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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Hi James,

    Just checking up on you. LOL.


  2. ___________________________________________ How could the conspirators have known for sure that the Oswald decoy would have caught Brewer's or anyone else's attention? ___________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________ Hmm... So, Alessio reportedly "fixed" Thane Cesar's arrests in Tiajuana, and also apparently did business with one Texas Oil Mogul Clint Murchison regarding the sale/purchase of the Del Mar Turf Club race track. Interesting... Del Mar is about ten miles north of La Jolla, where Murchison's Del Charro hotel was located (at which J. Edna Hoover and his boyfriend Clyde Tolson stayed many summers during the Del Mar racing season). It's been widely reported that the Mob always made sure that Hoover never lost any money at the Del Mar races, and that he always got the proceeds when his horse won. Alessio's Caliente race track was just 40 miles south across the border in Tiajuana, Mexico... If memory serves, John S. Alessio and/or one of his brothers were investigated by the Feds as to whether or not their Caliente race track was illegally connected to activities taking place in Vegas... Thanks Robert and James, --Thomas ____________________________________
  4. The frames are from MPI's "Murder of JFK - A Revisionist History" - it's useful for the images but the content seems to be somewhat questionable at times. Prudent to take it with a grain of salt. _______________________________ Thanks Mark, --Thomas _______________________________
  5. ____________________________________ Guys, What video? Is it viewable on the Internet? Thanks, --Thomas ____________________________________
  6. ________________________________________ Gosh, I didn't realize that Jackie and John were sitting so far apart at the time of the "head shot." FWIW, Thomas ________________________________________
  7. _____________________________________ Note the Rambler (Station Wagon?) in the upper right-hand corner, facing the camera. Sure seems to have been lots of 'em in the DP area that day... FWIW, Thomas _____________________________________
  8. __________________________________________________ (post 37, above)In the interest of clarity, just trying to help Robert (or Jim Marrs?) here a bit with grammar/syntax. FWIW, Thomas __________________________________________________
  9. ____________________________________________ I wonder what they're looking at at such an acute angle away from JFK and Jackie? FWIW, Thomas ____________________________________________
  10. ____________________________________________ James, Welcome to this Forum! In your quote (above), you must be talking about Thane Cesar. BTW, can anyone remember the name of the San Diego mafia guy who, acording to David Scheim in his book "Contract on America," supposedly had connections with Cesar? I can't remember his name, but I think I read somewhere that this mafia guy/businessman was a protege of one Meyer Lansky... --Thomas ____________________________________________
  11. More pics of Shaw for comparison. Myra Bronstein ________________________________ Unfortunately, the Shaw look-alike in the Love Field photo that Chuck posted looks to be of average height. I read somewhere that Shaw was quite tall. Six-five or so. He sure looks tall in the lower photo which Myra posted of him surrounded by reporters and/or lawyers outside the courthouse. FWIW, Thomas ________________________________
  12. ___________________________________ Pat, I know that this is probably a stupid question, but where (in which part of his body) was JFK hit by the first shot (at Z-190)? And from which direction? Thanks, Thomas ___________________________________
  13. _____________________________________ John, That's great! I've never seen that before. Thanks. --Thomas _____________________________________ Yes you have. I have posted it here frequently. Jack _____________________________________ Jack, The (DPD?) photo of most of a page from Oswald's photo album which shows five photos? Have you frequently posted that? If so, then I guess I'm already suffering the effects of dementia at age 57... (Either that or I drink way too much, but then I've known that for a long, long time. At least I think I've known that... LOL) Can anyone identify "A" in Jack's photo "montage?" --Thomas _____________________________________ It was not from a photo album but from a photo taken by the DPD of snapshots found "in the Paine garage". The "A" man is a man who appears in a Roscoe White photo, an also seems to be in the LHO photo. It is a long story. Jack _____________________________________ Jack, Which thread/threads, if any, can you direct me to regarding the possible significance of the "A" man? Do you have any possible names for the guy? You say, "It is a long story." Should be interesting... Thanks, --Thomas
  14. Ashton Hi Ashton, That's an interesting POV, I'm aware that you posted a thread with pictures previously (red, blue yellow court or some such.) To my point, have you factored in, during any of your CGI reconstructions, the crowds, heights, lines of sight in relation to this shooting position? Many Thanks Gary Hi, Gary. The short answer is "no," at least to the crowds, and including the positions of the motorcycle policemen at the time of the head shot. It's just far, far more than I can do. I had to play hooky from deadlines this morning for a little while just to set up that "shot." I've been sort of chipping away at getting a limo of sorts done, and I simply dropped in a stock seated figure, and picked one of the windows of the County Courts (County Records) building to point through. Yes, I have already posted some images, months ago, that I made looking through two other windows of that building—the one that was in the jurisdiction of Earl/Earle Cabell, brother of the very Charles P. Cabell that JFK had kicked out of the CIA. Not that this has any relevance, mind you—let me hasten to add. I'm just sayin'. And yes, I believe that's the building that the head shot came from and that it blew out the right front part of Kennedy's skull on exit. Exactly as would be expected. When or if I ever will have the time or opportunity to add spectators—which will have to be accurately sized to scale—I simply don't know. And it doesn't look promising for anytime in the near future. This is one reason that I haven't abandoned trying to work out a way to get this 3D model broadly available, so others can populate it and play with it to their heart's content. I'm not trying to make it proprietary. It's just that the size of the file makes it costly to make available until I can figure out some way to do it. And I am working on it in my spare time. (That's usually about from 3:15 to 3:21 a.m.) Ashton ________________________________________ Mrs. Kennedy's position should be taken into consideration regarding this POV and potential line of fire... Keep up the good work! --Thomas ________________________________________
  15. _____________________________________ John, That's great! I've never seen that before. Thanks. --Thomas _____________________________________ Yes you have. I have posted it here frequently. Jack _____________________________________ Jack, The (DPD?) photo of most of a page from Oswald's photo album which shows five photos? Have you frequently posted that? If so, then I guess I'm already suffering the effects of dementia at age 57... (Either that or I drink way too much, but then I've known that for a long, long time. At least I think I've known that... LOL) Can anyone identify "A" in Jack's photo "montage?" --Thomas _____________________________________
  16. _____________________________________ Hi Ron, It took me a few seconds, but I finally "got it." --Thomas _____________________________________
  17. ______________________________________ If Mr Simkin is a CIA operative, then all I can say is that he must be a quadruple agent. Do the maths. -- Tommy ______________________________________
  18. _____________________________________ John, That's great! I've never seen that before. Thanks. --Thomas _____________________________________
  19. I've always thought that the "Mexico Oswald" and "Saul" in the photos below are the same person, based on facial similarities and similar body types. But I just noticed something else-- both "Mexico Oswald" and "Saul" are "hunching" their shoulders forward quite noticeably... http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/Saul3.jpg FWIW, Thomas P.S. Someone please remind me where the photo of "Saul" came from. Was it (supposedly) one of LHO's possessions? Thanks. ________________________________________________________
  20. I think this site makes a compelling case that it was Orlando Bosch working with Hargraves. http://www.copweb.be/Orlando%20Bosch%20Avila.htm If, that is, their "corrected" photo really eliminated distortion that made DCM look so much like Santiago. Also, where does that leave Roselli? It seems like enough sources place him in DP that day. Dunno how reliable the sources are of course. ________________________________________ And where does that leave Malcolm Wallace? ________________________________________
  21. Hi Thomas, The description given does indeed fit our Mexico City mystery man. As to the hand written notes, it is difficult to say but is that 'Helms' I see there? Mmm. James ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a clearer copy of this memo, with handwritten note in the margin, as close as I can see says: "As I recall, this description was of the individual (???) Helm's affidavit of 7 Aug. Not Oswald." Then: "WRONG!" Affidavit by Helms dated August 7, 1964 to the WC: http://www.historymatters.com/archive/jfk/...1_Helms_aff.pdf RJS _______________________________________ Richard, Excellent work! I think your ??? = "in". So it might read ".... the individual in Helm's affidavit of 7 Aug.... " FWIW, Thomas _______________________________________
  22. ___________________________________________ Between the victory speech and the assassination, the David Morales character is wearing his white shirt sans coat. Then about thirty minutes after the shooting, he's wearing his coat. Was putting his coat on some sort of signal to his co-conspirators? Also, after the shooting he's turning from left to right, looking distinctly upwards. I wonder why? FWIW, Thomas ___________________________________________
  23. ___________________________________ James, What does the handwritten notation in the left margin of the document say? The arrow seems to be pointing specifically to the bit about the man as having a receding hairline. The fact that the document says that the man was about 35 years old, six feet tall and had an athletic build reminds me of the pictures of the infamous "mystery man" in Mexico City. Saul Sague, perhaps? Thanks, Thomas ___________________________________ Hi Thomas, The description given does indeed fit our Mexico City mystery man. As to the hand written notes, it is difficult to say but is that 'Helms' I see there? Mmm. James ___________________________ "Front page" material, IM(H)O. --Thomas ___________________________
  24. ___________________________________ James, What does the handwritten notation in the left margin of the document say? The arrow seems to be pointing to the bit about the man having a receding hairline. The fact that the document says that the man was about 35 years old, six feet tall and had an athletic build reminds me of the pictures of the infamous "mystery man" in Mexico City. "Saul Sague," AKA "Mario Tauler" perhaps? Thanks, Thomas ___________________________________
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