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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. By the way Rob, your article is already in the Top Five at Kennedys and King. Even though it has been up for a significantly less time than the four articles ahead of it. Correction: I just checked the stats Rob, you are at number four.
  2. That makes perfect sense Rob. And I am glad that others have explained it. And yes, its like the majority of the citizenry did not buy the whole blame it on the left technique through the years of lead. I communicated with an Italian author way back in the nineties who had written on Permindex, and that is what he said. To him, the Red Brigades posed the same mystery as Lee Harvey Oswald. Who was he really?
  3. BTW, has anyone asked this question: what was so important about Italy? The elections of 1948, GLADIO, Permindex, Red Brigades, murder of Aldo Moro, Propaganda Due? And unbeleivably, Gelli gets a front seat at Reagan's inauguration?
  4. Steve: Thanks, it was the Shaw/ Fensterwald article. I was impressed by that when I first read it. I wanted to include it as an appendix in my first book, but my editor did not since it was not a primary document. What Rob has done is to expand the canvas for that essay.
  5. That is funny is it not? Mike, I alerted Paz to this article via e mail.
  6. Anthony: about the Cottrell book, that is the same conclusion that Rob came to also. Lots of interesting information but not rigorously footnoted. So he decided to build his work on the other two authors, plus Metta.
  7. btw, steve, where is that article by Shaw and Fensterwald. I hope you noted that Rob has some interesting stuff about Aginter Press, which I think they first noted.
  8. Thanks for that Steve, and Rob. Really interesting stuff. How did Gladio stay secret as long as it did? Amazing.
  9. To return to my point and one reason I started this thread, AOC and the Squad have been pretty inspirational. If you look at the NY Times, I think yesterday, there is an interesting story about how AOC's group, the Justice Democrats, are running primary candidates against entrenched Democrats in NY and NJ, this includes Nadler! This is why I began my Harris piece as I did, with the whole DSA group which is a parallel organization to Justice Democrats. Trump has been so bad that I really think he has fueled a lot of this, while Pelosi's discomfort with AOC and the Squad has also helped. I also think that Bernie's campaign of 2016, which would have beaten Trump has also fueled the grass roots. IMO, what Bernie did in 2016 ranks with RFK in 1968 and Jackson in 1988 as really striking fear in the hearts of the Power Elite. AOC and the Squad is part of that tradition.
  10. Let me add what I think is a key point. Nancy Pelosi is already in the top tier for length of House Speakership. She is number 13 on a list of over fifty. She has served longer than Ryan or Gingrich. If she finishes out this term, it would vault her into the top ten. The woman is closing in on the big 8-0, and she has been in congress for over three decades, and her family is worth millions. Even though she is a grandma and could collect a healthy pension, she will not retire and shows no signs of doing so. Why do I say this? Because, IMO and others, Pelosi gave Trump the opening for his fusillade against the Squad. To go to Maureen Dowd and belittle those four congresswomen who have given the party a healthy injection of adrenalin, that was just inexcusable. But when she did that in the NY Times, the W House took advantage of it. And Trump ramped it up in voltage, and now its become his latest, "lock her up" refrain. As with the knock on HRC, he doesn't mean it, but he uses it for rhetorical impact to rile his base. But there is one big difference between Pelosi doing it and Trump doing it. Trump has such an unstable base--remember the guy in Florida sending out home made bombs?--that I think there is a potential danger in getting someone hurt. But that is how bad our system is today. Which is why I think AOC and The Squad are so important, and so feared.
  11. And the thing is Rob, he looks so young. Really, he looks like he is 27, but he isn't. Usually that kind of work ages people prematurely.
  12. In looking at Ganser's book, its really set up like some kind of encyclopedia or compendium on the subject. Talk about devotion. But that is what a real academic is all about: being comprehensive.
  13. There is the Big Picture and then there is the World Wide Picture. This article by Rob Couteau addresses the latter. And I think it is the first one to actually relate the discoveries about Gladio and Metta's book on Permindex to each other, and through that to, not just JFK, but to the Moro murder and the attempts against DeGaulle. As I have said, sometimes we get so involved in the details of the case, that we lose sight of what the case is really about. Rob has done a fine job in expanding that sight and doing it with the likes of Dr Ganser. Who he was in contact with while writing the piece. Also, note the excellent pics. Nice going Rob. https://kennedysandking.com/articles/nato-s-secret-armies-operation-gladio-and-jfk
  14. Now, let me note: did I say anything about Dore's comedy career? Nope. Not one word. Did I say anything about Dore and Trump? Nope. I did not say anything about Dore and Tulsi either. What I said was he did several shows attacking Harris. Kirk ignored that point. Hmm
  15. when will Mr Shreck be in the USA? Will you have him on? I would like to hear his take on the O'Nneill book.
  16. The thing is if you look back, these large deficits began under Reagan. But when Clinton left office he actually gave W a really good budget surplus, and it was not marginal. In his three out years, Clinton gave W about a half trillion in surpluses. So, as WN says, it was clearly possible to eliminate the national debt with those circumstances. But that would have been anathema to the Wrecking Crew. So as noted above, W completely reversed this in just a few years. One of the great, unnoted destructive achievements of our times. The thing is, with surpluses you can do things like construct a capital budget. Or what I would have liked, insured Medicare for all, and backed up Social Security. Or, my favorite, sent more cops into inner city schools, at the same time, you target them with more teachers to bring down class size. Or subsidize open enrollment in major cities. But that would have been anathema to these guys , since their agenda is to take away any kind of social triumphs or even progress. You know, reminds too many of FDR, King or the Kennedys. In that game, Pelosi really is no match for McConnell. PS Let me add, JImmy Dore is a good progressive talk show host. He has devoted several shows to attacking Harris. My only regret is he has not gone after her on the RFK case yet.
  17. David Mamet as our greatest playwright? At the time that article was penned, Sam Shephard was still alive. He was not exactly chopped liver. But Mamet today sounds like the late Charles Krauthammer. Obamacare was a Trojan Horse for Leninism? The last thing in the world Obama was was a socialist. Just look up his membership in the Hamilton Project at Brookings.. In retrospect, there was never any fear that Obama was going to launch his own New Deal when he came into office. That was just smoke and mirrors, a diversion by the GOP. In reality, Obama was the Democratic answer to Colin Powell. Which is why Biden and Kerry liked him so much. It was their way of neutralizing the forces that had rallied behind Jessie Jackson e,g; Bernie Sanders. In fact, the almost crazy attempt to turn him into some kind of radical is part of the successful ploy by the right to foreshorten the political spectrum. To eliminate any kind of real left.
  18. If only he would apply that to this case instead of an irrelevant tale about the purchase of the Z film.
  19. The transfer was discovered, like the extra bullets on Oswald, right before he went out for the line up. Reportedly, LHO said not a word about it.
  20. On that above memo, note that it went from Redlich to Willens and then to Ball and Belin. Willens was the go between from the management level to the working counsel level. Once the WC was up and running, Redlich was the workhorse for Rankin. He was aware of many of the problems and contradictions in the evidence. If one recalls, when Liebeler presented his memorandum objecting to the overstatements in the report in August, he got his butt chewed out by a combination of Rankin and Redlich: Rankin held him up, with Redlich doing the punching. I have become convinced that this is why Redlich hardly ever talked afterwards. He understood that every aspect of the WC story was filled with problems, as he himself states above and in numerous other places. But, as he said, "I work for the Commission." Which means, he was Rankin's B--CH. In other words, the point we are talking about here--Oswald having no escape plan-- was talked about back then. They papered it over, like they did everything else.
  21. From the invaluable Malcolm Blunt posted at ROKC: English bus10.jpg Root folder © 2019 Servimg.com
  22. If one buys the WC, then this is a serious problem. How on earth can anyone explain Oswald leaving the scene by a public bus, getting off and walking back to the scene of the crime, hailing a cab, offering it to a little old lady, then getting in and then taking the cab five blocks away from your rooming house? To me, that right there is enough for any person of normal intelligence and objectivity to raise his eyebrows about the WR. In fact, that actually is one of the things that made me do a double take about it. When you add in the matter of the Robinson/Craig sighting, and the landlady saying she saw Oswald standing at a bus stop headed the other way from 10th and Patton at about 1:03 or 1:04, then not only is what the WR says highly improbable, but you begin to see the outline of what they decided to discard in order to construct their dubious story.
  23. We have posted a link as a news item at K and K.
  24. The film managed to make it through that barrage. But abroad, without the barrage, it was a really big hit. The film did about 75 million domestic and about 200 million overseas. On a budget of 40 million. That is a pretty big hit and it does not include ancillary rights, which means sales of DVD's and videos, sale to cable, and network and syndication. Both home and abroad. But Stone's career did suffer for it. There was never in film history a preemptive strike like that, and I am sure Joe McBride, who is a film historian, will agree with me. No career could not be damaged by a tsunami like that one. But it did manage to get the ARRB. And, as I said, all the discoveries that back up what the film was saying have been more or less ignored. That is the kind of schizoid culture we live in.
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