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Cliff Varnell

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Everything posted by Cliff Varnell

  1. Gentle reader, Please note JFK's jacket collar rode above the top of his shirt collar in both photos. Elm St. photos show JFK's jacket collar in a normal position with a half-inch of exposed shirt collar. You can't have a "bunched up jacket" without a pushed up jacket collar. Thanks for destroying the SBT yet again, David.
  2. Whoever is the next world-class scumbag running to be King -- that's the guy.
  3. Rich. Over the last 5 months of the 2016 Prez campaign, how many times did the Russia-hacked-the-DNC story make the 24 hour cable news cycle? Twice. June 14/15 and July 24/25. Nothing over the last 70 days. Jim DiEugenio is dead wrong. The fact DiEugenio is hiding: Crowdstrike, the firm the Dems hired to analyze the DNC computer hack, determined a Russian hacker operation called Fancy Bear hacked the DNC servers and left them vulnerable to further hacking. The Russians did not hack the DNC, exfiltrate their e-mails, then give them to Assange. That never happened. Assange said he got the e-mails from a non-state actor who had reason to be paranoid. My guess: Roger Stone's IT guy. As a journalist, Taibbi is a punk ass bey-otch. What information? Hillary wanted to distract from her settled-at-that-point server mess with two news cycles over the last 5 months? Tells me something about Jim's confirmation bias. Covered up what? The Mueller Report referred to the Steele Dossier twice in passing. Some people who self-righteously deny they support Trump consistently repeat Trump talking points.
  4. How the Opposition Won Guatemala’s ‘Free but Unfair’ Election https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/08/25/guatemala-presidential-election-results-arevalo-seed-movement-semilla-corruption-torres/ Inside the White House Effort to Prevent a Coup in Guatemala Kamala Harris’s team helped deliver an overlooked foreign-policy win. https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/08/28/guatemala-coup-kamala-harris-biden-administration-arevalo/
  5. Joe Biden stepped aside because of youth protests over the Gaza War. In '68 Lyndon Johnson stepped aside because of youth protests over the Vietnam War.. Is that what happens in dictatorship? You enjoy commenting on issues you don't follow.
  6. You rarely respond to any specific point I make.. This is a treat! You accuse anyone voting for Harris as "complicit in the aforementioned crimes of the DemRep dictatorship". How unfounded and perverse is that?
  7. And you're posting empty little jibes again. No, that's the equivalent of sitting it out. You know nothing about the stakes in this election. You're probably unaware of the recent Supreme Court decision granting the President the powers of a King who can commit any crime with impunity as long as it falls under ill-defined official duties. Trump has declared he will use those powers like a dictator on Day 1. Perhaps you might want to live under a Kim Jong Un style dictatorship, John. Most do not. I voted for her in 2012. My vote is always one of protest. I either vote to protest Republicans, or I vote against the corporate wing of the Democratic Party. In '92 I wrote in Frank Zappa. In '96 I voted for Ralph Nader. I would have voted for Nader again in 2000 but he decided to campaign in Florida two days before the election -- a clear tilt to Bush. I voted for Gore to protest Nader and Bush both. In '04 I voted for Kerry, in '08 I almost voted for Cynthia McKinney but I didn't think the Obama vote was big enough due to Republican vote-suppression so I voted D. Any election with Trump in it I vote D. So I don't need any lectures from the likes of you, John Cotter. That's rich coming from a cheerleader for Putin's genocide in Ukraine.
  8. I've expressed my opposition to the Gaza policy repeatedly. I'm not a one-issue voter. Why don't you ever back up your snarky little jabs with an actual specific argument, for once? The question Morgan asked concerned Putin's brutality. Sachs never answered. Do you watch the videos you post?
  9. That's funny. I could swear it was John Cotter who posted a Piers Morgan interview with Jeffrey Sachs, the question concerned Putin's barbarity in Ukraine and Sachs replied Look At America.
  10. Cotter somehow missed the criticisms of Biden's Gaza policy.
  11. Your argument is non-existent, since you fail to address any of the issues raised. The only credible news sources are those backing a Trump dictatorship?
  12. YouTube's algorithm more likely to recommend users right-wing and religious content, research finds https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/youtubes-algorithm-recommends-users-right-wing-religious-content-resea-rcna155478 Twitter’s Algorithm Favors Right-Wing Content, Reveals Internal Study https://www.reddit.com/r/elonmusk/comments/195qltp/twitters_algorithm_favors_rightwing_content/?rdt=42728 Facebook and Instagram’s algorithmic favoritism towards extremist parties revealed in new study https://www.psypost.org/facebook-and-instagrams-algorithmic-favoritism-towards-extremist-parties-revealed-in-new-study/
  13. Hardly. I got the same day off you did. But mine had a colloquial feel, exactly what I was looking for.
  14. Doesn't matter. The algorithms are dictated by clicks, and producing outrage is a right wing skill. Critiques of the Dems are not lacking.
  15. I remember the 2003 DA race, Harris' relationship with Da Mayor wasn't an issue. People were tired of Terence Hallinan. I voted for him. She ran unopposed four years later. In my book her relationship with Willie Brown is a mark in her favor.
  16. Sounds like your problem 3 pro-Trump cable networks -- including the largest -- and right-wing domination of social media is "drown out"? The same way Trump's cognitive decline was ignored by the mass media, who were fixated on Biden's age. Rupert Murdoch Elon Musk indicate otherwise.
  17. Yes, there certainly is. That you have to ask that question reflects your egregious mis-reading of American politics. Hot in the middle of a presidential campaign and Cotter is complaining about the volume of criticism of a candidate? It's hard enough for Americans to grasp the stakes of American politics -- damn near impossible for those who don't live here.
  18. Does Jim DiEugenio grasp the stakes in this election? Most Americans don't. That's why pressing Trump's threat to Democracy did Biden no favors.
  19. Trump didn’t bring white working-class voters to the Republican Party. He kept them away. https://www.vanderbilt.edu/unity/2021/04/15/trump-didnt-bring-white-working-class-voters-to-the-republican-party-he-kept-them-away/ It’s time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/06/05/its-time-to-bust-the-myth-most-trump-voters-were-not-working-class/
  20. As opposed to your ideological constipation? All you can summon are snarky conclusions and other people's arguments.
  21. Willie Brown is one of the most charming people I've ever met cold. Back in 2006 I went into my favorite hof brau Tommy's Joynt and standing in a line of a half dozen folks I noticed a short, well dressed black guy in front of me. I looked to the side -- "Is that Willie Brown?" I asked myself. His cell phone rang, he said, "Hello?" That's Willie Brown all right. We both got up to the serving counter at the same time. "That salmon looks good," I said to the former mayor. "Yeah!" he responded with enthusiasm. He put in his order, I put in mine. "Mayor Brown, it's been reported that you got a heads up not to fly on 9/11." "No no, just the usual advisories mayors get. I don't know where that report came from." "The Matier and Ross report in the Chronicle." "No no--" The cashier interrupted. "Are you paying for both of these?" Willie picked up his tray and with a big grin said, "I'm not runnin' for anything." Everyone within earshot cracked up. Kevin, if you think Willie Brown would have a relationship with anyone other a top notch lady you are -- "Outta your mind."
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