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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. I agree. I am not sure if this is the show where I was almost wailing about how Trump is letting these guys break the law. But he is. See, the more I learn about what really happened with the ARRB, its really a shame. They had a good PR guy in Tom Samoluk, but the end result was kind of deceptive. I have come to the conclusion that they were not able to do their job in the defined length of time as a result of their being underfunded and understaffed. And also as Doug Horne wrote in his book, some people there were not as zealous as they should have been. I mean Earle Cabell as a CIA asset from 1959 and that info is NBR, not believed relevant? And it was held back for over 20 years? Please.
  2. The thing about Stone is that he came to prominence in the wrong era. In the Afterword to The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, I wrote about what had happened to the film industry of late. Back in the sixties and early seventies Stone would not have been exceptional in what he was doing. I mean when you had movies like Little Big Man, The Conversation, Medium Cool, Bonnie and Clyde, The Wild Bunch etc,. then Stone would not have seemed so much a dissenter. But Stone came to prominence in the eighties, the Age of Reagan. So to make movies like Salvador at that time? Plus, as Susan Sontag wrote in 1995, the American movie industry has become artistically irrelevant compared to what it was. So much so that she never wrote another essay after that on the subject. Though that piece created a mini controversy, I pretty much agreed with it. I mean when comic books and Star Wars make up the main staple of the menu, I mean please. Give me Easy Rider any day of the week. What makes that ironic is the Oscars now expanded to go up to ten nominees for Best Picture. Is that funny? So Oliver is pretty much out there on his own.
  3. What a story WN. I mean really. And it is so much more believable than Litwin's. Plus its much more relevant to the real world. You really should write a book on it. A great subject. If you decide to do it, let me know. I will be glad to help and even see if I can get you a publisher.
  4. You know Kirk I have CV on ignore so I only have to look at his stuff when someone else repeats it. Two others I had on ignore were Trejo and the Arizona lawyer who are both now gone. If you guys would ever say something that actually substantively replies to what I write, that is one thing, but to not even know what I am talking about---but to act as if you do--- tells me what you are about. I never said Bill and I killed the Mob did it theory. What I said was that we went after the whole "Garrison was tied up with the Mob" and therefore his inquiry was compromised Idea. That whole concept was quite prevalent within the community at the premiere of Stone's film. It had been propagated by the likes of John Davis and Walter Sheridan in their books. In fact Stone confronted Garrison with it when he met him. And Stone's chief researcher actually thought these accusations were real. In the first couple of public talks I did on Garrison, I would get questions about this. So I decided to get to work on it. And with help from the great archives researcher Peter Vea, who you two never heard of ,me and Bill Davy got the correct information on it. I addressed it at a COPA conference in Washington around 1995. What made that occasion appropriate was that Peter Scott was there and so was David Scheim, who had, respectively accused JG indirectly and directly of being so aligned. The late Bill Turner was also there. I took the charges up one by one and disposed of them. At the end of the talk, Scheim was backtracking, and Scott actually congratulated me. Turner, who worked for JG, shook my hand and said, "Garrison would be proud of you Jim!" Bill put it in his book and today it does not come up anymore. Is that in clear enough English for the Tag Team? Or should I draw it out in pictures frames? BTW, I don't recall either of you being there, or being invited to speak. Were you? As I used to say to Tommy Graves: if you don't have anything to say, then just don't say anything.
  5. He was a pretty bad guy. Not quite as bad as Cheney, but pretty bad. What he did as CIA Director in shutting down the Church Committee is just one example. And its pretty clear that he lied in his interviews about that job since he had been associated with the Agency prior to accepting the position. What he did as VP down there in Central America is really pretty awful stuff. There is very little doubt he was involved with the whole Contra drugs for arms shipments out of Florida. Claiming he was out of the loop is contradicted by his own diaries. As VP he broke a tie in the senate and voted for the nutty MX missile. And let us not forget, he is the guy who pardoned everyone after Lawrence Walsh indicted them for Iran Contra. Which, as the late great Bob Parry discovered, was really an extension of the October Surprise. Bush was a part of that also. Carlier and DVP like this guy?
  6. Here is a talk I did with Coast to Coast. This is only a small sample of the papers I have gone through. I still have many to survey. One of the most disappointing things about these new files is this: the more we find out about the ARRB, the worse they appear. When you listen to the show you will see what I mean. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2017/11/18
  7. Francois, Yes there are. But why should I share them with you? You and DVP and the Arizona lawyer (who, thank God, is not here anymore) are so invested in the WC at a metaphysical, psychological, and emotional level, that it really does not matter how much evidence I, or anyone else, produces. Which is why none of you would ever pass muster to be on a jury in this case, since normal terms of argument and ratiocination are foreign to your makeup. In fact, the other jurors would probably ask the judge to remove you. I have been on several radio shows since last October, besides BOR, and have talked about these discoveries which are in fact new. But i don't see any point in doing such a thing with you, DVP or similar types. It would be like arguing about the Third Reich with the Kenneth Mars character from the original film of The Producers.
  8. Then you really should write that book. See, Litwin is trying to sell a story that sounds kind of phony to me. From what I can gather, he is saying that he saw the Geraldo show in 1975, but then flipped with the HSCA report in 1979. Well, that makes for about four years as a critic of the WC. Even back in 1979, there was a rather large sized library to read and digest. So I find it hard to buy that he did do that in four years. Secondly, if he could have been swayed by the HSCA technical panels, then he did not analyze them with very much rigor, like getting on the phone and calling people. Further, the declassified docs show just how bad they were e.g. Canning complained about the data he was getting to do his trajectory tests. And he admitted that if that data was wrong, then his test were wrong. This makes me suspect that the pretext of his book is just that, one that is simply assumed for political purposes. But yours would not be. Which would make it really interesting.
  9. Bob Harris does good work in his videos on the JFK case. If you have not seen his destruction of Dale Myers' cartoon you should. But I accidentally stumbled onto this one. A laugh riot.
  10. David, he has a book out. It is cowritten with William Law, and through, Trine Day.
  11. Nice job David. God, this woman's story is so full of holes. I especially like the fact that she is working on a super secret project but has to worry about being evicted? I agree that is one long bus ride also. Carol Hewett tracked her story for CBS. She said from the time she dropped out of college until she arrived in New Orleans, she could not follow it at all. And Carol was a first class attorney who graduated from UT at Austin.
  12. CBC is only one instance. This guy is really in deep with the whole alt/right movement. He got Ronald Radosh to of a blurb for his JFK book. If you don't know, he was the former leftist professor turned right-winger who spent his life on the Rosenberg case. And there is still more to come.. The GOP Noise machine loves to promote these types of people. They can say, "Look, he saw the light, so can you." What happened in the last election was a product of exposure of who Trump is. That is why his approval ratings are in the thirties right now. Fred Litwin is running a fraud, he is protected by his friends and colleagues. There should be a way for unsuspecting people not to fall for his platform. My article in on the first page of both Bing and Yahoo. It will soon be at Google. That is my first salvo.
  13. BTW, is this a true story, or Inspired by a true story. The latter is the new rubric for Holly wood BS
  14. That film is called Crisis. It was made back in the sixties by the cinema verite film maker Charles Drew. If you want to see the revised approach to JFK and his career, you should have seen the Robert Dallek based two hour special at the fiftieth. A real stinker. I look at this as PBS being hard up because of all the cut backs by the GOP and having to go to private foundations. It was the same thing I found in the Burns' ten parter on Vietnam. Which somehow could not mention NSAM 263.
  15. Paz: The days of our side taking this crapola are over. If you don't knock it down then the implicit message is that it has some kind of value. This is the mistake Jim Garrison made with that whole mafia connection. It took hold. Even Oliver Stone bought into it. Until Bill Davy and myself decided to demolish it in print and public. That was also the mistake we made with Posner. Weisberg's book was too little too late. Dave Starks' idea of arranging 100 mistakes of fact and interpretation was a good one but that came late also. This is why I did what I did with Bugliosi's 2, 646 page cinder block, since I knew that no one was going to do the lengthy and thorough demolition of that book that was needed. People very much appreciated that effort. And it greatly disturbed the other side, just ask David Von Pein. When you expose someone in all of their incompetence and stupidity, that is not giving them exposure. The only way one can conclude that is if one does not read the article. No one, repeat: no one, likes getting a bad review. Whether its a book, a play, a movie or a recording. I know this since I used to write movie reviews. Analyzing in depth why LItwin is either stupid or a prevaricator, and showing with declassified documents that Garrison was correct elevates the DA and shows why Litwin is worthless. If you don't want to read the article then fine, that is your option. But that is the effect if you do read it. But also, by using these declassified documents, I show the reader that the mythology the other side is trying to create: that the ARRB produced nothing of value is BS. Because I am one of the few people who has read them. That is why Stone wanted me to do the AV supplement to the DVD of his film when it came out. Many people liked since it exposed the attacks on him as being gaseous. Just ask Reitzes. But also, what this does is it motivates and empowers our readers to take action. How many of them have read these documents? I know this is the case since they send me copies of their communications to either the publishing entity or the author. They very much like not being made to feel powerless. And there really is not anyone, except maybe 2 other people, who can do this with the New Orleans aspect except me, since I know it well. There is more coming. The days of suffering in silence are over. Me 2
  16. Yes David that lists the camera. But I distinctly recall seeing the actual camera lying on the floor but not within a spread out display of the evidence. It was laying against the wall horizontally. I could have sworn someone here captured it, maybe Ray M?
  17. I could have sworn I once saw a picture of the MInox in the DPD prop room laying on the floor up against the wall. I think something was on top of it. I thought it was on this site. Does anyone recall that picture? If you do, can you retrieve it?
  18. BTW, since Litwin dropped his morsel of his book here he has been a busy beaver. He had a brief article in Toronto Star, and did a TV show in Ontario. He also had said that he turned went from one side to the other in the space of four years. That is from the Z film ABC showing to the HSCA report. Pretty short time he was a JFK Conspiracy Freak. Fred did another article for an online journal which I will discuss in a separate article. We may have to set up something called the Litwin Watch.
  19. I did notice that AOL article, which was not as bad as the first one. I mean, why not talk about something genuine like what he did with civil rights? I mean if i could do this why couldn't some reporter at AOL have done it? Or how about his showdown with the steel companies? Or the Missile Crisis? Or the American University speech? This is what I mean about this cottage industry and how effective it has become.
  20. So Don, is your conclusion that Nixon was there for a prisoner exchange of OPLAN 34 ARVN guys?
  21. Yes that is what I recalled. They worked Saturday, but not with the public. And you are saying the camera coverage would have caught him anyway? What is the significance of the signature at the bottom?
  22. Ron: Whenever DVP brings up his WC ideas of the Tippit murder, just link to this article https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-tippit-case-in-the-new-millennium This includes the newest research on that case and shows the cover up that the WC performed on the death of Tippit. The whole timeline of TIppit's activities from about a little before noon to the time he is killed was completely concealed by the Warren cover up artists. That is why I had to use McBride's book to put together what he was really doing in the last hour of his life. You will never find that out from the WR. Jim Garrison did a fairly nice job on that case but I don't think he ever got to the importance of Croy and Westbrook and their BS stories. Or how Hill did the cover up through the press on that. BTW that article on Tippit really hit a nerve. Talk about a lot of views.
  23. Cory, Since when is Jenkins a physician? And he was not a pathologist either. Also, you have threads on that already. DVP just added in those senseless quotes form Humes, because he doesn't know jack about New Orleans. You do, so it would be more proper for me to ask you to comment on Litwin's chapter on Jim Garrison.
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