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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Napolitano is basically a good guy which may be why he is not on Fox anymore. I like his show and even though I disagree with his politics I like him personally. But I really do not know what to think about Trump's claim. I mean, of course I hope its true, but at this point in his career, he simply does not have much credibility. The latest being that Mar-al-ago is worth 1.5 billion?
  2. RFK had no role in MM's death. Proved by Don McGovern and Susan Bernard. There was no FBI taping or by Hoffa. Proved by Gary Vitacco Robles and the New York authorities who arrested Spindel. Therefore, the above is flapdoodle. Rothmiller was trying to sell a silly book. Mike is starting to sound as goofy as Mark Shaw.
  3. Ben: McKnight did a nice job on that issue largely based on Don Gibson's milestone work. Gibson also noted that by 12:55 PM, Hoover had been in contact with the Dallas Office three times already. (Gibson, The Kennedy Assassination Cover Up, p. 22). This is amazing since Oswald had not been apprehended yet. Or even been accused of shooting Tippit. In fact the name of Oswald does not become available until about 2 PM when Fritz returns from the TSBD. But the name Hidell is in the wallet at the Tippit scene. By 2:30 PM Hoover is trying to convince RFK that Oswald was not just the killer but a Red. Not realizing that RFK is not buying that false paradigm. Gibson notes that by about 3:15 a deluge beings to overwhelm the media about Oswald from more than one source: The FBi and Hal Hendrix and The Christchurch Star. When AF One lands and the Cabinet plane lands, they get two sources one form the SItuation Room another based on wire services. (p. 26)
  4. That is a good question William. There have been cases where the Court overruled the president, or ruled a congressional law unconstitutional. And there have been times that congress negated a president's executive order, like neutralizing the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. But I would have to look up if a president just tossed aside an act of congress like this.
  5. Roger O. Read some Vince Salandria about this. That has been my take on what Vince meant also. The idea that this would have something to do with what Hoover was on to, I mean really? In addition to pronouncing Oswald the sole killer within two hours, J. Edgar Hoover was running the investigation from the night of the murder when he demanded the DPD turn over the crucial evidence. And as many have noted, including the excellent Carol Hewett, that evidence was not returned intact. This is why there are two different versions of the original Dallas evidence. Before Hoover and after Hoover. So in addition to insisting Oswald was the killer within two hours of the murder, Hoover then was allowed to actually make the case against him. Because even though the Commission decided to not use the FBI report--one reason being Hoover did not buy the Magic Bullet--he was by far their chief investigator on the case. The CIA, and the Secret Service did not come close. And those in the FBI knew what he was doing. For instance, Bill Turner told me that once he saw the reports he knew the fix was in. There were three steps to an FBI inquiry: collection of all relevant leads, following those leads to their viable end, collating the material into a report which did not make a conclusion. Turner said, it was obvious that step two had not been done. But yet the FBI had come to a conclusion anyway. Bill said, look I know the routine since i lived it for ten years. FBI agents do not act like that unless they know what the top guys want, meaning Tolson and Hoover and Belmont. That investigation had to be rigged from the start.
  6. The phone calls between Hoover and RFK that are in Talbot's book really say a lot. Hoover essentially says, Your brother has been shot. Calls back about 20 minutes later, Your brother is dead. About ten days later he ripped out Bobby's personal line into his office. The Kennedys did two things that Hoover did not wish to do: 1.) Go after the Mob, and 2.)Back the civil rights movement. Recall what Bobby said about Hoover's communist threat? If you took out all the FBI undercover agents, there would not be any communist party.
  7. KK: Hoover was reluctant. Now I know you did not read Bart's book. In about two hours, Hoover is pushing the Oswald angle. The call from Carter to Dallas is about 8-9 M that night.
  8. Well Sandy how good does that make RFK look then? Within about 48 hours he had fingered a CIA/Cuban exile/Mafia plot. And in a week, he is sending a message to Moscow saying that he knows this is a large domestic conspiracy. And that detente will now be put on hold.
  9. BTW, I should add that if Peter Scott is correct on this theory, then this argues for Johnson and Hoover not being part of the original conspiracy. I should add, that this is a good aspect in Bart's book. His book is, in large part, an hour by hour chronicle of the weekend of the assassination up to the murder of Oswald. The book really shows how hard Hoover is pushing the Oswald did it angle. Even with RFK, who of course, is not buying it.
  10. Yes, that is all accurate Ron. The speed with which that debate got out in the open public is startling.
  11. The communist angle was due to Hoover and the information they got from CIA about LHO in Mexico City. You can hear it on the tapes, except for the 14 1/2 minute gap. Hoover then tells LBJ about the voice not being Oswald and the picture not being Oswald. So they both had reason to doubt that story. Both Hoover and LBJ decided to go with the lone sociopath angle. As Peter Scott noted years ago, this seemed to thwart the whole Cuba/Russia angle that the conspirators seemed to be gunning for. John Newman took this angle further in this Oswald and the CIA volume. Here is an MSM version of what happened with Alexander and Carter. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/11/14/warren-commission-born-out-of-fear/4f621e1e-a49f-4ce8-ab92-a3e5296ac0b6/
  12. Sandy: That memo blames Oswald for killing JFK, and its Oswald alone. Katzenbach then starts pushing for an FBI inquiry when he knows what Hoover is doing already. Now, its bad enough to blame LHO for the murder of JFK without any real investigation of either the evidence or Oswald. But to do this with what happened with Ruby's murder of Oswald ringing in your ears? The Katzenbach memo was really a kind of a brief outline for the WC. Blame Oswald and no conspiracy. Of any kind. And yes, I think Katzenbach's subsequent performance, in more ways than one, does not speak well for him. DId you see him in John Barbour's film?
  13. There is no way you can forgive the Katzenbach memo. Bobby Kennedy made him by having him as his point man at Ole Miss and Alabama, got him international exposure. Then after Ruby kills Oswald on TV, he writes that memo which echoes Hoover? It essentially closed the case by saying this would be a PR exercise and not a vigorous, imaginative inquiry. He then more or less backed the war. And later became a corporate lawyer. If you do not recall how bad this was, here: https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Katzenbach_Memo.html
  14. Pat Speer: 2. The images were still quite blurry--nearly identical to what is in the public domain. If one wants to get access to the original film, and have it studied, then fire away. Get on it. But I'm not aware of anyone who'd attended that screening believing further study will prove anything. The above is not true.
  15. Are you out to lunch? I saw a better picture which you did not see. Is that plain English?
  16. In Bart's book, he proffers some info I had not seen that Hoover was blindly pushing for Oswald as the sole killer on the 22nd. Yet, the guy has no idea what was going on in Mexico City? And he admits later in the day that the DPD case is very weak. In fact, Hoover was so unconcerned he went to the racetrack on Saturday. But he later on did realize that the CIA had deceived him on Oswald in Mexico City. In fact, its almost funny to see how far behind the curve the FBI was in Mexico City. Ochoa and Echeverria really had everything in order before the FBI started. In fact, even Willens was surprised by how those two had rigged it all before the FBI got there. Hoover despised the Kennedys, especially RFK. But is there any excuse for Katzenbach, who owed so much to them? Within 72 hours, he has sold them down the river. How can you close the case after what Ruby just did? With 75 cops and detectives standing around? And Patrick Dean saying how Ruby had gotten him into a fix.
  17. If you listen to what Andrew says, Biden changed the law without consulting congress. It was unilateral. As Andrew notes, the clear implication of the jFK Act is that its strictures would adhere until all the documents were released. This diverting of the act began under Trump and its now continued with Biden. The MFF lawsuit was filed before the Biden executive order. Andrew specifically said he will not comment on that until the action is completed. Which, as of now, it has not been.
  18. If you did not listen to this you should. Andrew Iler is lawyer from Ontario who had done some very good work on the JFK Records Collection Act. He wrote a good essay for K and K and he agreed to be interviewed by Len and myself on BOR. It is very revealing about what the White House is up to with the executive order and how gutless congress is. What Biden has essentially done is to overturn the JFK Records Act. Which was passed overwhelmingly and Biden voted for it. Simply amazing. And where is the media on this? Nowhere, nada, nothing. Not one peep as far as i can see. The second segment is Mr. Abbott who has done some remarkable work indexing the Garrison files. There was one previous attempt at this by the legendary Peter Vea. But this one goes way beyond what Peter did, mainly since so many more pages of those files have been recovered. There is a huge about of info in those files. contrary to what the MSM and some in the critical community have tried to convey. For whatever reasons. https://www.blackopradio.com/pod/black1166.mp3
  19. The back to back memos, one from the FBI and then from the DOJ, pretty much sealed the deal. How one could do that in the wake of Ruby shooting Oswald live on TV amid 75 police officers is amazing. Clearly both were made in a panic mode. I think it was Eugene Rostow who tried to talk to Katzenbach on Sunday, but said he sounded kind of groggy. And recall, it was Katzenbach who was at the first Warren Commission meeting. As Pat says, he was actually pushing for them to simply accept the FBI report. Some people think that the 25th memo is really based on the 24th FBI one. In other words Katzenbach was simply following the dictates of the higher ups at the FBI. There is probably some truth to this. And if so, I think it is revelatory of how and why RFK decided to just sit it out.
  20. Will you stop this. I mean its really embarrassing, although you do not seem to care one way or the other. Have you read the book? Have you tried to secure the original film or a closer copy? Then stop saying this stuff. Its pure arrogance born from ignorance.
  21. I am bound by an NDA. And that is as far as I will go. But I reiterate, IT IS NOT SARAH STANTON.
  22. I am bound by an NDA. And that is as far as I will go. But I reiterate, IT IS NOT SARAH STANTON.
  23. Let me reiterate an important point from the review. Mark Shaw was a criminal defense lawyer. Which means he knows the rules of evidence and testimony, and he understands how lawyers can object to admittance of such, and a judge will then rule on that. This standard is what is so shockingly absent from his speech and almost all of his books. While the critical community has been trying to prepare a case that will follow those strictures, Shaw completely ignores them in every way imaginable. If you missed how Don McGovern eviscerated what Shaw did with that so called 'Security log" at Fox, please read it-- I mean please! Shaw is so bad on this--in every way-- that it is utterly preposterous.
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