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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. He made a video for Tik Tok saying Trump was still president. Me and Lisa Pease were on Strange Bedfellows tonight talking about it.
  2. It now appears there was a second man with him. But this is really being hushed up.
  3. Paul: I madea mistake and I did not copy it. Shortly after Willens had Morley take it down. But it was there as I talked about it on Black Op Radio.
  4. Lisa Pease chimes in: If you don't have mad respect for RFK Jr. campaigning when he KNOWS it could cost him his life, you have no sense of history and no heart. A little over 55 years ago, a "security guard" (who was really working for the CIA) was part of the team that killed RFK in Los Angeles at the Ambassador Hotel. Just another mile or so down the road, at the Ebell Theater, the son was almost killed as well. Please ask @POTUS to provide RFK Jr. Secret Service protection. And please ask God to make sure they're really there FOR his protection. They weren't, in his uncle's case.
  5. Its worse than that. A guy I know who was attending the speech called me up and asked me if I wanted to go with him. I told him it was too late for me to get there in time because of the traffic. Then, he told me: Jim its near the Ambassador. Still no Secret Service for RFK Jr.?
  6. If you take a look at the examination of Marina by Russell, Boggs and Cooper, which is in I think Volume 5, you will see what the Commission should have been. Its really obvious that they do not buy her story in almost any way. Yet she was deemed a prime witness by the Commission. And, it was probably Marina and Ruth Paine who the Commission used to smear Oswald the most. But if you read that examination which I think took place in August, you will see that these guys had some real problems with her. As I said, no one else is there, except Rankin. I think he was the rat.
  7. See, either Warren or Rankin had to approve of the phony stenographer. Probably Rankin. But the point is who dreamt up this scheme in the first place. See none of those guys were in Dallas when Russell was trying to lead the charge against Marina. It was just Boggs and Cooper with him. The one exception was Rankin. He was the only one there. And then they go to the TSBD and Russell walks up to the 6th floor with a rifle, though not the real one. He comes back down, and tongue in cheek says, Yep that sure was easy. IMO, Rankin reported all this back to the Troika--McCloy, Dulles, Ford--and to Warren also. So they were warned. BTW, Willens once admitted that this was all there was to the Commission: Warren, McCloy, Dulles and Ford. It was in a Willens' diary entry on Morley's old site. He said he had gotten approval for an agenda item or something from Warren and Ford. he then added I just need to get the other two now. LOL, Howard, the others don't count? You just gave it away.
  8. Richard Russell was really smart about the Warren Commission and Vietnam. He was really the guy who led the charge of what I call the Southern Wing: him, Cooper and Boggs. Does anyone have any ideas about who ran the charade at the final meeting?
  9. I have always liked Ed's work. https://hiddenhistorycenter.org/another-magical-jfk-assassination-pseudo-debate-and-limited-hangout/?fbclid=IwAR0p_AHMaX149RzBrfOllfh_BkQOIIc1xdrXq3V6imU26CHAD42dQ3fLWBY
  10. What the MSM has done to Bobby Kennedy is truly amazing. I think you have to go back to Ross Perot to see a parallel. I do not think even that suffices for how badly he has been covered. I just wonder, had he not written that book about CV 19, if it would have been different. What made it worse is it became a best seller.
  11. and were they looking for a notebook? And why were they there before Oswald was apprehended? Jim Examination of DPD tapes is proving fruitful. There is a radio entry for DPD Platoon 2 that contradicts police evidence to the Warren Commission. Why were Dallas police at 1026 N. Beckley at 1:31pm shortly after Tippit was shot? They are looking for a notebook that they had seen there the day before….. DPD radio calls:- Dispatch. Any detective on the air that picked up a notebook from 1026 N . Beckley . . . . (no answer) Dispatch. Any detective unit that picked up a notebook from 1026 N . Beckley, call 531 . 581 “581” Disp “581” 581 “That notebook in question is that an officer's field notebook or was that one of the school type notebook?” Disp “It's a news reporter's notebook and was black .” 581 “I did not see it yesterday . The only other thing that I saw was one of these school type notebooks with a cloth-pasteboard type cover. It was on the desk in the hall going into the kitchen.” Disp “10-4 . I don't believe that was it, 1:31 pm” [time stamp] This is in the April 1964 WC705 transcript, tucked away with calls about traffic jams. No one seems to have written about it. Earlene Roberts, and each of the Johnsons said in their Warren Commission evidence that detectives arrived about 30 minutes after “Oswald” had left and that the Johnsons has arrived back shortly after 1:00pm. They said the police were interested in “Lee Harvey Oswald” and they said that the police arrived as a result of the shooting of officer Tippit. This 1:31pm DPD presence at 1026 N Beckley fits with that timeline. But DPD told the Warren Commission that they did not know of the 1026 N Beckley address until after Oswald was arrested (1:51pm) and after Fritz sent officers to the Paine House in Irving, where they got the 1026 N Beckley address, and that Fritz then dispatched them to 1026 at 2:40pm. TSBD only had his Irving address. So at 1:31pm these detectives were responding to the wallet found at the Tippit murder scene that had the Oswald and Alek Hidel IDs, that was then ‘unfound’. This sits with the Tippit murder at 1:09pm (so does timing the tapes of the Bowley call from time elapsed from the pre-1pm time calls, the ambulance movements do as well for DOA at 1:15pm at Methodist Hospital). Some people have said Reserve Sergeant Croy was coming from the rear of the house where Tippit was shot - 410 East 10th - as the ambulance was leaving (approximately 1:13pm). With that scenario, the planted wallet was the catalyst for Fritz to send detectives to 1026 North Beckley. But more incriminating for the DPD. Why were these detectives at 1026 N Beckley there the day before the assassination? Any planted wallet would be a mere prop if a search of 1026 N Beckley had taken place the day before. We know DPD tampered the tape to change time of Tippit’s death and we know both Tippit and Angell were at Lansing and 8th. At 12:42 and 12:54pm. (One mistranscribed one left out). The Lansing St block of 8th is where some have said Olsen was at. We also know Officer Nelson cannot have been coming from his south Dallas patrol district at 12:45pm in response to the 12:45pm dispatch request (the call that has him heading north on Marsallis at RL Thornton). His 2013 CBS interview put him in Dealey Plaza at 12:32pm as he’d been waiting at the west end of the Commerce Street viaduct at 12:30pm and drove over the viaduct to Dealey Plaza whilst people were still taking cover lying on the ground.
  12. Vince, I do not know what to think about Landis either. In an upcoming anthology I am part of called The Chokeholds, I wrote about four paragraphs on him for the chapter on the Magic Bullet. I couched what I said in the conditional.
  13. Vince: i know you are on a jihad, that is evident. But I really don't know what you mean. Even though you address to me. The Landis bullet is not CE 399. How could it be? He may think so, and Daily Beast may think so but that is just damage control. How could that bullet eject out of JBC's thigh, unprovoked, and into the back seat--which would be an incredible piece of reverse trajectory. Einstein maybe could explain it but not Newton. Secondly, Landis said he placed it on JFK's stretcher, not Connally's. Unless you buy Daily Beast and it bounced off Kennedy's stretcher, how does that relate to what the WC says happened with CE 399? And BTW, it was not on Connally's stretcher it was on Ronnie Fuller's. Are you really saying that Lisa M.'s husband should be taken as gospel truth?
  14. Sorry Matt but if you want to ignore all of those facts, and call her an English Lady, LOL. 🙃😗 Take a look at who was at their wedding. And where it was. Maybe you want to ignore that also. For people who do not have blinders on, that wedding was in 1981. Let me repeat 1981. And it was at the estate of Ben Bradlee in the Hamptons. Bradlee was the guy who David Phillips called up to get the heat off him during the HSCA. He was the guy who helped conceal the facts about his friend John Kennedy's death during both the WC and the HSCA.
  15. Matt: You never heard of TIna Brown and Daily Beast? You never knew she was married to the late Harold Evans? You did not know that it was Evans and Bob Loomis of Random House who brought out Case Closed? You do not know who Bob Loomis was and where he was located three days out of the week? You did not know that Loomis recruited Posner to write that book? You did not know that he guaranteed in advance Posner had access to Nosenko? (Which tells you everything.) You did not know that it was Evans who designed and paid for the two part Ny Times ad for Case Closed? And you did not know that Brown hired Posner at Daily Beast? If you did not know any of this, you should not be saying stuff like that. I mean loyalty to Biden does not overrule what the factual record is.
  16. Let me make another observation about early pressure. In addition to what happened to Perry after the Clark/Perry press conference. Does anyone have a clear explanation as to why Kellerman was ready to beat the living daylights out of Dr. Earl Rose in public at Parkland? I have never been able to figure that one out. Not really. Rose was in the right, he was obeying the law. But its clear that he was in physical danger. In fact, Manchester would not even print the worst observations of the witnesses. Would that not be intimidating? I am not saying the SS was in on a huge plot. Although I think some do think that: Murder from Within for example. But what I am saying is that watching something like that or just hearing about it, I think that would get the message across. And this happened before the Perry incident.
  17. Ben Cole: The Daily Beast has become an out-and-out CIA-shadow government mouthpiece. Sadly, it presents itself as leftish, hip, Donk-side, and must capture some minds on that side. I really think there might be something to this.
  18. The fact that he. still buys the Lone Gunman shows how omni present the pressure is.
  19. Larry, one of the big problems we have in this case is that witness intimidation is so prevalent yet so hidden. The incident about Perry and the Bethesda doctors did not become known until many years later when a reporter finally decided to place his notes online. And once Oswald was arrested, I think we can all say that was it for any kind of open ended inquiry. And he was arrested around the time the Clark/Perry press conference started. PS Nice find about Hall, Joe.
  20. So was someone doing facial comparisons? What department was it and when?
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