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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Tracy, Not to mention the one and one-half years that he lived in NYC. Or was that "Harry Oswald" and his mother, "Marguerita"? http://jfkassassination.net/parnell/chrono.htm LOL -- Tommy
  2. Ever heard of Barry Earnest, the author of "The Girl On The Stairs"? See my post about him on another thread today, and the interview, below. http://garyrevel.com/jfk/girlonstairs.html -- Tommy
  3. Sandy, You might want to read this, too. http://garyrevel.com/jfk/girlonstairs.html -- Tommy
  4. Dear Sandy, Didn't Vicki Adams tell Barry Ernest, the guy who wrote "The Girl On The Stairs," that parts of her WC testimony had been changed by the authorities? http://garyrevel.com/jfk/girlonstairs.html -- Tommy
  5. Chis, I didn't mean to suggest that Lovelady "sat in" on Vicki's session. LOL -- Tommy
  6. Chis, I didn't mean to suggest that Lovelady "sat in" on Vicki's session. -- Tommy
  7. Alistair, Thanks for the feedback! As regards your apparent realization that you, in the immortal words of Bob Dylan, "know something's happening here, but you don't know what it is," don't feel bad. I've been "on the case" for more than ten years now, and I still don't have a clue. LOL -- Tommy Edit: So what's your best guess as to why Lovelady volunteered that bit of information? Because Lovelady assumed Ball already "knew" the girl was Vicki Adams, and that he wanted Lovelady to confirm it for the record?
  8. It has always intrigued me that Lovelady volunteered something to Ball that he didn't need to say until asked about it. Mr. BALL - You came into the building from the west side? Mr. LOVELADY - Right. Mr. BALL - Where did you go into the building? Mr. LOVELADY - Through that, those raised-up doors. Mr. BALL - Through the raised-up doors? Mr. LOVELADY - Through that double door that we in the morning when we get there we raised. There's a fire door and they have two wooden doors between it. Mr. BALL - You came in through the first floor? Mr. LOVELADY - Right. Mr. BALL - Who did you see in the first floor? Mr. LOVELADY - I saw a girl but I wouldn't swear to it it's Vickie. Mr. BALL - Who is Vickie? Mr. LOVELADY - The girl that works for Scott, Foresman. Mr. BALL - What is her full name? Mr. LOVELADY - I wouldn't know. Mr. BALL - Vickie Adams? Mr. LOVELADY - I believe so. Mr. BALL - Would you say it was Vickie you saw? Mr. LOVELADY - I couldn't swear. Some random observations and thoughts: Vicki Adams and Billy Lovelady were questioned by a Warren Commission attorney on the same day and in the same room of the same building (the Post Office Building on Ervay). Vicki's questioning (by Belin) was at 2:15 pm, and Lovelady's (by Ball) was at 3:50 pm. Did Lovelady see Vicki in the hallway when Vicki came out of her session? Or did he somehow already know that Vicki was going to give testimony? If the answer to either of those questions is "yes," could that help to explain why Lovelady, while giving his testimony, volunteered to Ball that he wasn't sure that he had seen Vicki on the first floor when he (and Shelley?) reentered the TSBD after the assassination? Or was he "coached" in advance to say that he had seen Vicki there (but in reality hadn't), and didn't want to perjure himself, so kinda spilled the beans to the effect of having been "coached"? If he was he not "coached" to say he'd seen Vicki there, but in reality thought that he might have, why did he volunteer that unnecessary information instead of waiting for Ball to ask if who he thought "the girl" was? Thoughts? -- Tommy
  9. Let me rephrase my original question. (sarcasm} DO YOU CONSIDER THOSE "PROBLEMS"? You know, the possibility that the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter never occurred, that Vicki and Sarah didn't encounter Lovelady and Shelley on the 1st floor, etc? (Or did they? I don't remember. It's all very confusing, isn't it.) Or, you know, Truly and Baker, and Oswald and all that stuff? LOL -- Tommy
  10. Do you always take on other peoples' problems as your own?
  11. Bob, You consider those "problems"? -- Tommy
  12. Just a thought: Maybe Dishong didn't want to perjure herself. PS You talkin' to me? PPS "You're the researcher. You figure it out." PPPS Seems to me you'd be just as perplexed if "Dark Complected Woman" WAS Calvary. Am I wrong? PPPS Why don't you call "K. D. Hicks, wife of James Daniel Hicks, in Irving, Texas," and find out for us, Bob?
  13. Yes. Please read my just-now edited previous post (the "P.S." at the bottom).
  14. Bob, I didn't even read your whole post because it rather aggravates me when I go to the trouble to explain to you, in so many words -- do I have to spell everything out? -- that I think Thierry "Wacko" Speth probably misidentified Hicks as Reed, and Reed as Hicks, (and, yes, "Miss X" for Gloria Calvary) and you refuse to address that possibility, refuse to compare HSCA photo 39 with the gal wearing the light blue headscarf next to "Dark-Complected Woman" on Elm Street, and continue on your merry way, blindly knocking your head against the wall whilst spinning your elaborate theory-in-progress, based on the unwarranted assumption that "Wacko" Thierry Speth was correct on everything except, of course, ... GJC. Poor Bob Prudhomme, oh-so vigorously trying to pound proverbial squares into round holes. IMHO. It seems to me that you don't want to accept the possibility that Dishong and Westbrook and Hicks and Reed and a "Miss X" (aka "Dark Complected Woman") really were standing pretty close together on Elm Street, like they said in their FBI statements and as captured in Zapruder and Bronson, and that you're convinced that none of those those five FBI statements are to be believed. But I will agree with you one one thing here, Robert -- Gloria Jean Calvary stinks to high heaven, and it ain't just because she's dead, and at a relatively young age IIRC. Your buddy, -- Tommy PS It appears to me that three or four of those statements are to be believed, except for one small detail -- Calvary wasn't with them.
  15. Dear Paulie, Beats da heck outta me. Just thought I'd throw youse guys a cuppla my obser-vations. Know whudd-eye mean, jelly bean? -- Tommy PS Tanks for da bump! EDIT: Hemming was friends with James Jesus Angleton.
  16. Geez, Bob. I guess I'll have to spend a week or two "researching" that, now. Thanks a lot. I wonder what our "great photo expert" thinks about the possible resemblance between the (unfortunately) smiling gal in HSCA photo # 39 and the (unfortunately) headscarf-wearing gal in the "Calvary, Reed, Westbrook, and Hicks" group on Elm Street during the assassination? -- Tommy PS Please go back to my just-now edited previous post, this thread.
  17. Geez, Bob. I guess I'll have to spend a week or two "researching" that, now. Thanks a lot. I wonder what our "great photo expert" thinks about the possible resemblance between the (unfortunately) smiling gal in HSCA photo # 39 and the (unfortunately) headscarf-wearing gal in the "Calvary, Reed, Westbrook, and Hicks" group on Elm Street during the assassination? -- Tommy Bob, You ask, "Where can I find HSCA photo # 39?" Come on, Bob, you're almost as bad as you-know-who. I put it on page 3, this thread. TWICE! Unbelievable. (lol) -- Tommy Carefully compare her face with the face of the gal wearing the headscarf in this clip.
  18. Geez, Bob. I guess I'll have to spend a week or two "researching" that, now. Thanks a lot. I wonder what our "great photo expert" thinks about the possible resemblance between the (unfortunately) smiling gal in HSCA photo # 39 and the (unfortunately) headscarf-wearing gal in the "Calvary, Reed, Westbrook, and Hicks" group on Elm Street during the assassination? -- Tommy
  19. Okay. Maybe he was by the time of the HSCA investigation, Ron? -- Tommy
  20. Dear Bob, All evidence? (what evidence?) Obviously? (red flag! red flag! red flag!) Oh My God. Here we go again. -- Tommy
  21. Dear Bob, Don't get all "paranoid again" quite yet. LOL As I said about a year ago, I believe that most, if not all, of the FBI statements of the (100 or so) TSBD employees that were taken in early 1964 are legitimate, typed-up copies of the signed statements. If I were you, I wouldn't lend too much credence to Thierry Speth's individual identifications of the gals in the "Calvary, Reed, Hicks, Westbrook" group, although the group itself (sans Calvary?) was, IMHO, probably where Speth said it was. -- Tommy
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