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Nick Bartetzko

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  1. Thank you. You ever so clearly responded to my question.
  2. Dr WN, Thanks again for your comments and perspective. I was also hoping for a response as to the problem with inner city violence, but maybe that would be more appropriate for a sociologist to respond to. Nick
  3. Dr WN, Thanks for your comments and perspective. I am troubled by the occasional angry white male shootings and I'm not able to counter your comments as I wouldn't know where to look right now to source the data. The first time I can recall a deranged incident like that was the University of Texas shooter... a white male I believe... who fired from the top of a tower on campus and killed students and faculty. That was a long time ago....in 1966. Another incident was in the Los Angles area where a heavily armed individual terrorized the area and used very high caliber weapons in a battle against police. He was finally killed by police and his mother filed a wrongful death claim as I recall that was dismissed. That may have been 10 to 15 years ago. Then we had the 2017 incredibly horrific shooting from a hotel in Las Vegas at an outdoor venue. I am not aware of any specific reasons why these individuals "snapped". As to hateful rhetoric causing many of these angry white male shootings, would it really be the angry rhetoric or would it more likely be a lifetime of anger having been built by a horrible family or school situation, possibly bullying, or other societal factors. As a layman, my guess would be that someone who loses control mentally would be more heavily influenced by long-term factors, but maybe with angry rhetoric being the final trigger. Your thoughts would be appreciated. We still have the issue of gangs killing each other and innocent victims losing their lives in the inner cities and the prevalence appears to be with non-white gangs. I realize this is not your area of interest, but would appreciate your thoughts as a psychiatrist as to what specific means would be necessary to reverse this trend. I think the issue of hateful rhetoric on both sides is a valid one. I still remember the Kathy Griffin gory photo of Trump's head that some people thought was hilarious. The fact that some would think it to be funny worries me to a great extent as well.
  4. Dr WN, He may have been clever enough to hide the ladder, but it appears the attendees and local police were clever enough to determine there was a guy on the roof with a rifle and there was apparently no adequate methodology to relay that information quickly enough to the Secret Service for appropriate action. Forgetting for a moment the issue of how many agents the Secret Service wanted to assign to this event, it is amazing to me that drones apparently were not used or considered. This is simple and cheap technology and I have not seen it mentioned whether or not the Secret Service uses it. I made no inference as to any deep state plot against Trump. None of us know enough to even make the wildest conjectures on that. It just isn't appropriate and I am hoping that we get the most thorough of investigations as to what occurred and recommendations as to what the Secret Service can learn from it and improve upon. I know you hate anything MAGA and I am not a gun loving enthusiast, nor do I even own any sort of weapon. The second amendment does allow for guns and that's what the reality is. I am troubled to read so many comments about the angry white loners and their propensity for violence, but what is your solution for that? Are you not troubled by the angry young Hispanic and black males who kill each other and innocent victims in the inner cities? Don't those cities have adequate or even very restrictive gun control laws? And if they do, then why has the inner city violence situation not improved? The hateful rhetoric on both sides is easily available via search if anyone wants to take the trouble to look for it. I have seen some of the most despicable comments and videos about the attempt on Trump's life. Some are treating it like a joke and that is beyond disgusting and does nothing at all to create a better society.
  5. The snafu in Butler?? You describe it as a snafu?? Was Dallas a "snafu" as well?? Regardless of how much one dislikes/hates Trump, Biden or RFK Jr., it is so very inappropriate to describe an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate as a "snafu".
  6. I can't find the one pic right now, but I enlarged it the other day and it sure showed trauma to Trump's ear
  7. I agree with you. Overall, I have significant doubts about many/most of his claims. But that doesn't mean I automatically dismiss everything he has said.
  8. This goes back quite a while, but does this not tie in with Tosh Plumlee's claim that he recognized this man...whom he knew as "Gator", because of an injury that caused his limp...
  9. Could you pls give a brief summary of the book and why you feel it provides such compelling proof as to Vidal and Hargraves being DCM and UM?
  10. But I am still curious if you have read the Oswald Code book. I have not, but am familiar with Witt's testimony. Witt makes a credible case for being there. But the proximity and actions of both UM and DCM doesn't ring true in the context of all the chaos immediately following the assassination.
  11. That is precisely what I was wondering as well.....
  12. Thanks for trying to contact Enyart. I have been fascinated by the Enyart story for many years and then you revived it here. I would be surprised that any photo of a woman in a polka dot dress exists. I have also been following the news on the Trump assassination attempt and it appears the gunman fired from the roof of a building. If so, one of these days the Secret Service will get around to securing those areas too........
  13. Great post, Joe. Losing 17-16...yikes. I loved watching Mays and McCovey and his big, looping swing. Mac sure hit some shots off of Drysdale. As to your vodka misstep, at least the announcers were gracious and you had a good time 🍹
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