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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. _______________________ Yes. Thanks everybody! Great stuff, indeed. --Thomas _______________________
  2. ___________________________ Robert and Chuck, Thanks for posting these links. It's the first time I've been able to look at LHO's (complete?) notebook/address book. Too bad Lee's handwriting and even printing was so freaking lousy. (Unless, of course, there was a method to his madness there, as in coding words for his eyes only, etc. But I rather doubt it-- It's probably just the result of his playing hooky so much LOL.) Does anyone know whether or not a researcher has ever analyzed, page-for-page, this very important document? If so, is it viewable on the Net? Thanks, --Thomas Thomas, do a google groups search for thread titles "Oz Notes", "Oz notes BINGO YOU NOTICED" and "Entry in Oswald's address book". ___________________________ _________________________ Greg, Thanks for that. Not sure what you mean by "groups search," but I'll give it a shot. Thanks again, --Thomas _________________________ ______________________________________ Got it. For all you other search-challenged researchers out there, first I clicked on the blue word "more" on the main Google page (which took me to the next page), then I clicked on "groups," then I entered Greg's suggested search terms (not case-sensitive; not all at the same time), then wa-la, there it was.... Thanks, Greg P.S. Still, it would be nice to find a book or something in which a researcher goes into great detail, page-by-page, like the FBI probably did (except they were biased) before the Warren Commission Report went to the presses... Oh well, maybe I'll tackle that after I finish my novel... ______________________________________
  3. __________________ Definitely. --Thomas __________________
  4. ___________________________ Robert and Chuck, Thanks for posting these links. It's the first time I've been able to look at LHO's (complete?) notebook/address book. Too bad Lee's handwriting and even printing was so freaking lousy. (Unless, of course, there was a method to his madness there, as in coding words for his eyes only, etc. But I rather doubt it-- It's probably just the result of his playing hooky so much LOL.) Does anyone know whether or not a researcher has ever analyzed, page-for-page, this very important document? If so, is it viewable on the Net? Thanks, --Thomas ___________________________
  5. _____________________________ It's how you hold your tongue, actually... --Thomas P.S. I haven't had any problems at all, but then again that's because I work for The Company. Just kidding, folks, just kidding... (or am I? Hmm... ) Sing along now, children-- "Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep. It starts when you're always afraid. Step out of line, the Man come and take you away..." (Buffalo Springfield For What It's Worth) Hmmm.... _____________________________
  6. ___________________________________ John, Very astute observation on your part. Makes Hoffman even more credible to me simply because he included this potentially "unbelievable" detail in his testimony! (Why? Well, because it was true!) A long time ago I came to the conclusion that although a deaf mute like Hoffman wouldn't necessarily make a great witness (difficulty in communicating with authorities after an incident), he or she would make one hell of a good observer and rememberer of visual phenomena which "normal" people might miss due to their being distracted by loud sounds (like gunshots and shouting and screaming, for example)... --Thomas ___________________________________
  7. (emphasis added)_________________ Good point. _________________
  8. ________________________________________ That's what I thought you were implying. --Thomas (Although I don't necessarily disagree....) ________________________________________
  9. Hi Evan,

    I guess in this case late is better than never-- "Welcome aboard!"


  10. ________________________________________ John, I totally agree with you on this. Unfortunately, some Forum members have overly-active imaginations and/or are suffering from delusions of grandeur in thinking that they are, or are soon going to be, somehow instrumental in the solving this huge Rubik's Cube of a public execution and probable conspiracy. Interesting to note, however, that true researchers like Larry Hancock and James Richards, just to mention two, have posted their photos and biographies and haven't complained about "having to" do so. Interesting, yes? BTW, I don't read a whole hell of a lot into it when someone dies of a heart attack or a stroke or cancer or something like that when they're in their 50's or 60's. My biological father, who almost went to the Olympics in the 110 meter high hurdles in 1952 and 1956 and who was a world-class beach volleyball player in his time, died of lung cancer right after he'd turned 68. Mysterious? Not really- He's smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for forty-something years. And oh BTW, I live within two hours of lots of dangerous people. BFD... (But then again, hell, maybe I'm dangerous- after all, GPH does send me an e-mail from time to time...) LOL --Thomas _______________________________________
  11. Just checking up on you again, James. Got to do what my handler tells me to do, you know. LOL


  12. ___________________________ OK. I confess--- I didn't do it. Thomas "Troublemaker" Graves _____________________________
  13. ___________________________________________ James, I, too, think something is rotten in the state of Denmark about this photo and that the tall tramp is Harrelson (rather than Sturgis or some honest-to-god tramp the arrest records of whom were rather convenient misplaced for about a generation by the DPD). All of the "usual suspects" are all bunched up in a frickin' formation (something I can't figure out: why right in front of the chain link fence area? Hmm...). Regarding the stain on "Harrelson's" trousers, I don't think it's blood (not dark enough, imo), but probably the result of his intentionally "peeing his pants" in order to fill out/complement his (rather unconvincing) tramp disguise and, come to think of it, maybe even discourage "normal" people from getting too close to him and his asshole buddies. In the big photo [showing the the so-called tramps, the purported cops, and the Lansdale/Maxwell Turner (thank you R.Ecker)] figure, it looks like L/M.T. and the almost completely-obscured, bringing-up-the-rear "old tramp" (E H Hunt?, Chauncy Holt?) are approaching each other in such a way as to perform some sort of covert hand off... Check out the outward-pointing angle of the "old tramp's" left shoe and the fact that he's already walking so far to the left compared to the other two "tramps." Another thought: it looks as if the other two "tramps" are running interference for him and providing a visual shield to the witnessing of such "hand off." fwiw, --Thomas P.S. What the hell's wrong with the left side of "Harrelson's" sweater/shirt? Looks like he's wearing it with the left sleeve just dangling there next to his left arm under his rather nice looking jacket. Now why in the world would he do that I wonder. To conceal something and/or to make himself look more like a "bum?' Nah....... _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________
  14. _________________________________ Chuck, Interesting documents in post #1... Unfortunately, some of the words in the bottom document are a little hard to make out.... BTW, you started me thinking about the mystery and confusion surrounding the "Mexico City Mystery Man," and I came to the realization (the epiphany if you will) that maybe, just maybe, Winn Scott simply screwed up royally and sent the wrong surveillance photos to the "authorities" up north right after the assassination, and maybe these wrong photos just happened to be of someone who was known to "J.C.," someone who may not have had anything at all to do with the assassination of JFK, but who just happened to be sufficiently unlucky to be captured on film while in M.C. on some other sort of "business." In other words, this might be an example of Murphy's Law to the eff-ing 9th degree... Just thinking out loud here, folks... Feedback anyone? Thanks, --Thomas ________________________________
  15. I don't believe this was at E.Howard Hunt's request. Buckley knew that Hunt was aware that Artime was involved in the JFK assassination. Giving David to Artime was a means of keeping Hunt from saying what he knew about the assassination. David was a hostage. _________________________________ John, I think that your theory on this is very plausible! --Thomas _________________________________
  16. ________________________________________ Bill, I find Ayer's saying that he saw "Karl," Dave Morales, (Johnny) Rosselli, and "Mr. Phillips" sitting at a table near the back of a restaurant very interesting indeed. Also that Ayers mentions asking "Karl" to relay his (Ayer's) "observations"/concerns about the Elliot Key Group to (Gordon) Campbell. (Hmm... Weren't Morales and Campbell also allegedly caught on film at the Ambassador Hotel the night RFK was whacked?) Thanks, --Thomas ________________________________________
  17. ____________________________ James, In your post #39, above, thanks for posting the "U.S. Government Memorandum" to FBI's Belmont (from, unfortunately, someone I've never heard of in "the U.S. Government" and therefore must do a lot of "research" on, but never mind, what I find interesting is that the original (typewritten) subjects of the memorandum were not "Allegations of RFK's sleeping around and his denial thereof" or something to that effect (lol), but rather 1) Meyer Lansky, and 2) Anti-racketeering, and then, almost as an afterthought, 3) the handwritten name of "Robert F. Kennedy." Interesting indeed. Does anyone have a plausible explanation for the juxtaposition of Lansky, anti-racketeering, and the insinuation that RFK was sleeping with/ had slept with a woman from El Paso and/or M.M.? DOH-- I guess the obvious answer is that Lansky and Hoffa were sending Bobby a message through "the U.S. Government" that "he couldn't ignore." IOW, they probably had the goods on him and just wanted him to know that and wanted him to know that the FBI knew that.... Sorry, I guess I've answered my own question... --Thomas _____________________________
  18. _____________________________________ Hi James, Thanks for the info. I haven't read Ayers' books yet, but I do know that he is alleged to have said that in '63 he was briefed by Krulak, "...a member of the Special Group (SGA)."I guess if someone sat in on and contributed to the SGA on a fairly regular basis, then they could, by definition, be considered a member of the SGA, based on the broad definition of "member." --Thomas
  19. _________________________ Good one, Greg! Really!! --Thomas _________________________
  20. _________________________________________________ OK, OK.... (Sob.) Now I feel so guilty! that I must confess... My real name is "Bishop," and the photo I posted isn't of me but is an early sixties photo of GPH's case officer, whose code name was "Gog_and_Magog," if I remember correctly... (Please forgive me, GP, for revealing this crucial information, but I just feel so guilty and, yes, ashamed of myself for having misled all the the fine folk here at the JFK Assassination Debate website for so long....] "Yours," --Bishop, .... I mean, "Thomas" P.S. Now I guess I'll just have to go "Way down south, way down to Mexico way..." and hang out with my buddy "Joe," [you know, the guy I used to sing about in Moravia (the eastern half of the Czech Republic, remember?) with the Brno cover band "Traffic Jam" (You know, the one that brgins, "Hey Joe, where ya goin' with that gun in your hand?") Mr. Simkin, please don't remove my photo. I would like to continue fulfilling my Mockingbird/disinfo role for the Company for as long as possible, if you know what I mean... Thanks, "B." (Hmm. I wonder if they have internet cafes in Oaxaca?... Damn...) __________________________________________________ ______________ "Well, Dig it!..." ______________
  21. Deleted for reasons of National Security. LOL
  22. ____________________________ Ron, Thanks for that. Interesting that Krulak isn't mentioned... I asked the question about whether or not Krulak was on the "Special Group (Augmented)" because of what I'd read on the Spartacus webpage about Bradley Ayers: "[...] In early 1963, Bradley Ayers was selected by the Department of Defense for a sensitive undercover assignment with the Central Intelligence Agency that involved trying to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba. According to Ayers he was briefed at the CIA by General Krulak, a personal friend of President John F. Kennedy and a member of the Special Group (SGA)." [...] (emphasis added) ------------------------------------------- Thanks for the input, Ronald. I mean it. Now, can anyone else here on the Forum help me get a "grip" on this, or am I going to have to put some serious pressure on my father to ask (his good friend) General Krulak, himself? [Truth be told (as you know, Ron, from our private correspondences), I really don't want to do that, and documents are so much more convincing than "hearsay," don't you think?.... (Well..., at least in most cases.... Thanks, --Thomas ____________________________
  23. I can't find any documentation showing that General Krulak was indeed a member of SGA. Links to appropriate document(s), anyone? Thanks, --Thomas ___________________________________________
  24. ____________________________________________ There was Karl Novak, the mysterious Czech lad of Interpen fame. Hmm..... --Thomas ____________________________________________
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