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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Tracy, As you know and as The Agency has instructed me to say, "I totally agree with you on all this Harvey & Lee-based nonsense." -- Tommy
  2. Sandy, Very nicely done. After I wake up fully (it could take a few hours), I'll ask you a few questions for clarification. -- Tommy
  3. Sandy, If you and I are correct that the headscarf-wearing "Big Girl" was Gloria Jean Calvery, and that Calvery can be seen talking to Billy Lovelady on the TSBD steps in Couch-Darnell, then which of Shelley's and Lovelady's statements, testimonies, etc, are the least deceptive, and how do they jibe with what Vicki Adams and her sidekick, Sandra Styles, said, bearing in mind that Adams allegedly told author Barry Ernest that her FBI statement had been altered? Thanks,. -- Tommy http://garyrevel.com/jfk/girlonstairs.html
  4. Dear Michael, I think you're confused. Perhaps you should read the "Were TSBD employees Stella Jacob, Gloria Holt, and Sharon Simmons misidentified as "Gloria Calvery," "Karan Hicks," and "Carol Reed" on Elm Street?" thread, again. Or for the first time, whichever the case may be? -- Tommy PS I thought you implied in an earlier post that you aren't interested in this stuff. Or did I infer that?
  5. Dear Michael, Well, that just proves that the evil, evil CIA made more than one of me (and more than one of my Mother and Brother, as well) seein' as how I quit drinking, smoking, and playing Texas Hold 'Em Poker, for money, five years ago. Oh, I see. You're referring to yourself. Perfect grammar, though. -- Tommy
  6. I can neither confirm nor deny that I said that. -- Tommy PS wife, rifle, life, or rife?
  7. Paul, Excellent post and you offer much to think about. But I gotta ask -- What does any of this have to do with whether or not there was one Marguerite Oswald, or two, or fifteen? -- Tommy Edit: 1 ) Was it Ann Egerter at Langley, or Anne Goodpasture in M.C. who inserted the photos of "Mexico City Mystery Man" into one of LHO's files, and/or sent out a description of them in a barium meal-like cable to various Intel agencies and departments thereof? (Going from memory here.) 2 ) Didn't Simpich hypothesize that the "Mexico City Mystery Man" photos were of a suspected Soviet spy masquerading as a nuclear scientist (Yuri Moskalev!) who had conveniently (I say "conveniently" because "Moskalev" happened to be dressed like an American, and because M.C. Station supposedly didn't have, for whatever reason, any photos of LHO in M.C.) visited the Soviet or Cuban Embassy (don't remember which right now) either a day before or a day after (can't remember which; Oct. 1?, Oct. 2?) the person who telephonically impersonated LHO in Mexico City by identifying himself as "O-S-W-A-L-D" ? Isn't it possible that Goodpasture (in conjunction with Angleton / Phillips / Egerter?) was trying to kill two or three birds with one stone? -- Tommy Edited and bumped for Paul Brancato.
  8. Paul, Oops. I just realized that it doesn't, either. I thought it was the Two Marguerites' thread! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BAD I must be getting ..... uh, ..... paranoid? -- Tommy
  9. Yes indeed. She could have been a linebacker. (lol) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Walton replied: I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the Native American lady with pouffy hair is Calvery. [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My response: Dear Michael, I assume that when you say "Native American lady" you're talking about the dark-haired woman on the left, here? If so, it sounds like you haven't seen light-complected Gloria Little's high school class photos, in which she's identified Gloria Little, just like in the "tire ad." Do you think the high school misidentified her in all of these photographs? (BTW, "Little" was Calvery's maiden name, as indicated in the newspaper article regarding her marrying Robert Calvery a short time before the assassination.) How can you say that light-complected Gloria Jean Little / Gloria Jean Calvery was Native American? Aren't Native Americans relatively dark-skinned? Generally speaking? -- Tommy
  10. Paul, Excellent post and you offer much to think about. But I gotta ask -- What does any of this have to do with whether or not there was one Marguerite Oswald, or two, or fifteen? -- Tommy Edit: 1 ) Was it Ann Egerter at Langley, or Anne Goodpasture in M.C. who inserted the photos of "Mexico City Mystery Man" into The File, and / or sent out a description of them in a possible barium meal cable to various Intel agencies and departments? (Going from memory here, but I believe it was Goodpasture.) 2 ) Didn't Simpich hypothesize that the "Mexico City Mystery Man" photos were of a suspected Soviet spy masquerading as a nuclear scientist (whose name escapes me now) who had conveniently ("convenient" because he was dressed like an American and because M.C. Station supposedly didn't have, for whatever reason, any photos of LHO in M.C.) who visited the Soviet (?) Cuban (?) Embassy / Consulate either a day before or after (I can't remember which, now -- Oct. 1?, Oct. 2?) the person who impersonated LHO's presence in Mexico City identified himself as "Oswald" for the first time over a CIA-tapped telephone in M.C.? Could Goodpasture (in conjunction with Egerter?) have been trying to kill two birds with one stone? -- Tommy
  11. Dear Joseph, Must have been because the evil CIA had three or four Oswalds running around impersonating each other since the early 1950's, and the requisite number of Marguerites, as well. Either that, or there really was a new mole hunt initiated in October, 1963 (due to the impersonation of LHO in Mexico City), and the FBI or certain departments thereof was either "out of the loop" or "playing along" in trying to catch the mole. Or hey, maybe Odum himself (or his supervisor) had been fed this barium meal by the unwitting mole? Beats the heck outta me. You really got me there. LOL -- Tommy Question: Did Odum ask Marguerite specifically if this was her son, or did he ask her the more generic question as to whether or not she recognized this person?
  12. Yes, we naturally assume that women are significantly shorter than their husbands.
  13. Sandy, In her wedding photograph, Calvery is wearing clothes and assuming a stance that minimizes her girth, imho. In one of he high school photos, it seems to me that she's hiding her figure somewhat behind that tire. Regarding her "overly-wide" hips, above, it's conceivable that a gust of wind caused her dress to flare out a bit. -- Tommy Edit: FWIW, the shape / configuration / length / and "darkness" of W.I.B.'s and B.G.'s head scarves appear identical to me.
  14. Sandy, Nice "catch" and nice theory. I would only say that the Woman In Black talking with "Lovelady" is wearing a dark-colored headscarf, and therefore, if she's one of the five gals in our Z-Frame "Calvery Group," she must be "Big Girl". -- Tommy Edit: Once again, here's Betzner 3. "Big Girl" can be seen standing "next to" John Trmplin in the background. Is "Big Girl" Gloria Calvery? I believe that she very well could be. Edited and bumped.
  15. Paul, Even though I disagree with your overall theory, I must say this is an excellent post. Simpich's free-to-read work is mandatory reading, imho. -- Tommy
  16. Sandy, Nice "catch" and nice theory. I would only say that the Woman In Black talking with "Lovelady" is wearing a dark-colored headscarf, and therefore, if she's one of the five gals in our Z-Frame "Calvery Group," she must be "Big Girl". -- Tommy Edit: Once again, here's Betzner 3. "Big Girl" can be seen standing "next to" John Templin in the background. Is "Big Girl" Gloria Calvery? I believe that she very well could be.
  17. Sandy, A positive identification of whom? Gloria Jean Calvery? -- Tommy
  18. Edited and bumped for Sandy Larsen as it relates to my concern expressed to him on another thread that she strongly resembles Thierry Speth's / Don Robideau's / Robin Unger's "Carol Reed," imho.
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