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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. If Hunt could speak he would have told you that he was obeying a higher patriotism. And JFK was a traitor. As per Reagan, if no one was around.....
  2. CBS interviewed McCloy without saying he was a consultant on the program. Which is a violation of any kind of journalistic ethics. This paved the way for what would happen later e.g. George Will helping Reagan practice for debates against Carter and then going on the air for ABC praising Reagan's performance without admitting his previous role.
  3. Its not in there either. And I looked at the first edition of Crossfire and its not in there.
  4. What does he source the info about Nixon recommending McCloy for the WC to? Mal on BOR http://www.blackopradio.com/pod/black939a.mp3
  5. The information about the Rockefellers using McCLoy to influence Carter about letting the Shah into the country is in my book The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today. I got it from the biography of McCloy, The Chairman by Kai Bird. McCloy was a servant to the CFR types, through and through. In 1964, he cooperated in the CIA overthrow in Brazil, and then in 1965 he endorsed Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam War for David Rockefeller. In addition to that endorsement of a JFK reversal, he was an unbilled consultant for CBS on their four part cover up for the Warren Report in 1967. That important fact, that CBS was using a Warren Commissioner for their information, is something that both McCloy and DIck Salant at CBS tried to conceal, which makes the show a double layered cover up operation. The idea of McCloy, Dulles and Ford, on the Commission guaranteed it would be an exercise in concealment. This is why, in my book, I devoted a chapter to this subject. Since Bugliosi more or less ignored it. I thought it was important since the things these men did in their careers indicated the kind of people they really were. I mean McCloy helped Klaus Barbie escape to South America after World War 2. He was also one of the prime movers behind the Japanese internment. He actually objected to congress paying the victims an indemnity. What else can one say about such a person? Except I think the three main people who constructed the cover up--McCloy, Dulles and Hoover--were three of the worst Americans of the 20th century.
  6. Michele Metta gave a video presentation at the Dealey Plaza UK meeting in Canterbury. Congrats to Bart Kamp and Malcolm Blunt for that wise choice. HIs book is quite interesting. Permindex/CMC was for real and it is utter BS to say it was some kind of KBG disinfo tale. Metta's book puts the lie to that.
  7. Larry, Does this mean you completed the project? Its done? Please let us know.
  8. Thanks, Steve. Well then this is how he probably saw Watergate from the first headline then. And that boxed him in. And now he got the media attention to his proposals.
  9. Well, Barr announced today he is going to investigate the origins of Russia Gate. Should be interesting.
  10. Here is a good article on what the Washington Post concealed and why? https://dailycaller.com/2018/01/24/watergate-journalism-the-seeds-of-our-discontent/
  11. It is not true that the CIA was never really investigated by the Ervin Committee. They were, but it was by the minority counsel. Which meant Howard Baker and Fred Thompson. Because they were minority, they did not control the public hearings. Therefore, in the klieg lights of TV Land, the most spectacular witnesses for Ervin were John Dean and Jim McCord. Those two pointed to the White House, and in some degree, McCord pointed to Dean. And therefore Dean was intent of saving his skin. McCord was intent on saving the CIA. If you read Secret Agenda, the chapter on Summer Fires is really interesting. And to my knowledge, that stage hog Ervin never called Lee Pennington as a witness. Just like he never called Lou Russell as a witness. Hougan makes the case that the former was McCord's cut out to Paul Gaynor. And that the latter was monitoring the break in that night for McCord. I mean who can believe Russell's excuse for being at Howard Johnson's that night? He was feeling sentimental about an old flame he met there? In retrospect, there is little or no doubt that Ervin and Dash wanted to make a big noise early with their committee in order to get a lot of attention and make themselves famous, which they did. So they grabbed McCord and Dean and put them on stage and pretty much bought them hook, line and sinker. And once they did that, they were essentially latched onto the Woodward/Bernstein/Bradlee version of Watergate. Even though Woodward was cooperating with Robert Bennett, that CIA agent who was telling his case officer that he was steering Woodward away form any CIA connections to the caper.
  12. If DeTorres had written an honest book he would have needed to hire 24 hour security details, even when he went to the bathroom. IMO, this guy came close to knowing where the bodies were buried. At least at the operative level.
  13. This is pretty insightful as to what Mueller has done to shape his inquiry and still get negative results. Do not talk to anyone who will give you info that does not fit, or give them a right to defend themselves. Accept the HRC paradigm originally established in 2016. And do not hire your own forensic experts. And even with all that, the results are still weak porridge. Well, maybe Roger Stone will be a geyser? https://consortiumnews.com/2019/05/14/the-real-mueller-gate-scandal/
  14. Roy: Do you have pics of those two other places, the rearview mirror backside and back ashtray to front seat? I would really like to see that.
  15. I am on the fence about Frazier. I wrote about 4-5 pages on him in Destiny Betrayed, Second Edition. Most of that was from a different point of view than most people had taken of him previously.
  16. Well, there goes another top suspect and witness. First, FInck, and now this guy. If this writer is credible, DeTorres did have pics of Dealey Plaza, and he knew LHO. https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/bernardo-de-torres-bay-of-pigs-veteran-kennedy-assassination-spy-is-dead-11166861?fbclid=IwAR3c1cZg22agOT_GXAlLj57Y7GZGuy1Uqujueq3KosSvrO_UWcZpxgX_agM
  17. I agree about Don Gibson. His work was really unique. When you say The Kennedy Assassination Cover Up Revisited , are you referring to the second edition of that book?
  18. And the beat goes on, I had no idea this would work up this head of steam: https://www.mcall.com/news/pennsylvania/mc-nws-pa-james-mccord-death-berks-county-20190511-iz7bxzzzqzbb3mli2nab3hosbm-story.html
  19. You are correct about the FBI and the trust factor. They knew this created a problem and tried to conceal it by saying the chrome had been dented previously. But people had pictures from that day showing it had not.
  20. Thanks for that Dave. Man, what you can do online with books and media today. Check out Hoopla.
  21. It does not work I think with the low skull wound. I just wonder if this is another reason they changed it. Also, if you recall the smaller, dust like particles were forward in the skull. The larger ones were in the back. Very puzzling in that regard.
  22. Ron, do not leave out my favorite part about JFK and Jock Whitney. Whitney was Eisenhower's ambassador to the UK. After JFK won the election he sent Whitney what was probably the tersest telegram in history of the diplomat corps. Three words: Jock, Pack. Jack
  23. Paul, I thought Don said it was Jock Whitney who came out with the first LHO as maladjusted sociopath story? But that is interesting about Dulles and Reston. Reston was such a slime for the CIA. What page of the book is that on?
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