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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Its not supposed to do that Ron, sorry, I will have to do what I did last time then.
  2. The quotes by DeGaulle about Kennedy's death at the end are really sensational. They even go past Castro and Nikita K.
  3. This is my latest substack that is fast becoming my most popular essay yet. It had the highest view number and the highest open number of anything I have written so far. But it tells a little related story as to just how Dulles got canned and the role of Robert Lovett in that termination. Its still free and will be for a few months more. Get it while you can. You won't be disappointed. https://jamesanthonydieugenio.substack.com/p/the-report-that-got-allen-dulles?utm_campaign=reaction&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post
  4. First of all, I think Pat is confusing the extremely important declassified documents about Cuba with Alfred Hitchcock's classic film from 1959. Its the Northwoods documents. And those did get a lot of attention when they were declassified. James Bamford of ABC News went on TV and talked about them in detail. I actually thought the Sec Def Vietnam documents of May 1963, declassified in late 1997, were a bit more important. But those also got MSM attention in no less than the NY Times and Philadelphia Inquirer and the AP. Also, the court case in Northern California has also gotten some attention. But since when does the critical community rely on the MSM for anything? We are supposed to rely on the alternative media. And there are some outlets there that we could use to trumpet any new discoveries in those documents. I mean the whole point of the success of people like Russ Baker or Patrick Bet David or Joe Rogan is that there has been a tremendous loss of belief by a huge amount of citizens who do not buy the MSM. And I think one reason for that is the JFK case.
  5. No I have never seen that one , thanks.
  6. This is the point. There is no accurate directory to the records. This was brought out in the Northern California court case. And this is why the Gannon memo tries to bring in NARA as arbiter. Because they want to keep it that way. NARA was never supposed to be an active participant in the act. They are just a repository. The Gannon memo did three things, it completely dismissed the record by record accounting in the JFK Act. That allowed NARA to post, what is for many, an ersatz directory. Third, it also discounted the role of congress which was to keep tabs on the updated inventory. It sort of swapped out congress for NARA. This is what a mockery the JFK act has been reduced to. This is why Mark's goal is to move congress to reinstate the ARRB since he thinks that is the only way the last of the documents will ever see the light of day. I have seen some of these documents. The combination of the redactions and the utterly horrendous conditions the papers are in is just a disgrace; you can barely read some of them. To me its the raised middle finger to the critical community.
  7. I agree Johnny. And we all know now that the Russians had given Castro tactical nukes, both short range, about 25 miles, and long range, about 75 miles. Any invasion force would have been incinerated.
  8. Paul, when someone quotes CV I have to read his junk, which proves to me all over that he is not worth reading. Rubbish. I would rather not vote for anyone than vote for Trump. This is a see-through attempt to politicize a legal issue for his own personal agenda. PS I just got a message from Mark. He is getting closer for Napolitano.
  9. Again, there are certain people who just do not give anything about the documents. Or that the law has been disobeyed. I take a back seat to no one on the Insurrection. I have written more about it than anyone here. And its on my substack board. This is not about the Insurrection, and there was never any chance that the Insurrection was going to succeed, thanks to Pelosi, Pence and Schumer. This is about making the issue of the declassified records one that can be debated. If you do not give 2 cents about that, then just say that. And after you admit it , then just stay out of it. I want the American public to know that 61 years on, the government is still keeping secrets about the JFK case, in specific defiance of the JFK Act. And if this issue spreads, it can go back to where it belongs, congress. And the senate. Because it is their law that has been subverted, by two presidents. If we can get Mark on Napolitano, hopefully that point can be brought home.
  10. I always felt that this was the best book on the Missile Crisis. Because its in everyone's own words. Plus there is good background material on the flow of events, and also why the taping system was installed. The two most interesting meetings I thought were the ones with the JCS, and the one with the congressional leaders. Even the latter had become hawkish, even Fulbright, who was the lone dissenting voice against the Bay of Pigs. After that meeting RFK says to his brother, if this doesn't end you are going to be impeached. And when Kennedy asks LBJ for his opinions, Oh man.
  11. Let me add, I have a special interest in this issue. That is because I could have never written the second edition of Destiny Betrayed without the ARRB. Some people think that is my best book. JFK Revisited is in large part based on the discoveries of the ARRB. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide--in something like 17 countries-- were finally exposed to these new facts through that film. K and K follows these new discoveries as closely as any site can. IMO, the ARRB was a landmark in the history of the JFK case. That body changed the calculus of the JFK case in more than one way. Which is why the MSM did everything they could to ignore it. As both Samoluk and Tunheim noted in Stone's film. So I really do not like what has happened to that Act. With both Trump and Biden. Biden has actually disfigured it. So if Mark can get on Napolitano fine. Maybe he can push the issue, which is clearly what he is trying to do.
  12. Ron: This is not political. There are people on this board who want to make it political. This is about the JFK Act. To me that makes it about the JFK case. The CIA lied to the ARRB about all the documents concerning Joannides being personnel matters. That was false, as the Morley suit showed. But further, as Morley discovered, the CIA sent a Top Secret message to Joannides in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 that the CIA classified as SI, meaning Special Intelligence. This is one of the things Morley was trying to get. What the heck could that Ultra Secret message be about? And why is it still hidden? Is it about the DRE, about the FPCC, or could it possibly be about Mexico City? Biden will not talk about this issue. At least I have not seen him do so. Expect pleading transparency, which is not what his executive order does, as Andrew showed in excruciating detail. People like us have to use whatever means we have at our disposal. We are in no position to pick and choose. What Mark is doing is asking for the ARRB to be reinstated since that Act has become a mockery of itself. I know this since I have seen the redactions. I displayed some of them in public. And anyone who buys into the current directory at NARA has not paid attention to the lawsuit in northern California.
  13. Here is the opening to Andrew's masterful article: In the waning hours of the evening of Friday, June 30, 2023, long after the filing deadlines of the media elite in Washington D.C. and even longer after the most dedicated talking head had left to celebrate their July 4th independence from tyranny in the Hamptons, the Biden Administration issued an Executive Memorandum that is a flagrant and illegitimate attempt to terminate an Act of Congress and usurp congressional authority over its own processes and records. A copy of President Biden’s Executive Memorandum is here. It is unclear what truly prompted President Biden to take a flamethrower to an Act of Congress that he himself voted for in 1992 as a member of the Senate, due to bipartisan public pressure to release records related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
  14. BTW, I have to add, the JFK Records Act is not supposed to be a political grandstand. Its a law. One that has been disobeyed. But whatever Trump did, and it was pretty bad, what Biden did was worse. But we are not supposed to mention that because somehow that is off limits for purposes of political correctness. I don't buy it. William, Matt and CV know little or nothing about that Act. Please show me their work on it besides grandstanding? Attorney Andrew Iler does.. Here is is his now classic analysis of just what Joe Biden did to the Act. Just remember, Biden is the guy who has a bust of RFK in the Oval Office and JFK's portrait in his study. Pitiful. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-biden-cia-attempt-to-usurp-congress-authority-over-jfk-records
  15. I could not agree more Ben. Mark is going to try and contact Napolitano. We are really lucky to have Andrew Iler and Mark at K and K on this issue. Their contributions have been invaluable.
  16. Mark is one of the leading attorneys on the JFK Records Act, it was he who discovered the whole key strategy devised by DOJ lawyer Curtis Gannon to dodge the import of the act. He now chimes in on what can be done in the presidential campaign to make this an issue. Which it should be. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/jfk-records-release-trump-at-it-again-is-he-for-real-this-time
  17. Thanks Dave and Paul, i appreciated doing them. I thought this one was quite interesting concerning Kennedy and the rise of the DIA.
  18. Ron and William: That whole Phoenix Operation was so shocking when it was exposed because it showed just how brutal, yet ineffective the US war effort was becoming. It was so ineffective that it had to resort to torture/murder. It was really shown for what it was in Peter Davis' Hearts and Minds. People went into denial about it but it ended up being accurate information. This, plus the fragging, plus the drug running really began to break apart the military. And this is why I think Burns and Novick did not show any of it in their pretty much useless "feel good" 18 hour documentary I mean how can you feel good about a war that killed 3.8 million Vietnamese, and about 2 million Cambodians, all for a war that even Henry Kissinger said should have never been fought. There are two images that epitomize the American experience there: 1.) The film of the 13 years old girl running from her bombed village with napalm burning her back. 2.) The last helicopter lifting off the American embassy in Saigon with scores of Vietnamese still trying to get on. That last image showed that even America's retreat from Vietnam was a mess.
  19. Prouty's advice to Stone about the NSAM's and about Vietnam was really right on. I mean it was a shock to the system. The first showed how Kennedy was sent reeling by the Bay of Pigs and its aftermath. (I will be writing about the latter on my substack in a column titled, "The Report that got Allen Dulles Fired".) Secondly, the whole Vietnam episode really sent everyone for a loop. There had been so little written about this up to that time eg. Scott, Prouty, O'Donnell and Powers, and it had such limited exposure that it was like visiting the far side of the moon. And that includes me. How could something that was really so clear and obvious--the reversal of JFK's policy in Indochina-- have been kept so secret for so long? And also something that was so monumental. For many people of that era, Vietnam was the defining issue of the time. It showed millions the whole ugly underside of what America had become. I mean, here we were slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people in order to prop up a dictatorship that had no real support. In other words, the screaming, scraggly protestors were right, and Johnson and Nixon were not just wrong, they were BSing America. Stone's film was viciously attacked largely for that reason. But today just look at the works of not just Newman and Prouty, but also people like David Kaiser, James Blight and Gordon Goldstein. IMO, nothing shows us just how bad the MSM was and is than the fact that such an epochal truth was successfully hidden for decades. And incredibly, is still resisted today.
  20. The Go Fund me page is at about 93,000. That is pretty good and hopefully it will get up to a 100 K soon. Besides his books, Brothers and The Devils Chessboard, what Talbot did with Salon was really remarkable. At its peak, he had 100,000 subscribers which is amazing. And he published people like Lisa Pease.
  21. Garrison did not meet Fletcher until after he wrote On the Trail of the Assassins. Fletcher liked the book so much he wrote him a really interesting, rather lengthy, letter about it. What I think the narration means is that Mongoose became such a project that they needed a lot of support from Prouty's office. Fletcher told Len that he thought Lansdale overdesigned Mongoose to the point that almost no one could figure out what the heck was really happening.
  22. At the 39 second mark above, that is a young John Newman carrying the NSAMs to Lemnitzer. Let me add, this issue of the three NSAMS taking away power from the CIA and giving to the military, to eventually become the DIA under McNamara, this is talked about this week on BOR by Len Osanic, Paul Bleau, Larry Hancock and myself. Its an important issue that does not get enough attention, and Fletcher Prouty deserves credit for bringing it up initially. One of the things I said on the show is that JFK never really got over the Bay of Pigs. I think this one of the reasons for the DIA under the control of McNamara. McNamara was I think the only guy in the decision room who offered to resign. When he did so, Kennedy said words to the effect: Bob, if everyone who advised me to go through with this thing resigned, I wouldn't have a government left.
  23. Well, here is part of it. Notice the first comment, Sutherland said this was the favorite role of his career.
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