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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Thomas, there's a Donald O. Norton who supposedly said he was Lee Oswald -- but he's a redhead. John Armstrong has a wealth of info about him, but he won't publish it. Also there's a Ralph Geb who supposedly impersonated Oswald. Do you know anything about them? Please go to: thecloakofdarkness.blogspot.com Starting in Feb or March of 2006, there is some research about both men. I'd like your opinion. Kathy ______________________________ Hi Kathy, When time permits, I'll look into both Norton and Geb. Both names sound familiar in this context. Thank you for being polite and personal... Thank God someone wants my opinion. (LOL) --Thomas ______________________________
  2. Personally, I think the Mexico City Mystery Man was the same guy as the hunched-shouldered, T-shirt wearing Marine in LHO's photo of same and [EDIT: I now think that it may not be Roscoe with hands-on-hips in the photo, below] that future Dallas cop, Roscoe White, when all three of them were in the USMC. I'm open, however, to the possibility that it was Sague ("Saul"), instead, but do we know what Sague looked like? I don't think it was Yuri Moskarev for two reasons. First, Mystery Man doesn't look particularly Russian (although he could pass for a Pole). Second, although the photo of Moskarev which is viewable on Mary Ferrell's website was taken only 11 years after the photos of Mystery Man were taken in M.C., I personally don't see much similarity. Now, to play Devil's Advocate, the argument that Moskarev couldn't have been the guy who was recorded speaking bad Russian over the phone to the Russian Embassy/Consulate in M.C. doesn't hold water, IMO. Heck, I speak excellent English, but I can speak it horribly (like a newly-arrived foreigner) if and when I want to. FWIW, --Thomas _________________________________________
  3. _____________________________ Dear Peter, "Right on," brother, "right on!..." --Thomas ____________________________
  4. ___________________________ Ron, Excellent observation (on your part, not hers...). --Thomas ___________________________
  5. _______________________________________ I agree with you, Antti. David Lifton's "Best Evidence" could not have been more appropriately titled, IMO. Regarding the "Mexico City Oswald photos," I feel that there must be someone somewhere in the world (His mother?, GPH? lol) who can ID this guy (at least to our satisfaction), and that part of the process of accomplishing this will be the ability/willingness of the identifier to connect this guy, the-more-directly-the-better, to some "intelligence" agency, either foreign or domestic... --Thomas _______________________________________
  6. Hi Ed, I guess still images are not always the best to ascertain a sequence of events. I am also having trouble with the man that Craig allegedly saw being Lee Oswald. That aside, another thing that makes me pause is we have Craig photographed in the street supposedly aware of two men near the TSBD. Now if he stayed where he was, the Oswald possible would have had to pass in very close proximity to Craig's position to get into the Rambler. And amongst all the activity, why was his attention originally drawn to this man? So what was Craig doing? If he felt this activity was suspicious, why didn't he immediately react? James ___________________________ Ed and James, Excellent questions all. I, for one, am very interested in their possible, plausible answers... Thanks, --Thomas ___________________________
  7. "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bren __________________________________________ Perhaps this is not the ideal place to post this but I felt Forum members might find it interesting. These two documents are from Joe Backes 1st-13th "Batch" Declassified document reviews [including his commentary]....... Document # 104-10015-10334 is a one page cable from Jeremy L. Niarcos to MFR. It is titled "Mexico City Station support activities assignments this date re: assassination." It is dated 11/22/63. This is a horrible copy of the original document and barely legible. It reports the activities of LIEMPTY, the following three seem to be part of LIEMPTY, LICALLA, LIMITED, LILYRIC, and there seems to be another, a fourth, that ends with ENDE. LIEMBRACE and LIFEAT do not subdivide, at least not in this document, and appear to be as important as LIEMPTY. Someone, "Scelso"?, likes what LIEMBRACE is doing? Document # 104-10015-10289 is a two page cable from R. L. Easby to director, CIA. It reports that Oswald ordered the rifle from Kleins, ordered in name Alek Hidell but sent to P.O.Box under Oswald's name, when arrested Oswald had Selective Service card in his possession in name Alek Hidell, this name appeared on F.P.C.C. leaflets in New Orleans although Oswald name also appeared underneath. The FBI had not established as of noon November 23, 1963 whether Hidell exists or alias used by Oswald. There have been no Mexi traces of Hidell or variants. They are checking possibility that person photographed entering Soviet embassy October 1 and 4 and Cuban embassy October 15 might be Hidell. They are supplying Mexicans multiple copies of FBI photos of Oswald and station photos of unidentified man appropriately cropped for hotel investigation. Well, this is very interesting. Oswald left Mexico October 3, right? So, it cannot be Oswald on October 4 and 15, right? What is the "hotel investigation" supposed to be? END ______________________________ Robert, Fascinating I'm sure, but what has it got to do with the historical Svatopluk, the former Czechoslovakia, Brno, and/or my theory that E. Howard Hunt's "Double Check" Company was a play on the words "Double Czech?" Wasn't there a guy in Interpen with the last name "Novak" or some other very Czech-sounding name? --Thomas ______________________________ ________________________ "Whatever..." ________________________ _________________ Actually (Don't you just hate it when someone starts a sentence with the word "actually?"), I think I'll turn some of my Czech and Moravian friends in the Czech Republic onto the photos of the "Mystery Man" in M.C. for them to pass around among their friends just on the off chance that one of them will recognize Mr. Mysteryman ... Come to think of it, I did teach private English lessons to a mid-level officer of the Czech army as well as to the wife of an intelligence officer of the Czech army. Hmmm.... Oh well, maybe I'll get around to it someday (when I'm not so busy on myspace.com or playing online chess....) Encourage me if you want to. It might speed up the process... Pac a pusu (Czech for "Hugs and kisses"), --Thomas _________________
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bren __________________________________________ Perhaps this is not the ideal place to post this but I felt Forum members might find it interesting. These two documents are from Joe Backes 1st-13th "Batch" Declassified document reviews [including his commentary]....... Document # 104-10015-10334 is a one page cable from Jeremy L. Niarcos to MFR. It is titled "Mexico City Station support activities assignments this date re: assassination." It is dated 11/22/63. This is a horrible copy of the original document and barely legible. It reports the activities of LIEMPTY, the following three seem to be part of LIEMPTY, LICALLA, LIMITED, LILYRIC, and there seems to be another, a fourth, that ends with ENDE. LIEMBRACE and LIFEAT do not subdivide, at least not in this document, and appear to be as important as LIEMPTY. Someone, "Scelso"?, likes what LIEMBRACE is doing? Document # 104-10015-10289 is a two page cable from R. L. Easby to director, CIA. It reports that Oswald ordered the rifle from Kleins, ordered in name Alek Hidell but sent to P.O.Box under Oswald's name, when arrested Oswald had Selective Service card in his possession in name Alek Hidell, this name appeared on F.P.C.C. leaflets in New Orleans although Oswald name also appeared underneath. The FBI had not established as of noon November 23, 1963 whether Hidell exists or alias used by Oswald. There have been no Mexi traces of Hidell or variants. They are checking possibility that person photographed entering Soviet embassy October 1 and 4 and Cuban embassy October 15 might be Hidell. They are supplying Mexicans multiple copies of FBI photos of Oswald and station photos of unidentified man appropriately cropped for hotel investigation. Well, this is very interesting. Oswald left Mexico October 3, right? So, it cannot be Oswald on October 4 and 15, right? What is the "hotel investigation" supposed to be? END ______________________________ Robert, Fascinating I'm sure, but what has it got to do with the historical Svatopluk, the former Czechoslovakia, Brno, and/or my theory that E. Howard Hunt's "Double Check" Company was a play on the words "Double Czech?" Wasn't there a guy in Interpen with the last name "Novak" or some other very Czech-sounding name? --Thomas ______________________________ ________________________ "Whatever..." ________________________
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bren __________________________________________ Perhaps this is not the ideal place to post this but I felt Forum members might find it interesting. These two documents are from Joe Backes 1st-13th "Batch" Declassified document reviews [including his commentary]....... Document # 104-10015-10334 is a one page cable from Jeremy L. Niarcos to MFR. It is titled "Mexico City Station support activities assignments this date re: assassination." It is dated 11/22/63. This is a horrible copy of the original document and barely legible. It reports the activities of LIEMPTY, the following three seem to be part of LIEMPTY, LICALLA, LIMITED, LILYRIC, and there seems to be another, a fourth, that ends with ENDE. LIEMBRACE and LIFEAT do not subdivide, at least not in this document, and appear to be as important as LIEMPTY. Someone, "Scelso"?, likes what LIEMBRACE is doing? Document # 104-10015-10289 is a two page cable from R. L. Easby to director, CIA. It reports that Oswald ordered the rifle from Kleins, ordered in name Alek Hidell but sent to P.O.Box under Oswald's name, when arrested Oswald had Selective Service card in his possession in name Alek Hidell, this name appeared on F.P.C.C. leaflets in New Orleans although Oswald name also appeared underneath. The FBI had not established as of noon November 23, 1963 whether Hidell exists or alias used by Oswald. There have been no Mexi traces of Hidell or variants. They are checking possibility that person photographed entering Soviet embassy October 1 and 4 and Cuban embassy October 15 might be Hidell. They are supplying Mexicans multiple copies of FBI photos of Oswald and station photos of unidentified man appropriately cropped for hotel investigation. Well, this is very interesting. Oswald left Mexico October 3, right? So, it cannot be Oswald on October 4 and 15, right? What is the "hotel investigation" supposed to be? END ______________________________ Robert, Fascinating I'm sure, but what has it got to do with the historical Svatopluk, the former Czechoslovakia, Brno, and/or my theory that E. Howard Hunt's "Double Check" Company was a play on the words "Double Czech?" Wasn't there a guy in Interpen with the last name "Novak" or some other very Czech-sounding name? --Thomas ______________________________
  10. I don't think they were just invited guests. _______________________________ Yet another impersonal, "witty," one-liner from Mr. Ronnie Ecker... (aka Mr. "I wish, I wish....") Thanks for sharing, Ronnie... _______________________________
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bren __________________________________________
  12. Bill, Sorry about the poor quality. It's the only one I have. Cheers, James _________________________ I know zilch about Joe Newbrough, but if he was as evil as he looks in the photo, we can safely proclaim "Case Closed." (LOL) Sorry if I've hurt any feelings out there.... Really. --Thomas _________________________
  13. ______________________________ Steven, Sounds interesting. Please elucidate, again..... --Thomas ______________________________
  14. _______________________ I agree. So the question is, was Wim duped or....? --Thomas _______________________
  15. Steve & Robert, there is a SVATOPLUK Osvald (note the slight difference in spelling) listed in directory of Czech officials put together by CIA's National Foreign Assessment Center in 1983. FWIW __________________________________________ Steven, Google "Svatapluck." There is no such name in the "Czech" or Slovak. I lived in Moravia for six years. It's the eastern part of the of the Czech Republic (which itself is half of former CZECH-ko-SLOVAKIA). We in the west call the other part of the Czech Republic (in which Prague is situated) "Bohemia," but the people who live in the Czech Republic call it Czech(ia). Confusing, yes? The Czech Republic is composed of two states/semi-autonomous regions, "Bohemia"/Czech(ia) and Moravia (not Moldavia). The "capital" of Moravia is the beautiful city of Brno (as in Bren Gun; BRnoENfield). I immediately knew that "Svatapluck" looked very "fishy" indeed as a possible Czech (i.e. "Bohemian" and/or Moravian) or Slovak name. That's why I googled it. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. My intuition tells me that the CIA's Double Check Corporation was a play on words. Maybe "Double Czech" would have been more appropriate... Comments, anyone? Please? Purr-dy please with sugga-sugga all over it?? BTW, wasn't there a guy in INTERPEN by the name of "Karl (Carl) Novak?" (For your information, the Czech-o-Slovak name Novak is like "Smith" in the U.S.A. In other words, you can't be more Czech or Slovak than "Novak"...) So,..... what do we know about this Mr. "Novak" of INTERPEN fame, hmm? --Thomas P.S. Svatopluk I was prince of the principality of Nitra from the 850's until 871. Then he was king of Great Moravia from 871 until 894. Google "Svatopluk" and you can learn all about it. (Hell, you might even decide to move to Brno and teach English there for six years...) __________________________________________ _______________________ Bump-O-Rama. _______________________ ________________________________ Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump........... (get the "picture?") ________________________________ __________________________ Interesting post, Tomas! --Thomas lol P.S. Pardon my "behaviour," Mr. Simkin, Len Colby, et al ... __________________________
  16. _______________________________________ Yeah, Wim What the f--- does the "RA-118" at the bottom of the "document" stand for? Why the f--- didn't you supply context/documentation/references when you posted this? "F--- me?" lol --Thomas _______________________________________
  17. Steve & Robert, there is a SVATOPLUK Osvald (note the slight difference in spelling) listed in directory of Czech officials put together by CIA's National Foreign Assessment Center in 1983. FWIW __________________________________________ Steven, Google "Svatapluck." There is no such name in the "Czech" or Slovak. I lived in Moravia for six years. It's the eastern part of the of the Czech Republic (which itself is half of former CZECH-ko-SLOVAKIA). We in the west call the other part of the Czech Republic (in which Prague is situated) "Bohemia," but the people who live in the Czech Republic call it Czech(ia). Confusing, yes? The Czech Republic is composed of two states/semi-autonomous regions, "Bohemia"/Czech(ia) and Moravia (not Moldavia). The "capital" of Moravia is the beautiful city of Brno (as in Bren Gun; BRnoENfield). I immediately knew that "Svatapluck" looked very "fishy" indeed as a possible Czech (i.e. "Bohemian" and/or Moravian) or Slovak name. That's why I googled it. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. My intuition tells me that the CIA's Double Check Corporation was a play on words. Maybe "Double Czech" would have been more appropriate... Comments, anyone? Please? Purr-dy please with sugga-sugga all over it?? BTW, wasn't there a guy in INTERPEN by the name of "Karl (Carl) Novak?" (For your information, the Czech-o-Slovak name Novak is like "Smith" in the U.S.A. In other words, you can't be more Czech or Slovak than "Novak"...) So,..... what do we know about this Mr. "Novak" of INTERPEN fame, hmm? --Thomas P.S. Svatopluk I was prince of the principality of Nitra from the 850's until 871. Then he was king of Great Moravia from 871 until 894. Google "Svatopluk" and you can learn all about it. (Hell, you might even decide to move to Brno and teach English there for six years...) __________________________________________ _______________________ Bump-O-Rama. _______________________ ________________________________ Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump........... (get the "picture?") ________________________________
  18. __________________________________ Try googling "Svatopluk instead. __________________________________
  19. Steve & Robert, there is a SVATOPLUK Osvald (note the slight difference in spelling) listed in directory of Czech officials put together by CIA's National Foreign Assessment Center in 1983. FWIW __________________________________________ Steven, Google "Svatapluck." There is no such name in the "Czech" or Slovak. I lived in Moravia for six years. It's the eastern part of the of the Czech Republic (which itself is half of former CZECH-ko-SLOVAKIA). We in the west call the other part of the Czech Republic (in which Prague is situated) "Bohemia," but the people who live in the Czech Republic call it Czech(ia). Confusing, yes? The Czech Republic is composed of two states/semi-autonomous regions, "Bohemia"/Czech(ia) and Moravia (not Moldavia). The "capital" of Moravia is the beautiful city of Brno (as in Bren Gun; BRnoENfield). I immediately knew that "Svatapluck" looked very "fishy" indeed as a possible Czech (i.e. "Bohemian" and/or Moravian) or Slovak name. That's why I googled it. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. My intuition tells me that the CIA's Double Check Corporation was a play on words. Maybe "Double Czech" would have been more appropriate... Comments, anyone? Please? Purr-dy please with sugga-sugga all over it?? BTW, wasn't there a guy in INTERPEN by the name of "Karl (Carl) Novak?" (The name "Novak" is like "Smith" in the U.S.A. You can't be anymore Czech or Slovak than "Novak"...) --Thomas P.S. Svatopluk I was prince of the principality of Nitra from the 850's until 871. Then he was king of Great Moravia from 871 until 894. Google "Svatopluk" and you can learn all about it. (Hell, you might even decide to move to Brno and teach English there for six years...) __________________________________________ _______________________ Bump-O-Rama. _______________________
  20. ______________________________________ Thanks for posting this, Wim. (Expletive deleted) Casey and Nixon. Pardon my German, yes? --Thomas ______________________________________ While I'd not be surprised that they thought such as this [in fact, know they did!], but I'm a little surprised they would sign to such. Is this document real? Do you have the first two pages..it seems it is page 3 of 3. If a real document just another indication of how the ruling elite think......they [our purported enemies] hate us for our morality!...yea right! ________________________________________ Excellent questions, Peter. Maybe I over-reacted......... Nah. (Expletive deleted). --Thomas ________________________________________
  21. ______________________________________ Thanks for posting this, Wim. (Expletive deleted) Casey and Nixon. Pardon my German, yes? --Thomas ______________________________________
  22. Steve & Robert, there is a SVATOPLUK Osvald (note the slight difference in spelling) listed in directory of Czech officials put together by CIA's National Foreign Assessment Center in 1983. FWIW __________________________________________ Steven, Google "Svatapluck." There is no such name in the Czech Republic or Slovakia. I lived in Moravia for six years. It's the eastern part of the of the Czech Republic (which itself is half of former CZECH-ko-SLOVAKIA). We in the west call the other part of the Czech Republic (in which Prague is situated) "Bohemia," but the people who live in the Czech Republic call it Czech(ia). Confusing, yes? The Czech Republic is composed of two states/semi-autonomous regions, "Bohemia"/Czech(ia) and Moravia (not Moldavia). The "capital" of Moravia is the beautiful city of Brno (as in Bren Gun; BRnoENfield). I immediately knew that "Svatapluck" looked very "fishy" indeed as a possible Czech (i.e. "Bohemian" and/or Moravian) or Slovak name. That's why I googled it. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. My intuition tells me that the CIA's Double Check Corporation was a play on words. Maybe "Double Czech" would have been more appropriate... Comments, anyone? Please? Purr-dy please with sugga-sugga all over it?? Wasn't there a rather mysterious guy in Interpen by the last name of "Novak?" The name "Novak" is like "Smith" in the U.S.A. You can't get anymore Czech than "Novak"... --Thomas P.S. Svatopluk I was prince of the principality of Nitra from the 850's until 871. Then he was king of Great Moravia from 871 until 894. Google "Svatopluk" and you can learn all about it. Hell, you might even decide to move to Brno and teach English there for six years... __________________________________________
  23. ________________________________ Excellent stuff, Greg. --Thomas ________________________________
  24. ___________________________________ Those two people aren't really people. They were added to the film by the FBI/CIA as part of the overall alteration project to confuse us and obsfuscate the TRUTH. Just kidding, Jack. --Thomas ___________________________________
  25. _______________________________________ "Hey Joe, where ya goin' with that gun in your hand?" Hey Joe-- Jimi Hendrix _______________________________________
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