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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. Absolutely James,I agree 100%.Burkley was probably the only one that was in both Trauma Room 1 & the Bethesda morgue.He would have known if the wounds were enlarged.Especially the throat wound (if you believe Lifton's theory)
  2. I don't ever recall reading or seeing Clint Hill give a description of where or the size of the back of the head wound.I just figured that he was going off of the x-rays or possibly the Zapruder film.It certainly appears (to me at least) that he has changed the location according to what Vince has provided (absolutely nothing showing the side) I read Crenshaw's book Conspiracy of Silence and he is very very adamant about what he observed. Also like to thank all the others for contributing to this thread. Thanks guys.
  3. Crenshaw & McClelland > Hill IMHO. Hill = Go along to get along.
  4. Amazing Pat.I seriously can't thank you enough.I did try googling,but it came up Snake Eyes. You are the man.
  5. The pictures were taken by Floyd Riebe & not John Stringer.I know that Robert Knudsen developed some autopsy photographs,but was he there that night?
  6. Once again,I am not asking for proof,I am asking for a opinion or actual information. IIRC) There was a roll of 120mm film that was confiscated by the Secret Service at autopsy.Wasn't this roll of film exposed to light & considered worthless?But a long time afterwards didn't Kodak expose this roll of film to extreme light & come up with some images? I think there were 3 of them? Does anybody know what these images contained? Any help is appreciated.
  7. Maybe they don't want to release the documents until Clint Hill passes away 😉 He was probably one of the good guys.At least he did his job on Nov 22nd. Vince,was he was one of the Secret Serviceman that was out drinking late night the night before the assassination?
  8. A little off topic,but I was always confused when I seen that X-ray of president Kennedy's skull.I was always under the interpretation that the dark circle hole area was in back of the head and not the side.Anybody know why it's hard to find David Mantik's claims of some x-rays being altered on Youtube? Maybe it was possible that the x-ray was taken after the morticians packed the cranium with Plaster of Paris?
  9. Sorry David,but I revisited my post & realized that I had made an error in what I wanted to say.The part that I need to change is Humes saying that the body arrived there at 7:35 - 7:40. I'm disgusted with Humes because he knows that is not the condition of the head when it arrived.In all of my time learning about the assassination of JFK,I believe that Dr McClelland got the closest when describing the original size of the back of the head wound only a little smaller.
  10. Excellent find.I can't help but want Humes to burn in hell for agreeing with the Ida Dox drawing,but I think that he was being manipulated by his superiors.I also don't like his time of 7:35 for when the body arrived.There was two instances that I believe that he was trying to tell us something in Best Evidence. One was where he said that it was impossible for the head wound to not be an entrance or a exit wound. The second was where he said after preliminary inspection of the body. Maybe David Lifton will see this & correct the wording.My copy and my other books about the assassination are in storage.
  11. Hello Benjamin, Thanks for the help in the education of Mexico City.Some members are more sharper & knowledable in the areas of Mexico City than I am.I figured that the CIA was making things up because I'm educated with the supposed pictures of Oswald in Mexico City & that the tapes did not contain Oswald's voice. Right now I'm discussing the assassination with someone else on another site,and I will watch the above video as soon as I'm done.I just came here right now to see my join date & to give the person I'm discussing it with the URL to this site. Thanks again!
  12. Not to be sarcastic,but a stray opinion.I don't think that Oswald went to Mexico,and the picture on Oswald may have been planted.
  13. You know Sandy,I was giving this some thought.I can see where a deal was made with LBJ & the mafia.The mafia says that they will make the hit & LBJ agrees to cover it up.
  14. Damn,David was just on here & didn't see this thread.
  15. Thanks David.I got a chance to watch your video after I posted.I like your evidence better than mine.
  16. Thanks guys.I was away from my computer,so I couldn't say thank you. Further research shows that it was probably Giancana. Thanks for the help.
  17. Need help with an answer for another forum.I remember reading a long time ago that the mafia had the goods on J.Edgar Hoover.The goods consisted of J.Edgar Hoover in compromising gay photos at a party.This allowed the mafia to blackmail Hoover.Was it Marcello that had the goods? Maybe even Gianacana? Anybody else read the rumors that I have read?
  18. While 95% of the forum has seen these interviews,there is a small chance that some have not.I hope that the Dennis David interview is able to work. https://www.spreaker.com/user/thelonegunman/ep-30-dennis-david
  19. You probably have more than that Vince.I am part of a podcast & I check our Youtube views.I post our content on two different forums.I have clicked on our Youtube video & then go back to see if it registers on Youtube & it doesn't.
  20. Nah,we should thank you.Such a coincidence that I was just on your channel today watching Jerrol Custer.I love me some autopsy witnesses.Found it strange that he said he didn't go anywhere without Sibert or O'Neill,and they are showing him with Reed.
  21. You see,that's what I like.A persons opinion.I've seen this place ask members for proof about their statements.JFK had plenty of enemies.
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