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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. What about any updates from Kossor or this Blackwell guy, who i never head of before. I am really surprised if the laptop cannot be salvaged. As Mr. Butler had said, you can do that. Does anyone know anything about this at all?
  2. Mervyn: In a previous post, and I can fish it out if you like, you wrote that somehow the Mob got JFK elected and the Mob killed him. You specifically named Marcello. I am explaining why the material used by those who argue as such is not credible today. Have you changed your mind?
  3. For those who cannot find the Dutz Murret stuff, it was declassified by the ARRB. The depositions were with his wife, Lillian, and his son Eugene, dated November 6, 1978 and November 7, 1978 respectively. She made it clear that Dutz was not working with Sam Saia in 1963, he had quit that job and was out of the gambling business way before 1963. The son's deposition--who was a lawyer-- was more specific. He said that Dutz was out of the gambling sphere in 1959. And just prior to that he had split from Saia and was independent. He then worked on the wharves in a regular job in 1963 and for a few years prior. Hey maybe McLendon's ship Mervyn?
  4. Here is the academic article which shows the idea that the Outfit fixed the 1960 election in Chicago for JFK--used by hacks like Sy Hersh-- is wrong. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5154619_Organized_crime_and_the_1960_presidential_election As I have also said, the HSCA declassified files prove that the Dutz Murret info as working for Marcello in 1963 was also wrong. That info is not hard to find. And if Mervyn cannot find it, then why does he not ask Gary or Larry for it? Third, the idea that Marcello could do away with Kennedy as an independent decision, without the national crime Commission agreeing to it, is simply off the wall.
  5. All the stuff that Mike uses above has been addressed by Jeff Carter and been shown to be wrong. Jeff did something Mike did not. He researched it and actually got the tapes. So this John McAdams junk is just that, junk. As per the Stalin FDR thing, that was something that Stalin thought and was in a Parade magazine article and Jeff can get that article if you do not think its around. Prouty was only using it to show the disagreement and suspicion between Churchill and Stalin and how Stalin knew that without FDR, the war time alliance would be lost. Which it was. I talk about this a bit on Len's show this evening.
  6. The points Livingstone made are valid, and as I recall Horne did not mention them. Boyajian did not specify it was Kennedy's casket. He did not sign his own report? None of the ten others signed it? When he was questioned, he could not recall if it was Kennedy's casket? The ARRB could not figure out if this was the original report or not? The hearse traversed 18 miles in 20 minutes? (BTW, Lifton later on dismissed the helicopter flight.)
  7. I agree with Ben, that NSAM 263 should have been enough to convince most people. But to show you how the MSM resisted, it was not until the ARRB declassified the May 1963 Sec Def conference record that the NY Times actually admitted that Kennedy was getting out of Vietnam as the time of his death. This was i think in 1997. Six years after the controversy first broke out.
  8. The idea that JFK was getting out of Vietnam had been systematically suppressed by LBJ and then the media for decades. In fact, Johnson actually tried to say the contrary: that he was continuing Kennedy's policy in Indochina, when he knew this was false. A very good example of this suppression was through David Halberstam and Neil Sheehan. Both NY TImes reporters. The Best and the Brightest, as Warren Hinckle once said, is one of the greatest BS books ever written. In that book, Halberstam did all he could to conceal what Kennedy was really doing in his last months, and also the role of John K. Galbraith. That book sold well over a million copies and has had a terribly pernicious influence, since it tried to pass itself off as history. Which it was not. There were some attempts to correct this mythology, for example, by Peter Scott. But they had little influence in the MSM. It was not until 1991, when Stone utilized what Prouty had done, and had it reinforced by Newman, that the impact of this policy reversal was first felt. And man how it was resisted. This is I think, and I think Jeff does also, the reason they tried to pillory Fletcher. But today, this information is now out there and prevalent both in the critical community and the public. There is no putting it back in the bottle. Its the truth.
  9. Who is Eugene? Do you have a problem with my name?
  10. Mervyn: What you are saying above has been discredited. And I mean discredited. The Mafia did not win for JFK since the voting in wards controlled by the Chicago Outfit was at a lower ration in 1960 than before. A professor studied this and came to the conclusion that, if anything, the Outfit was discouraging Kennedy votes, since in another race, where they were trying to replace someone, the ratio was higher. That study is available online and anyone can see it. As per your Marcello stuff, the whole thing about Dutz Murret and Oswald was negated by the HSCA declassified files. He was not working for Marcello in 1963. He had retired two years prior and gone into business for himself. As per Becker and the whole stone in my shoe, there is a guy who has now found evidence that neuters this story and is working on a book about it. The idea that Marcello could take out Kennedy without that being a Committee decision is so silly as to be almost risible. And every piece of evidence from Brilab to the Texas tapes has been shown to the faulty. In the first case, it just was not there, and the second case, its clear Marcello was suffering from dementia.
  11. Jeff did a nice job on that whole anti semitic smear. And I agree with him and Fletcher: the idea that Kennedy was getting out of Vietnam was a bombshell of several megaton impact back in 1991. The MSM and the political establishment did not want to hear it. period. It was bad enough that they let the WC slide, now they failed to notice that--hey Johnson reversed Kennedy's policy and had troops in Vietnam less than four months after the final volumes of the WC were published? And no one noticed that then? Fletcher was Stone's original source on this. And I am still trying to locate that excellent 1986 article he did on the subject. That will be the focus of Part 3.
  12. I would not buy into the Boyajian Report so readily. I was not a big fan of Harry Livingstone, and I gave his book Kaleidosope a poor review. But this part was a valuable piece. V. The Valuable There is another document which Horne very much played up in his book as being another smoking gun. This one was used to back the idea that Kennedy’s body was not really being transferred to Bethesda Medical Center by Bobby and Jackie Kennedy as millions watched on television as they drove across Washington. That particular casket was empty. The body was actually entered into Bethesda at 6:35 PM, not at the later, official time of seven o’clock. Horne referred to this document more than once throughout the book, and each time it was referenced as backing up David Lifton’s theory of body swiping and wound alteration.[65] Horne referred to it as the Boyajian report. Roger Boyajian was a Marine Sgt. on duty at Bethesda on the 22nd. He led a small detail of men that day called the Honor Guard.[66] According to Horne, Boyajian wrote a report the next day that proves that it was his detail that actually brought in Kennedy’s casket at the earlier time of 6:35. Therefore Lifton and his body switching idea are upheld. In my review of Horne’s series, I did not mention Boyajian or his report. This was supposed to be dealt with by Gary Aguilar in another review of Horne’s series. Unfortunately Aguilar was going through a long and complicated divorce process that entailed him having to relocate. So he never got around to writing his review. Well, Livingstone deals with the issue at length here, and in my opinion he does a good job with it. It would appear that Horne oversold the document and Livingstone uses the opportunity to really pile onto Horne with a lot of invective. I wouldn’t go as far as he does in that regard but let us spell out some of the problems that the document has and that Horne did not elucidate very well. First, the actual report does not say that the casket picked up by Boyajian’s men was President Kennedy’s.[67] In the one sentence that deals with the issue it is referred to only as “the casket”. As Livingstone properly notes, this is a serious fault with Horne’s claim. It is hard to believe that if Boyajian knew he was handling JFK’s casket, would he not write that down and specifically note that fact? Further, there is a real problem of authentication as this report is not signed by Boyajian and there is no trace in the record as to why he did not sign it. There is a second page to the report that lists the ten men in the detail – none of which signed the document either. What makes it all a bit worse is that when the ARRB questioned Boyajian about whether he recalled picking up Kennedy’s casket, Boyajian couldn’t recall doing so.[68] In fact, he could not recall much at all about that day. And importantly, it does not appear that the report the ARRB had was the original document leading us to question as to whether or not that original was ever filed with the military.[69] All of this seems strange if the casket really was Kennedy’s. Additionally, Livingstone shows, if one lives in the area, as he did, it is very hard to understand how Horne could buy into this idea without questions. After all, Horne did live in Washington while working for the ARRB. As Livingstone describes it, the route through downtown Washington from Andrews AFB to Bethesda is about 18 miles.[70] But yet for the Boyajian report to say what Horne declares it says, somehow this transport traversed the 18 miles in about 20 minutes.[71] Unless the driver was proceeding at a continuous 60 MPH on city streets, this does not seem possible. There was no trap door near where the coffin was located on the return trip from Dallas on November 22, 1963. The square grille in the near foreground was directly under the bathroom in the Presidential suite in 1963. The space where a trapdoor was claimed to have been would have been all the way at the rear of the cargo hold in the middle. In addition, according to Boeing diagrams and blueprints, there are any number of control cables and wires running through the floor down the center aisle which would have precluded any kind of trap door being in that area. Boeing's diagrams from 1962 (when the plane was placed into service (in October, 1962)) do not show any trap door in the rear of the plane leading to the rear cargo hold. (Photo Courtesy Jamie Sawa) As Livingstone explains, Boyajian did not pick up Kennedy’s casket. Bethesda is also a morgue. It did not stop being so just because Kennedy was being transported there that day. Other military men died that day. After all, America was involved in a war. Livingstone interviewed several people who identified another person’s body being delivered to the morgue that day. There was no autopsy done and his body was being stored in the “Cold Room” for burial at Arlington.[72] The weight of the evidence seems to dictate that it was this person’s body that Boyajian’s detail picked up. There are other good points that Livingstone develops to counter some of the excesses in Horne’s books. For instance, the issue of Roy Kellerman having blood on his shirt aboard Air Force One does not mean that Kellerman was somehow performing surgery on JFK’s body in a secret compartment. Kellerman helped get Kennedy’s body out of the limousine and onto a gurney at Parkland. [73] And concerning the alleged secret compartment, Livingstone supplies some good photos illustrating the work of James Sawa showing that there was “no trap door leading from the rear baggage compartment up to the rear of the aircraft.” This vitiates one of the earlier theories Lifton had about secret surgery on board Air Force One.[74]
  13. This is all very relevant I think Joe. But to my knowledge, the only pics we have that are around today are those allegedly taken by Stringer. And those depict a pretty much intact brain with some disruption on the low right side. And that reportedly weights 1500 grams. BTW, in that HSCA illustration, I don't even see a bullet track. I hope I am wrong about that.
  14. It is utterly bizarre that the brain was not weighed that night. IMO, there is no excuse for that.
  15. Michael: I actually think its worse than that. And recall, we had a neurologist in Stone's film talk about this. I am really glad we got that in.
  16. Michael Crane: I don't know if I'm addressing your post correctly,but Humes & Burkley are up to their neck in this sh*t I agree with this. Why is it only Humes signing the supplementary? With Stover and Galloway as the certification. If Burkley took the brain from Humes, then how can he read that supplementary with the 12/6 date on it with a straight face: 1500 grams? He was at Parkland and Bethesda. He signed the death certificate.
  17. BTW, its not just Solie and McCord, I am pretty sure that John thinks McCoy was also a double agent.
  18. I just did a segment of Aaron Good's American Exception on this subject. Largely based on this article of mine.
  19. Nobody was above Angleton. That is why he was called No Knock Angleton. Because he could just walk into Dulles' office unannounced. Angleton carried Dulles' ashes at his funeral. What I think John means is that in that segment inside of OS, SRS, Solie was something like second in command.
  20. Joe, I hope you know that this really did not happen. But what I was showing what could have happened if it would not have been an unprepared Spence and a very prepared Lane.
  21. I was not referring to him Micah. I was referring to Mastrovito. As was Mike
  22. Part 4: Revised London Trial Lane: Your honor, with the pictures brought into question and the brain weight now in dispute, I would like to show another video. Bugliosi: (Pleading in his voice) Your honor please! Lane: Your honor this will all be very relevant to the question I am posing, its a film of primary witnesses who all saw Kennedy's brain the day he was killed. Judge: I think that is relevant. Lane shows the montage video of witnesses. Lane: Now your honor, I have a matching transcript which I will submit. But I would note that there are as many witnesses from Parkland as from Bethesda who all say that there was a substantial part of Kennedy's brain missing that day. I mean, this includes FBI agents at the autopsy, Dr, Carrico from Parkland, mortician Tom Robinson. Twelve witnesses total. Can they all be wrong about what they saw? Their testimony matches the previous montage I showed you about Kennedy's head exploding in Dealey Plaza. In fact, your illustration for the HSCA shows a pretty much intact brain Dr, petty does it not? Petty: Yes I would say so.
  23. Part 3: Revised London Trial Lane: Now Dr. Petty, you have testified in many trials. Is not a rule of law that the person taking the photo or illustration must certify that he took it under oath? Petty: Yes that is correct. Lane: So these autopsy photos would not be admissible then? Petty: No they would not be. Lane: Now, I would like to show the court some films and photos taken in the aftermath of Kennedy's assassination. This is a montage taken for a certain purpose. Bugliosi: Your honor, please. Lane: I am laying a foundation for my next questions of his witness your honor. Its an offer of proof. Judge: Overruled. Lane shows the video in the courtroom. Lane: Now that was a film composed of the Zapruder film with a freeze frame at Z 313 showing the head explosion. You all saw the blood and tissue flying into the air. I followed that with pictures of the back seat of the limousine caked in blood and tissue, the Secret Service actually tried to wipe this off. I then showed photos of Jackie Kennedy's dress, a very memorable sight. The next to last person in the montage was Dr Jenkins at Parkland Hospital, he said that the widow handed him a piece of Kennedy's brain. The very last witnesses were the two cyclists to Kennedy's left; they said they were pelted so hard with brain tissue and bone that they thought they were being shot at. Lane: Dr Petty, should not a pathologist always weigh the brain during autopsy? Petty: Yes. Lane: That was not done in this case was it? Petty: No it was not. Lane: In fact at some time before December 6 th, Dr. Humes recorded the weight of the brain. But before we get to that, let me ask the witness this: What is the weight on average of someone's brain? Petty: About 1350 grams. Lane: That is correct according to an extensive Dutch study of over 8000 specimens. Now I am going to flash on the screen a blown up part of the supplementary autopsy report which records the brain weight by Dr. Humes. I would like the witness to read off the figure. Petty: It says 1500 grams. Lane: Now Dr Petty, how in God's name can Kennedy's brain weigh 150 grams above the average after all that evidence I presented showing it exploding into the air, splattered in the back seat, covering his wife's dress, and smashing with great force onto bystanders. Petty does not answer.
  24. Part 2: Revised London trial. Lane: Dr Petty do you know a man named John Stringer? Petty: I think he was the official autopsy photographer in the JFK case. Lane: Yes he was. I did a deposition with him at NARA and showed him his alleged photos. I asked him what kind of film the photos were based on. As I hand you this court certified deposition, please turn to page six as I have underlined his reply. Please read it to the jury. Petty: This is Ansco film. Lane: Now read the next question. Petty: Did you use Ansco? Lane: And what is the reply? Petty: No, I used Kodak. Lane: Now, Dr. Petty you know what a press pack technique is, correct? Petty: Yes its when you take a series of photos in one camera. And the pictures come out with numbers on them. Lane: Please go to page nine in the transcript and read the question i asked him about this. Bugliosi: Your honor this is highly irregular. Judge: You agreed to his counselor. Objection overruled. Hm. I have to say, its getting interesting. Petty: The question is : Did you use the press pack technique? Lane: And what did he reply, please read the whole response. Petty: The witness got up and walked over to the photos, he started to look at the number in the corner. He said, "See these numbers, this is a press pack. That is why the numbers are there. I did not use press pack. I used duplex holders" Lane: Now you know the difference between the two methods do you not? Petty: Yes I do. Lane: Could an experienced autopsy photographer really confuse one with the other? Petty: I don't think so.
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