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Robin Unger

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Everything posted by Robin Unger

  1. Jim Please post any firm evidence you have that Lovelady was asked to wear a specific shirt when he met with the FBI. Please post any firm evidence you have that Lovelady was aware that the FBI were going to insist on taking his photo while at that meeting. And i am talking about official Evidence, ( Documents ) not some version passed on 3rd hand by an assassination researcher, who says that he spoke to Lovelady, and Lovelady told him this and that, ( that's not proof ) If you can't do that then your whole Lovelady red and white stripe, short sleeve shirt scenario is meaningless. and shows that you are just clutching at straws. SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE
  2. I believe that Shelley may have meant that he was seated on the steps ( as in pointing out Lovelady's general position ) as apposed to meaning that he was sitting down on the steps. Would Shelley really take on the FBI and the Warren Commission who identified the Doorman in Altgen's 6 as being Lovelady ? by saying they were wrong, because Lovelady wasn't standing at the time Altgen's 6 was taken ( but was sitting down on the steps )
  3. Full Frame Altgens 6 Yes Greg It is only the you see the full frame, that it really becomes clear, just what a tiny portion of the whole image it is that we are trying to work with. click on thumbnail Image Credit: John Woods
  4. Quote: Remember: Without finding Lovelady in the photo, Fetzer and Cinque MUST contend with the problem of explaining away ALL eyewitness' testimony that indicates Lovelady was on the steps (Doorman). For if Lovelady is not Doorman nor is he anybody else on the steps, then all eyewitnesses, including Lovelady himself, were lying. They wan't to put Oswald into the Doorman position, knowing full well that NONE of the witnesses, including Shelley, has EVER said that they saw Oswald standing on the steps
  5. Yes Greg Cinque and Fetzer try it on all the time. Word games Example: Cinque claiming to see something in a crappy piss poor image ( that isn't really there such as an arrow ) then he would go on to say now, if you can't prove that its NOT there. that means, it MUST be there, and i win
  6. http://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/thumbnails.php?album=35&page=2
  7. Lindsay It wouldn't have made any difference what theory you postulated. if it wasn't EXACTLY what ralph wanted to here. You still would have received the same response from him. His mind doesn't work like yours and mine, he lives in a fantasy world where Ralph is always right no matter how preposterous his theory is. Fetzer lives in the same fantasy world with Ralph, it is a topsy turvy world where up is down, and down is up
  8. All i see in this image is a " Black Dot " on the arm probably a slip of the black marker pen, as the image was being handed around. Arrow, what Arrow ? There is no Arrow to be seen in this poor quality, tiny image ? SHOW ME THE ARROW
  9. The whole point of the O.I.P Is NOT to use the best resolution images available, when making there unsubstantiated claims. it is a tactic they use, to prevent researchers from studying there images in detail ( the smaller the image, the lower the resolution,and the more pixilated the better ) you only have to look at the Richard Hooke collages to see that. small tiny poor resolution images, so that they can't be scrutinized by other researchers. DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT Go to the O.I.P website and look for yourself. Just Google " Oswald Innocence Project "
  10. Quote: From Bill Shelley: At the time President Kennedy was shot, I was standing at this same place. Billy N. Lovelady who works under my supervision at the Texas School Book Depository was seated on the entrance steps just in front of me. I recall that Wesley Frazier, Mrs. Sarah Stanton, and Mrs, Carolyn Arnold, all employees of the Texas School Book Depository, were also standing in this entrance way near me at the time Pres. Kennedy was shot. But if Billy had been seated, Billy could not have been Doorman. And Shelley says he was seated. Shelley, I am quite sure, was involved in setting up Oswald, but this passage is a problem for the brain trust here who wants to use him to bolster their absurd theory of Billy having been Doorman. By posting Shelley's testimony you have just stated that you believe all of his testimony, and that the two ladies, Mrs. Sarah Stanton, and Mrs, Carolyn Arnold were on the steps. Now you need to make room for them on the steps. the " Black Hole " person was not a man But was in fact a heavy-set lady ( Sarah Stanton ) wearing a short sleeved, summer blouse, with her hands above her head shielding her eyes from the sun. Mr. BALL - Anybody else you can remember? Mr. FRAZIER - There was a lady there, a heavy-set lady who worked upstairs there whose name is Sarah something, I don't know her last name.
  11. quote: And notice that Billy reinforces the point that he was on "the top step". This silliness about Black Hole Man having been a woman is thereby debunked Does this Bob Jackson re-enactment look like Lovelady was standing on the top step ? And remember Lovelady can't be playing games, because you told me he doesn't play games. In the Bob Jackson re-enactment Lovelady is standing on step (2)
  12. Sorry Len. No there isn't I enhanced the WC online version and posted it in the other thread it is still know where near the resolution needed, but it is better than nothing
  13. quote: Mr. FRAZIER. Because Billy, like I say, is two or three steps down in front of me. Mr. BALL. Do you recognize this fellow? Mr. FRAZIER. That is Billy, that is Billy Lovelady. Mr. BALL. Billy? Mr. FRAZIER. Right Mr. BALL. Let’s take a marker and make an arrow down that way. That mark is Billy Lovelady? Mr. FRAZIER. Right. In my opinion there was only one place that Frazier could have been standing NOT to have been captured by Altgens camera. and that is standing back in the shadow area, against the WEST wall of the TSBD enttrance Wiegman taken from almost directly in front of the TSBD entrance appears to show a figure standing back in the shadow area, against the WEST wall of the TSBD enttrance
  14. quote: Tape number three described how he stayed put on the steps: “I continued to stay right on the steps where I was. I didn’t move from there, I didn’t talk with someone who was sitting there that, uh, was – was on the stairs One possible candidate for Frazier. This area of the doorway was not captured by Altgens camera Wiegman frame Couch Frames In couch as Baker runs towards the TSBD entrance, the figure seen in Wiegman still appears to be standing in the same spot ? Frazier in the DPD
  15. The large tree was some distance from the tsbd entrance, it stood in the middle of the concrete island. The tree on the far left.
  16. Now as for CE - 369 It is almost impossible to find a good resolution copy on the internet. This is the best i could do with the low resolution WC Copy It's still not good enough to draw any solid conclusions from in my opinion, but its better than nothing. Click on the image to view full size:
  17. Clay shaw trial Frazier Testimony Q: Mr. Frazier, do you recall who you were with during the presidential motorcade? A: Yes, sir, I can. When I was standing there at the top of the stairs I was standing there by a heavyset lady who worked up in our office, her name is Sara, I forget her last name, but she was standing right there beside me when we watched the motorcade. Q: Do you recall anyone else who may have been with you? A: Right down in front of me at the bottom of the steps my foreman Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady were standing there. Frazier was standing behind Lovelady and Shelley When i first joined the Lancer forum 10-years ago everybody said that the man in the suit on the steps in Altgens6 was Bill Shelley i still believe that to be the case. Frazier said he was standing behind Shelley and Lovelady, and near a heavy set woman named Sarah ( That would be Sarah Stanton ) Now, there is another figure standing back in the shadows behind Lovelady and Shelley who can be seen in Wiegman frames Many of us including Sean Murphy and myself have tried to identify who this person may be over the years without any luck. he appears to have both hands up to there face, in a stance as if to be taking a picture, or drinking from a tea cup and saucer This person could be Frazier .? Any person standing in this area on the steps would not have been captured in the Altgens6 photo In couch as Baker runs towards the TSBD entrance, the same Wiegman figure still appears to be standing in the same spot ? Click on image to view FULL SIZE
  18. Quote: No, Ralph is not "playing games" at all, but the same cannot be said of Robin Unger, who attempts to obfuscate the proof Ralph has uncovered of the second arrow on CE 369. Any photograph--when blown up beyond recognition--will tend to lose its value as evidence, which is why we need to be looking at the original. I am more and more disillusioned with the games that Burnham and Unger have been playing. Anyone who is serious about this would want to consider the photograph, CE 369, not a version that is blown up beyond recognition. Everyone ought to admit that is is the case, since it is no mystery. Here is the image that everyone should study: What the hell are you on about ? That is your image as found in Ralphs post; NOT MINE http://oi47.tinypic.com/1620fgi.jpg tinypic.com
  19. In this animation i used one of Ralph Cinques re-enactment photo's and compared it to altgens 6 doorman. I then cropped the black doorway man from Willis 8 and added him into the image This is how i see Lovelady in Altgens6 Lovelady's left hand obscured by the blackmans left shoulder I'm not sure WHY Ralph decided to have his shirt buttoned up to the neck in that re-enactment, like Fetzers "Gorilla Man" from the Martin Movie Click on the thumbnail to activate the GIF
  20. Cheers Thanks Daniel for the kind words. This isn't the first time i have been in one of these style of "knock down drag out arguments" with Members of the O.I.P and i dare say it won't be the last. LOL
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