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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Greg, Well, I can explain "the lean" of the guy on the left. He was jogging forward and came to an abrupt halt. This frame catches him in the action of halting. But I can't explain "the lean" of "Oswald" in one of the backyard photos... --Tommy
  2. I agree with your friends, Scott. As for what I meant... you answer the question yourself below. Your upbringing and the people surrounding you when you were growing up. Your father moved among the type of people of interest here - and that gives your more authority than most. Thanks, Scott P.S. Didn't mean to start off on the wrong foot, I just don't like it when someone judges me or assumes I'm Dyslexic or have certain problem, Scott, jees mate. You are defensive. I was making fun of MYSELF for leaving out the letter. If I say "I must be dyslexic" I really am talking about myself. I had no idea you'd think it was about you. If you were offended because you actually do have dyslexia - again - I had no idea and I apologize unreservedly. I think Wears-Foot-In-Mouth is my Indian name. I assume that the person for what ever reason has a grudge to hold, or immediately goes out on the war path. I feel as though I'm being attacked, if that was not the case, then I misread or misunderstood you, please understand that when a person begins a conversation by pointing out someones defects it makes me feel as though you want to challenge me and I don't do well at offence, however, there are times when I can be aggressive. Please understand that a lot of my personality has a lot to do with my upbringing, nothing personal towards you. No Worries. Scott Break it up you guys and go get a room. I heard they have some vacancies at the "Y". LOL --Tommy
  3. Hi Greg, Unfortunately the Del Charro is a vacant lot now with a for sale sign on the fence. I hope to put a phoito of it on the forum... Talk to you later, --Tommy P.S. Let's go somewhere where they take food stamps. I'll buy.
  4. Hang in there, Kathy. Now for some more bad news. I found out about a week ago at the emergency room that I'm going to have to have prostate surgery. Seriously. And I'm afraid it's malignant because I can smell it. (Kind of like the smell of a hyena's breath. Get the picture?) I'll find out more today at the UCSD Medical Center urology department. Of course all the doctors are on Christmas holiday until Jan. 3, so some technician will take a look at me and hopefully give me some good advice. I'm only 62 years old. This is not a joke. --Tommy P.S. Gotta look on the bright side. Maybe this will motivate me to start wrapping up my "novel". P.P.S. Sorry to be morose and morbid and all that, but right now I'm scared poop-less. Pardon my French. To Kathy and Tommy Just sharing it shows you are strong, you have my admiration and are in my thought for doing so . All my very best wishes++++++ Ian Thanks, Ian. --Tommy
  5. Mark, I know it's not like me but, believe it or not, I was joking. You know, about the Big Mac With Cheese wrapper? Hell, for all I know it was a Bob's Big Boy Three-Pounder With Cheese and Extra Mayo wrapper that had "JFK -- S.O.B." written on it. Anyway, thanks for the bump. --Tommy
  6. Hang in there, Kathy. Now for some more bad news. I found out about a week ago at the emergency room that I'm going to have to have prostate surgery. Seriously. And I'm afraid it's malignant because I can smell it. (Kind of like the smell of a hyena's breath. Get the picture?) I'll find out more today at the UCSD Medical Center urology department. Of course all the doctors are on Christmas holiday until Jan. 3, so some technician will take a look at me and hopefully give me some good advice. I'm only 62 years old. This is not a joke. --Tommy P.S. Gotta look on the bright side. Maybe this will motivate me to start wrapping up my "novel". P.P.S. Sorry to be morose and morbid and all that, but right now I'm scared poop-less. Pardon my French.
  7. Robert, Was Angelo Bruno involved with narcotics smuggling? --Thomas
  8. Duncan, Interesting that you say you can't see a protest sign. How about just a good old sign welcoming Jack and Jackie to Dallas? Or maybe he's a hitch-hiker, and he's got his trusty old "Need a ride to Irving. Gotta pick up some curtain rods!" sign. Or maybe he's seven degrees removed from a clairvoyant and knows there's going to be an opening on the TSBD floor-laying a little later in the afternoon, and he's letting everybody know where they can apply! "Go see Ruth Paine, she'll 'set you up' but good! he he he." So, smarty pants, what makes you think that the only kind of sign he'd be holding right there on that particular day at that particular time would have to be a protest sign, anyway? Protest, protest, protest. Is that all you can think about for cryin'out loud-- Protesting? (Personally, I think he ought to go over to that other guy who is obviously drinking gin and tonic in that glowing plastic cup and protest the fact that he ain't sharing any of that gin and tonic with him. Hell, Gin and Tonic Man has obviously already had way too much to drink-- he so drunk he can't even walk or turn his little old head after the fatal head shot.) LOL --Tommy P.S. But I think you're right, Duncan. He was just running up to wave his Big Mac With Cheese wrapper at Jack and Jackie as they passed by. Wait. Check that. Did Big Macs With Cheese even exist in 1963? Hmmmmmm..... Allen, what do your sources tell you? Lee, would you like to weigh in on this in a tangential sort of way? P.P.S. Hey! I got it! By waving that Big Mac With Cheese wrapper around, he was protesting the fact that they forgot to put extra onions on his Big Mac With Cheese! I Mean (to use a Jim DiEugenio expression) anti-Castro Cubans do like onions, don't THey? Oh Dear, there I go again with my racial profiling. Anyway, hope the headshot didn't ruin the Anti-Castro Cuban-Looking Guy's appetite.
  9. Thomas here is the image you wish to be posted. Hope it is of help to you. James Thanks, James! The dude's standing behind the photographer on the left. I highly recommend going to page 4 of "Orville nix film what are the dots and what in jacky's hand?" at the JFK Assassination Forum. Once there, scroll down to Robin Unger's large stabilized Z-film clip. Towards the end of it you can really see this guy running up towards the limo, carrying a sign in his left hand. Or go to YouTube and watch any uncropped one. --Tommy
  10. bump Could someone please post Z-345 or that general part of the Zapruder film on this thread for me? I'm good with words but lousy with computers. --Thanks
  11. (Edited and moved here from my other thread (Was there a guy on the south side of Elm St. holding a sign; saying JFK -- s.o.b.?) I just realized we've been talking about the wrong guy. The guy we've been talking about is in Z-365 or so, whereas the guy we should be talking about is in Z-345. The guy I'm talking about isn't even in the photos that have been posted on (the other) thread so far, but he's clearly visible in Z-345 behind one of the male photographers (Bothun, I think). I highly recommend going to JFK Assassination Forum and then going to page 4 of the thread called "Orville nix film what are the dots and what in jacky's hand?" and scrolling way down to Robin Unger's large stabilized clip of this part of the Zapruder film. Towards the end of it you can really see this guy running up towards the limo, carrying a sign in his left hand. --Tommy
  12. Greg, you crack me up, I mean you seem to know it all including the exact statistics and or percentage of the male population that are all known as TODWHOEM... You should try your luck playing the lotto, handling a hot chick would be out of the question. Now if you read my comment and or posts carefully, you would have noticed. I said, "resemble". I didn't say he "was" Oswald, nor did I ever say he "is" Oswald, so I think you should get your facts straight, secondly, I have positively identified two men in these two separate clips, Frank Sturgis and Frank Bender. By the way, you're welcome, because there are NO photos of Bender, he was rarely photographed, that my friend <and I mean that in a sarcastic kind of way> is a rare photo shot of Bender. Haba good day! So Scott, Which one is Bender? --Tommy Tommy, Bender is in the second clip, standing right next to Sturgis, he is wearing army fatigues, a hat and glasses. Thanks, Scott. I mistook that guy for Dennis Harber. --Tommy
  13. Thanks, Bernice! Yes, I too hope Jack is doing OK and will be back soon. --Tommy I can recall in recent years seeing photos of signman, hooking arms with a woman with her pocketbook hanging off her arm as they ran up the Grassy Knoll. I could be mistaken. Kathy C Does anyone know the photo Kathleen is talking about? Would it by any chance be the Cancellare photo that shows a possible E. Howard Hunt walking across Elm St. towards the grassy knoll? --Tommy
  14. Greg, you crack me up, I mean you seem to know it all including the exact statistics and or percentage of the male population that are all known as TODWHOEM... You should try your luck playing the lotto, handling a hot chick would be out of the question. Now if you read my comment and or posts carefully, you would have noticed. I said, "resemble". I didn't say he "was" Oswald, nor did I ever say he "is" Oswald, so I think you should get your facts straight, secondly, I have positively identified two men in these two separate clips, Frank Sturgis and Frank Bender. By the way, you're welcome, because there are NO photos of Bender, he was rarely photographed, that my friend <and I mean that in a sarcastic kind of way> is a rare photo shot of Bender. Haba good day! So Scott, Which one is Bender? --Tommy
  15. No one said it was a clear cup, Allen. The obvious alternative is that is was a paper cup. Which glowed white even though the sun was behind him. --Tommy bump
  16. Douglas Caddy,

    Please try again. Thank you. --Tommy

  17. No one said it was a clear cup, Allen. The obvious alternative is that is was a paper cup. Which glowed white even though the sun was behind him. --Tommy
  18. Thanks, Mark. --Tommy P.S. For those of you who are still laboring under the delusion that we're talking about the guy on the far left--- wrong! We're talking about the guy behind the dude who is holding a pistol in his hand up near his head (Frank Sturgis AKA Frank Fiorini). Oh! You're talking about TODHNOEM! Greg, That's the first time I've been subjected to a tod-hnoem attack on this forum! --Tommy P.S. Uhhh.... What does TODHNOEM mean? P.P.S. Dude on the left looks a bit like the Corsican mercenary/assassin Jean Soutre. ====== Left person Looks to be very close to Jean Soutre Highly involved with French Connection Drug trafficing via Auguste Ricord and Christian David. Jim, To avoid confusion, let me rephrase that for you. "The guy on the far left of the video capture bears a strong resemblance to Jean Soutre, above (circled)." --Tommy
  19. Thanks, Bernice! Yes, I too hope Jack is doing OK and will be back soon. --Tommy
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