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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Geez, 2400 pages. How will I get someone to review this for me? Gary, do you have a brother?
  2. The point is if one disagrees with someone else's policies one can always say that the person is imbalanced or unhinged, or even a traitor or a dupe. I mean if one recalls Marxmanship in Dallas by Revilo Oliver, that is what he said about JFK, that he was a commie dupe. LeMay compared JFK to Neville Chamberlain. People in NIxon's own party thought he was nutty over the Xmas bombing. Let us get real and honest about that issue. What I am talking about is the use of that statute, the 25th amendment. I just do not see how that applies. And the fact that it does not shows just how far out there these FBI guys were. But further, if one recalls Peter S. He was high up there in the FBI hierarchy and he said, there is no there there. Collusion is not a crime. Recall, Comey was fired well over a year ago, going on two. And Mueller still has not proven this charge in relation to Trump. So what McCabe is describing, this appears to be an extralegal use of the Constitution. I mean Rod R wearing a wire on the president? I mean with that kind of stuff going on, Trump almost had to fire McCabe. But this is what our political system has come to. Sort of like two feuding fraternities on campus.
  3. Please note, after not replying to my specific arguments, FC tried to ridicule the PM crowd. He got reprimanded for the sealioning. Now he comes back here and again, he does not reply to my original questions. Instead he gives me three alternatives to pick from. None of which I buy into. He thens says I only ask questions which are mostly irrelevant. Utterly and completely wrong. The reason I posed those question is because they raise the most serious problems with the radio traffic. If Nelson got the same message Tippit did about Oak Cliff, then why did neither Tippit nor Nelson directly confirm that? Again, if they got the same message why did Nelson end up in Dealey Plaza and Tippit in Oak Cliff? And why was Nelson never interviewed and asked about this divergence? Third, why were they sent to Oak Cliff when there already was an officer in Oak Cliff, namely Mentzel. And why was Jackson never asked about these inconsistencies? These raise the most serious problems with the DPD. And also the reluctance of the WC to do a real investigation into the Tippit murder. Check the index of the Warren Report. Are Mentzel or Nelson in the index? Why not? Are they not important witnesses in the Tippit case? FC, you must agree that Murray Jackson is important? I mean President Andrew Jackson is in the index, but Murray is not. Now let me produce some evidence that you will also not find in the WR. Where was TIppit from about 12:30 until he was killed? What I am about to tell you you can find in my essay or in McBride's book. 1. Parked in a GLOCO station looking at a viaduct that connects up with Dealey Plaza. Five witnesses saw him there. 2. Pulling over a car, and running out to open the back door and look at the floor. 3. Running into a record shop and using the phone and then leaving abruptly. So In addition to never explaining the weird radio traffic which Nelson did not obey and which needlessly put TIppit in Oak Cliff when someone else was there, why did the WC never list these facts about the most crucial half hour of Tippit's life? They would seem to most objective observers to be rather interesting. Do they not suggest that TIppit was looking for someone leaving Dealey Plaza and when he could not find him, he went and made a phone call to receive redirected instructions? And it was those instructions which led to his death? This is not asking questions. This is asserting evidence which you ignore. Because they lead to a conclusion you do not like.
  4. Read this one and weep: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/430465-warren-officials-have-constitutional-duty-to-invoke-25th-amendment-if Wow, talk about mobocracy. What the heck is she thinking of? I like Warren, but this? See, in my view, what is supposed to separate us from them is that with us its not just who's ox is being gored. We uphold a standard for everyone that should be obeyed. Impeaching Trump is one thing. If you think you can do it, then try. Personally I do not think the votes are there in the senate. At least not right now. But to fabricate some kind of mental incapacity with psychiatrists that have never examined or observed the guy? C'mon. And BTW, I am not just saying this now. Way back in the nineties, when the film Nixon came out, we did an issue of Probe magazine showing that Watergate was a booby trap, one in which the real perpetrators of a devilishly clever plan escaped unnoticed. And people like Woodward, Bernstein and Sy Hersh, they all obfuscated the public as to what really occurred. I despised Nixon then, as I do to this day. But in a real way, the guy was the victim of a sophisticated plot.
  5. This seems really weird to me if its true. I have a hard time thinking it is. In reading the amendment, I simply do not see how it applied to this situation. To me it clearly denotes that somehow the president becomes physically incapacitated. And the only times it has been used has been for that purpose. Now if this condition should become ongoing or permanent it does allow for the president to be removed and the VP to take charge. Sort of like declaring a conservatorship if someone is senile. But to use this the way these guys wanted to use it? I would not even say that this was a stretch. In legal terms, it was worse than that. Firing Comey was not the Saturday Night Massacre.
  6. FC: This is about two days now and you never replied to my questions about the Tippit case. Recall, you said that since Oswald shot Tippit he must have killed JFK. (If I were you I would not want to reply either.)
  7. Gary, you make Vince Bugliosi look like an amateur. He had about 2600 pages, but that was on the whole case and each aspect.
  8. The Nazis were clearly bent on dominating Eurasia, and with Italy and Japan, probably the world, although I would not include Western Hemisphere there. I do not think you could say that about the USSR.
  9. This started the day after Comey was canned. Here is some more info on it. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/02/17/mccabe-60-minutes-interview-graham-investigation/2870876002/ Now, lapdog Lindsey is going to call these guys to testify on the hill. Round and round it goes.
  10. Isn't it interesting that this was all over Trump canning Comey. In other words, the president fired your boss and now you are going to remove him from office? Compare that with what JFK was doing. I mean its night and day.
  11. Well, Mr. Wheeler this is sure as heck interesting isn't it, the Bureau was trying to get rid of Trump. And the guy said it on national TV: https://consortiumnews.com/2019/02/16/the-fbi-came-close-to-staging-a-coup/
  12. bart: That is the right answer. Its pretty clear that by this time the fix was in. To say that you saw Oswald anywhere else but where Hoover wanted him to be? Are you serious? In Dallas? The FBI inquiry into this case was a pathetic joke.
  13. I am sure Bart will post Doyle's full reply, of which the above is only a small segment. He already did at ROKC.
  14. Thanks John. But as I said I agree with those sentiments. Its a nest of vipers over there.
  15. I always thought that the date of November 16th was really something. That was only a few days before D Day. Plus Wade said he met with Hosty about 48 hours before. BTW Joe, don't you also have a later date for the whole LHO leaving the note at FBI HQ also or is that the late date for him leaving the note?
  16. Well, FC that was five hours ago I asked you to reply to these problems in the Tippit case. After giving you a day and a half. If you do not reply relatively soon, I will proceed to add more of these to show you just how hopeless it is to try and use the TIppit case to impute guilt to Oswald on the Kennedy case.
  17. In other words, if we buy this, he does not need a better photo like he told Al Rossi he did. Further I should add the Doyle reply is much fuller than the above. I am sure Kamp will post the whole thing with his responses here. He already did at ROKC.
  18. So Dave, you are saying that you could only get 240 lines of resolution once you went to tape from that?
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