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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. How could it be CE 399? That ended up in Connally's thigh. How could it eject backwards?
  2. Larry, In the film Parkland Doctors, it was revealed that right after Perry stopped talking, a well dessed gentleman came up to him and grabbed him by the arm. He said words to the effect, "Don't ever say that again." So yes there was pressure being applied that soon.
  3. That is one of the worst travesties in this case and man there are dozens. Pat Speer did a nice long detonation of Guinn in layman's terms. The two formal ones are by Spiegelman and Tobin and Randich and Grant. After one reads all that you will be sickened. And for Posner to use Guinn today is truly disturbing.
  4. This is why I have DVP on ignore. But every once in awhile I get stupid and look at his nonsense. What is described in the Clark panel is not a bullet track. Just read what it says. You might want to explore a bit about those metallic fragments. And the fact that the trachea wound, that is part "the track", was described as an entrance wound 3 times by Perry. And the doctors at Bethesda called him that night and tried to get him to change his declaration under penalty of facing a licensing hearing. Anyone who takes the Clark Panel at face value is simply not credible. Repeat: there was never any credible evidence that the back wound perforated. And this is why I think there was no dissection, which should have been SOP. So now I go back to ignore.
  5. There was never any credible evidence that the back wound perforated the body. The FBI agents there were very strong on this issue. As Wecht said in Stone's film, that was an idea that evolved over time from necessity. But there is a back wound in the pictures. So the other side is stuck with the facts that there is a wound there, but utterly no evidence that the projectile perforated the body. So where did it go? The bullet Landis is talking about cannot be CE 399. How could it possibly eject from Connally's thigh into the back seat. And it cannot be the one found allegedly on Connally's stretcher. So this is the problem Landis presents for the other side. I liked what Daily Beast tried to do: the bullet bounced off of Kennedy's stretcher into Connally's. LOL, 🙃
  6. Sandy: The reason this is creating such a hub bub and the reason that Posner is up in arms is simple: both Vanity Fair and the New York Times wrote favorable articles on Landis. Can you recall the latter ever doing anything like that? So are they going to be fools also? The guy has not even appeared to talk about his book has he? DId he not say that Hill tried to discourage him?
  7. Can i ask a question here about consistency? How about Givens? How about Brennan? How about Tatum? See, that is OK for the Commission zealots right? Why is that OK? Pretty obvious right? I am surprised Vince did not point this out. He knows that Brennan absolutely refused to testify for the HSCA under any circumstances. Let me add, in addition to using that pile of crapola from VIncent Guinn about CE 399 in his article, Posner uses all three of these BSers in his book.
  8. Charles: The problem with this case is simple. As Arlen Specter revealed to Ed Epstein, but which Epstein kept secret, he explained to the Commission: Either we go with the Magic Bullet, or we start looking for a second assassin. They were not going to look for a second assassin. Therefore, they ended up backing this ridiculous Magic Bullet. And all of the so called experts--like Sturdivan, Canning and Guinn--knew why they were there. And they knew they would be supported by the people who mattered. Even though they were putting forth nothing but crapola. Therefore any real experts in the field do not want to get involved. Since they know how contaminated it is. But just look back at what Helpern said about the Magic Bullet. And he was the number one medical examiner in America at the time.
  9. But that is not Kostikov right? Ed and Danny identified him as I think a guy named Moskalev? And I think they said that Goodpasture should have known him before she sent it up.
  10. Landis will be at Cyril Wecht's Conference in November. Up Close and Personal.
  11. A follower of K and K left me this quote from long ago which VInce P should recall. It took me a while to find it again but I knew I had written the quote in the comments section. Entitled "First Annual Midwest Symposium on JFK part 3 6/26 - 6/28/92 Chicago, Illinois " from Vince Palamara YouTube channel. "During the last days of the public hearings of the House Select Committee, Congressman, now Senator Dodd, gave the most important revelation. He stood up or sat up and asked Professor Blakely to answer him one question. And he said, Mr. Blakely, will you please explain to me about the bullet that was found in the President's limousine that cannot be ballistically matched to the Oswald weapon? Congressman Dodd never received an answer....to this day."
  12. In addition to the declassified record above produced by Mr. Josephs, the day after the assassination, no one at the Russian Embassy mentioned Oswald being there.
  13. Ben: Many people think what Landis apparently does. That the back wound did not go through Kennedy's body. I think Pat Speer is in that school. There is a lot of evidence to indicate such was the case. To many, the clincher is that the doctors were instructed by the military brass on hand not to dissect the back wound. We have that from Pierre Finck under oath at the Clay Shaw trial. And if you want to read something pretty pathetic, read how Humes replies to this question about dissection before the ARRB.
  14. Does anyone here, even the most extreme WC zealots, truly think that Posner does not know that the NAA was discredited beyond recognition. To the point that the judge said to the FBI that if they ever tried to introduce it in court again, he would indict them for perjury. But there he goes again. So desperate to retain the mythology of CE 399 that he uses Guinn, who not even Blakey endorses today. I don't even want to talk about that mock trial. In which both sides were presented but Gerry did not inform the reader of that.
  15. In his first footnote, Posner is also using that mock trial again which he only told half a story about in his book and which Harold Weisberg exposed very early in his critique.
  16. To quote Posner: The idea that the whole bullet found on a hospital stretcher might have been planted was scientifically rebutted by neutron activation tests conducted for the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970s. Vincent Guinn, a University of California professor of chemistry, and an expert in neutron activation tests, explained why the science had advanced since the assassination and allowed him to draw a firm conclusion: “The stretcher bullet matches the fragments in the [Connally] wrist, and that indicates indeed that that particular bullet did fracture the wrist.” Oh please Gerald.
  17. CE 399 ended up in Connally's thigh right? Landis says he found this bullet in or on the back seat. Correct? How did it escape Connally's thigh and jump into the back seat?
  18. Is he talking about CE 399? How can anyone know that? And BTW, Randy Robertson made it clear to Stone and myself that the Young bullet was in the limo not the Queen Mary. And if you do not believe me ask Randy.
  19. @RobertKennedyJr The magic bullet theory is now dead. This preposterous construction has served as the mainstay of the theory that a single shooter murdered President Kennedy since the Warren Commission advanced it 60 years ago under the direction of the former CIA Director Allen Dulles whom my uncle fired. The recent revelations by JFK’s Secret Service protector Paul Landis have prompted even the New York Times-among the last lonely defenders of the Warren Report-to finally acknowledge its absurdity. https://nytimes.com/2023/09/09/us/politics/jfk-assassination-witness-paul-landis.html… 6:51 PM · Sep 9, 2023 · 412.4K Views I will wait for Biden to say the same. BTW, if you add this is to James Young, which we showed in the long version of Stone's film, its now up to five.
  20. Matt: There was more than one informant in King's entourage, including his photographer. And no one knows who switched the room. As per JJ being Jackson, that is something I don't know. But as far as the envelope goes, that appears to be for real.
  21. I did not know about that book Mike. Thanks. Jim Douglass covered the civil trial for Probe magazine. Wilson did not testify since the DOJ confiscated his evidence. But Douglass did an interview with Wilson and we published it in The Assassinations anthology. (pp.479-491) Wilson was in the Atlanta office at the time of King's murder. He was on the stolen car section. So that is how he got this assignment. On pages 483-84 he describes how he opened the passenger door and this envelope fell out. It was partly based on this evidence that Reno opened up a limited inquiry into the King case.
  22. The reason Kennedy was not at the I Have a Dream event is they did not want him there. He was more than willing to be there since he had already made his great speech on the subject. But they thought his presence would overshadow what was supposed to be Randolph and Rustin's day. See, that is often thought to be an SCLC event. It was not. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin organized it and managed it. Kennedy was in favor of the event. But not the Rustin/Randolph first proposal. That one planned for a protest at the Capitol including a sit down strike. Kennedy thought this would be counter productive, since he knew what congressmen were like. So the White House steered it through to the Lincoln Memorial and without civil disobedience. When that was decided, Kennedy became the first white politician to back it in public. He then called in his brother and told him that he was placing him in charge from the White House. And this had to come off perfectly or it would sink them both. It did come off perfectly. And many today think it was the high point of post FDR liberalism. Ralph Abernathy called it the greatest day of his life. I don't know why JFK would listen to the speeches through his windows since they were televised.
  23. Thanks Bill. Eunice Shriver was one of the motivators for JFK's War on Poverty.
  24. I cannot see it. But I always have to ask this question: What dynasty? If a guy is president for less than three years, how is that a dynasty? I mean outside of Joan Collins. The whole point of this forum and this area of exploration is that its pretty clear the the Powers That Be did not want a dynasty and took lethal measures to be sure it would not happen.
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