a broad spectrum of experts and luminaries, including administration insiders Arthur Schlesinger and Ted Sorensen; Egon Bahr, Willy Brandt's press secretary, and Dr. Sergei Khrushchev, Nikita's son; historians Robert Dallek, Evan Thomas, and Aleksandr Fursenko; presidential journalists Sander Vanocur, Hugh Sidey, and Ben Bradlee; and JFK friends Paul "Red" Fay and John Seigenthaler. ===================================================== Thu, January 27, 9:30pm-10pm ET/PT Fri, January 28, 1:30AM-2AM ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries Somebody Killed the President. The President of the United States has the most powerful job in the world. Even with a round-the-clock guard, there's always the danger that a determined assassin will get through. Since 1865, four presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln, 1865; James Garfield, 1881; William McKinley, 1901; and John F. Kennedy, 1963. We examine these White House victims. ===================================================== Sunday, January 30 @ 11:30am ET/PT History Channel History's Mysteries Political Assassinations. A look at murders that were committed in order to change a country's policies or to shape world events, including the 1968 assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy; the 1978 murder of Aldo Moro, leader of the Italian Christian Democrats and a former prime minister; and the 1948 killing of Mahatma Gandhi ===================================================== Thursday Feb 04 2005 @ 07:00 PM Friday Feb 05 2005 @ 03:00 AM Friday Feb 05 2005 @ 11:00 AM Discovery Times Kennedy & Castro: The Secret History Recent declassified information reveals that at the height of the Cold War, JFK and Castro were engaged in secret communication exploring ways to normalize U.S.-Cuba relations.
  4. As others asked, does Specter have anything to do with these murders?
  5. DPD's mindset is the same mindset as EVERY police force in the world. Yeah, even Al Carrier's! When they think they have their man, they will do ANYTHING to have him go to jail, including perjuries, lies, destroying evidence, making up evidence, forgering evidence, intimidating witnesses, etc. Ask Al, he knows what I am talking about. He knows a lot about his colleagues, but cannot talk.
  6. Sat, January 22, 7-8pm ET/PT Conspiracy? Jack Ruby. On November 24, 1963, a stunned America struggled to accept the assassination of President John F. Kennedy two days earlier. As tens of millions stared at their televisions that Sunday morning, they witnessed TV's first live murder--the killing of assassination suspect Lee Harvey Oswald by Dallas strip-club owner Jack Ruby. What was seen for 47 hours as an isolated tragedy became one of the most notable suspected conspiracies in U.S. history. And while the Warren Commission claimed that Oswald and Ruby both acted alone, the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded in 1979 that JFK's murder most likely resulted from a conspiracy. Now, a new development has shaken both sides of the conspiracy controversy. Recently revealed evidence suggests the CIA may have been tracking Oswald and indicates a possible link among anti-Castro Cubans, Carlos Marcello, Ruby, Oswald, and the CIA.
  7. I read that Tippit's colleagues were teasing him calling him, "JFK".
  8. I'm amazed. I always thought that the policeman at the back was a third one. Oh well.
  9. Bill Bass is the one who is the lead policeman, looking directly to the camera. The cop isolated by James in a photo is unknown.
  10. Hi Greg, Here is the Tramps photograph in question and a crop/blow-up of the supposed Lansdale figure. James <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Could that be the guy thought to be Lansdale in this photo to the old tramp's left?
  11. That's who I'm referring to also. His name is Marvin Wise. Ron <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wise is the one on the right of the photo in Post #1. I will provide you with the proof later today. So far we have only the name of two of the policemen: Bill Bass and Marvin Wise. Who is the third?
  12. The second cop is Marvin Wise. After he saw the camera, he apparently shaped up, as in the subsequent tramp photos Wise is in the lead and looking sharp, with the other cop Billy Lee Bass having fallen back. Ron <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was refering to the cop in the Post #4 when I said we still don't know his name.
  13. I think you need a good rest, James. Good night...
  14. I would like to warn you on something, Shanet. You can discuss the corruption in the agencies all you want, but if you run into some legal problems and those agencies are involved and learn about what you wrote about them, you might regret you wrote. They can make pay a heavy price to your words. Tim Gratz wrote: "This discussion kind of reminds me of the hypochondriac's tombstone in the Key West cemetery with the engraving: "See, I told you I was sick."
  15. Maybe because it is not business? I am not trying to be rude, but just provide you with a probable explanation. I guess you have already thought about this probability?
  16. I agree. I did not know that "xxxx" is prohibited. So I am guilty of that, at least. But I did not say that Judyth is a xxxx. I said that some people believe she is. Is it ok?
  17. It looks like Richard and Bill are testing the administrators. I look forward to seeing the administrators' reaction! This thread was supposed to be uploading pictures, not uploading problems. Well, two minutes ago I was by myself on this board, all of sudden we are six! Are you in the same room???
  18. Of course, dear friend. I understand your position. Have a good week, Pamela.
  19. Pamela, I hope you understand people's tendency to be hard on those they consider to be liars and frauds. If you discovered that I stole money and personal things at your house, would you still be respectful to me? I don't think so. You CAN'T blame us.
  20. As far as I know, Stuart L. Reed took six photos at the Texas Theater on November 22, 1963. You can view those photos on Lancer Forum. http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.p..._id=23397&page= Oswald in the Texas Theater filmed by a WFAA-TV cameraman.
  21. I have to agree with a response that Richard Smith posted only briefly before it turned up missing for some odd reason ... and it said words to the effect that 'posting those ridiculous Apollo observations is a waste of forum space, especially one that deals with the assassination of JFK.' John Simkin also invited me here as well if I am not mistaken and I am sure he wouldn't want me running up photographic space by posting images of Bigfoot and UFO's which happen to be subjects outside of the JFK assassination that I have an interest in. Bill Miller <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mr. Miller... does Big Foot exist???
  22. I have seen very little of Madelaine Brown. What are you trying to tell me?
  23. I totally agree. I invite everybody to close Judyth's file. If you feel to read a good novel book, then buy her book, otherwise keep your money.
  24. I am not harsh, Nancy. Reality is. I wish Judyth health and prosperity, but things don't look good for her.
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