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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. _______________________________ Dobry den! Good stuff, Robert and James! In the article, G.D.M. does sound a trifle reactionary, doesn't he? BTW, if anyone wants to know what the term "White Russian" means (in the context of the Russian revolution and its aftermath, including the White Russian exodus to other countries, like Dallas, for example lol), all they've got to do is google: " 'white russians' ," and (heaven forbid, that goddamned instrument of the evil evil evil evil, dark dark, CIA Capitalist running-dog forces) 'wikipedia' ", i.e. ["white russians" wikipedia] ............... Enjoy, comrades! I toast this bottle of Vodka to you! (Just like the last one which I drank about hour ago, yes?.) --Tomas ________________________________
  2. ______________________________ Charlie, To your "only three questions," I've got "only" two answers: 1) Maybe it's a "Flash" Gordon (Novel) 3) Who is Dr. E.Z. Friedel? Well, hell, that's easy (Get it?). He just wants to be Hidel's self-published alter ego or nom de plume or doctor or controller or half brother or apologist or.... --Thomas ______________________________
  3. ________________________________________ Anyone? ________________________________________
  4. ________________________________________ Bill, Has the CIA changed its policy regarding identifying its officers and agents? I thought it was CIA policy (except, of course, regarding November '63 post-assassination FBI memo referring to "Mr. George Bush of the CIA") to neither confirm nor deny it's employing of any particular person... Interesting indeed. (Maybe I'll call them to find out whether or not I was CIA when I was teaching English in the Czech Republic! [some of my students, encouraged by another ex-pat American English teacher ("Why do you always seem to have money Graves?," were spreading the rumor that I was with "The Company," and I decided the best strategy was encourage their suspicions about me. Great fun, actually, especially when you're living there with an expired residency permit. Put the fear of God in them, and all that. Peter, can you relate?] FWIW, --Thomas ________________________________________ ________________________________________
  5. _______________________________ William, You wouldn't be making a "play on words" regarding Mr. Scull's first name and the title of a song by the proto punk-rock English band "The Whom," would you? --Thomas _______________________________
  6. _________________________________ Regarding the bottom photo of Bernice's post #66, has the guy standing on the far left who is looking back towards the TSBD doorway ever been identified? Is he wearing a military uniform? Just curious. Not trying to hijack this thread. If anyone has the answer, you can send me a personal message or e-mail me... Thanks, --Thomas _________________________________
  7. _____________________________ Actually, I heard a rumor that it all went down in Disneyland and then everything was altered... --Thomas _____________________________
  8. _______________________________________ James, (Deleted) Thanks, --Thomas _______________________________________
  9. Funny you should mention that, Frank. I believe Maurice Bishop was one of those generic names used by several people including David Phillips and Gordon Campbell. I also think Feeney may have as well. He is alive and living in Corpus Christi. The connection to Izquierdo is a very interesting one indeed and I am starting to make some headway in that direction. Hopefully more soon. Cheers, James __________________________________ Hi James, How's it coming? Thanks, --Thomas __________________________________
  10. The Topic Title and Topic Description of this thread "say" it all... (Ah-hem!.. Is James Richards in the house?...) Thanks, --Thomas _______________________________________
  11. _____________________________ Don, Excellent question! Hopefully Tom will answer soon in an equally well-written and understandable way. --Thomas ____________________________
  12. ________________________ Jack, Regarding your test post #3 above, did you ever get a satisfactory answer as to who the short person was who was standing near the Chisums? --Thomas ________________________
  13. _______________________ William, Great stuff! Thanks... --Thomas _______________________
  14. _________________________________ Great work, Eugene! I think you got it right. (Too bad Greer isn't in it.) Thanks! --Thomas _________________________________
  15. __________________________ IMO he's performing, or pretending to perform, security. Opinion based on the fact that his body is oriented away from Jackie and the Prez, as if to be able to scan the crowd and screen her and the Prez from any potential threat, and also on the fact that he's the only person in the photo with his body turned away from Jackie and JFK like that.... --Thomas __________________________
  16. ____________________________ Modified and bumped... ____________________________
  17. ______________________________ Hi Brian, So a Marine officer said that LHO was "a rather poor shot." OK, "whatever," but didn't he score significantly higher during his much earlier, first "qualification" (when he was undoubtedly more highly-motivated to impress his superiors and his potential buddies)? My intuition tells me that he didn't really give a rat's ass just how poorly he shot when he got the 191. He was a bit of a smart alek, wasn't he. IMO the 191 was just his way of saying, "Please take this job and shove it where the sun don't shine." In my humble opinion, LHO was most likely a better shot than most of us "researchers" are willing to acknowledge/admit. All of your other points, however, are highly interesting and seriously worth researching/publicizing further. Thanks, --Thomas ______________________________________- _________ BUMP _________
  18. Hi Thom, William Weston probably has done more research on these incidents than anyone else, published in Third/Fourth Decade. The Wisconsin incident involves Oswald leaving Marina and a baby in a parked car while he went off somewhere. He purchases a radio for her to listen to at an electronics store. A similar incident of Oswald and Marina and a baby stop by a Texas radio station. If someone has the articles I too would like more details. I think Weston is a member of this forum. BK ________________________________ Hi Bill, Fascinating stuff. I'd certainly like to learn more... Thanks, --Thomas _______________________________
  19. $20.00 and a talk with his barber would probably do it. ___________________________ I strongly suspect that the barber I had as a kid in La Jolla many moons ago was providing the local vampires (or J.E.H.) with pints of my blood for free... --Thomas ___________________________
  20. According to Bill Kelly's recent post #9 in the thread regarding the finding of Ferrie's 1947 airplane, LHO was identified (by whom?) as the driver of a car in one of the two "Wisconsin incidents" and in the "Texas radio station incident," as well. I've never heard of any of these "incidents." Would someone please enlighten me and/or refer me to the appropriate sources of information? Thanks, --Thomas _____________________________________
  21. ______________________________ Hi Brian, So a Marine officer said that LHO was "a rather poor shot." OK, "whatever," but didn't he score significantly higher during his much earlier, first "qualification" (when he was undoubtedly more highly-motivated to impress his superiors and his potential buddies)? My intuition tells me that he didn't really give a rat's ass just how poorly he shot when he got the 191. He was a bit of a smart alek, wasn't he. IMO the 191 was just his way of saying, "Please take this job and shove it where the sun don't shine." IMO, LHO was very likely a much better shot than most of us "researchers" are willing to acknowledge/admit. All of your other points, however, are highly interesting and seriously worth researching/publicizing further. Thanks, --Thomas ______________________________________-
  22. ___________________________________ Deleted
  23. ______________________________ Hi James, Thanks for posting the photo of Moskarev. It's the same one I saw on the Mary Ferrell website which led me to the conclusion that he wasn't the M.C.M.M. ... --Thomas FWIW In Czech, "moucha" (pronounced moska) means "fly" (as in the insect), so maybe that's what it means in Russian... ______________________________
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