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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Chris, "Lock her up! , Lock her up! , ... " ? -- Tommy
  2. Dear Paul, Where have you read that Marina was 5'3" tall instead of 5'3.5" tall? Source? You say I keep claiming that Lee Harvey Oswald was 5'10" tall, when in fact I've said more than once that He was either 5'9.5" inches tall (his measurement at autopsy) or 5'10" tall. How tall would you have him be, Paul? 5' 11"? "5'8"? -- Tommy Edit: These two ladies are standing in the same place on the bridge. Minsk Opera House in background. Look how the height of the woman on the right appears to change when she moves a couple of feet. http://www.russianbooks.org/oswald/discrep.htm
  3. Dear Paul, You're right about that perspective thingy, but you're still wrong overall. -- Tommy PS It's interesting that you chose to avoid my question: "How could a short person (like 5'3.5" Duran) say that an average-height person (say 5'9.5" or 5'10" Lee Harvey Oswald) is "about the same height as me" when the latter is at least six inches taller than the former?"
  4. Michael, LOL Don't you realize that the Alt-Right and the Alt-Left both get their fake news indirectly (via Breitbart and InfoWars, etc) from Putin-controlled RT and Sputnik and the hundreds of Internet trolls he has working around the clock in Saint Petersburg, Russia? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/02/putin-kremlin-inside-russian-xxxxx-house Maybe you should start using mediabiasfactcheck.com to help you weed out any Alt-Right, or Alt-Left, or "Tinfoil-Hat" conspiracy websites you might be getting garbage from. (I personally limit my "news sources" that are rated as having "High" (not "Mixed") factual reporting according to mediabiasfactcheck.com ttps://mediabiasfactcheck.com -- Tommy
  5. Dear Ty, Have you actually read any of the recent stuff (like within the past two months, or so) that I've "linked" members to in my so-called "Anti-Russia" posts on this forum? Particulary the current "Nosenko and the Warren Report" thread and the "James Jesus Angleton" thread? Please do so and then get back to me. And while you're at it, take the time to watch this (evil, evil?) January 2015 PBS "Frontline" video: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/putins-way/ And it would be really, really nice if you picked up a copy of Tennent H. Bagley's book Spy Wars at your local library and ... read it. -- Tommy Polite Warning: I'm gonna ignore any and all of your future posts on this thread until you've done the above and you're able to successfully answer, via PM if you wish, some easy-peazy questions to prove that you really have. Oh yeah. Silly me. And this article, too, of course: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/us/politics/russia-hack-election-dnc.html
  6. Sandy, Hopefully Robin Unger will consider this post (and other posts and threads that you, I, or you-and-I have posted) and rectify his Roberdeau and Speth-influenced mislabeling of Jacob, Holt, and Simmons as, respectively, Calvary (sic), Hicks, and Reed on his influential website (if, of course, he hasn't done so already). Keep up the good work! -- Tommy
  7. Question: "Who is a disinformation agent?" Answer: "Clearly, anyone who causes me painful, painful cognitive dissonance and rocks my 'world view'! I mean, I mean, I mean, ....... the way I see it, Killery-Shillery Clinton or the evil, evil CIA must have sent people like that to bedevil me with the truth." LOL -- Tommy
  8. Dear Ty, Regarding what I "suggest we do about the Russians (Putin, Medvedev, Lavarov, et al.)," I have four equally-practical answers for you (warning -- I may think of more, later): 1 ) Invite them over to have tea and crumpets with us, and, if they come, be sure to take our tea cups with us if and when we have to visit the loo. (google: Litvinenko) 2 ) Nuke them in a massive surprise attack and precipitate Armageddon. (What the hell, the sun's gonna melt us in a couple of billion years anyway.) 3 ) Learn to appreciate the finer points of cheap Russian vodka as we struggle over our new Russian-As-A-Second-Language textbooks. 4 ) Roll over and play dead. Maybe they'll go away! -- Tommy
  9. According to https://mediabiasfactcheck.com , open-source BELLINGCAT is a "Least Biased" news source with "High" factual reporting. To read its articles about the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine (Donbas), go to the home page and click on the "U.K. & Europe" box near the top of the page. https://bellingcat.com -- Tommy
  10. Dear Paul, There's no need for you to round some numbers off to your perceived advantage (and to ignore others altogether) in trying to make your "case", because it still doesn't quite "work". Ignoring the fact that I told you that one of the two documents I found (but have since misplaced) says that Leonov was 5'6", you state categorically that he was 5'7". You also, to your perceived advantage, round Duran's height down half-an-inch to 5'3". But to no avail, Paul. For the simple fact that Lee Harvey Oswald's being at least six inches taller than Duran precludes the possibility that it was he she was talking about when she described the guy who was (or was not) there as having been about the same height as her. It's as simple as that. -- Tommy PS In the photo you posted, please take into consideration the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald is standing closer to the camera than Marina(?) is.
  11. Anyone care to comment? I mean, do you think it's just "Fake News," you know, just another evil "National Security State" or "Deep State" (and "Main Stream Media" of course) conspiracy to blame that nice man, Vladimir Putin? Or is it just too gosh-darned confusing / depressing / upsetting / painful to think about? Along the same depressing line of thought, do you agree with Yuri Nosenko that, contrary to what that dirty CIA dog Anatoliy Golitsyn said, KGB's Department 13 had no reason whatsoever to interview LHO in the USSR? You know, seeing as how he allegedly tried to kill himself and everything (did they happen to find that 2" scar on his wrist at autopsy?) and taking into consideration what Nechiporenko and Leonov said about Oswald's being very unstable and everything, no wonder the KGB didn't want anything to do with that crazy Oswald (Hmmm ... Did the Mexican Government or Moscow ever come up with those 9/28/63 and 9/29/63 documents that Nechiporenko/Kostikov/Yatskov and Leonov claimed to have sent? They didn't??) Don't be shy. I'll try not to laugh too hard. -- Tommy
  12. James (where ever you may be), Now that's interesting. I don't know why I didn't notice this post of yours (or paid no attention to it) more than three years ago. Thanks, -- Tommy
  13. Michael, Duly-noted and screen-shot "captured" -- Thomas
  14. "Interesting post." Ironically, I saw JFK give a commencement address at San Diego State College (now University) that week. I asked my John Birch (yes, really) Mother why she was standing and clapping for somebody she thought was a "Communist" or a "Communist dupe" after his speech, and she said to me, "Because he's a great man." I'll always remember that. Yes, folks, I've been all over the place on the political spectrum over the decades ... -- Toomba "Ah ha! Tommy's a John Bircher!" (lol) Nope, but I'm glad I had the experience of being brought up in that kind of environment and being forced to, you know, go to church, and go to dancing lessons, to ..... etc. Heck, it gave me something to REBEL Against! Always a healthy thing, imho. http://library.sdsu.edu/scua/exhibits-and-events/online-exhibits/kennedy
  15. I don't have ten, but I do like https://mediabiasfactcheck.com to help me weed out Alt-Left , Alt-Right and also "wacko" CT-oriented "news sources", open-source bellingcat.com (regarding mobbed-up KGB-boy Vladimir Putin's shennanigans around the world during the last 5 years or so, which in turn kinda sheds a light on KGB mentality and goals, imho), and the Mary Ferrell Foundation, of course (I really should renew my membership). Oh yeah, and I should say that I've found that Bill Simpich's State Secret is so well "sourced" that it's a pretty darn good research too, too. I also like John Newman's Oswald and the CIA. That's all I can think of for now. I'll probably add some more, later. What about you? What are YOUR "Top Ten" Hmmm? -- Toomby PS Did I mention the Education Forum? PPS Did I mention Google Search, you know, using it the way I suggested to Paul Brancato a year or so ago? You know, using quotation marks, "ctrl" + "F", etc.
  16. Dear Paul, I'll give you twenty guesses. LOL. Although, if-truth-be-told, I guess I'm kinda "all over the place," too, just like young Michael is, I suppose. In general, though, I think it's fair to say that I'm moving away from "The Evil, Evil CIA did it" CT and towards a rogue-CIA (Phillips? Harvey? Morales?) / KGB or even rogue-KGB (Leonov?, Nechiporenko?, Kostikov?) combo theory. I joined the forum in 2005, iirc, so why don't you go back to 2006 or so to see how all over the place and "Evil, Evil CIA" I was back in the day? As for my newish, evolving "CT", don't ask me for no gosh-darned details because I ain't got no gosh-darned details for you yet, gosh darn it. Capiche? It's more of an "intuitive thang" (sic) for me right now if that's okay with you, Maestro. (You ever play improvazational (sic) jazz, btw?) But suffice it to say that I am almost 68 years-old, and like Roy Batty in Blade Runner I've seen a lot of xxxx go down, and, gosh darn it, I am 1/4 Ukrainian, and therefore I've been following mobbed-up KGB-boy Putin's shenanigans in my Grandmother's country ever since the 2004-2005 Orange Revolution (including the mysterious dioxin poisoning of Viktor Yukashenko https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yushchenko , and, more recently, the polonium poisoning of the ex-KGB guy, Alexander Litvinenko https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Litvinenko , you know, that guy who was investigating the mysterious but conveniently-blamed-on-Chechen-terrorists "1999 Russian Apartment Bombings" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings which helped vault mobbed-up KGB-boy (and recently retired from the position of Director of the FSB -- look it up -- ) Vladimir Putin into the Russian presidency without being elected http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/putins-way/ , ... ... And, wouldn't you know, I've also read on the internet and read in the newspapers and seen on TV some ugly rumors to the effect that Putin's "Cozy Bear" and "Fancy Bear" and "Guccifer 2.0" along with Putin's lackey, Julian Assange (Is he a hero to you?), conspired to saddle us with a "Useful-Idiot-For-Putin" president (how's that working out, btw?), and in conclusion all I can say, dear Maestro, is that all of this xxxx has had an effect on my approach to the JFK assassination. If that's all right with you? Maestro? You don't mind my (omg, here comes a gerund!) calling you "Maestro," do you, Maestro? Now please quit buggin' me and get to work on your own evidence-based (i.e., avoid Alt-Left and Alt-Right "news sources" and fact-check as much as possible https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ ) and internally-coherent, "CT", won't you? LOL -- Toomby PS "You need to ... " How you figure, Brancato? You mean ... to keep you and the other members from tarring and feathering me? You've got a lot of gosh-darned gall to say that, Brancato. I don't need to do anything here, except perhaps address young Michael as ....... well, ..... you know, ..... "MICHAEL"?
  17. Michael, Why don't you just concentrate on something and try to get into some "real" research, ... or at least some time-consuming, serious study which leads you into some real research? Or have you already done so, and since it might be "Evil, Evil CIA"- based, I'm just not aware of it? I mean, who, if anybody, are you trying to "impress" on this forum, Michael? Just sayin', Bro. -- Thomas
  18. Chris, I believe that he's a very fast reader, indeed. Why don't you ask him some specific questions about either or both threads? Maybe he can fill us in on Yvonne Cooper. -- Toomby
  19. The "top ten" threads (that I've found and can remember) that explain the 1963 coup. LOL OK, all joking aside, which is your very favorite one, Michael? I mean, I really would like to know "where you're coming from" as regards the assassination of JFK, other than, you know, "The Evil, Evil CIA did it". You got a fav? Or are you kinda all over the place like me? Seriously, now, and I mean it. What's your favorite one, gosh darn it? -- Toomby
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