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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Ed, Why do you say "the placard" (singular) when Martello clearly said "some placards" (plural)? When Martello says that he "...observed some placards marked as evidence (and) saw that they were signed by the Fair Play for Cuba [Committee]...", I think he was talking about LHO's handbills or flyers, not cardboard (or whatever) signs. I think he simply used the wrong word, "placards", instead of "flyers" or "handbills". Maybe LHO didn't have any signs at all with him when he was arrested. Which would explain why you can't find them in evidence, Ed. And if LHO did have a sign with him, it makes sense that he would have had only one because passing out flyers and holding more than one sign would have been ridiculously awkward, to say the least. Even holding just one sign and passing out flyers would have been awkward. I think Martello was referring to LHO's flyers or handbills (plural), but unfortunately used the word "placards" instead. --Tommy bump
  2. Ed, Why do you say "the placard" (singular) when Martello clearly said "some placards" (plural)? When Martello says that he "...observed some placards marked as evidence (and) saw that they were signed by the Fair Play for Cuba [Committee]...", I think he was talking about LHO's handbills or flyers, not cardboard (or whatever) signs. I think he simply used the wrong word, "placards", instead of "flyers" or "handbills". Maybe LHO didn't have any signs at all with him when he was arrested. Which would explain why you can't find them in evidence, Ed. And if LHO did have a sign with him, it makes sense that he would have had only one sign with him because passing out flyers and holding more than one sign would have been very awkward, to say the least. Even holding just one sign and passing out flyers would have been awkward. I think Martello was referring to LHO's flyers or handbills (plural), but unfortunately used the word "placards" instead. --Tommy
  3. Good for you! I'll want to read it. Kathy C Me, too. Way to go, Douglas! --Tommy
  4. bumped again --Tommy Tommy The need to know applied to thier persons too , Although they knew each other at times displaying this connection is not appropriate.IOW they all KNOW each other when they NEED to. Ian Sorry Ian, Not sure what you're talking about. Could you please clarify who you mean by "they" and "their" in the context of what you wrote? Thanks, --Tommy
  5. Viewing stand? What viewing stand? The last photograph of JFK alive? Hmmmm..... Altgens? --Tommy
  6. Joseph N. Welch was with Hale & Dorr from 1923. After posting about Paul F. Hellmuth last night, and influenced by much of my other research, which all began with my reading the name Lester Crown, linked to Obama, is whether it is possible that Lester's brother-in-law, G. David Schine, was sheep dipped before LHO was? Welch's wife's brochure influences me to think that Welch would have been aware through her, of V.P. of the Confederacy, Alexander "Little Alek" Stephens, and his loyal secretary, William H. Hidell, father of Alexander Stephens Hidell.: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17989&view=findpost&p=231505 http://sdrc.lib.uiowa.edu/traveling-culture/chau1/pdf/lyndon/1/brochure.pdf Sorry, Tom. I don't "get" it. I'm too obtuse, I guess. Please explicate so I decide if I really want to read it all. --Tommy P.S. Tom, I hope you don't mind if I start calling you Tom "Dinkin" Scully?
  7. Ray, I agree. Even if Oswald did take his wallet out of his pocket on the pretense of showing him his ID and then shot him instead, it's unrealistic to think that he wouldn't have taken the time to retrieve it. BTW, I don't think Oswald killed Tippit. --Tommy
  8. John, The guy isn't carrying a yellow bottle in his left hand. He's carrying a folded (or at least flattened) paper bag or a folded piece of cardboard. It's obvious when you look at him walking across Elm Street in the Cancellare. (He's the tall, skinny black guy wearing a sweater vest over a long-sleeved shirt.) --Tommy I would venture to guess that the "skinny black guy" is Cuban. Why would an African-American hate Kennedy? Kathy C Kathy, There were and still are lots of black anti-Castro Cubans. Herminio Diaz Garcia and Nestor "Tony" Izquierdo come to mind. This guy might have been one of them. --Tommy bump
  9. And it's you I tip my humor cap to Tommy. (Don't get me started ) Ed
  10. John, The guy isn't carrying a yellow bottle in his left hand. He's carrying a folded (or at least flattened) paper bag or a folded piece of cardboard. It's obvious when you look at him walking across Elm Street in the Cancellare. (He's the tall, skinny black guy wearing a sweater vest over a long-sleeved shirt.) --Tommy I would venture to guess that the "skinny black guy" is Cuban. Why would an African-American hate Kennedy? Kathy C Kathy, There were and still are lots of black anti-Castro Cubans. Herminio Diaz Garcia and Nestor "Tony" Izquierdo come to mind. This guy might have been one of them. --Tommy
  11. Bear, Moose, and possibly Elephant. Was a circus in town Thomas? (I think this has been asked before) Also guy across the street 'White Pants Guy with Hands in Pockets' and his accomplice behind him 'White Pants Guy with Tweed Driving Cap and Rolled Up Poster' are totally incriminating themselves. I mean who wears white after Labor Day!! Ed Ed, Regarding "White Pants Guy With Hands In Pockets", as far as he's comcerned, inappropriate Autum "fashion" is of no import compared to The Plan, i.e. being easy for "Tan Jacket Man" to spot for The Hand Off in the parking lot a bit later... --Tommy
  12. Pat, that seems a very sensible idea. I would like to put it on record that I fully support the moderators on this forum. It is a terribly difficult job to do and we are very lucky to have so many excellent moderators who are willing to give up their free time for the common good. --Tommy
  13. Burger and fries guy aside, I can't believe no one has a suspicion about TUW (the umbrella woman) clearly an accomplice of TUM. Ed, Looks like she came loaded for bear. --Tommy
  14. Nice post, David. Maybe the man Officer Baker encountered on the third or forth floor was our infamous "Tan Jacket Man" and Truly covered for him by lying, "I know that man, he works here." --Tommy [...] I'd really like to hear more about the member's thoughts (and your thoughts) on Sawyer... Running up to the 4th floor "for a minute to look around" between 12:34 and 12:37 appears very strange and suspicious to me... Sawyer like a few others, always seems to be in the right place at a good time.... Behind Baker and Truly... Sawyer and friends are the next DPD individuals above the 1st floor TSBD.... on the 4th, 5th and 6th floors, at the BACK DOOR..... If anyone was to move or plant evidence, he and the two other officers are prime candidates Cheers DJ Yes, David. Sawyer sounds pretty fishy to me, too. --Tommy Truly didn't have to lie about it, a lot of men in coats worked there - most on the second - fourth floors in offices leased to the various publishers. They didn't work for the TSBD like Oswald but they were contract partners - and shared office space. Just as Oswald the patsy worked there, I would venture that the Sixth Floor sniper also had a good excuse to be there. Among the Sixth Floor Museum oral histories is one by a guy who drove a truck delivering and picking up books, and he used the second floor lunchroom and bathroom facilities and had full run of the place. Because of that, the pool of suspects is limited, but not many people want to bother reviewing the backgrounds of those who worked there, or for the DPD. BK Bill, Thanks for pointing this out. Do you think "Tan Jacket Man" (the guy "captured" twice in the Hughes film, first in the sniper's nest window and later in the parking lot) also worked in the building? --Tommy
  15. OK, that's how you like to play it. I'm done here. Get back to me when you're sober. Get back to you when I'm sober? Why the slanderous remark, Duke?
  16. Nice post, David. Maybe the man Officer Baker encountered on the third or forth floor was our infamous "Tan Jacket Man" and Truly covered for him by lying, "I know that man, he works here." --Tommy [...] I'd really like to hear more about the member's thoughts (and your thoughts) on Sawyer... Running up to the 4th floor "for a minute to look around" between 12:34 and 12:37 appears very strange and suspicious to me... Sawyer like a few others, always seems to be in the right place at a good time.... Behind Baker and Truly... Sawyer and friends are the next DPD individuals above the 1st floor TSBD.... on the 4th, 5th and 6th floors, at the BACK DOOR..... If anyone was to move or plant evidence, he and the two other officers are prime candidates Cheers DJ Yes, David. Sawyer sounds pretty fishy to me, too. --Tommy
  17. Nice post, David. Maybe the man Officer Baker encountered on the third or forth floor was our infamous "Tan Jacket Man" and Truly covered for him by lying, "I know that man, he works here." --Tommy
  18. Mark, I finally "got" it. Interesting theory. Thanks, --Tommy
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