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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Adam: You likely do not know this. But the DA's office conducted a year long inquiry into these matters, including the charges made by people like Slatzer and Jeanne Carmen. Very similar to what Rothmiller comes up with more recently. DA Ronald Carrol wrote a 641 page report which refuted them specifically and in detail. The MM nuts only mention a 27 page report. But that was only the summary. Gary VItacco Robles petitioned the office for the full report. And he uses it in his book Icon. Which is how we know, in just one matter, that unlike Rothmiller states, that neither LAPD nor FBI , or Spindel taped her house. I would think 641 pages of inquiry would be enough to show that the mythological cum scatological stories produced by the likes of Slatzer and Speriglio were false. Don't you? I mean Don did a very good job taking apart Rothmiller's book on other crucial matters about where RFK was that day, and Rothmiller's false depiction on the specific cause of death. One thing Don left out. Lawford's confession to Rothmiller was his third one. Yessiree. One to Heymann, which changed over time--after Lawford died-- and another to his former wife, Patricia Seaton who he was married to for four months. Here is the zinger. The confessions are all different. LOL.🙃 And I hope you noticed the diary entries are different between Rothmiller and Grandison. And when see her actual journal writing? Completely different. How can this be--different confessions, different diaries. I think we know why. Because RFK was never near Brentwood that day. Don proves that with photos and testimony. And the pics were described many years before they first appeared also.
  2. Posner I would love to debate in almost any milieu. I offered him the stage at UCLA, plus all the admission fees and any broadcast fees. Nope.
  3. Are you saying a personal or sexual relationship? Or a business one. You did not specify which. And why are you putting the word research in quotes? If anything should be placed in quotes, its that piece of drivel Double Cross. The reason I say this is simple: authors like McGovern and VItacco-Robles have spent years and thousands of hours working on both MM's life and her passing. And they have done original research. That is they have interviewed many, many people. Why should you belittle that effort?
  4. In the new book I am a contributor to Andrew Iler, a very good attorney who is an expert on the JFK Act, will explain this whole issue of standards of proof in the law. He consulted with Tanenbaum on it. Standards of proof originated for the very reason that the community could not afford to make a mistake with a man's life or liberty. You can say that again.
  5. Wecht has always been good on this. As he was in Oliver's film, and the hat holding has always been compelling. Thompson's first book is also very good on this. And make no mistake, Specter knew it. That is why he told the WC, as revealed by Epstein's new book, we either go with the Magic Bullet or we start looking for a second assassin. There was no way they were going to do the latter. In this way--that they knew better but still allowed for a cockamie story to cover up for what really happened--they were part of a deliberate cover up. You have it right from Specter's lips.
  6. Thanks Paul. In tracing that whole MM case, it became a sensationalistic industry in the mid seventies. And there was probably no person more responsible for that than Slatzer. He literally made up this story about him being married to MM, which was complete and utter BS. In fact he promised to pay a friend of his if he would lie for him about it to Summers. Well, the guy lied, Summers bought it, but Slatzer welched on the deal. Did not pay him. So the guy then told the truth: that Slatzer made up a cock and bull story in order to sell his book. In his volume, Murder Orthodoxies, McGovern spent 20 pages utterly dismantling that piece of rubbish story. (pp. 48-68) And I have to add that as bad as Mailer's book was, Slatzer's was even worse. His book really broke the dam, and once it was out there, and went through a mass market paperback sale, all bets were off. Anything was now allowed. And I mean anything. Even space aliens. And Bobby telling Marilyn about how he was involved in Murder Inc. Which he was not. In fact, its ridiculous. But Slatzer printed that garbage. Thus the gates flew open. It was open season now on MM. She could be turned into anything you needed her to be: Mafia moll, UFOlogist, secret KGB spy, foreign policy expert for JFK. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. Slatzer ended up selling two films and two books out of his phony claims. Which turned out to be lucrative for him. Very bad for everyone else. Especially. the memory of MM.
  7. SL: But what we can do is to choose carefully whose judgements we do trust and follow those individuals. I've found that Jim D. is one of those people for me. I've seen him post only a few small things I disagree with him on. (I've said this before, but lucky for me Jim has the ear of a very influential WC critic.) Thanks Sandy, and I think I know who you mean. 😀
  8. They did invite me once but I did not go. I cannot go to this one since I will be in Pittsburgh. Gus Russo will probably be there.
  9. BTW, there were two nurses who said they saw a bullet there. Hall and the student nurse Judy Tuohy. (check Sp.)
  10. Lori is by far doing the best work on this. If she cannot get anything out of LAPD then they must have clamped down hard. Why? Many unanswered questions.
  11. Michael: Don McGovern analyzes that claim about her death in his book and shows it has no credibility. Don and Gary VItacco Robles, in his new book Icon, part 2 shows that her house was never bugged. It was an old house that had been rewired by the phone company. Wiretapper Bernie Spindel never mentioned MM in his 1968 book. And in a letter to the LA DA's office about the subject--contrary to what Robert Slatzer claimed--the New York authorities said that they never discovered any MM tapes when they raided Spindel's home on illegal wiretapping charges.
  12. If anyone is an amateur on that case it was Jeremy. And so is Doug Thompson. It takes a very long time to understand the whole ugly mess that became the MM morass. Only people who take the time to do so can understand what a hoax it really is. Don McGovern has read something like 120 books on that case. Plus he went through 1000 pages of documents from the archives at CSUN from the Capell/Slatzer collection. Plus he helped Gary VItacco Robles write his 1200 page bio on MM, Icon, which is probably the best one out there. Monroe grew up with a mother who had to be institutionalized. She then lived in an orphanage and in some foster homes. She never met her father, although she suspected who he was. She never met her sister until she was 15. Monroe had been married and divorced three times by the time she was 35. MM tried to take her life four times previously. She had three psychoanalysts in about 8 years. She was a terrible insomniac. She became a drug addict in the extreme who bought drugs off the black market. Two of the drugs she used were Tuinal and Nembutal. At the time of her death, she had consumed something like 769 pills in about a month and a half. Both Tuinal and Nembutal are more or less off the market today and in fact, in some states, are used in assisted suicides, euthanasia.. It was the combination of Nembutal and Chloral Hydrate that killed MM, because the latter--when taken in excess-- can depress respiration and blood pressure. In fact the amount of drugs she consumed would have killed 2-3 people. Her doctors should never have been allowing her to take that many drugs. What happened to MM was what later happened to Elvis and Michael Jackson. And, in fact, today her doctors would have been on trial and clearly been suspended, fined and perhaps even sent to prison. Frank Capell, a professional Red baiter who was close to Hoover, decided to capitalize on Monroe's tragedy politically. He wrote a pamphlet in 1964 to stop Bobby from winning his senate seat in New York. Capell's pamphlet was the beginning of the political/commercial usage of MM, or as John GIlmore said, the trashing of Marilyn to cash in for a buck. Capell was followed by Norman Mailer and the professional fraud Robert Slatzer--probably the worst of the sorry lot. Slatzer actually claimed he was married to MM. This has been exposed as pure BS. Once Slatzer published his book in 1974, the industry and the cheapjack imitators were on a rampage to trash both MM and the Kennedys. And to even turn MM into a Mafia Moll. Which is utterly crazy. The Outfit never owned her contract or came close to it as that BS book Double Cross tries to state. How wacky did it get? If you listen to these hacks, MM was actually at meetings on the Cuba project while Kennedy was president. Another one had her being used to entice Castro in the CIA plots. How nuts is nuts?
  13. Even Dick Helms admitted to Bugliosi that this was not true. John Newman decimated that thesis methodically by taking apart both Bissell and Halpern.
  14. Cory, please: Anyone who reads the IG Report, which was declassified in 1995, would know that the CIA plots to kill Castro were never approved by any president. (See pgs. 132-33) And RFK only found out about them because of Maheu helping Giancana bug McGuire's room in Vegas. When the CIA fessed up to why Maheu had done this, they had to tell RFK about the plots. But CIA lawyer Larry Huston told him they were over. This was a deliberate lie. They were continuing, with Harvey and Rosselli and they knew that when they told him the opposite. I mean this has been out there for 30 years and some people still do not know it?
  15. Here is a link to Don McGovern's demolition of Rothmiller. https://marilynfromthe22ndrow.com/wp/bombshell-the-night-rfk-killed-marilyn/
  16. Oh no, now Mike has descended into the whole Marilyn Monroe cesspool? Peter Lawford never said any such thing. In fact, he said the opposite to the authorities. Rothmiller's book has been destroyed piece by piece by the best guy in the field, Don McGovern. Monroe took her own life, either willfully or by accident. And Bobby Kennedy was never in Brentwood that day or night and that is provable. Mark Shaw is another of these gaseous blowhards who preaches this rubbish. Don and I will have a decimating review on his public talk in Allen Texas soon. And I am prepping a long, intricate overview of this whole morass titled, "Joyce Carol Oates, Brad Pitt and the Road to Blonde."
  17. Charles, I could not get in touch with Eddy Lopez. He has apparently moved from where I first saw him at. As for Gerry Down and misleading people, there is no analysis in the Lopez Report of the alleged trip down or back. Anyone can see that if you read it. This is a flaw in the lengthy report. They accepted the WC version. Which they did not in Mexico City. But if you read what the following authors have written, no one can take that junk seriously: John Armstrong David Josephs Greg Parker Both stories are now decimated, up and back. What Ochoa and Echeverria did was truly abominable. There is no question they altered evidence. As per Win Scott, no one will ever know what he had for the simple reason that Goodpasture tipped off Jim A and he flew down there after Win's death, scared the heck out of his wife, and stole whatever he had out of his safe. If that is not consciousness of guilt I do not know what is.
  18. Because someone believes in the Ervin/Woodward version of Watergate, that makes them CIA? As per Trump, a lot of people thought he was not leaving peacefully. Including his former lawyer Cohen. Which ended up being true. Several people lost their lives because of that. And Trump may be going to prison for that. Along with many others, due to Fanni Willis and Jack Smith. I think Mark is fishing.
  19. Pat, I am all for giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. But is it not pretty dumb going to a public event in California with three loaded guns? And two of them in the open? I mean this is not Texas. But still, maybe he can explain that. Karl: Bobby was asked that question about Trump. He called it pure conspiracy theory. He has no intention of doing any such thing. And everyone here, I mean everyone, should watch the last 5-7 minutes of his speech last night. It was riveting.
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